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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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Consider this a spin-off of the X-thread courtesy of Murs.

Tis close to Christmas so Happy Holidays to all of you. New forum, new thread, and I guess, according to murs, we could condense this into a general Marvel thread. If you don't agree, let me know and blame Murs. :P. It's not a heavy X-week and I wasn't planning to review anything else until next year, but there's only one main universe X-book and I think I can take it. So, let's jump in and start this off.

Wolverine Origins #31:

For the last few issues, the book has been in a minor crossover with X-men: Legacy to help flesh out Daken and Wolverine's history, to alleviate Xavier of his retconned guilt, and to expand on Ms. Sinister and her new partnership with Shaw. As I said in the original X-thread, it's a perfectly good read and since the trades come out in January, I urge you to check it out even if you don't like Daniel Way, Legacy, Daken, or Wolverine. It's a solid read and you don't need to know anything about Daken, Wolverine: Origins, or Legacy to read it.

The book picks directly off from where Original Sin left off. The Father-Son duo are tracking down Romulus and they find themselves in Africa. Daken reveals that the more violence and blood spilled, the more likely they are to find Romulus. They head into a village and eventually come across another person who was manipulated by Romulus, Cyber. Cyber wants some information out of Daken as he too is tracking Romulus, but Daken refuses to divulge it to him. During that night, Wolverine comes up with a plan to use information he gained earlier in the series to his advantage and it involves him getting shot a lot. Skip to the future and Wolverine is shot down by Cyber's men and is out for awhile as Daken sneaks into his stronghold and ties him up in chain. The book ends on a major twist...instead of Logan getting the upperhand over Cyber, Cyber gets the upperhand over him. Daken strikes again.

This was a very quick read. It was ok, but I feel a little let down after Original Sin. I'm not sure why exactly, but I think it's because of the dynamic between Logan and Daken. It's just a bit weird for me. It's a 2.5-3 worthy book for me. I am glad to see that Daken isn't completely smitten with Wolverine and that there's some obvious tension. Other than that, I got nothing much to say about the book.

Ultimatum #2:

Last issue, a flood broke out and took out most of New York and other parts of the world. People died, latveria froze, and angst was at an all time high. In UFF, Reed attacked Namor and took off to find help and Ben joined up with the mole man. In UXM, Rogue rejoined Vindicator and went out to get her own revenge as the original class of X-men headed off to kill Magneto. In Spider-man...well...that tie in begins today and I haven't read it, but we now know how Gwen got back.

The book opens with Spider-man helping the trapped/hurt civilians in a now unflooded NY. He also seems to know that Magneto started the flood though thanks to a projection Xavier casted in issue 1. In fact, everyone seems to know at this point, so apparently Xavier got a power push or something since he communicated to a whole bunch of people at one time. Over with the Avengers, Jan is missing and Hank + Hawkeye are looking for her. Meanwhile, Captain America is unconscious and Tony takes him to SHIELD to get help before attempting to head off and deal with Magneto. With the fan4, Ben is still watching over Susan and her powers seem to be malfunctioning as they focus on Ben and actually attack him...which leaves him flying through a wall and left hanging for his life. Flash over to Reed, he's still carrying around an unconscious Namor and accusing him of starting the flood even though Xavier told him it was Magneto. He eventually comes face to face with Doom + Zarda who tell him that they need to go to the Squadron universe and retrieve Nick Fury.

Skip on over to Thor who's looking for his love'r', Valkryie. He finds her lying dead on the cement and he just won't let that be the end of her, so he summons Hela, mistress of the dead. He wants her to restore the soul of Valkryie and she agrees...if Thor can defeat her undead minions. This won't be a problem because for some odd reson, Capt is there to lend a hand! Flash back over to Hank and Hawkeye, Clint thinks he sees something and runs off. What he sees is pretty gruesome—it's a dead Jan being eaten by The Blob. Scene shift to the X-mansion, all the X-men are apparently out of the mansion now and Magneto and Xavier are sharing words. Things get very intense and Xavier compares Magneto to Hitler. This shocks Magneto and...he snaps Xavier's neck. Xavier won't be getting in his way anymore. End.

Um...this book played to a lot of twists and shocks. Some were disturbing and some things didn't really make sense. For example, in UXM and Ultimatum #1, there were several X-men left at the mansion, this issue they're nowhere around. I suppose that'll make sense in the next UXM issue since some religious zealots did attack the school, but Xavier seemed too nonchalant about it. I don't know, it's like I said before...all the different tones is making it hard to judge this event. This issue was ok...but without all the twists and all the plot jumping around, you'd easily realize that not a lot progressed and that Loeb just glossed over explaining some stuff he should have...and I'm sorry, but that Jan scene was disturbing. 2.5 out of 5. The art was very nice for the most part, so those extra points are for Finch's work. Oh, Death Count this issue...3

1. Valkryie who'll probably be revived (which raises other questions about Ultimates 3 regarding Wanda and Pietro)
2. Jan
3. Xavier

And there ya go...let the reviews pour in if you got anything.
Disappear when you least expe--


I thought Ultimatum was utter trash and I really want my 3.99 back. I  mean oh my god was it bad. The deaths were stupid. I am really hating actual God of Thunder, Thor (why couldn't he stay just a crazy guy with a hammer). And the deaths, my God what a cheap way to shock the reader especially the whole people getting eaten.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on December 25, 2008, 02:11:32 AM
I thought Ultimatum was utter trash and I really want my 3.99 back. I  mean oh my god was it bad. The deaths were stupid. I am really hating actual God of Thunder, Thor (why couldn't he stay just a crazy guy with a hammer). And the deaths, my God what a cheap way to shock the reader especially the whole people getting eaten.

This...I agree with. I still think it's "2" worthy as there's some entertainment value in it if you don't think about it at all and the art was pretty good, but other than the shock has nothing going for it. I mean, Magneto got a major power boost to do what he did, Spider-man's appearance amounted to nothing, and if Maggie could do what he did at the end of the issue so easily, then why did he have so much trouble with the X-men in the first place? Not to mention Reed's deadset mindset that Namor tried to hurt Susan...a lot of it just didn't add up.

New Avengers #48:

Look, I'm branching out...and the book includes Wolverine so it still has ties to the old X-thread requirement. Hey, hey, hey. Fresh off the heels of Secret Invasion, the book finally returns to being a team book and not a partial backstory fill out. The team is BACK in action and this book is said to touch on quite a few open danglers that SI #8 should've touched on, but left open. It's no secret that I don't think highly of SI, but maybe Bendis can make me like him again as I do think he works better on a smaller scale where his decisions don't change the course of the entire [Marvel] universe.

The book opens to sometime after the Janet thing in SI#8. The New Avengers all agree to meet up at Cap's place and basically go over what happened. A lot of talking goes on and we got a few minor progressions on things that'll be front and center in upcoming books such as Bobbi and Clint's relationship. Eventually Luke, Jessica, and Carol arrive in Cap's house and they're upset. The baby is missing and they can find no signs of it. A distraught Luke asks everyone to help him out and we get a team shot...before a scene shift. Kind of awkward.

