EZ Hero 3.4 released, EZ Hero 3.5 in progress

Started by abenavides, April 30, 2014, 01:54:29 PM

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if you get a sec, can you email me that hero file?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn


Got the hero file. Thx!

I've looked at it with a hex editor and it says mesh is :

and skin is:

I think that's what EZ hero was saying, so not sure what the problem is?

EZHero just show you the skin folders in the settings path + the mesh name + "\skins"
I thought maybe you were saying it was showing you different skin folders because of a path problem. But right now, it's lterally jut showing you what's in the file.

Or am I not understanding the problem?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

I hope you don't mind the pics, I figure it will be easier to show you than to try and explain something I don't totally understand.

The above pic shows the Skins that are available for the Mesh in question. After choosing the Skin I want, in this case "ML_Captain_America_V1", I save the Hero File (I've tried just pressing the "Save" button, and I've tried the "Save As" button), and then close EZ Hero. When I re-open EZ Hero, and open the Hero File, I get the "standardin_America_V1" as my Skin, and my portrait disappears. 

So basically, it seems that EZ Hero is changing the name of the Skin that I chose, to a Skin name that does not exist.

At least I think that's the best way to explain what appears to be happening.


The skin name change is happening with me also. It appears the original skin name is being replaced with "standard" and if the skin name was longer than eight characters we are left with "standard" replacing the first eight characters of the skin name and leaving the rest, so we're getting the new name (for me, "standardental" instead of "air_elemental).

It also appears that the first power is being replaced with <blank> again upon saving and reopening the hero file. This goes for both heroes already made in the game and ones made in EZHero. Cyber's screen shot is showing this as well.


ah ok. gotcha. I missed that you were saving the file and that caused the issue.
Think I know what it is.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Cool, Hoss definitely explained the issue much better than I could, and I'm also glad that I'm not the only one that was having the issue. I was starting to worry that there was an issue with my computer or the way it was set up.

The other issue that I noticed with the Skin pull down, which I will try to take a screen cap of tonight, is that in some instances, EZ Hero is shortening the names of the Skin files in the drop down menu. For instance, if I remember correctly, one of my Skopes is of an Atlantean Soldier Commander. There were different Skins for it (such as "DC_Commander_1", DC_Commander_2", Etc.). In the drop down menu, the Skin names were showing up as "dc1", "dc2", Etc.

When this happened, portraits were not showing up either. But since I can't try things out in-game yet, I don't know if this is an actual issue or not.


#7 sent out. (I also fixed some other skin pulldown issues I noticed myself)
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Hey Alex,

I just tried release number 7 and it seems that the issue with the first power being replaced with a <blank> upon save is still popping up.  I don't know if this issue was targeted in this build, though, but I thought that I should still bring it up.

The skin issue is fixed, however :P


There's a little glitch with the skins. Upon opening a hero file, the skin name is blank and, of course, shows no portrait. After setting the skin name (the drop down is populated correctly) and then viewing another hero file, the preceding hero's skin populates in the current hero's skin section. This occurs whether I save the hero files or not and with both previously made heroes and new ones created in EZHero.

I also appears that the <blank> first power, that Spydermann and I referenced was occurring again, seems to have come back with version 6. I don't know if that helps at all with where things may have gone wrong.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: hoss20 on May 20, 2014, 06:42:46 PM
There's a little glitch with the skins. Upon opening a hero file, the skin name is blank and, of course, shows no portrait. After setting the skin name (the drop down is populated correctly) and then viewing another hero file, the preceding hero's skin populates in the current hero's skin section. This occurs whether I save the hero files or not and with both previously made heroes and new ones created in EZHero.

I also appears that the <blank> first power, that Spydermann and I referenced was occurring again, seems to have come back with version 6. I don't know if that helps at all with where things may have gone wrong.

I haven't tried version 7 yet, but I will tonight. But the other thing I wanted to mention (I think it was in V6) was that if I opened a Hero File, regardless of whether it was made in-game or in EZ Hero, if I changed the Skin, but decided not to keep the change, and either opened another Hero File, or just closed EZ Hero, the change would still be there when I opened that Hero File back up.


so close ....
I'll check the missing power thing out.
and the weird skin glitch.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Just tried V 7, I'm seeing the same thing as Hoss in regards to the Skin issue. Also, other than the <Empty> Power in the first slot, I haven't found anything else that's giving me any problems. But again, I'm creating/opening my Hero Files in EZ Hero only, not in-game.


I almost forgot; it looks like the Batch Send to Dat is working just fine, but with a minor glitch. I didn't receive any error messages and when I checked the characters out in game, they all looked fine. However, I did receive the "Failed to load character def" error when trying to open FFVTTR after doing the Send to Dat. After seeing this the first time, I went back and deleted all of the new hero files I had created with EZHero, but in all honesty, I might have missed one or two. I don't know if editing hero files and saving them is causing this to happen, as I did do a change of material and weight on a number existing hero files.  After resaving the characters.dat in FFEdit, I was able to launch the game and check the characters with no problem. I'm sorry I can't narrow this down for you more. Perhaps, someone who hasn't tried the Send to Dat function can try this out?


