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Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Randomdays - Today at 06:01:30 AM
Update - still bogged down in details but making progress.

I think the character couldn't go up the stairs in the engine room because they were too narrow for the character's own bounding box.

Widening the stairs and turning the bounding box under it from a ramp to a series of smaller "step" bounding boxes got her to the top.

I also had some problems with some doorways whuch is probably the same thing. Moving the bounding box edges away from the door let the character go thru.

1) Bridge - complete for the model. Chairs added. In a bit I'll look into adding the classic bridge "beeps" with a looping sound when I figure it out.

2) Transporter room - complete. Added a wall picture of a star map like in the series. Added a wallcom.

3) Briefing Room - complete. Kept the chairs as part of the map, but broke off the table and chairs into a separate nif. Bounding box problem again - when it was part of the room, the bounding box around the table didn't work and you could walk thru it. Separating it and giving it its own bounding box fixed that.

4) Corridors - almost complete - added wallcomms along the wall. I need to block off the unused doors so you can't go thru them.

5) Crew quarters - complete. Opened up the doorways to fix the bounding box problem. Added Spock's Vulcan Harp to a table and an "IDIC" symbol to the wall.

6) Sickbay -complete - Didn't need any fixes

7) Engineering - complete - broke off the right stairs as its own nif and bounding box. Removed part of the roof on the left to see the mid level better.

8) Shuttle Bay - fixing it up. Added the wall comm. Replace the included barrels with some from the game.
Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Randomdays - June 05, 2024, 04:33:32 AM

More complicated that I thought, mainly due to the custom items

I've added all the rooms and corridors.

For each room, I imported it in Blender, then also imported a stone wall from the park objects. This is mainly a donor for the bounding box. I join part of the room to the stone wall, and then delete the wall - the room part has now inherited the bounding box.

In edit mode, I added vertices to the bounding box and shaped it" to the entire room - it can get pretty complicated.

Even with what looks like a complete bounding box, the civs on the map seem to find "holes" in it, and still wander in, or I try to go somewhere I ought to be able to, but find myself blocked.

For the holes, I'm placing some park walls around the rooms to act as an additional barrier. I figure I'll cover everything up but the rooms with a large "black" area so you won't be able to see them, like the underground maps

The other thing I'm not sure of is flying - in the underground maps, they're set below ground level, and you can't fly above the edge to take shortcuts.

Looking at an underground map in nifskope, map 3a, there's an entry called "physics box" with one of the sublines called "AREA UNPASSABLE",and a material called "hide me" with that.

It looks like some ultra high bounding boxes following the edges of the underground rooms - that might get a bit complicated as well.

Next up is still adding a few items like chairs, and wall comms, to the various rooms and corridors

Below is a pic of the engine room with its bounding box (the thin white lines) in nifskope. I can climb the stairs on the left and walk on the midlevel, but not the stairs on the right. Though I can fly and land on the the northern part of the mid level on the right, but not the southern half

Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Epimethee - June 05, 2024, 02:51:33 AM
Impressive work, Randomdays!
Requests for Skins and Meshes / Re: Possible Projects Interest
Last post by RommyNa - June 04, 2024, 12:27:29 PM
Nice Sonya
Skins / Re: Dean's stuff.
Last post by BentonGrey - June 03, 2024, 09:25:08 PM
Great work, Dean!  The Monitor has never looked so good!
Requests for Skins and Meshes / Re: Possible Projects Interest
Last post by cranlox - June 03, 2024, 08:03:35 AM
Yeah! I tried to use it a few times, but it always seemed more adolescent to me, the idea of ��using it for Guadalupe Extreme, but in the end I used another model that had a gun.
It's a good base. I'll probably use it for someone when it occurs to me.
Requests for Skins and Meshes / Re: Possible Projects Interest
Last post by Randomdays - June 03, 2024, 06:35:03 AM
More great work Cranlox.

A few years back I took a sims 2 female model and rigged her to female basic. She comes with a basic skin and is 3 parts - body, hair, and face.

Uploaded her to the requests folder if anyone wants to check her out.

Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Randomdays - June 03, 2024, 04:45:11 AM
Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Randomdays - June 03, 2024, 04:44:55 AM
Mods / Re: Vice City map import chron...
Last post by Randomdays - June 03, 2024, 04:41:50 AM
1) use the "edit in game" button to go to the map, and the bridge should there, right in the center. Going back and forth between the in game editor and the templates tab, enter the x/y/z values for the bridge to move it where you want it. the top of the 3 other options will rotate the nif. You can actually grab it in the in game editor and move it with the mouse, but I like the templates tab more.

In this case I'm moving the bridge to the north edge of the map, and rotating the turbolift to the south, to connect to the corridor and the rest of the rooms. When its in position, save the level.

If you go into the normal game and select it from the "Rumble Room" choices, you can move to the bridge and check it out.

In the pic below, I had El Diablo fly north and land next to the captain's chair. The bridge right now is done except I need to add some bounding boxes and split the chairs off as separate items that you could pick up and throw.

After this, It should be just doing the final setup for the rest of the rooms, like for the bridge, and adding them to the map.