EZ Hero 3.4 released, EZ Hero 3.5 in progress

Started by abenavides, April 30, 2014, 01:54:29 PM

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As mentioned in the tech forum, I am building a new release of EZ Hero.

Have a long list of improvements, most of it is stuff you might not notice - internal coding stuff (cleaning up my mess!)
But there are a few solid user features:
- support for DDS portraits (this is now working in my current build)
- input any weight , rather than use pulldowns. I got the formulas for this in 2003(!) and never got around to implementing.
- additional materials: air, concrete, cloth
- better handling of paths

The path thing is causing me the most grief right now. I've been going through tons of old code that does all sorts of stuff to guess where your stuff is. (not 100% sure it ever worked!)

The issue is really FFv3R as it has very different folders depending on Win version. Also, I'm trying to support Steam versions. I may revamp it all and just add a simple screen which lets you choose:
- game path
- hero files path
- mesh path
- DAT file path (for modding)

I know I can derive all these from game path , but making sure my logic is right before I try it.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Hey Alex, I can't tell you enough how happy I am to see you back. Your updated site really looks nice.

In regards to your EZHero Tool, one thing I really appreciated was being able to point my Hero Files to different custom character Folders since I have my Skins/Skopes/Meshes divided into different Folders depending the character, and that's for both  :ff: and  :ffvstr:.

Honestly, I don't think there is any feature that I can suggest that would improve EZHero. But I have faith that anything you are going to do is going to benefit the community greatly. Thank you for all the hard work that you have put in to making our gaming experiences more enjoyable.


Hey CyberBurn, when you say you have your stuff in different folders can you give me examples?
do you mean hero files and meshes?

re: meshes - Are they in folders totally outside the standard "\data\art\custom_characters" and "\data\art\library\characters"?

When you say you appreciated how ezhero did it before, what do you mean exactly?
I'm really trying to get this part right - so need some feedback.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Honestly, I love everything about the EZHero tool and anything that I could hope for, you have already declared that you're implementing into the newest version (the new material types, fully customizable weight, etc).

What I hope stays around is the ability to add multiple Passive Defenses in the tool.  Most of my characters have multiple Passives and I'd really like that choice to stick around.

Oh, also, on the subject of Passive Defenses, while it's not a big deal (easily modifiable in game), would it be possible to add "Pass Through" in the list of "Block Types" when creating a hero file for FFvtTR?  If not, that's perfectly fine. Like I said, it's easily modifiable in game. :P

Thank you for all of your work, Alex, and it's really great to have you back!

Cyber Burn

Hey Alex, I had taken these pics on my previous computer (Windows Vista) way back when, but when I eventually finish setting things up on my current PC, this is more or less how things will look. This is for  :ffvstr:, but I more or less have the same format with  :ff:. That being said though, with my current PC (Windows 8.1), my "Irrational Games" Folder is NOT in my "Program Files" Folder, but rather it is in another Folder called (I think) "Program Files (x86)". I would have to double check that "(x86)" when I get back to my PC though, but I think that's it. I will try and remember to take pics of my current Folders with their Paths tonight.

Now that I think about it, I've had issues with EZHero not working since installing it on my current PC, I'm wondering if that "(x86)" may be why.

In regards to my Hero Files, previously, when I set them up, I would use EZHero to point the File to whatever Folder I had the Mesh and/or Skin in, instead of the standard "characters" Folder. For Example: Captain America. Instead of pointing the Hero File to the "characters" Folder, I had it pointed to the "characters_Marvel" Folder. When creating his Hero File, I originally placed the Mesh into the "characters" Folder, then :ffvstr: automatically sets it up so that the Hero File would point to that folder. I would then move the Captain America Mesh to the "characters_Marvel" Folder, open up EZHero, and add "_Marvel" to the path dictated in the Hero File.

After reading what I wrote, I realized I shouldn't be writing when my head is pounding, I don't know if I explained myself clearly. If you need me to clarify further, please let me know.


Thx that helps. yep, if you edit the ezhero INI file (affhero.ini) , you can set it to the right (x86) folder.

Just finished weight input and the 3 new materials. (in a coding mood today ...)
I've also cleaned up the screens (inconsistent fonts, etc) - think it looks nicer now.

Just have to review all the paths stuff ... and oh yeah, FFX 3.3 - I guess I should all add those attributes. That should be quick.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: abenavides on April 30, 2014, 09:13:12 PM
Thx that helps. yep, if you edit the ezhero INI file (affhero.ini) , you can set it to the right (x86) folder.