The team arrives at Baxter building and asks them to help skope out Skrullvis. They find nothing, so Logan, who seems to have taken on the leader role, suggests they hit up some villains who are known to hide people for the right price. They search several villains and get nothing. They eventually come across a bar with a bunch of Shield agents celebrating the end of Shield as they refuse to work for brillopad head/ex Green Goblin, Norman Osbourne. Logan points out a single agent and it's revealed to be a skrull in hiding. The whole bar points a gun at her and Jessica pleads with them to stop. The skrull tries to escape and Luke tackles it. They fight a bit and Jessica finally gets it to talk. Just as she's about to get the info she wants, a SHIELD agent shoots it dead. Luke and Jessica break down.

The book ends on a twist. Luke goes to someone for help to find his kid. He's willing to do anything at this point. The voice asks Luke if he'd be willing to sign with him and Luke agrees. The deal is made...Norman Osbourne will find the kid! SHOCK! End.

I was actually impressed by the book. It touched on a lot of things and revealed that people still remember Norman as the GG...but it doesn't explain why they would put him in a governmental position so easily and quickly. Several of the Avengers get a story push, and oddly, Logan seems to be shown as a leader more and more these days. My only problem is that I don't recall Bucky doing much at fact, I don't remember Spidey doing all that much either. Also of note, a certain comment Spidey made about Bucky seemed a little off to me, but I'm probably over thinking it. 3.5 out of 5.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on December 25, 2008, 02:51:48 AM
This...I agree with. I still think it's "2" worthy as there's some entertainment value in it if you don't think about it at all and the art was pretty good, but other than the shock has nothing going for it. I mean, Magneto got a major power boost to do what he did, Spider-man's appearance amounted to nothing, and if Maggie could do what he did at the end of the issue so easily, then why did he have so much trouble with the X-men in the first place? Not to mention Reed's deadset mindset that Namor tried to hurt Susan...a lot of it just didn't add up.

I thought the power boost was because of Thor's hammer?

I agree with you on New Avengers. I liked the previous two teams but this team works well and finding the baby works really well for me. The ending actually had me sort of shocked.


I believe it is, but it's still a pretty major one, imo. I'd think a major rise in power like that with no practice or build up would be more hazardous than, "get what you want on the first try!". That hammer deal is another issue for me as I don't know why it'd provide him with said power boost. A lot of details surrounding it escape me, but I don't think Magneto would be deemed worthy to control or even manipulate that hammer. raises more questions for me and I hope it's actually explained in the book and not months down the line.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on December 25, 2008, 03:42:50 AM
I believe it is, but it's still a pretty major one, imo. I'd think a major rise in power like that with no practice or build up would be more hazardous than, "get what you want on the first try!". That hammer deal is another issue for me as I don't know why it'd provide him with said power boost. A lot of details surrounding it escape me, but I don't think Magneto would be deemed worthy to control or even manipulate that hammer. raises more questions for me and I hope it's actually explained in the book and not months down the line.

I didn't think there was the worthiness spell on this hammer. Also what happened to Thor? His hammer and costume changes and we are told why? Was his awesome costume before just illusion? There are so many plot holes in this universe lately.


Ultimatum makes Rulk look good. There, I said.


this is why i dont collect comics anymore.i do buy the new thor books but thats it.the powers at marvel have destroyed the spirit of the marvel universe.i guess all the stories in the last couple years have been shots in the dark and drawing straws.writers are running out of GOOD ideas.


Quote from: AfghanAnt on December 25, 2008, 04:39:04 AM
I didn't think there was the worthiness spell on this hammer. Also what happened to Thor? His hammer and costume changes and we are told why? Was his awesome costume before just illusion? There are so many plot holes in this universe lately.

*shrugs* I expect plot holes and tons of errors from Loeb, so THAT'S not surprising. I mean, he did retcon the savage lands to tie it into Wanda's powers for no particular reason at all. As for the hammer, that's my point. Nothing about it has really been explained and nothing about Magneto and his plan has been built up to. I just hope it's all laid out somewhere "soonish" because if anyone can wield Thor's hammer that happens to be able to control magnetism (like Maggie and Lorna) or happens to be a "god"/"asgardian" (Valkyrie?), then it should be told before this event ends and not after in an annual. In fact, what Magneto did and how he did it so effectively and effortlessly should be shown either in UXM or Ultimatum before the finale of this "event", imo.

Quote from: herodad1 on December 26, 2008, 04:23:27 PM
this is why i dont collect comics anymore.i do buy the new thor books but thats it.the powers at marvel have destroyed the spirit of the marvel universe.i guess all the stories in the last couple years have been shots in the dark and drawing straws.writers are running out of GOOD ideas.

Appreciate your contribution to the thread, but I really want to avoid this becoming a bashing thread. Especially when you're critiquing the whole universe when GOOD stories are right within reach if you go looking for them and try something new. It's horrible, imo, that so many people bash the entire universe and its collective writers when there are awesome writers out there releasing great stuff but aren't getting noticed. Since I'm very partial to writing and they get the harder time and the sullied reputations, I'm just gonna stick up for them in this instance and say, "No, not all the writers have run out of great ideas, some people just blindly accuse the whole line of being worthless because they haven't experienced the writers or stories yet." Now, if it doesn't APPEAL to you, that's a different complaint and doesn't mean you throw down the whole line with the exclusion of what you read and liked. That's my opinion, of course. Feel free to disagree and such. ^^

She-Hulk #36:

It really bothers me that this book is being canceled as I have been enjoying the ride. She-hulk isn't like most female heroes and it's sad that Marvel doesn't have a lot of female solo/team books. At least DC has two or so female oriented books that aren't lovey dovey, Marvel doesn't now that Spider-girl and She-hulk are being canceled again. Anyway, for the last few issues, She-hulk and the Lady liberators have joined up to help a bunch of people in Marinmer who need aid but aren't receiving it. The basic thinking is that if the women heroes do it, the government and higher profiled male heroes will also be shamed into being more helpful. Does it work out the way Shulkie planned? Are you serious...this is Jennifer Walters, of COURSE not!

Picking up where last issue left off, She-hulk is escorted to the president's mansion where she wonders why evil people seem to live in better places than she does. She's constantly told that he's a big fan of her and she finally comes face to face with him in his office where they "calmly" discuss how the president treats his people. As the discussion gets heavy, Susan is revealed to be in the room as she plops onto the floor unconscious. Seconds later, She-hulk is fated to a similar circumstance. That president is one tricky fellow.

Over with Valkyrie and Red Guardian, a civilian basically breaks down and begins to question her fate in "god". This prompts a very interesting scene between the female civie, Valkyrie, and Red Guardian over their choices, their loyalties and beliefs in "gods", and the paths they chose.

Back with Jenn, she awakens on a bed in her human form as the president stands over he. He wants to have his way with her, but that won't happen as Jazinda bursts into the room, in disguised form, and almost kills the president, but Jenn refuses.

The book ends on a semi-happy note. The president is removed from power thanks to Jenn and Jazinda's plan which I won't go into, A new president is appointed, and Jennifer returns home only to get a knock on her door...she's being arrested for crossing international borders!

I skipped a few good tibits in my review because I didn't really feel like writing, but I have a quota to meet, holiday or not, darn it! It's a good read and some interesting stuff went on, but a certain segment bothered me which I'll detail below as an afterword or some such. Some interesting developments took place within the book between Sue and Jenn and Jenn having to struggle with morality is good stuff. The other Liberators did very little and Thundra, after a few big appearances in the other issues, didn't even share a word this issue. In fact, I don't remember seeing her at all outside of the cover and summary page...well, at least she was in Red Hulk...*explodes*. This book is a 3 for me. I gotta say that I liked the ending a lot. The way they dealt with the Pres. was pretty unique.


My problem with this book happens directly in the middle of the issue. It bothers me when male characters...male villains always do things to the women heroes that no female villain, or even male villain, would do to a male superhero. Considering the theme of this particular arc was based around women empowerment and shaming men, it's a little odd that the president was very close to actually raping She-Hulk and this was what made her question her morals on whether to let the guy live or not. I understand the point of it...but I think there could have been a better way to reach it outside of making the president a completely unlikable person that was willing to harm and humiliate a female counterpart of the Hulk. Why couldn't she gotten to this conclusion from the president being dead-set in his ways and treating the people he was governing like pawns. Maybe it's not as powerful, but the same point could have come across.

Maybe it's me, but I don't find writers relying on defiling characters, attempted or not, as a way to make female heroes question things or to find renewed strength all that great. It can work, but it's too overdone and you never see the male superheroes being thrown to this level. It's a clutch...a disturbing clutch and unless writers are going to even the field and put a male hero through something like that and stop making it exclusive to women, I don't want to see it used as a story prop to get a particular emotion anymore this year...or next year!

And that's it...discuss? Disagree? Agree? No opinion? Ok then.
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Thor 12:  So it's confirmed:
Loki is in Sif's body.  And I've got to re-evaluate my dislike of Fem-Loki - being female is definitely part of his own plans, and not some sort of "punishment" as it was first presented.


I like that we've made this a general Marvel thread. Seems like a good move. I read Nova this week, but Christmas has obliterated the details. It was pretty good though.
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I read New Avengers, finally. :blink: It was a good issue, the ending was great. And I agree, the direction it's going in is promising.

What else did I finally read...I'll get back to that later. :unsure:


Latest She Hulk.
Umm.... Rulk took Thundra because she was the only one willing to kill him. Did he not remember that Valykrie stabbed him through the chest the issue right before this?
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


Quote from: thanoson on January 01, 2009, 08:26:57 PM
Latest She Hulk.
Umm.... Rulk took Thundra because she was the only one willing to kill him. Did he not remember that Valykrie stabbed him through the chest the issue right before this?

That happened in Hulk, not Shehulk. Also, you're talking about Loeb...continuity isn't his strong point as of late. *points to Ultimatum, Ultimates V3, and Heroes*
Disappear when you least expe--


Oops. You're right. Still, it was the last issue.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


I read some X-books this week:

X-Force 10:
Ghost Rider tells Warpath that he's connected to Indian shamans and can hurt the Demon Bear by tapping into them. They fight the Demon Bear and realize that it has a mystical blade stuck in it. Removing the blade Warpath discovers that the Demon Bear is actually his Apache spirit guides who were driven mad by the wound but are now healed. The originator of this problem is Eli Bard (mystery guy from the first arc) who has apparently dug up John Proudstar and the rest of the Apache's and made things personal for Warpath, and he realizes why he has to be on this team.

The Right attacks X-Force. X-23 has the vial of Legacy Virus but is attacked and the vial breaks inside of her. Infected she runs to dive into some super heated liquid and destroy the virus and accomplish their mission. Elixir runs after her and convinces her not to kill herself. Together with her healing factor they're able to cure the virus. Thus Elixir realizes why he needs to be on this team.

We find out that the person Wolfsbane saw outside was the wolf prince Hrimhari from Asgard who's been looking for her (and I totally needed the internet to figure out who he was).

Cameron Hodge meets with Bastion to inform him they failed to retrieve the virus in Japan. But they did get three other samples of the virus from Sinister's other labs. So just like the first arc even when the bad guys lose they win - just the way I like it (yes Podmark roots for the bad guys in X-Force  :cool: )

Anyways it's a pretty great issue. Art is great, and the scenes with Josh and Laura are just prefect. My biggest complaints would be:
a. we barely see the fight with the Right
b. I had no idea who Hrimhari was until I looked it up - and I've read his first appearance. I'm sure it'll be explained in the next issue but it was a little too obscure to not be elaborated on even for me.
c. I wasn't huge on the Warpath plot. I'm not a big magic fan and this was a very spiritual fight.

I give this issue a solid 4/5 of the prev-o-meter.

I also read Young X-Men #9
New female character Cipher takes Ink on an X-Jet to help the Young X-Men against the "Y-Men". Cipher won't tell us who she is or anything about her (which actually pretty annoying). They meet with the tattoo mutant and Ink makes him give him some new tattoos.

The Young X-Men fight the army of tattoo empowered Y-Men, there's over a hundred of them but really the X-Men are doing pretty decent against them. Dust is trying to get Dani out of the battle since she was shot but they're attacked by one of the Y-Men. Ink arrives and saves them. He then reveals one of his new tattoos the caduceus giving him the power to heal by touch. He then uses his other new tattoo - the phoenix symbol over the eye - to use an imitation Phoenix Force to take away the powers of the Y-Men.

See the way the tattoo mutant works is he imbues whatever image he makes with whatever ability he wants when he makes it. So Ink told him to give him Phoenix powers so he could be all powerful and stop all 100+ Y-Men. However, this mutant apparently has to keep all of them powered by his will so when Ink summoned the Phoenix Force it put him in a coma. Ink will retain his powers until the mutant wakes up (which is pretty contrieved).

So Cyclops, Dani, and Berto agree Ink needs to stay on the team if for no other reason than they need to keep an eye on him. Greymalkin decides to make friends with Ink and Ink asks him who the 'heck' Cipher is.

So for those of you keeping track Ink has the following powers: radiation, flight, telepathy, super-strength, healing, and access to a fake Phoenix Force. Guggenheim likes this character too much.

Anyway I enjoyed the issue but it has it's problems. Pencils are pretty good, not Choi good but I see a lot of potential in Sandoval. On the otherhand I don't like the coluorist on this book, it didn't bother me much this issue but it's been too drab since the beginning. The timing of this book makes no sense: Ink meets Cipher in San Fran after the Y-Men fight has started. They go onto a jet, then travel to La Jolla to the mutant's home then force him to his tattoo parlor, then get two tattoos, then go to the paintball arena where the battle is in time to save Dani. It's just not possible. Also the mystery character thing is probably been used too much in this book. Four X-Men fighting 100+ Y-Men probably doesn't make any logical sense either but I actually enjoyed seeing Anole, Rockslide, and Sunspot easily holding off their foes.
I'll give this issue a 2.5/3 on the prev-o-meter. I did enjoy it, and the art is decent but it certainly has it's problems.

Also I think Cipher is:
Some kind of construct of the Danger Cave.

