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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Silver Shocker

Well, as much as I'd like to take shots at the Inhumans, I've got to concede that as I understand it from reading comics it's the Terragen Mist exposure from Inhumanity that affected the mutants. I don't think being near the Inhumans themselves actually hurts them more or anything (could be totally wrong though). There's also the idea of "well, I'm already sterilized and poisoned, so I'm already screwed" and as petty as Beast has been in the last few years of comics, he is a man of science who believes in the betterment of mankind, as well as a superhero, so I can totally buy him trying to help find a cure, even at the risk of his own life.

Speaking of X-Men, I read that Emplate is appearing in the Uncanny X-Men book. That's kinda neat. My knowledge of him and the Generation X book from the 90s is rather poor, but he was in X-Men Legacy by Mike Carey and I liked him there. One of the only times I liked Daniel Acuna's art as the horror movie vibe and Emplate's grotesque design fit the aesthetics of his art.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


It is left uncertain if V is a "super soldier" in the comic. There is a scene that implies that he is blind, comments on his being inhumanly dexterous, a couple of panels showing his mental alterations during treatment; things like that.


Quote from: Silver Shocker on June 19, 2016, 02:40:01 PM
Well, as much as I'd like to take shots at the Inhumans, I've got to concede that as I understand it from reading comics it's the Terragen Mist exposure from Inhumanity that affected the mutants. I don't think being near the Inhumans themselves actually hurts them more or anything (could be totally wrong though). There's also the idea of "well, I'm already sterilized and poisoned, so I'm already screwed" and as petty as Beast has been in the last few years of comics, he is a man of science who believes in the betterment of mankind, as well as a superhero, so I can totally buy him trying to help find a cure, even at the risk of his own life.

Speaking of X-Men, I read that Emplate is appearing in the Uncanny X-Men book. That's kinda neat. My knowledge of him and the Generation X book from the 90s is rather poor, but he was in X-Men Legacy by Mike Carey and I liked him there. One of the only times I liked Daniel Acuna's art as the horror movie vibe and Emplate's grotesque design fit the aesthetics of his art.

Which reminds me,the whole Illuminati thing seems to be forgotten.
Im not sure being close to the source of Terrigen Mists actually helps his health.Oh well,Death of X is probably gonna kill every mutant anyway.
X-men: Crisis of Infinite Movie Rights.
Im positive I mentioned this before(really sorry for repeating myself),but X-Factor?Quicksilver and other mutants actually getting powers from Terrigen mists?And the same mist mutating regular people(not in a good way) in Thunderbolts?I know it was just a handy gimmick,but still its a bit confusing.
I have to stop talking about Inhumans soon.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Oh man, I totally forgot about that Quicksilver stuff. Weird how that works. I should mention Pietro didn't explicitly get his powers back from the Terrigen mists? I was a little vague about it. Peter David (the writer of X-Factor) had an interesting answer though. When someone asked him about it in a Q&A on his site, he said he saw it as God giving Pietro his powers back because he forgive him his sins, and that seemed as good an explanation to him as any. According to the Marvel wiki, a hallucination he had while in prison told him the Terrigen mists had "ran their course" in his body. I haven't read the comic myself in years, so my memory of it is kind of poor.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I wanted to stop talking about Inhumans,but I see Thunderbolts #3 is Thunderbolts VS ALL-NEW(new new new new new) Inhumans.Looks like Marvel just wont give me a break.I should probably just cut my loses right now.

I saw the poll at CBR.Its around 90% to 10% in favor of the marriage.Who knew?
Mephisto does seem to be taking a more active approach towards Spidey judging by Spiderman and Deadpool.I already talked about that.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Well Thunderbolts #2 (like #1 before) ends on a direct cliffhanger. Not sure what you were expecting. I do think it's complete bullcrap is Marvel's gotta shove these guys into the book from the outset without giving the team (both the creative team and the roster of characters) a single arc to themselves to establish a tone and direction. I dunno. Maybe Marvel considers the Inhumans showing up a sales stunt. Maybe the Inhumans books actually sell well (though considering they put guys like Steve flippin' McNiven on them...). Don't know, don't care. The Inhumans have TWO ongoings PLUS Civil War II, PLUS Uncanny Avengers. What the heck are they doing in Thunderbolts? They might as well have Malin draw Tom Breevort giving you the finger on the cover. *lol* Actually, that's pretty funny. Now I actually want to see someone make a mock-up cover that's basically that.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


