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Possible Projects Interest

Started by Randomdays, September 22, 2013, 02:43:31 AM

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I'm looking at a maybe starting a few different projects and checking to see if there's any interest in some help;

1) Lost in Space - I've got models of the Jupiter 2, Chariot, the Robot, the laser pistol and rifle, and the landing pod. The jetpack from the the James Bond skope that detourne_me skoped could be used for the two males, John Robinson and Major West. I'd need help getting the transparent glass portions working on these, and someone that would skin the Robinson family and Dr Smith. If anyone has Poser and knew how it worked, I found most of the family as Poser meshes on line. Over my head on getting them to work though.

2) Thunderbirds - I've got all the Thunderbirds and some of the Tracy family. Would need someone to skin some other characters like Lady Penelope, etc after I see what I have.

3) Dinosaurs/ Prehistoric - I've got the triceratops, stegasurus, a mammoth and a few other dinos. Wouldn't need any help with this I think.

4) Space Ghost/ Tarzan - I'm working on a converting a small creature from Turok into a monkey. Once done and rigged, it could be skinned by someone into Blip or Tarzan's companion, Nkima. Jan and Jace could be skinned as well if anyone was interested. Most of the villians would be hard to do but Moltar and Metallus could be skoped/ skinned from whats out already.

5) Trying to do a Benton Quest and Bandit from Jonny Quest. May need help reskinning Bandit. There's already a Race Bannon out there and Daglob started Jonny a while back. That would leave Hadji and maybe Jade and Dr Zin. There's also a mesh of Zin's Spider I could try to rig in bring into game.

I'm also working on finishing up some Looney tunes and starting some other groups - Ducktales, Disney's Mickey and friends, a ton of Star Trek characters,ships and villians from all the various shows,Tom and Jerry, and some various single characters and surprises, but I think I can handle those okay.

Cyber Burn

I don't know if my skoping skills are up to par for what you need, but I would at least be willing to give it a try.


Thanks Cyber. I think mostly skinning would be needed.

For Skoping, If you know how to deal with alpha, I think if I set the vehicles up with the glass parts as seperate items somehow with their own materials, they could have their alpha turned on to make them transparent.

For Hadji, Kennx has a Sargon the Sorcerer with a turban on it and a couple of other turbaned characters. If that could be skoped on a sidekick mesh that might be a start.

If you're not sure what Moltar and Metallus look like, here's a pic of the major Space Ghost Villians together ;

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Randomdays on September 23, 2013, 01:28:03 AM
Thanks Cyber. I think mostly skinning would be needed.

For Skoping, If you know how to deal with alpha, I think if I set the vehicles up with the glass parts as seperate items somehow with their own materials, they could have their alpha turned on to make them transparent.

For Hadji, Kennx has a Sargon the Sorcerer with a turban on it and a couple of other turbaned characters. If that could be skoped on a sidekick mesh that might be a start.

If you're not sure what Moltar and Metallus look like, here's a pic of the major Space Ghost Villians together ;

Figures, skinning is pretty much out of the question for me. As for alphas, that's something that I have never learned. I could probably skope Hadji for you. As for the Space Ghost villains, which two are Moltar and Metallus?


What I know from Space Ghost I learned from Adult Swim, but I'd like to see those characters in action!
I might try my hand in making a Brak one, once I finish this set I'm making.


That would be great. Here's an original, non-comedy episode from the original 1966 series on youtube, to see what it used to be like, including the Zorak one -


While Hadji has never been started, he was always intended to accompany Jonny, and I've looked at various labcoated meshes with ideas about turning one into Dr. Quest. Haven't found anything that I thought would make the perfect Jade. I did do another version of Race, though. Jan and Jace are in the works (problems with Jan's mask, looking for a jetpack, that kind of thing).

THE ROBOT FROM LOST IN SPACE? I can hardly wait!

Here's hoping for Fireball XL-5's crew...


For Fireball XL-5, I can convert the ship over, plus I've got meshes for the ships on Gerry's other shows - Supercar, UFO, Thunderbirds and Stingray. I already did Space 1999's Eagle a while back.