I hate to ask a stupid question, but since I'm not on my PC right now, where would I look to find the (affhero.ini) File?


In the install directory of the EZHero Tool.

So it can be found in, for example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alex's Freedom Fortress\EZ Hero"


OK, I added the attributes list from ffx 3.3 (as posted on their site, I think that's OK right?)
Think I know how I'm going to handle the paths thing.

So this version is just about ready.

Cyber and spyder, as you've been most interested (and Hoss also) - can I send you the new version when it's ready so you can test it out prior to full release?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Quote from: abenavides on May 01, 2014, 01:20:29 AM
Cyber and spyder, as you've been most interested (and Hoss also) - can I send you the new version when it's ready so you can test it out prior to full release?

I'd be happy to test it out too, Alex. Been sick for the last few weeks but finally catching up on my FR newsfeed.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


Quote from: abenavides on May 01, 2014, 01:20:29 AMCyber and spyder, as you've been most interested (and Hoss also) - can I send you the new version when it's ready so you can test it out prior to full release?

I'd be honored to test it out! ^_^

I'll send you a private message with my e-mail so that you have it whenever you wish to send the tool out.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: spydermann93 on May 01, 2014, 02:15:53 AM
Quote from: abenavides on May 01, 2014, 01:20:29 AMCyber and spyder, as you've been most interested (and Hoss also) - can I send you the new version when it's ready so you can test it out prior to full release?

I'd be honored to test it out! ^_^

I'll send you a private message with my e-mail so that you have it whenever you wish to send the tool out.

Ditto! I don't have access to my game disks right now, but I would still love to check out the new tool. Expect a PM with my E-Mail address.

And definitely, a major thank you for the offer.


Quote from: abenavides on May 01, 2014, 01:20:29 AM
Cyber and spyder, as you've been most interested (and Hoss also) - can I send you the new version when it's ready so you can test it out prior to full release?

I would consider it an honor. I'll PM you my email address. Thank you very much.


Was tied up with some home improvement stuff over the weekend, but have done a lot on ezhero 3.4.

All the new features are in and working  as far as I can tell.
Done about 75% of the UI cleanup as well - just have the Batch screens to do (DAT and Hero) , package it up, and I'll send it to the beta-testers. I'll see if I can get it done today, but if not, it may be Wed.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


EZ Hero 3.4 Release Candidate is now with the testers.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

Hey Alex, quick question. When I went to set up EZ Hero, the file path it offered me was this:

C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes

Whereas, the file path that my Hero Files seem to be saving to, is this:

C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Local Settings\application data\irrational games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes

Could this be the problem that I was having with V3.3?

Also, I just tried V3.4. I tried both settings, and when I click on "Open Hero File", EZ Hero gives me the same error message that I received before, and then shuts down. Could it be a Windows 8.1 issue?

Cyber Burn

Oops, sorry, I should have specified that the error message that I am receiving is the same one that I posted here:


Basically, I can open EZ Hero, I can create a new Hero File for  :ffvstr:, but if I go to "File>Open Hero File", EZ Hero will display that error message, and when I close the box that the error message displays in, EZ Hero automatically closes.


Hmmm, could be Windows 8.1
I'll try it on a Win8.1 laptop I have access to.
If it fails, I may have to recode all that file-open stuff without using COMDLG32.OCX , which is possible (just easier with the control)

Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Hey Alex,

I'm happy to report that everything seems to be working except for one thing:

Whenever I select a different material type for my hero in the tool, the hero will still be flesh in game.  For example, if I select "Stone" from the materials list and save the character, the hero will be "Flesh" in game and I would have to select "Stone" from the material list.


HI - I think that's caused by an issue which Hoss reported to me about the file types (FF or FFv3R).
I just (about 1 hr ago) sent a new version to all the testers.

Try it out. The new version has all reported bugs fixed, works without COMDLG32.OCX (so Cyber Burn can try it) and I made the skins text box into a pulldown (and it dynamically changes portraits as you go through the skins).

Hope this one is the one I can release.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Just tried out the new beta release, and it seems that I am still having issues with the materials.  I can see that the weight appropriates itself with the material that I select, but the material of the character does not change (remains "Flesh").

Are any of the other testers experiencing this?


I just tried it with both FF and FFv3R:
- Opened a file in EZHero
- Changed material to Stone or Rubber (they were Flesh to start)
- Typed in a weight, like "200"
- Saved
- When I look in FF and FFv3R, the material has changed and so has the weight .
So it seems OK for me.