It would be nice if something could be resolved by talking in the  Marvel universe.Or Black Bolt could learn sign language and thus eliminate 70% of conflicts here.
I never seen anyone talk about the Inhuman titles,so does anyone read them at all?
McNiven is an odd choice for any title.I understood something like Old Man Logan,but New Avengers?Thou considering Howard Chaykin also did 1-2 issues there...
Recent events(pun not intended) reminded me that I miss Fabian Nicieza at Marvel.
Fabian,he is our god.-Quantum and Woody
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Yeah, funny thing about - not sure if you were serious - Black Bolt already knows sign language. He's used it in the comics featuring the "Illuminati".
Well, you see it wouldn't matter if they did talk about them. Because as we all know, those people talking on the internet don't even read the books.  :rolleyes:
Hey, Fabian did Deadpool/Cable Split Second less than a year ago at Marvel, so at least there's that.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I was just kidding on that part.Solved by talking,but he doesn't talk so...never mind :)

Yes,but where are the chain emails to Marvel?Thats how people express their opinion,right?
But for a group with such a big presence,they have a pretty small presence,if you get my point.

And it managed to work in even their first encounter.It was pretty good.And there was the Age of Apocalypse tie-in to Secret War.Also good.We talked about that.Adam X(aka Burner) was the third Summers brother.
Btw,look like the other Mercs want to leave Deadpool and work for Cable.Whos not really open to the idea.Or he wants them to think that.
We know Deadpool 2 will include Cable(unless that was just trolling),so Im sure there will be a series to match it.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I see Nick Spencer has been going crazy on twitter this morning.Fully expect Captain Britain to reveal himself as an agent of Hydra pretty soon.  :rolleyes:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 24, 2016, 10:12:20 AM
I see Nick Spencer has been going crazy on twitter this morning.Fully expect Captain Britain to reveal himself as an agent of Hydra pretty soon.  :rolleyes:

Just as I predicted; everybody is a Hydra Agent.


Seeing the current track record at Marvel,BrExit will hardly go uncommented.And it will just as hamfisted as everything they commented upon.So lets just have Red Skull rant it out,Have Excalibur kill Euroforce or something and get it over with.
Wonder what 2000AD will have to say...  :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 24, 2016, 03:58:25 PM
Seeing the current track record at Marvel,BrExit will hardly go uncommented.And it will just as hamfisted as everything they commented upon.So lets just have Red Skull rant it out,Have Excalibur kill Euroforce or something and get it over with.
Wonder what 2000AD will have to say...  :)

"I AM the Law."


A teaser for Marvel Now(2?)
Weird gathering.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Jeez, my Marvel knowledge is getting out of date.  I don't know who a lot of those characters even are, especially on the right.


^You are not the only one.
So Doctor Doom VS new War Machine?I assume thats a new War Machine.Older heroes VS newer?
According to some rumors,Foolkiller and Slapstick are getting solo series,so I can see why they are here.
I know some of you will hate me for this,but stop trying to make America Chavez happen,Marvel.Its not gonna happen.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Wait, is Misty Knight the new War Machine? :huh:


Who's the big guy in the back, Fin Fang Foom?


Giant green foot?I have no idea.
And I guess Phat took over as Miss Marvel?
Another thing thats not going to be a thing-Gwenpool.Give it up Marvel.
No offense to their fans,but I just dont care about the new generation of heroes.In the current forms I hardly care about the old ones either.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Miss Marvel's always had the power to change the size of her body. At least in all the stuff I've read with her in it.

New Avengers is being relaunched as U.S. Avengers, still by Al Ewing and Paco Medina, starring Sunspot, Cannonball, Squirrel Girl, Tony Ho as the new Iron Patriot, Red Hulk, Pod, and the Dani Cage Captain America from the future.

Cuz I've been thinking "I like Ewing's New Avengers, but you know what I want to read? A version without Hulkling, Wiccan, and Songbird."

It's especially weird considering Squirrel Girl's still on the team. If Hulkling and Wiccan end up in a Young Avengers book, then I'd consider that a good thing. You could also get Songbird in the new Thunderbolts. Speaking of which:

There was an interview with Jim Zub about Thunderbolts, and he said he'll be playing off Captain America: Steve Rogers, and also the Thunderbolts will run into the Squadron Supreme and Miles Morales. I can dig that; certainly better than the Inhumans. Plus, the T-Bolts have tangled with a version of the Squadron before.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


JK on that part ofc.Thou they should bring Phat back.
US Agents?I just started liking the New Avengers.There goes that.
From the letters page,I got the feeling Zub(and readers) are more concerned about shiping Steve and Bucky then about Thunderbolts as such.Why isnt this just a Winter Soldier book?And why is Kobik even here?
Maybe Miles joins as a reference to Jolt and/or Charcoal.Which was kind of an unfortunate name,come to think of it.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Another line of teasers,futuring younger heroes quiting.Readers expected to follow suit.
Saw the Previews;Bucky is trying to kill Miles.Because?
And Warrior Woman want to revive Namor.Well it was a matter of time,I guess.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on July 02, 2016, 06:02:41 PM
Another line of teasers,futuring younger heroes quiting.Readers expected to follow suit.