Also of note Young X-Men is apparently cancelled as of issue 12. This has been reported to be in the print version of Marvel previews but has yet to be confirmed.
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thanks for reviews, Pod. No reviews from me as I won't get anything until tomorrow if even then. :P

From the sounds of it, I made a good decision to not read anymore Young X-men. Ink sounds like a vulcan to me...too much power, way too fast.

And anything that finds a connection to the "fake" phoenix force at this point is just overkill. *shakes head*

In other news...wasnt Mutant zero revealed this week?
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on January 02, 2009, 05:37:21 AM
In other news...wasnt Mutant zero revealed this week?

Yes. I haven't read the issue yet but hopefully will tomorrow, there was a mix up at the shop.
I pretty much knew who M0 was already and went ahead and spoiled that part of the issue to myself already.
She is:
Typhoid Mary
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X-men: Worlds Apart #3:

Doing some quick reviews as it's what I do. Last issue, Storm and Nehzno escaped into the wilderness and had to fight for their lives. Meanwhile, Cyclops was en route to kill his lover, Emma Frost, thanks to some mental suggestions by Shadow King. Will Storm and Nehzno finally restore the King to his rightful mind? Will Cyclops survive being blasted out of the sky by a thunderbolt? Let's find out!

We open up to a shot of Cyclops. His hair is flowing out of his costume and he's at an airport. He needs a plane. When one isn't given to him immediately, he fires an optic blast. Insta-scene shift to Storm fighting BP as his claws slice through her flesh. We get a series of fight sequences as BP beats Storm down; however, Storm is willing to cheat to stop Shadow King. She messes with BP's equilibrium and gets the upper hand. When BP feigns being back in his right mind, Storm jump kicks him into unconsciousness as Nehzno watches on in horror. Afterwards, Storm and Nehzno sneak back into the palace They make it to the alter where the Wakandans finally find them. Storm feigns surrender, but enters into the Panther Realm. The Panther God is upset, but Storm doesn't care. She'll do anything to save T'challa and his—her—people. As she does this, she returns from the Panther Realm just as Panthers rush towards her. She commands her people to listen and they do. She orders them to keep BP unconscious as she and Nehzno head for San Fran. Nehzno questions how they'll make it in time and Storm shows him just as a funnel opens in the sky.

Meanwhile, with the X-men, Pixie wonders when Cyclops is coming back and why Emma doesn't check in on him when he's with hot women that has something in common with him. Emma is prepared to be snarky when she reels in pain! Cyclops bursts into the room fuming mad. He confronts Emma and calls her a betrayer. She turned him against the X-men and against Jean! Now...she will pay! End.

Love it. I think I liked the Cyclops part more than the Storm part, but only because Cyclops wasn't his typical self and actually addressing things no other book is at the moment. I can't wait for the finale and it's sad that it's so close now as I doubt Storm and Nehzno will get this type of attention for quite some time. I love that Yost remembered some old details about Storm such as her keeping locks in her hair. After rereading the Phoenix saga recently, it was just nice to see it referenced in some capacity. But yeah, quite a few good scenes this issue and I highly recommend it. 3.5 out of 5.

Incredible Hercules #124:

I don't know if I've said it here, but Hercules has become one of my favorite heroes of late and I always look forward to his book. For the past few issues, Cho has been trapped and trying to find a way out of his predicament and Hercules has been forced to work alongside Namor and his lovely cousin.

The book opens with a scene featuring George Washington witnessing a figure holding up the Earth (Atlas). Flash forward to Cho as he witnesses Artume get praised for ushering in the new Amazonia. As they do this, Hercules, Athena, and Namora meet them and the fighteth is oneth. Before Hercules and pals can even do anything, Cho is used as a hostage and Artume releases Atlas from his duties. Hercules is shocked and seconds later, merely avoids being smashed into a pancake. Hercules eventually leads Atlas into a trap and Namora flies into his crotch and remarks on the stench. Meanwhile, Cho escapes from his capturers and meets a dead end. Lucky for him, his gorgon friend returns and helps him out.

To wrap this all up a bit quicker, Cho gets his 'brains' back and figures out how to get the Omphalos out of Artume's hands before she completes the ritual. What follows are scenes of the heroes trying to catch it and getting their fondest wish just before Artume reclaims it and reality begins to bend. The book ends with an older Cho waking up in bed and getting the 411 on the day's news. We are treated to a few scenes and get to meet some of the She-vengers just before we learn that Artume was successful in bending the world to her rule. End.

Action heavy issue. I enjoyed it. Namora and her wish kind of disturbed me, but I found almost everything in this issue enjoyable and I can't wait for the next issue. There's a certain Atlas scene that literally made me laugh out loud. Not many books make me do that. The only thing I would complain about is the opening pages as I don't think I understood the relevance of them. That's probably my fault for forgetting something, but it's still a good book. So good, that it's a 4 out of 5.

Magneto: Testament #4

This book sits firmly at a 3/average for me, so I'm hoping it can really push its way to greatness in the final two issues. As you should know by now, this book aims to flesh out and give a concrete look at Magneto's past. Last issue, Magneto began to show his first sign of having powers just after his family was shot down around him.

The book opens with max/Eric/Magneto/Magnus getting off a train at another camp. A few steps in and he runs into an old friend (his teacher from issue 1 actually) who informs him to tell the guards he's 18 and willing to work. Max passes this news off to another kid in line and follows through with this information when he's at the "registration" desk—for a lack of better terms. Max is led into a shower with a bunch of other men and awaits his fate. Water pours out to his relief. A few pages later, a guard comes in and asks if any boys under 18 are in the room. Max tries to protect a boy from saying so, but the kid is persistent. Max is hit and the boy is led outside and executed.

Later, Max runs into his teacher again who gives him a bit of cheese and informs him that he's going to set up a bribe to get Max transferred along with him. All he needs Max to do is to stay alive. Max wonders aloud how he can do that and his friend, Herr Kalb, says that Max will figure it out. The plan goes perfectly and Max is almost on his way to a new work assignment with his old teacher...that is until another guard claims him for another job. On his new assignment, Max witnesses a bunch of workers remove their clothes, enter into a building, and be gassed to death thanks to a lie. Another event that scars the kid. Max eventually runs into Herr Kalb again who makes another promise to save him...a promise he ends up not keeping.

The book ends with Max writing a letter and hiding it somewhere urging whoever finds it to never let this happen again. He's given up and this is apparent to the others around him as they walk in lines pass barbed wired fences. That is...he's given up until his eyes catch glimpses of his lady love, Magda. End!

Very interesting read that's full of some powerful scenes, I think. Magneto having to witness so much at his young age and seeing the people that tried to help and protect him get taken away from him is a pretty powerful motivator for his later actions as a super villain. I really do think this book would be a much better read in trade form than in its monthly...well...whenever it's released form, but this issue was fairly good. Will Murs like it...that's the question. I give it a 3.2.
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: Previsionary on January 03, 2009, 04:09:09 AM
Will Murs like it...that's the question. I give it a 3.2.

So that's the question is it? :lol:

QuoteVery interesting read that's full of some powerful scenes, I think.

Absolutely. That pretty much sums up the issue without giving any details. I'm not sure what score to give it exactly but at least a four, if not a near 5.


As far as X-force goes, I actually quite enjoyed Warpath's little excursion. The inclusion of Ghost rider was just great. From what I hear Marvel is trying to include X-men more into the rest of the universe, and I really appreciate little things like this.
This book remains one of my most anticipated each month.


Old Man Logan- Wow! So now we know why he won't pop the claws. I wasn't expecting that in the least.
Mysterio makes Wolverine think he's fighting and killing various villains, but in reality he's killing the X-men.

Ultimate Hulk- So Power Princess is more powerful than Hulk? Who would have thunk? I liked this story. It was very fun.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


Quote from: thanoson on January 04, 2009, 09:22:35 AM
Old Man Logan- Wow! So now we know why he won't pop the claws. I wasn't expecting that in the least.
Mysterio makes Wolverine think he's fighting and killing various villains, but in reality he's killing the X-men.

Wow, that's a neat trick, when you take into account how powerful Wolverine's senses are.
I didn't do it!

What didn't I do?


Cable #10:

This book is the epitome of slow in my eyes. This book has had 11 issues?over 260 pages to tell a story and we?re not very far into the story and we?ve learn very little about Cable, the girl, or his wife. It?s a struggle staying interested in this book as it?s so completely average. I hope the crossover provides the spark it needs because it?ll be a sad day if yet another Cable book gets canceled so soon. Anyway, last issue, Bishop tricked the X-men and took them out while X-force was miles away. In the future, Cable and his family were fighting bugs before escaping the city.

The book opens up with Emma being the only standing survivor in Bishop?s plot. Meanwhile, in the future, Cable and his family are living in an apocalyptic America. The president is still chasing them, but Cable has figured out the kink in their armors. Now, Cable and fam are just waiting around. Back to Emma and Bishop, Bishop doesn?t take kindly to her surviving and blasts her. Following that, he tried to tendril choke her  just as Beast reappeared and smashed him into a wall. Back in the future, somehow Hope was captured and Cable allowed himself to be caught to save her. The president orders him to kill his family and the little girl stabs the pres and Cable is able to break free and question the bug. Back in the past, Bishop beats Hank and tries to escape just as X-force arrived. He barely manages to escape Wolverine?s claws and ends up months earlier in the past?where he passes out. In the future, Cable learns that America is the only continent standing and the bugs wanted to reclaim every square inch of it. He and the family decide to head for the X-mansion. On their way, they met resistance and Hope is killed. To wrap this up, Cable and the girl, who he names Hope, reach a missionary where they receive water and Bishop hops into the future. In the past, Emma knows where Bishop is heading and Cyclops tells Wolverine to be prepared.

The book is sped up minimally and I didn?t care about a lot in the book. It?s just all there for me right now. This arc was mostly used to set up Bishop?s plan, limit Cable?s moving area, to name the little girl, and to set up the crossover. It took too many issues to get all that set up especially when most of it came in this issue. Talk about padding. 2 out of 5.
Disappear when you least expe--


The girl FINALLY got a name? YAY!
Get my skins at:
my Google page


Indeed, she did. It'll probably be changed again in Messiah War. :P

X-men Noir #2:

Last issue, Jean Grey was killed and Peter learned that his father wasn?t so honorable. Meanwhile, the original Angel tried to meet up with the X-men and it all went to hell.

Picking up where my last review left off, we see that Cyclops gave a warning shot and that Tommy has a chance to explain himself. It?s then revealed that Magnus killed Jean and Warren to frame the professor for not joining his brotherhood. With this new information, Tommy is prepared to form an alliance to help take down the Chief of Detectives.

Elsewhere, Mr. Shaw and Magnus look at the X-men latest work. The X-men had stolen everything and Shaw isn?t happy. If Magnus can?t stop the X-men, he can easily be replaced with someone that can. Back at the bar, Peter is still dealing with finding out his father is a criminal and he informs Wanda of this news. She already knew and she believes it to be wonderful.

Over with our merry band of non-mutants, Angel/Tom wants to know where the other X-men were when Jean was killed. This sets Bobby off, but Beast explains that they were scouting out other workers of Shaw at the hellfire club and Jean stayed behind at the hotel. She didn?t directly pull jobs other than sweet talking and prep work. When the other X-men got back to the hotel, Jean was gone. This discussion eventually leads to Tom going to find Rogue to bring her back to the team. Iceman doesn?t want her there as she abandoned them when Warren was killed.

At the prison, an odd-looking Xavier is visited by his old friend, Magnus. Animosity is in the air, but Magnus is only there for one thing?Anna Marie?Rogue. Xavier refuses to give up anything and Magnus ends the discussion by threatening Xavier. He wouldn?t want Rogue to end up like Jean, would he?

Later, Tommy finds Rogue and tries to get her to join the team. He doesn?t have much time as Magneto and his crew find Anna almost seconds later. Tommy fights them off using skills he learned from Cain Marko and escapes with Rogue onto the roof and actually jumps across a building gap with her in tow. Their follower(s) don?t make it.

Even later, Tommy and Rogue continue to talk. Rogue reveals that she passed herself off as Warren?s cousin as she couldn?t take the rising competition between Xavier and Magneto. Tommy probes her mind for more info on Jean and Rogue reveals that she had other men outside of Cyclops. She?ll tell him everything he needs to know as long as Tommy protects her from the bad guys?and there?s no clear distinction.

Over with Peter and Wanda, we learn that Gambit beat her down for continuously making a fool of him and he couldn?t let her keep getting away with it. Wanda wanders what hope lies within Peter because she completely corrupted herself and still paid a price. The book ends with Cyclops and Wolverine facing off over Jean?just like old times.

This is yet another good read. It?s full of X-men references, but no one in the story is a mutant. You see, they all get their nicknames through abilities that link them to their original incarnations. Let?s take, for example, Rogue. They brought a whole new meaning to her ability to absorb powers and personalities. In this universe, she?s basically a chameleon. She can fit in anywhere just by ?absorbing? the traits around her and using them to fit in with her crowd. It?s a very interesting idea. Of course, the Magnus/Xavier relationship shows up in this book and even the Wanda/Peter relationship gets touched on. This issue is slightly better than issue 1, but the art was a bit rougher. Xavier looked weird to me and he was mostly hidden in shadows. In fact, he didn?t look like he did in issue 1, iirc. It?s a very good read and if you don?t plan on buying it monthly, at least consider the trades. I say this early, but I have faith in the book at this point. If it falters near the end, you?ll surely know from me. Oh, the backup "script" focuses on Nimrod, sentinels, and Rachel. It's an ok read and brings in quite a few more characters such as the morlocks and Bastion. It?s a 3.5 out of 5. It loses points for the art.
Disappear when you least expe--


dont read any of these books but interested in power princ. thing about being stronger than hulk? no one stronger than hulk!!!RRrrr!!!  :angry:


Amazing Spider-man: Fear Itself:

I?m not sure what brought this about, but I?ve learned a long time ago not to question crossovers especially when it?s between a mostly unused character and a popular one. I?d have more of an opening, but I just don?t have much to say about a Spider-man/Man-thing crossover. Oh, this book takes place in the BND Spider-man verse though it does reference back to a very young Pete.

