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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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I wish I could say somebody does it for the art,but letts be realistic: its all about the money,and it always was.
Something minor thats come to my attention.Marvel putts Jim Lees name EVERYWHERE.Most of X-men books credit him as the main artist,even if he only did 1-2 issues in the book.Not a big deal,just kinda unfair to some other artists.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Nothing wrong with that though. I mean it can water things down on our but people have to eat. Also when you have a hard working artist you just can't have them working a second job to make the ends meet else they'd never make their deadlines. Jim Lee sort of reinforces the point about " big name ". The DC reboot also comes to mind. Obviously many people put a lot of work into all that but when it launched every news site ran his name. His name just sells like that, same as Alex Ross, Bruce Timm and the last name Romita. It's bells and whistles some times when you read between the lines but whatever keeps the numbers above the drowning point I suppose. To his credit Lee pretty much drove that whole Heroes Reborn epic especially after Rob left early and to it's credit that gave life to many otherwise dead titles. He's capable when he needs to be I guess is the point and for whatever reason be it Marvel, Image, Wildstorm or DC the mans name just sells anything like adding adding bacon to it.


This reminds me...What did you guys think of Chris Claremonts Nightcrawler series?It ended a while back IIRC.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Wasn't a fan. Wasn't bad or anything but not captivating enough, dry I guess. He makes mention of current events especially involving Kurt of course but still writes overall like the story is stuck in 90's canon and it felt like it was contrasting at the time Marvel and X-Men books. Then again it was stacking up against a lot of titles and of events as usual. In my case I dropped by about issue six. Basically if your looking for something that reads like old Excaliber may be for you but there's better series to catch up on imo.


I found it kinda easy to relate to Kurt,since I also missed about 10 years of X-men. XD
I guess that was the intention?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I've meet Chris Claremont over the weekend at a comic con and he's not into comics like was in the past.  He's more into writing his own stories.  I can respect that.
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Not sure whether I respect it but I can understand it. If I took up the craft I'd be apt to write or draw retroactively and everything would breath like the comics of my youth. It's easy enough to get though, Starlin writes the same way, comics and notably Marvel have changed vastly which of course we we're just talking about and myself I'm not even sure how I feel about the current state of things (particular the shape of what is the Marvel U at this time). I know I'm uncomfortable not really knowing where it's going though I don't deal well in surprises, I like everything to be stable and uniform so I can anticipate and prepare for it. I don't know what comics I'm getting from Marvel after SW in other words and that sort of bothers me. Likewise I can imagine CC looks at the current state of the Marvel U and just goes " Erm? Whatever. " and just does his own thing. Alex Ross has been pretty vocal about not liking how comics and characters are handled these days as well. I suppose that leaves the question whether all the radical reinvention is in what Marvel Comics needs and if it's what's good for the reader, all generations accounted for?


Chris Claremont has his way of writing.You cant blame him if it seems a bit dated.But yeah,hes not at his peak,sadly.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Happens. I can't work three jobs and go four days without sleep anymore either. Also I don't get the music of " kids these days ". I'm not one to diss it however just because I don't feel it, it's music either way, but it's simply past me I'm a relic as far as that's concerned. Totally comfortable in that fact, we all have to get out of the way eventually.


Quote from: SickAlice on June 08, 2015, 07:38:12 PM
Happens. I can't work three jobs and go four days without sleep anymore either. Also I don't get the music of " kids these days ". I'm not one to diss it however just because I don't feel it, it's music either way, but it's simply past me I'm a relic as far as that's concerned. Totally comfortable in that fact, we all have to get out of the way eventually.

I'd argue that point.  ;)
God Bless
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Yeah, I must be getting old; I feel the same way about some stuff.


I like it. Childhood was a confusing time for me. Adulthood offers stability and comfort, I pretty much know exactly where I'll be whether it's tomorrow or three years from now. But if I ever become one that walks out in my front yard and yells something like " Those darn kids today by gosh it all! " feel free to ship me to the glue factory. My generation used to go on about how we would never be like the old one, like we would grow up and be all Bill S, Preston ESQ. and Ted Theodore Logan yet sadly see most of my former posse fallen right into the cranky habits they said they never would. " Filled out his job application with Crayons? No, of course we won't hire him. I never. ". Nope, none for me. I'll be all about the fun till the day I die.


Ok if everyone admited they are old... XD
I like Chris Claremont,but he can get a bit hard to read.Purple prose,bunch of thought bubbles,explaining power.
Almost every single issue of X-men takes time to explain Wolverines powers.In X-men #1 Cykes explaines them to Wolverine himself.
When you read it in a bulk,it can just be a chore.I know some people will probaly hate me for saying this.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Alright guys, let give Chris a break.  His ears are probably burning from us talking about him.  :D
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Ghost Racers is pretty much Twisted Metal the comic.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on June 10, 2015, 06:11:52 PM
Ghost Racers is pretty much Twisted Metal the comic.

NICE!!! :ghostrider: :jeyrox
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Killsville brings GTA to mind.Vice City in particular.Considering Siege is advertised as Nights Watch up to 11,and Squadron Sinister as Sons of Anarchy with superpowers...I would say that any similarity to other works of fiction is purely intentional. XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


They're definitely trying to diversify as far as genre's go, I'd wager an edict was even passed along at one of the retreats. The plot of Ghost Racers is frighteningly close to Death Race (2008). Speaking of old X-Men stuff loved the 2nd issue of X-Men '92. They could have hired this guy to write a direct continuation of XMTAS and I would have been perfectly happy with it.
Using Cassandra Nova to reenact the stringent dialogue censorship the original cartoon was known for was a brilliant idea.
Ultimate End #2 was decent, still saying this is as essential as the main series itself to getting the story in. Or at least if a person is craving the original mainstays it's where to find them. Bendis writes a good Tony Stark, the exchanges between the two almost seem like he'd drawing from his own current self (Bendis) speaking to his younger self. Journal #2 is a mix bag as always. The first story (Killsville) didn't captivate me. Like with Battleworld basically they're using this to give a short preview of another book, in this case MODOK Assassin, which I consider a waste of printed page. Sell me an intended comic, keep previews elsewhere. This preview also didn't really speak for what you'll actually be reading in the MODOK book anyways. The second story is about Sinister and his nasty domain. Great story reminiscent of old anthology thriller stories and more reinforcement that SW Sinister is awesome and as diabolical as the character should always have been. Picked up Marvel Zombies on a whim even though I was going to overlook it because I'm an Elsa fan. Didn't disappoint. SW Bloodstone is immediately up there with Shang-Chi for me as far as awesome and fun to read characterization goes. She's so cold and tough she makes Frank Castle look friendly, people that like gritty Ennis-type vigilante comics should give this series a look as well as Emma Frostaphiles. Inferno #2 reads the same as the first, nothing changed there. Still " digestible " but nothing that blows me out of my seat. Basically a great comic if your big on Colossus. And I got my Shiklah on wasn't let down there whatsoever. Shiklah is my favorite SW character. It's even fun to say the name. " Shhhhhiiiiiiiklaaaaaaah! " Didn't get to anything else. Took some Benadryl after a hard days work and blacked out.


Yes,X-men 92 was great.Watch EVERYONE at the Institute.Cameos.
Inferno continues the story.Which is still just okay.
Journal mostly reminds us that Sinister is a monster.Arcade isnt far behind,either.
IMO MODOK was nothing special.Basicly hes a GTA player.XD
I found Inhumans interesting.Whole concept of the Quiet room seems pretty important.
Nobody likes Greenland in-universe.Wonder why...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I can't find X-men 92 comic anywhere. Is it an online only thing? 

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Its digitally released.
It will be printed,but I dont know the date.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


The printed version is given a " summer " release date at this time which places it as far out as July. It's a one-shot I think that compiles the digital shorts so likely held off as not to spoil the online content. Seriously though that one was a shot in the date. It either would do the animated series or fall flat, luckily it the high mark.

I wasn't drawn in by MODOK, but like I said before I'm not interested in the character nor style of the book so that was a given for me. I got the first like most to give it the benefit of a doubt but probably won't follow up with it. Like the style of Inhumans: AR a lot as well. Very elegant approach in that series and the characters feel authentic. Speaking of authentic characterization 2099 #2 was a step up in that department. Black Widow 2099 is also entering my list of most entertaining SW characters. 2nd Spider-verse issue read a little better than the first issue (I just got done playing the Spider-verse Ops in MAA before reading it though so it's possible I was swayed by hype). More going in it than the first though like the first Gwen's part drags out pretty far and characters like UK and India get bare bones attention, so that's give or take depending on how you roll. Still have Weirdworld and 1602 Angela in the pile. Excited about the latter and hope it measures up, don't care about Weirdworld but giving it a shot though more or less because I read that Le Fay stars in it. I'd like to save those and take a break to read my DC books and the new Lady Death issue though. Get a little ill spending too much time in Battleworld. How many months again? Yeah, I can see myself being a huge tired grump months out once the event fatigue takes full hold, lol.

A bit of ramble about Captain Marvel. I leafed through Carol Corps and got bored with it and closed it again. There was an expectation and led in much by the solicits and interviews that we were getting Carol and this neat team thing that commemorates Carols past. As of issue one though this is just a revisit more or less to DeConnick's Banshee Squadron story from volume 7. A rag tag group of military officers and a day in their life. If you like army/airforce stuff than you'll probably be down for it. I think DeConnick writes good but I have an off with her CM volumes I should put on the table here: I'm for empowerment and equal rights, however DeConnick pushes is way too hard with this series by illustrating that the majority of living persons in Carol Danvers world are women and any (occasional) men are either distanced acquaintances though more usually villains. Mostly the enemies are also female and even the life on other planets is predominately female. First off this is obviously unrealistic but being as it's a comic I can't hold it to that standard. As a long time Carol fan and reader I can hold it to the fact that that isn't Carol Danvers. Carol as I've grown with her has had a long life with positive working relationships with men. In fact shes most often shown to look up to Mar-Vell for inspiration. DeConnick however seems to be washing any of this history from her character and I don't think it's for agenda nor does it actually serve to push a positive. I think it's laziness, partly in that this version of Carol mirrors anything Kelly Sue has to say of her own-self and more so in part that rather than tackle diverse and established character in the Marvel line she opted to create her own cast most of whom are again close to her own personality and thought process. The Secret Wars comic read basically like 100% that. I called it on laziness because I have seen and know that she can diversify her writing and put herself in the head space of someone who contrasts herself, without making them an antagonist or pushing an agenda. And really if your looking for the feminist message done right G.W.W already does it properly and without overbaking it in A-Force. Heck I'll even say Elsa in Marvel Zombies is a much better example of woman empowerment and more 3-dimesional when it comes to standing up to a history of pattern abuse and suffrage. Not saying DeConnick stinks or something mind you, quite the opposite. @$&* Planet is great to me for example and $3 was my pick for best comic of it's month. But I don't think she's doing Carol Danvers " correctly " if that makes sense. Sometimes writers aren't a match to certain characters. Also I think she falls in what we were talking about before were a " name " will sell a book often regardless of whether the person is right for it's climate or not. It would be well enough as a stand alone but when I try and line it up with the previous volumes and books where Carol was a key player it just doesn't line up. Sorry and no offense to people who love her writing, I respect all of you and your reasons for liking but these are the reasons this specific work of hers doesn't appeal to me. I though to spell it out since it's a little complex on my end than with most comics and I didn't want to misrepresent myself on this one due to being vague.


Thors - I was expecting Green Lantern Corps,but I got LAPD.Because when you say Thor,forensics is the first thing that comes to mind.And they had to say: I AM THOR!
Deadpools Secret SW - First issue was better.It had Doop.
Squadron Sinister is the only thing left to read.I hope its better than these.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I have a tall stack of comics waiting for me.  I just need to find some time to read them all
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There I went rambling again. Anyways short of that was imo DeConnick is a good writer but I think her Carol is over rated and especially doesn't read like Carol (usually what it's given credit for) rather like she dismissed Danver's character and instead just scripted up her own version. Her Deathbird version pretty much sums it up.

Thors was unusual. CSI: Asgard. Pretty much. Was expecting NOW Thor here but Ultimate Thor is the main character for anyone wondering what the skinny is. It's a detective mystery book basically, same as Iron Armor Wars is. This book does make great use of the little details of Battleworld like the lingo and such and of ones from Thor mythos. The writer is clearly doing their homework in other words. The death scene touched me a little as well but that's one of my long time favorite characters (shhhh!).

Angela 1602 was decent. Basically reads exactly as continuation of the Angela series but with a different theme laid over it.

Deadpool reads as a Deadpool book. It's a rip on the original Secret Wars series with Wade providing the rips. I enjoy this for the break from the otherwise event fatigue but Ms.Deadpool is better, funnier, edgier and sexier.

Squadron Sinister reads like the New 52 Crime Syndicate. That isn't to say it's clefted as the concept itself is old as dirt. The concept being old as dirt and something I've read and or watched a hundred times in life is the drawback of the read. It's hard to read the same story again and feel surprised obviously. Else it's fun. Expect to see some of your old favorite characters show up here (if you've seen my site you know where I was at here)...and get no respect given to them, lol. It get's an " okay " from me but isn't thrilling.

Weirdworld actually surprised me. Suggested read to anyone. It lives up to it's moniker " weird " but not in a silly sense. It's an avant-garde and fresh story and the artist chosen fits it perfectly. The story literally lives in it's own realm.

Old Man Logan #2 actually surprised me. I won't give away the spoiler here but I had little interest in this and instead I'm interested now. I may be made into a believer here yet.

Sparse week really. I haven't read any of the ongoing ones yet and DC got more love from me this week. Going to leave Battleworld to catch up there for awhile albeit a slow pace.


I agree.Squadron Sinister is the Crime Syndicate,in all but names.
I believe I mentioned it,but I'm trying to catch up with around 10 years of X-men.Messiah war was actually great.Bishop becoming evil doesnt make much sense,but other then that its all good.Finale reminds me why Apocalypse is so cool.  :thumbup:
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I normally don't push the follow the leader agenda but to believe that Marvel looked at the sales of Forever Evil and said " something like that " and did it isn't implausible here. Though nothing shocking as the comic industry and very genre itself is the culmination of following trends.

MW is one of the better X-Men eras. Surprisingly as at the time the idea of Wolverine leading a team, or X-23 (her epic moment got a loud booyah from me) and Hope were snubbed by most as bad ideas yet ended up driving it. And nothing like Apocalypse done right. Looks like that's one service SWS may be providing. The Bishop thing was as out of the blue as the death (not even keeping count how many times that was for him ) and immediate resurrection of Xavier though that was more on Civil War and tracks over to Endangered Species. Bishop did make for a compelling Cable villain though as he was a believable threat. Else most was summarized in Life And Times Of Lucas Bishop. In short his childhood led to him being perpetually awol and a paranoid delusional which while that doesn't line up with later character development it does sort of jive with his introduction. The artwork through the whole series was also very good as was Necrosha despite that story arc being sort of half baked.


Uncanny X-Force was also great.All of the newer incarnations were good.I like that Forge is back after his mad scientist phase.Thou he did have a point there...Sadly,none of them have the original team.I liked John Francis Moores run and that is probably the best incarnation.I would kill to see something like that again.Iv been told some of the storylines carry on.So I might even try Uncanny Avengers.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Yeah, UA pretty much trials right off from Remenders X-Force. If you like his story there you'll enjoy UA as well.