Oh, I already have. ;)
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'


Yeah,a lot of people said the same.Im pretty much in the process of quiting myself.
Amoung thousands of comments like "me too" and "already did" there was "I quit if Miss Marvel isnt in Iron Man 4".Because that somehow makes sense.
I could say a lot about the whole synergy buisness,but what would the point be anyway?Millions of people watching movies are obviously not the 50 000 or so people reading comics.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Actually, I've had a great idea on how to get Miss Marvel into the movies.

Somebody online suggested that the post credit scene for the Captain Marvel movie be a Muslim girl (Kamala Khan) putting up a Ms. Marvel poster in her room. My take is to follow that up with a post credit scene in Inhumans where we see her come out of a cocoon. And that's probably the only pro-Inhuman comment you're going to get out of me.  ;)
Throw in the post credit about Cassie Lang getting superpowers that SHOULD have been in the first Ant-Man and my dream project of a Young Avengers movie becomes a reality. Make it happen Feige!

Re: Cyclops:

Whatever. I just can't keep up with X-Men these days. It's too bad, because I'd probably enjoy some of the books if I read them. I read the first 5 or so issues of Extraordinary a while back and I thought those were pretty decent.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Like Alonso said about CW2-we are not writing a comic,we are writing a movie in the next 10-15 years.That pretty much covers it.And my main problem with their current line.

Young Avengers-first series was okay,second by Gillen is massively overrated.I know people will hate me for this,but its people talking about relationships,people whining about something,and people trying to prove they are hip by referencing Game of Thrones.Characters are one dimensional,pop culture references are incredibly forced.I really didn't have the stomach for it.Actually I mostly attempted reading it because it was kind  of a sequel to Journey into Mystery.Which was pretty much Sandman-lite btw,but it provides a nice take on Mephisto of all people.

Just quoting that to illustrate people have different reasons for quitting.And I don't think Iron Man 4 is going to happen anytime soon.Ofc,we hear a lot about quitting all the time.Remember how everyone quit reading DC after 2011?Me neither...
I mostly cut down to Deadpool titles by the look of things.

Something earlier about FN Spider-man- wasn't Mysterio(Quentin) revived there because he made a deal with the devil or something?Its probably been sorted out later,but that could explain his connection to Mephisto now.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

About Mysterio, I think I mentioned this earlier, but Peter David outright said in a a Q&A that Mysterio was supposed to be working for Mephisto.
I wasn't huge on Gillen's Young Avengers either. Cast was alright but the writing never clicked for me.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


I kinda thought that was adressed after FNS,since I missed a ton of Spider-man titles.Well,there is an odd collection here and there,but Im not really following Spiderman.For a while now.
I think there will be at least few years until a Young Avengers movie,seeing Cassie is 3 or so,and MCU is sorta booked till 2020.Ofc a different line up is possible.Thou I would rather have an Avengers Academy movie. :)
Also,there were some rumors that Marvel and Fox ironed out some things,so maybe some new possibilities  will open.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I don't know how long you guys have been collecting comics, but for someone who has been collecting since the late 70's/ early 80's, I have seen a lot of changes in Marvel and here is my theory:
Marvel is working in waves or generation of heroes.  Spidey, Hulk, Cap, Iron Man are consider the first gen.  Heroes like Wolverine, Punisher, Power-man & Iron Fist would be the second gen.  Now we have another generation of heroes: Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles) Thor (Jane) and so forth.  What do you guys think?
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: JeyNyce on July 05, 2016, 01:12:52 PM
I don't know how long you guys have been collecting comics, but for someone who has been collecting since the late 70's/ early 80's, I have seen a lot of changes in Marvel and here is my theory:
Marvel is working in waves or generation of heroes.  Spidey, Hulk, Cap, Iron Man are consider the first gen.  Heroes like Wolverine, Punisher, Power-man & Iron Fist would be the second gen.  Now we have another generation of heroes: Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles) Thor (Jane) and so forth.  What do you guys think?

I'd mostly agree with this, but I think that after the second gen, there should also be third and fourth gens; the third made up of heroes in the late 80's and the 90's like Darkhawk, the New Warriors, Generation X, etc., and the fourth gen made up of early 00's heroes like the Young Avengers or the New X-Men. Which would make the current crop of heroes the fifth gen by my reckoning.
The Golden Age; 'A different look at a different era.'