I?m not going to get in-depth with this book because there?s nothing to get in-depth about. The story starts with Peter in Florida fighting Man-thing. The reason? Man-thing apparently was wrecking some homes. During this fight, Spider-man got touched and the Man-thing just walked away. Some time later, Peter is back in NY and his spider sense goes off. It?s Man-Thing and Peter can?t fathom why the monster is outside of his swamp in Florida. Instead of fighting and following the creature, Peter just leaves it in an alleyway as he has Aunt may with him, but he can tell something is wrong. Even later, Pete is on a date with Carlie (who has a filthy mouth) and he?s not paying attention to a word she says. In fact, he sees Man-Thing again in the restaurant and runs off after it?or something. Peter eventually asks Dr. Connors to check him out where it?s revealed Peter is becoming a plant hybrid and his spider DNA is being suppressed. Connors gives him some medicine and tells Pete to take it every hour to slow down the disease. Peter leaves and swings over NY. Literally two pages later, Connor calls back with a cure and Peter ignores it as Man-Thing is in his face. He comes up with a plan to use Man-Thing?s ability to cure himself. Initially it doesn?t work, but once Peter thinks about Aunt May being alone, Man-Thing?s touch burns him and the plant mutation comes to a halt. Peter figures out that Man-Thing came after him because it could sense another plant creature, and because it didn?t want to be alone, followed him from Florida. This was the Man-Thing?s biggest fear and?this results in the creature bursting into flame.

I left out some parts, but that small paragraph behind the spoiler tag IS the whole story. While I was reading this story, I wondered why this was needed?why was it made. Not only did Pete basically talk about Aunt May the whole issue and how he couldn?t bear to lose her (because these are things any Spidey reader knows), but Man-Thing was just one giant plot device the whole way through. Peter TOLD pretty much every plot development in this story and we didn?t get to SEE any of it really happen. Everything just seemed rush except Peter constantly going on about his Aunt May. I didn?t like the art much either, but it gave it a pretty good feel. Just not my cup of tea. I?m rating this a 1.5. You need to be really hardcore for one of the characters involved to even want to own it. I dunno if I?m the only one that thinks this but, what?s the point of having Doc Connors in the story trying to figure out something?if he figures out the problem and solution all in three pages flat? If this were a mini-series, it may have worked, but as a one-shot?no go.

Invincible Ironman #9:

Things have really begun to change for Tony Stark. His closest friends don?t all exactly trust him, he?s been replaced by Norman Osbourne, and he?s basically about to wage war with Norman because of the information he contains. Should be very interesting even if you don?t like the direction MOST writers wrote Tony in?because that?s ultimately the problem with his character. More writers (JMS) wrote him in a completely negative light than those that made him likable but with another point of view?one of many problems of Civil War. But that?s not the point of this issue. Last time, Tony was removed from power as head of SHIELD and Norman was ushered in. Tony may have been humiliated, but he made sure to get the last laugh by downloading all the registered heroes information into his head.

Jumping in from last issue, Tony explains that his body was basically remade into some type of computer that allowed him to interact with the iron armor. Every secret and all the information that relates to Tony?s business and some of SHIELD?s information is stored within his brain and it?s up to him and his little crew to make sure it?s all erased?which basically means Tony will end up brain dead. Maria is furious and she doesn?t want to go through with this idea at all. She wonders why Tony just won?t blow his brains out or have a psychic and Tony tells her that a bullet might not hit the right spot in his brain and psychics can?t read a hard drive. What ultimately becomes of this scene is that Tony tricks Maria into doing what he wanted her to do.

Over with Norman, he was upset enough to punch a glass window and allow his knuckles to bleed. Seconds later, he gets a report that his team can?t crack into anything of Tony?s. However, the stuff Tony left behind is being taken apart and relocated to Thunderbolts mtn. Norman isn?t worried at all. He?ll find a way to break both Tony and his company. Good news though, Maria Hill has been found!

Next scene, Maria returns to her apartment building. It?s been months since she?s been a normal girl. She climbs up the stairs and prepares to enter her door. As soon as she does, she?s greeted by a barrage of laser pointed at her. She?s freaked out, understandably, but does a good job of holding her own until she?s captured. Maria wakes up, tied up, in an aircraft. She?s not impressed. Her capturers have received orders to ?pop her?, but Maria isn?t one to go down without a fight. She kicks one of the men out of the aircraft and crashes it into a body of water. She?s seen as the only survivor and she goes after Tony.

Meanwhile, Tony is busy finishing up his plans to erase his mind. It?s revealed that Tony resigned as CEO of his company and signed it over to Pep. He wants her to close it down for good as he goes off to finish the rest of his plan. The book ends with Norman declaring Maria Hill and Tony number one priority, Tony sitting in his iron armor at one of his consoles as Maria comes rushing in, and Pepper signing all the papers to assume head of Stark Industries.

This is really just a set up book. It?s putting everything into place for future storylines. If Dark Reign continues to be set up like this, I might actually have a better hope in it succeeding  Fraction?s run on this book has been pretty good?you could say exceptional. If you haven?t liked Ironman since Civila War, this is a good time to pick up this book and test out this version. He?s not the jerk some writers made him out to be and he actually has a soul again. I like the Maria Hill fight scenes and it?s nice to see how far Tony will go to protect his fellow super heroes and friends even if they don?t know anything about his sacrifices. It?s a good read and I enjoyed it a lot. This?from a person that doesn?t really like Ironman in general. 3.5 out of 5.

Disappear when you least expe--


Hopefully someone other than me reviews this week. :P

Captain Britain and the MI13 #9:

New thread, another opening to push Captain Britain into all of your lives. This has quickly become one of my favorite books probably just behind Incredible Hercules. It?s a very good book that does the Capt right. If you want to see him and his team in some nice adventures without referring much to Claremont?s?run, then this is for you. Over the last few issues, Plotka has been creating ?mindless ones? by trapping people in dream voids. The MI13 catch on to this and try to stop him only to be betrayed by an old friend. Meanwhile, Capt realizes he may not be with the real Meggan and his crazy brother might actually be there to help him.

The book opens with an intense scene mere moments after Capt. Midlands' betrayal. Pete is angry. Very angry. So angry that he throws a fire knife at Midlands' wife and she begins to crack. Outside of Plotka?s domain, Stewart climbs into the Mindless One the team has captured to see if he can find anything of use. What he finds is a direct path to Captain Britain who?s aimlessly floating about. Brian is excited to find out something is finally real, grabs Alistair (Stewart), and tells him to keep his mentality on the real world so they have a reference point.

Meanwhile, in the remains of Midlands' dreams, Pete aims to find a way out and he uses Dane?s sword to do it. He tells it that if it wants more blood, it?ll have to get them out of their predicament. It does so, and Pete goes about ripping through every dream corridor he can find. As Pete does this, the real exit appears for Brian and Alistair. As they head through the door, Meggan appears and claims she?s real. The duo doesn?t see or hear her. Back over at Pete, the team has finally made it over to Plotka as his dream corridors begin to wane. He?s not amused and sends more Mindless Ones after the team. Long story short, Pete plan works out after Captain Britain ad Alistaire show up and imprison Plotka in the cage the Mindless one from earlier was trapped in. This section ends with everyone outside of Plotka?s domain and staring on as Captain Midlands is arrested. Blade is put on probation, but kept on the team.