Are you doing something different than what I listed?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Also, I noticed in the list of attributes where the user can add custom attributes and the likes, there were a few improperly syntaxed attributes, such as the Invulnerable set that prevented the Hero Tool from recognizing the attribute when added in-game as well as the game recognizing the attribute when added from the Hero Tool.

The attributes with syntax errors were:

Battery Powered
Battle Computer
Adaptive (active)
Angst Ridden
Anti-Missiles Defence
All of the "Invulnerable" attributes*
All of the "Invulnerable Flier" attributes*
Iron Jaw (this one is just not capitalized in the Editor like the other attributes)
Metabolic Speed
Private Army (grade 1)
Puppet Master (urban)
Reality Manipulation (full)
All of the "Summoner" attributes
Untouchable Aura

*Denotes attributes that did not transfer properly from to to editor and vice versa


Just saw your newest post, and that's exactly what I am doing.

Let me try starting over with the installation (a clean sweep) and see if it's still giving me issues.

EDIT: Oh, I am using the Steam version of the game on Windows 7, 64-bit.  That would have been useful for me to tell you :P

EDIT 2: After a complete reinstall of the program (wiped out all of the old files, then reinstalled the tool), I am still having the issue.  It might be something on my laptop that is causing this, as this issue did not occur when I used your older tool on my desktop (which I don't have, anymore).  Both Windows 7 computers, but my desktop ran the game through the disc, and my laptop, as mentioned above, runs the game on steam.


Hmmm.. re: the attributes.
For the Invulnerable and Invulnerable Fliers I had just gotten updated ones from Hoss.
This is what I changed them to:
  Invulnerable (02 HP), invulnerable0
  Invulnerable (05 HP), invulnerable
  Invulnerable (10 HP), invulnerable2
  Invulnerable (15 HP), invulnerable2a
  Invulnerable (20 HP), invulnerable3
  Invulnerable (30 HP), invulnerable4
  Invulnerable (50 HP), invulnerable34
  Invulnerable (75 HP), invulnerable22a34
  Invulnerable Flier (5 HP), invflier5
  Invulnerable Flier (10 HP), invflier10
  Invulnerable Flier (15 HP), invflier15
  Invulnerable Flier (20 HP), invflier20
  Invulnerable Flier (30 HP), invflier30

Are you saying these are wrong?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


P.S. I'm using Steam version on Win7 64 bit also, so that's good.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Can you email me a hero file that's having this problem?
Maybe there's something about the file?

Is it happening in FF or FFv3R or both?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Quote from: abenavides on May 10, 2014, 12:30:24 AM
Hmmm.. re: the attributes.
For the Invulnerable and Invulnerable Fliers I had just gotten updated ones from Hoss.
This is what I changed them to:
  Invulnerable (02 HP), invulnerable0
  Invulnerable (05 HP), invulnerable
  Invulnerable (10 HP), invulnerable2
  Invulnerable (15 HP), invulnerable2a
  Invulnerable (20 HP), invulnerable3
  Invulnerable (30 HP), invulnerable4
  Invulnerable (50 HP), invulnerable34
  Invulnerable (75 HP), invulnerable22a34
  Invulnerable Flier (5 HP), invflier5
  Invulnerable Flier (10 HP), invflier10
  Invulnerable Flier (15 HP), invflier15
  Invulnerable Flier (20 HP), invflier20
  Invulnerable Flier (30 HP), invflier30

Are you saying these are wrong?

Yes.  The names are correct for both the name used in the tool and the one that the code uses, but there is a space between the "," and the codename for the attribute.

Like this: Invulnerable (02 HP), invulnerable0
should be this: Invulnerable (02 HP),invulnerable0

It's hard to see, but once I removed that space, the attributes worked just fine.

As for the hero file, I'll be sure to send it right away. It's for FFvtTR, btw.


ah ok, I'll fix the attrib file.


OK I found a few more extra spaces in the attrib file and have removed them. (I think it was the ones you listed above), so hopefully that was the issue.
I'll include the fixed attrib.ini in the next build after I take a look at your issue with materials.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Hehe, I just found something weird.

Don't know why I thought of this, but when I was creating a test hero to run through your tool, I didn't rename the hero. It kept the name "newhero".  But for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to try renaming the hero, and voila, the materials changed like they were supposed to.

However, upon creating another hero with a different name, "spider-man", the material did NOT change like it was supposed to.  I have no idea why this tool is being silly with me. :wacko: