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The Marvel Thread

Started by Previsionary, December 24, 2008, 11:48:35 PM

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I am yeah, working on some nifs from that actually (Andrew Forson is up next from me). Loving every bit of it. Just read the newest one last night.


I kinda lost track of Hyperion(s) after his brief time as a Thunderbolt,so can somebody explain what was he up to between then and AW?Who are the kids hes taking care for?
I LOVE that Graviton,and his new costume. :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I think the Hyperion in Hickman's run is a different version than the one that was in Thunderbolts. In short he was discovered by AIM in the white space between universes after his universe had ended, which we later found out was due to an Incursion, then ended up in 616. The Zebra Kids in short were created on Earth by a celestial event that had been triggered which was prelude to the events in Infinity, which itself is prelude to Time Runs Out. There's a lot of detail otherwise to cover and it's in Hickman's volume, mainly the current volumes of Avengers, New Avengers and Avengers World as well Infinity. You can found out most of it on marvelwiki under Hyperion (Marcus Milton Earth-13034), Children Of The Sun (Zebra Kids) and Sunspot's Avengers entries. Fair warning if your not up to date there's a lot of spoiler sensitive stuff there.


Okay,thank for the expo. :)
Im just a casual reader,so I miss parts of the continuity.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Okay,people will probably hate me for commenting but I just have to.
Entire Superior Iron Man #7 builds towards the idea of
this Tony being replaced with his mind backup from 8 years ago
,only for that not to happen?Seriously,whats with that? XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on April 15, 2015, 03:05:22 PM
Okay,people will probably hate me for commenting but I just have to.
Entire Superior Iron Man #7 builds towards the idea of
this Tony being replaced with his mind backup from 8 years ago
,only for that not to happen?Seriously,whats with that? XD

It would be kind of lame if they did that again, as that's how they absolved Tony of everything Civil War & Initiative-related.


^I actually thought that would be a good idea.Like All New Tony would have to come to term with everything old one has done,and question why he did it all?But okay,they can still redeem Tony in other ways,I think...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Sort of felt that as well. The no more anticlimactic than the base reasoning and the " kid " thing:
The base of course being that he's now jerk Tony because well...magic so okay then and the build up to Teen Abomination only for him to end being someone else's child anyways. Really it's weird how this makes waves yet in the previous run they actually retconned Tony's origin and I didn't see a single article about that or arms raised. It's a fun book to read but like most of what Marvel and DC are doing reads like a What If? or some other alternate book. The story structure is there and the armor design is nice I'll give it this.


Something google alerts is poking me with for the past few Thor 8 will reveal the identity of the new Thor.
And I hope answer some questions like:
-What did Nick whisper to break Thors fragile ego?No doubt revelation as satisfying as MJs talk with Mephisto.
-Why Odin cant lift the hammer?HE put the FRIGGIN enchantment on the thing.
-Is the hammer now sentint and suddenly picky about who wields it?Seriously,this makes no sense.
Oh,yeah Im rooting for Malekith here.I dont usualy like homicidal nutcases,but here its completly appropriate. XD
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Quote from: Spade on April 18, 2015, 05:07:15 PM
Something google alerts is poking me with for the past few Thor 8 will reveal the identity of the new Thor.
And I hope answer some questions like
-What did Nick whisper to break Thors fragile ego?No doubt revelation as satisfying as MJs talk with Mephisto.
-Why Odin cant lift the hammer?HE put the FRIGGIN enchantment on the thing.
-Is the hammer now sentint and suddenly picky about who wields it?Seriously,this makes no sense.
Oh,yeah Im rooting for Malekith here.I dont usualy like homicidal nutcases,but here its completly appropriate. XD

- This makes no sense, because how can whispering something make him not worthy, unless it was a spell he put on Thor
- Odin did put the enchantment on the hammer, but he forgot to exclude himself from it.
- It seems like the hammer can talk to it's welder, this is new to me too, but I like it with this new Thor
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-Im guessing it some armor-piercing question like "Why cant you save Jane?" or something like that.Its Nick Fury,he would do something like that?
-Considering the list of people who lifted the hammer,I always thought that the enchantment isnt 100 % working.And now its working all too well.And just a long shot here,if nothing else works,Odin would at least be able to lift the enchantment?
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I would hazard a guess that what he did is tied to the identity of the new Thor. It would rationalize why they didn't reveal his hidden sin in Original Sin if it would end up spoiling another thing down the road.


I finally finished Superior Spider-man(slowpoke jokes,I know).While its not as bad as people made it out to be,its not great either.Peters return was  AWESSOME,thou.
GG: ...its you!
S: One and only! :)
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I thought Superior Spider-man was an awesome.  It gave Spidey some new life, even not Peter is still being affected by the things that Otto did as Spidey.
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Ottos mad scientist approach to superheroics is entertaining,but EVERYTHING else he does?Its hard to like the guy,which I assume was the point.And we once again learn that standard heroes are better then anti-heroes,something we already know from Kingdom Come.Knightfall and Superman vs the Elite.To me,an okay series,but the moral of the story was overused at this point.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I liked it for what it was tbh. He was very efficient and different Spider-man. I like how he had his own secret island, henchmen etc. It really did look like a villain being a hero in his own way. Alas his own ego was his undoing.

His relationship with Anna Maria was interesting and showed his more humane side. So I wouldn't say he was completely unlikable.
But I do get what you're trying to say. It's just how the stories like these go, I don't expect anything groundbreaking other than: someone with different moral views takes over the hero role, fails, true hero returns triumphantly.


Well,yeah I understand him being more anti-heroic and killing villains,but stuff like beating up Black Cat and taking the symbiote from Flash were a bit too much.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


I'm so glad that they did keep Anna Maria.  She's my favorite character in the comic, besides Peter.
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Silver Shocker

^ Yeah, I can't agree with that. Anna Maria is an awful character. She's every bit an empty, unnatural sounding fanfic character as all of the supporting characters Slott's created for the series. She's not a character at all, she's an assemblage of tropes put together in a human form (she's a diminutive person! She likes to cook! She's smarter than Peter! She's of Italian descent!) And the latest issue just Shilled the Wesley by having her constantly say things to demonstrate how "perfect" she is for Peter while other characters say the same thing (like Aunt May, who was previously taken aback at Pete dating a little person). It's no different than Carlie Cooper when she was in the book.

Inferior Spider-Man was garbage. Probably the worst Spidey story I've ever read. Any morality play was botched beyond belief, and Doc Ock most certainly was NOT entertaining. He was one of the most irritating leads I've ever encountered. All he did was rant and rave about how he was the greatest hero ever, with no sense of irony or self awareness, while nearly every character in the Marvel U acted like brain-dead morons because the plot says so. Team Rocket from Pokemon do a better job of staying in character than Ock did. And no, that's not an exaggeration.

As someone who has lived with a disability and mental illness for his entire adolescent/young adult life, I also find it INCREDIBLY offensive that someone pretending to be my favorite super-hero would gun down a mental patient who was unarmed and no longer a threat, rather than return him to the asylum so he can get the help he needs. And get away with it,  scott-free to boot, to the point that the police were lying their butts off to cover for him (despite the police hounding Spidey for way less in older, better stories). If Batman did that to the Joker (or any of the villains from Arkham), noone would ever let him live it down, in-universe or out.

There were a few positives, like the debut of the Superior Foes cast, the hammy villains like Green Goblin, and, my favorite part, Robbie Robertson telling the Inferior Spider-Man that he won't be bullied around by him (thus proving Robbie is a man of integrity and one of the most admirable men in the MU). But it wasn't even close to enough to save the rest of the story.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


On the whole Spidy killing a villain thing,did they forgot Maximus Carnage and the whole question there?And on the issue on the whole MU being idiots...except Carlie ofc.She figures out his identity by following his credit card.Yes,Avengers were too dumb to do that,but not super special awessome Carlie.
-On the X-men thing,I kinda suspected that...
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

^^ I would have have rather been completely surprised when I read the book (though in fairness, I am 2 weeks behind in the comics), and I'd rather we never link to that site since it's practiced some INCREDIBLY unethical business practices in the past, but I guess I might as well comment on it.

Well, that's Bendis for you. For good or for ill. He's made so many changes to the comics canon in his Avengers and X-Men run that at this point it's probably best to just relax, not take it too seriously and roll with it. Besides, he's off the X-Books, which means, they don't really have to follow up on or use anything he did unless they want to (he did, after all, reset nearly everything he did in his Avengers run in the end).

^ Darn, I forgot about that. Yeah, Carlie knew, but it still took her forever to figure it out despite her being told point blank by Peter. Again, it's nothing but contrivances to reach a narrative goal. If they couldn't have tried harder to make it make it sense, they shouldn't have bothered. Mind you, given the troll-heavy nature of Slott and the editors, it is depressingly likely that they intentionally made it make no sense just to annoy people. I mean, just read the newest solicits: "The most controversial Spidey story ever!" "Will Spidey cross that line?"

Ah, Maximum Carnage. Even if you ignore my blatant bias due to childhood nostalgia for the video game, that was a pretty cool storyline (and Bagley's art was awesome), and I've never understood why it gets the scorn it does. I'd probably rather enjoying going back and reading that more than the current run of Spidey.

Did they forget what came before? Of course they did. They forgot Sandman had an adoptive daughter that he wants to protect (despite that being introduced during post-OMD Spidey.). They forgot that time MJ saw through the Chameleon's disguise immediately. They forgot that the Skrull's used a combination  of science and magic to avoid detection. They forgot that Doc Ock was genuinely interested in being altruistic in JMS's run and enjoyed being a Thunderbolt in New Thunderbolts during Civil War. And they apparently forgot Dr. Kakfa's personality and role as a psychiatrist ("You used the word 'freaks'. These are people with a disease."). Assuming they didn't choose to throw that continuity in the trash to make way for their own trash.

"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Im guessing the X-men reveal was supposed to be shocking,but its already done a few times(Midnighter,Apollo,
Batwoman,Northstar) so it just doesnt have THAT much of an effect on people.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


About the X-Men reveal, my personal opinion and a rambling mess of thoughts.
I can't wait for Bendis to leave the X-Men. He's run the franchise into the ground.
I'm incredibly upset about this retcon. Homosexuality isn't a choice, or a switch that can be flipped. When the original five were brought into the present, they were touted as the original 5, the 616 originals, our universe, not an alternate universe's version of the X-Men.
If that is the case, you can not just poop on decades of continuity by all of a sudden altering one of the main character's sexualities because it is convenient for a story.
In doing so I believe Bendis has been really disrespectful to the gay community. He has basically said that you could become gay, just like that. Especially in the interests of causing controversy.
If they were an alternate universe group, no problem! Bring it on! Miles and Phat had some great scenes in X-Statix, and I could imagine some hilarious moments between Bobby and Warren. Like Bobby making an ice mirror and playfully hitting on Angel while also making fun of his vanity.

The biggest issue I have with this reveal though, is the manner in which it was done. He was outed by Jean Grey, against his own will, and his own suggestions of bisexuality were rudely dismissed by Jean Grey. The outing itself took place on a page with 8 panels. actually I guess it would be more 4 panels, with 2 of them repeated 3 times each for comedic effect laziness.
Oh wait, and then they also dismissed the fact that 616 Bobby is straight by saying he's been in the closet his whole life because he can't marry a woman. :thumbdown:


Marvel was REALLY dodging any questions about bringing back Ben Reilly.There could be something there?Or not?Oh,yeah Vows is the final Spider-man story ever?Yeah,right.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

Based on what I've seen, I'm finding it incredibly hard to care about "Renew Your Vows".  Possible spoilers based on promotional material:

The "Married to MJ with a kid" thing and the title is a marketing ploy, pure and simple. It's no different then what DC did with Stephanie Brown in Batman Eternal. The story is apparently an alternate tale with the lurid hook of "The final Spider-Man story" where Peter is forced to kill Venom. So it's effectively an attempt to make a Spider-Man version of the classic Alan Moore Superman story "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tommorrow?" As Spider-Girl artist Ron Frenz said, Dan Slott is no Roger Stern. He certainly isn't Alan Moore.

Attempts  to artificially recreate an classic alternate universe endgame story rarely, if ever, work out well. Spider-Man Reign was an attempt to make a Spider-Man version of the Dark Knight Returns (it's a pretty blatant ripoff too, from the premise to the art style) but it's only ever been remembered for a gross, silly plot point that reached minor internet meme status. Surprisingly, less infamous is Peter making an uncharacteristically dark humor quip. If I wanted such a story, I could read that on my Digital Comics Unlimited account right now at no extra cost instead of shelling out $3.99 + on Renew Your Vows.

Like I said, they court controversy and Bile Fascination ("How bad can it get?") to raise awareness because they know a lot of people have legitimate issues with the book. They're effectively the Sharknado of comics.
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa


Im not that excited about Secret wars,considering the creative team of Hickman,Slott and Bendis.Seeing what they did individualy I shuder to thing what they can do combined.Or it could be just another event comic where heroes fight each other instead of the villains.Because we know those turned out great. (Y)
Vows is supposed to an apology for OMD.And I did kinda notice the similarity to What happend stories.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer


Shocker, the whole Marvel Secret Wars stuff is nothing but a marketing ploy, every longtime comic reader knows this.  There is no reason for them to do this except to make as much money they can from the Marvel movies.  But this will not stop me from checking it out.  I am interested on how they are going to do this, plus Spidey's One More Day is what stopped me from collecting comics for a while.   
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Quote from: JeyNyce on April 23, 2015, 12:59:16 PM
Shocker, the whole Marvel Secret Wars stuff is nothing but a marketing ploy, every longtime comic reader knows this.  There is no reason for them to do this except to make as much money they can from the Marvel movies.  But this will not stop me from checking it out.  I am interested on how they are going to do this, plus Spidey's One More Day is what stopped me from collecting comics for a while.
Like every event comic basicly...
Well Age of Apocalypse and X-men '92 are something Im looking forward to.Other then that...Korvac saga,maybe??

Marvels EiC Axel Alonso explains that the current continuity isnt broken and doesnt need fixing.And readers can think whatever they like.   :huh:
And Miles and Thor will be very important.Just great...
That coming from a guy who said X-men will get their own universe,then claimed he never said something like THAT.
''Even our origin stories have gone sour.''
Jon Farmer

Silver Shocker

*hangs head in frustration in the corner*

As someone online said around the time of the DC reboot, the comics industry needs to stop lying to their audience, if for no other reason then they're terrible at it.

I'm actually not very interested in Secret Wars at all. It seems really similar to Convergence but with better creative teams, and it seems to be entirely alternate universes instead of just mostly, except maybe the main book. There's just too many books, all coming out at the same time, and almost none of it looks like it'll matter outside of their own self contained minis, so I just don't see a need to bother reading them. There might be a handful I want to read, I'd have to look over them all again. I got a massive backlog of older ( and new) stuff I can read anyway. 
"Now you know what you're worth? Then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers, saying you're not where you want to be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN'T YOU. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!"
~Rocky Balboa