In the aftermath, Brian learns that Alistair is magical and Spitfire and Blade share a kiss as he tries to apologize. Meggan ends up in a hellish dimension on her own and Captain Midlands is embarrassed by his actions. The book ends with an epilogue that shows the vampires ARE back and Dracula enters the fray and he tells his men to get him Doctor Doom. End.

This wasn?t as big of an ending that I was anticipating, but it was still pretty good overall. I LOVE that a certain character is coming back after she was sent off into limbo almost three-four years ago. I also think I might like this current line up a bit more once Cornell really starts to work on their dynamic. Unfortunately, Blade, Spitfire, Dane, and Faiza barely did anything and some parts felt a bit rushed or something. It?s a 3 for me. Still a good read, but let me down a bit.

X-Infernus #2:

Well, I?m straining to remember what really happened last issue and truth be told, I don?t REALLY remember anything of importance happening. Most of issue 1 was online on myspace, so I guess I should have went over there to look at it or grabbed the book from my shelf or something, but I?m kinda lazy sometimes. ^^. Last time, Magik found the location of her soul sword and went to get it. That?s the important information. Moving on.

Picking up where last issue left off, Illyana wants her sword. We then got the obligatory fight scene which was actually kind of nice?and messy (Mercury is splattered over the walls?literally). Pixie refuses to hand over the sword and even fights Magik to get her soul back. Magik overpowers Pixie, grabs the sword, and tries to return to Limbo. She can?t and her appearance becomes more human. Seconds later, Colossus and the Astonishing team burst into the room. Colossus pleads with his sister, but she refuses his help. She has to save herself (and she feels nothing for her brother) and leaves via one of her teleporting discs. This breaks Peter?s heart. The Astonishing team check on the downed members and learn that Illyana beat them all down. Pixie is still upset and wants to follow Magik?she?s even willing to go alone before she?s calmed down by a weakened NC.

Magik returns to her home and is shocked at how things are changed. She finds S?ym chained to a chair and asks what happened. He tells her that Belasco?s daughter came in and did this to him just seconds before she jumps out of the shadows and attacks Magik. Back with the X-men, Colossus is tired of waiting and he jumps all down Scott?s throat?verbally. As he finishes, Scott tells him that he agrees and tells Colossus to go get his sister along with Mercury, Rockslide, Pixie, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler who?ll lead the team. And that?s where the book ends.

So um?I want to like this book more, but it?s such an incredibly quick read with not a lot happening in it. I guess I just want more substance and not just a bunch of fight scenes. It?s adequate and it?s nice to see Colossus doing something other than mope about like he is in Uncanny. Not to mention that NC actually gets to lead a team again and some New X-men are included, but I just didn?t enjoy this as much as I probably should. I?m also a bit mixed on some characterizations, but it wasn?t a big enough deal for me to deduct any more points. 2.5 out of 5.

CW: HoM #5:

This has been a fairly good series, but nothing has been uber amazing as of yet. This is the final issue and I hope it ends on an incredible high note. I doubt it will, but I?m hoping for a big, amazing finale that?ll make the series a must read. Last issue, Magneto watched as Xavier passed away thanks to a co-ordinated attack by Bucky and his team and Wanda began showing signs of her uber hexing magic.

Following up from last issue, Magneto and his followers continue their attack on Washington D.C. Quicksilver arrives on the scene and alerts Magneto to the situation in Genosha. The Gov?t have launched nukes at Magneto?s island. Magneto isn?t particularly worried about this because he anticipated it and took some measures earlier. He summons Lorna and tells her to lead in his place as he and Quicksilver head for the SHIELD helicarrier. They do this by using Gateway to travel.

In the helicarrier, the vice president wants to see the island go up in clouds on the screen. Unfortunately for him, Magneto?s plan scomes into play as Blackbolt opens his mouth and disintegrates the missiles while they?re in the air. The Vice Prez is upset and wants more missiles sent at Genosha and considers sending them at the Inhumans, but is advised against it. Before anything can happen, Magneto and QS enter the ship and take it out of the air. Magneto tries to reason with the vice president, but he?ll hear none of it. Instead, he summons another sentinel and overrides its safety features to protect humans. Not only is Magneto upset with the outcome, he has no mercy for the vice president and ironically has the VP killed by the sentinel that was sent to take him and QS out. Magneto then flies out of the ship to deal with the sentinels and tells the SHIELD members to escape while they have the chance.

Magneto ends up in central park and continues fighting the sentinels. Back at the helicarrier, Agent Danvers quits SHIELD and asks QS to take her to Magneto. He does so and then leaves her to go get reinforcements. As QS leaves, Agent Danvers reveals that she was close to Xavier and he helped her control her alien powers. She jumps into the fight between Magneto and the sentinels and tries to help just as QS and the mutants from Washington arrive on the scene via Gateway. The fight comes to an abrupt end once Magneto takes out a sentinel with the President?s plane. He then grabs the President and calls the war to the end.

Magneto becomes the new president and makes an impassioned speech on the honor of Charles, Wanda, and Captain Marvel/Danvers, and reveals what he hopes will happen between human and mutant kind. After the speech, Magneto reveals to his kids that he is their father. Lorna is noticeably upset because Magneto wasn?t always there for her and her mother died of cancer. She walks away and doesn?t know if she?ll be back. QS follows her. Only Wanda remains by his side. The book ends with mutants all over the world oppressing humans which most likely leads into HoM: Avengers.

4! This book finally hit home with me. I enjoyed quite a few scenes and I loved the small character moments between Lorna and Magneto, QS and Magneto, and even Wanda and Magneto. That?s what I wanted from the beginning and it?s a shame it came so late.  I also loved how highly Magneto continued to think of Charles regardless of their beef throughout the earlier issues. The ending scenes and a few of the fight scenes were my favorite parts and I think I might actually have to reread this book all together. *gasp*. Anyway, if you want to see Magneto in a different setting, sane, fighting for a cause, and coming out on top?this is for you. If you want to see how Magneto and his kids get along, this won?t really be for you, but you?ll enjoy the ride anyway. :P

Deadpool #6:

I don?t like Way?s Deadpool, but people, like Murs, seem to love it. Wait, sorry, I forgot what role I was playing. REDO! I LOVE Way?s Deadpool and people like Murs seem to hate it. Loser. Anyway, last issue, DP fought off some huge breasted zombie women who didn?t like his taste. This issue ties into Dark Reign and features Tigershark.

The book opens with DP hallucinating something fierce. As he?s giving this fake interview with this fake interviewer, a kid pokes him in the eye with a stick. That?s it. You want more? FINE!