OK power bug squashed
(hopefully for good this time - I kept screwing it up again with other fixes, but I did a more complete fix this time - weird one actually, had to do with data types not casting as I thought they would and it only happens in 1 spot in the whole hero file)

Looking at skin problem - think I know what this is , but loading more skins and meshes so I can test. (I actually have very little installed other than the basic games and my ez hero code :) )

the DAT thing - I've completely reinstalled FFv3R (no FFX or anything) so I will try it and see.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Ok, since we've pretty much only discussed FFvt3R, I finally created a Hero File using EZ Hero for  :ff: instead of  :ffvstr:.

When setting up the Skin, none of my other Skins showed up in the Skin drop down menu. The only options I had were the "Standard" and "Random". I went ahead and saved it with the "Standard" Skin, then closed EZ Hero. When I opened EZ Hero back up and opened the Hero File I just created, the Skin name was blank, and there was nothing except "Random" in the drop down. Also, my first power was removed from the character and replaced with "<Empty>".

I had been wondering if it was a FFvt3R issue, but apparently it's both games.


Taking a trip this weekend so no bug-killing for me till I get back.
But don't think I've forgotten about it! :)
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Quote from: abenavides on May 23, 2014, 04:14:34 PM
Taking a trip this weekend so no bug-killing for me till I get back.
But don't think I've forgotten about it! :)

Hope that you have a great trip, Alex! :thumbup:


OK, Release Try # 8 is on its way! Think I got all dem bugs, but let me know!
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Awesome, I'll try give this a run tonight.  :D

Cyber Burn

Just doing a quick look-see, I opened up a Captain America hero file, then decided to try and create a new Hero File for Night Thrasher. After creating the new Hero File, I had to close the program (Personal issues, not EZ Hero issues). When I opened my new Night Thrasher Hero File back up, it had all the powers of the previous Captain America Hero File that I had opened. The rest of the Hero File was fine, just the powers were wrong. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate that effect though. Otherwise, I haven't seen any other issues.

Unfortunately, I'm still living out of boxes, which means I still don't have my game disks, so I can't open anything up in-game yet.


OK, checking so I can duplicate the issue:
1. Opened up Cap hero file
2. Created a new one for Night Thrasher (assuming you just clicked New while Cap was still open)
3. Closed EZ Hero (assuming you saved Night Thrasher 1st)
4. Open Night Thrasher and it had Cap powers (assuming you had put in different powers before step #3?)

Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Correct on all accounts. But in all honesty, it looks like it was just a one time thing, as I have not been able to replicate that issue since.


I was able to replicate Cyber's glitch.

Turns out, the power duplication happens when creating several hero files with the hero tool in succession.  I just created about 7 hero files in a row (without quitting the tool) and after a few hero files (I think after the third), the new hero file had one of the powers from the previous hero file.

For example, I made a few marvel hero files.  The first few didn't have anything wrong with the characters, but after a few more, I noticed that the later hero files had at least one power from the hero I created right before the current one.

In order, I made a test Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, and Daredevil.

Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, and Daredevil were fine, but Hulk had one of Iron Man's shield powers, Thor and Wolverine had one of Hulk's passive defenses.

NOTE: The copied powers only showed up when I looked at the character in-game, not in the tool.


I would think it has to go with me not clearing the record properly when you click new.

Do you know how many powers the characters had? For example ,did later heroes have fewer powers than earlier ones (causing old powers to be "left over"

Strange about only seeing problem in game - can you send me the files and tell me the order they were created in?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Quote from: abenavides on May 28, 2014, 09:24:21 PM
I would think it has to go with me not clearing the record properly when you click new.

Do you know how many powers the characters had? For example ,did later heroes have fewer powers than earlier ones (causing old powers to be "left over"

Strange about only seeing problem in game - can you send me the files and tell me the order they were created in?

I gave each of the hero files between 2-3 melee attacks and I gave two of the (Hulk and Iron Man) passive defenses.  At most, there was only one power that was duplicated, and it was, from what I'm understanding, the second passive of whatever hero came first.

For example, I made Iron Man (2 passives) and then I made Thor and he had Iron Man's second passive.  But then I made Hulk with two passives, and his second passive was passed to Wolverine and Daredevil.

I have already modified the files, but I can probably recreate it.  The order was (and will be): Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine, and then Daredevil.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: abenavides on May 28, 2014, 09:24:21 PM
I would think it has to go with me not clearing the record properly when you click new.

Do you know how many powers the characters had? For example ,did later heroes have fewer powers than earlier ones (causing old powers to be "left over"

Strange about only seeing problem in game - can you send me the files and tell me the order they were created in?

With me, I opened an existing Captain America Hero File in EZ Hero. I changed the Skin for it and saved it. That Hero File had about 5 or 6 powers. Then I began to create a new Hero File from scratch, in EZ Hero, for Night Thrasher, he only had 2 powers. After saving Night Thrasher's Hero File, I closed EZ Hero. I then re-opened EZ Hero, re-opened Night Thrasher, and all of the powers for Captain America were in Night Thrasher's powers section. I was never able to check anything in game though.


OK, think I see where the bug was.
Should have a fix and new package emailed shortly.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Will it add entries to the strings file?

Also, any chance you will revisit the FF Mod Beta for 3R and fix the textures?  I hate Steam and would like to play the old campaign.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Haven't done anything with strings file. What exactly would you like it to do? I'll keep it in mind for a future version.

I have been thinking of working on the FF Mod. I am also working on another mod.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.