It?s revealed that Tigershark beat DP pretty fiercely, but he didn?t fully honor his deal of taking DP out. The voice on the phone tells him to finish the deal. Tiger agrees and tosses away his phone. He then kills a poor boy by tossing him into an aquarium?a shark aquarium. The next day, DP wakes up in a bed. He?s in a shelter for homeless people.  A woman hovers over him as he gets out of bed. She?s concerned and all DP wants to do is leave. This lasts for a page. As DP prepares to go kick Tiger's @#*, Tiger Shark is in an alleyway looking for him. DP decides to stay and he instantly hallucinates. Seconds later, Tiger bursts into the room and a fight scene breaks out?with DP consulting with his other personalities?all two or three of them. As the fight scene draws to a close, it seems the lady DP was crushing on called the cops and they shoot him. DP runs into another room with the woman and some other people and basically hits on her (Tiger Shark escaped). He makes a joke on the phone with the cops for some reason and they burst in and shoot him down.

Later, DP wakes up, unzips his morgue bag, and is shocked to find himself on a wharf. Tiger Shark is there and prepares to finish the job just as?just as BOB shoots him and stands up for his old?um?friend? Master? Captor? Deadpool. He then tosses him the rifle?and it promptly goes into the water. Tiger Shark then pulls Bob under water. The book ends with Bob drowning while being held by Tiger Shark and Deadpool jumping into the water to grab the dropped rifle.

As much as I don?t want to say it, this issue was actually decent. Also?the final two pages actually made me glad. I?ll just say someone Murs loves returned. While I might have enjoyed the issue more than the last?um?5, I still don?t really care for it that much. 2. Too me, it just a whole bunch of nothing that continues to happen in the series in its current incarnation and this issue was a great example of that. Maybe the Thunderbolts crossover can turn Way around like he did in the Wolverine/Legacy crossover.

In other news, I hear Psylocke will be in Uncanny X-men soon, so she effectively escapes Exiles! Yay. Also, I've seen people say that Messiah War is part two of a three part event...and that there's an X-men/New Avengers crossover. This year seems to be very busy and event heavy for Marvel's merry mutants.

Black Panther trailer -- haven't watched it yet. :P

Uncanny Annual preview

Dark Avengers #1 Preview
Disappear when you least expe--


BUMP! Did no one read anything this week or is the thread just dying? Anyway, the post above this one got a few reviews added + some previes, so check those out.

X-men/Spider-man #3:

This series is ultimately interesting minus some minor problems like continuity. It’s a team up between Spider-man and the X-men through several decades. When I say decades, I mean our time…it’s probably been…1.5 years Marvel time. :P. Last issue, Pete and the Australian-esque X-men (minus-Psylocke) joined together to figure out what exactly Kraven was up to and they battle the Marauders down in the Morlock tunnels. This issue, Ben Reilly returns.

We open to a scene of the X-men battling Sinister under NJ from a few years ago. Sinister runs from the battle and Cyclops is tired of always being two steps behind his foe. The X-men, which consists of Iceman, Storm, Archangel, Boneclaw Wolverine, and Cyclops, decide to check out the base to see if they can find any clues. Scott finds a file and realizes the team will be ahead of Sinister for once and they can also return a favor. Cue a scene shift and we see Spider-man chasing down Slyde. This lasts a few panels until Slyde is frozen in his tracks—literally—and the X-men asks Spidey if he remembers the last time they met (last issue). Spidey doesn’t and we get a retread of the clone saga thing.

Eventually, while reading the files the X-men retrieved, Spidey finds out that Sinister is after a sample of Carnage’s DNA because it could be used to stabilize and enhance his own clones. Meanwhile, Sinister has found Carnage and aims to get what he wants with or without Carnage’s co-operation. Carnage makes a deal with Sinister, but before anything can happen, the X-men and Spider-man show up to put an end to both villains. The battle rages on for a few pages and Sinister gets the upper hand. He defeats the heroes and simply floats out of the prison after he collects what he came for. Before Carnage can escape, the X-men trap him back in his cell. Ben wonders what Sinister could possibly mean by his :mockery of life” statement. Cyclops and Wolverine console him and they all walk away. The book ends with Sinister in his lab marveling his work…the one thing that may ensure mutantkind survival.

Fairly quick read and it’s nice to see Ben again even though this issue revolved around more clones. I’m not really excited to read this book from week to week especially when I compare it to the last two things I read by Gage, but it’s still nice book to have if you want to see the X-men and Spidey interacting since it rarely happens. The art could be better, but it’s passable. I’d rate it another 2.5.

Amazing Spider-girl #28:

Sad that I’m starting to review this book so far down the line. I mean, it’s literally two issues from cancellation. Lame. Over the past few issues, the book has been toying with the clone saga, but this time, it’s not a mess of a storyline that dragged on for a while. It’s actually fairly good! Go figure. The clone from the 90s storyline has finally reshown itself and May is left wondering if she’s the real deal or the fake. Meanwhile, Peter is dealing with the same problem in his own way and MJ knows nothing. Eventually, May and Arana switch bodies and…know what? Just buy a trade. :p

Picking up where last issue left off, May finds herself back in her own body and she’s about to be killed by the Tarantula! Why? Because Tarantula thinks Spider-girl’s body is still being controlled and manipulated by Arana. The fight continues on for a few pages until May figures out a way to make Tarantula understand the truth. All it takes is for  her to kiss him.

Meanwhile, a falling Arana manages to catch onto a flagpole and hang for safety as she tries to figure out how she switched bodies. While she does so, Spider-girl2 swings overhead and Arana attacks her. Spider-girl2 is confused. She keeps claiming to be the real Spider-girl and she must save her father. Simultaneously, Osbourne and May’s friends are gathered together trying to figure out what to do in their complex situation. During the discussion, Normie reveals that he’s going to take Fury’s deal and take Peter’s place as the leader of the Goblin cult. Over with the Cult, Fury has been shot by a corrupted Peter and Peter/Norman learn of the deal she was trying to make with Normie. Peter asks for the deal to happen so that he may tell Normie in person that he is no longer needed. At the meeting location, Normie tries to comfort his wife about his decision while Peter shows up on the streets below. Green Goblin/Philip notices him and goes to greet him…just as Peter shoots him out of the air.

Gonna skip a few parts and tie this all up. Arana and Spider-girl2 continue to fight and Arana gets the upper hand. She pulls off SG2’s mask and is shocked by her face. Meanwhile, Peter continues to beat up May’s associates and each one is shocked by who the new Goblin is. Elsewhere, Spider-girl and Tarantula continue to hunt for her father. While on route to another location, she sees the new Goblin and confronts him. During the fight, she finds out its her father and is beaten down just the same. The book ends on a big cliffhanger. May, Mary Jane, Benjy, SG2, and Peter all in the same room…and someone just might die. AIE!

This continues to be a good read. It was a little tough to start reviewing this in the middle of a complex arc…but I figured someone would find it interesting. This is looking to be one heck of a finale and it’s tying up several storylines. I’ve really grown to like May and her methods as Spider-girl, especially in this issue, kind of remind me of some of Peter’s classic methods…you know, when he regularly had to rely on his brains. Too bad it’s ending, but I’m sure the transition to “Amazing Spider-man family” will be almost as good…almost. 4 out of 5. Yay.

Secret Warriors #2 preview:
Disappear when you least expe--