I started Dr Quest using the character creator in "The Movies" Game since I can't Skin. I'll post a pic later of what I was able to do wtih it.

The robot from Lost in space would be fairly static. I can't rig the arms to extend and shoot his electrical attack for instance, as they would also extend and swing when he walked.

Jan/ Jace's jetpack looks like a fairly simple box on their back.

Finished the probably last group of Looney Tunes this morning - Granny, Sylvester, Tweety and Pepe le Pew. Needs to be tweaked and packaged then up in a couple of days.


I couldn't find a nozzle for the jetpack; a resized square quiver from a TV mesh would do for the box. SCD's Cheetah (as in Tarzan and) might make a good Blip (Bandit is about the only charicatured cartoon animal in "realistic" series I ever liked).

And who cares if the LIS robot's arms don't move. I can't remember if Loopy Wolf's stuff can be scoped (I think so), but have you looked at his Daleks? They come in two sizes, so beware.

I don't know how to do it, but I wonder if aSFX could be made that looked like The Robot was extending his arms (like the Stretch Beam, but not as far)?

What about Robert the Robot (not that my computer would handle his transparent body correctly, but still...)?


I could easily add the nozzle to the quiver/jetpack, that wouldn't be a problem.

SCD's Cheetah would need a tail and some changes since he's an ape and and thick bodied, and Blip is a monkey.

I'm looking at the Sims 2 Pets creator to see if I can make a good Bandit in it.

"Robert" the Robot, did you mean this one? Only the head is transparent like the B9.


There actually is a Robby the Robot mesh (don't remember who did it-it's one of the older meshes-but I did a GL skin for it), but Robert was from Frieball XL-5.

Write up on a model is here:

You'd probably have to find him for another game and convert; I don't know how anyone would scope him.


Guys, here's a shot of that Brak mesh I volunteered to contribute:



Mesh and Base Skin: Edited from Male_Teen_TM by The Firey Tomato
Brak's Head and Hair made in Blender and skinned in GIMP!

Brak created by Alex Toth, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. SPACE GHOST and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Hanna-Barbera. THE BRAK SHOW and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © 2009 Cartoon Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

Freedom for Force Versus the Third Reich Copyright © 2005 Irrational Games.
Freedom Force and the Freedom Force logo and related characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Irrational Games unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.


It's a strange fusion of Classic!Brak and Adult Swim Child!Brak. His head's actually more of a helmet, and if you run him through CTool it looks weird plus some character animations show the head beneath, but when you put him through FFX 3.0 it's unnoticeable!

Here's a scale comparison shot of Brak in action:

If Randomdays thinks it's cool then I'll drop off the DL links!


Cyber Burn

You are doing some very nice work with Blender.  :thumbup:


That IS Brak! More Awesome, and Daglob's Jan as well! Please post away!


I agree everyone here ^_^, that is most definitely Brak plus it looks like to me that it does really look like Brak as his actual self and above all I really like it 100%. So just like Randomdays just said, and I quote with him "Please post away!". Also, please note that I do also like Daglob's Jan as well since Randomdays mentioned her :). One more thing, I am a really big fan of SPACE GHOST along with many other HANNA-BARBERA based shows that had some of the finest heroes such as Birdman and The Galaxy Trio :D. Great job on Brak, and I do hope that he will be up for grabs in the form of a download along with anyone/everyone else and many more characters that join up with him in the form of a download or more :thumbup:.



Working on a few of the items mentioned at the thread start above

After going thru a bunch of Lost in Space Robots on the web I was able to get a few into Blender, and even fewer back out as a nif. One is very nice but is 600,000 or so polys. The one pictured below is a sketchup from the 3D Warehouse. It started at 60,000 polys or so, but the pic shows it in Character Tool at about 20,000 - hopefully I can get the count down some more. Also good is that fact the glass portions are alpha enabled and transparency works and can changed.

Also working on the Tom and Jerry set - Tom is done and ready as well as 4 different skoped versions of him in different costumes.

The other pic is a first try at Dr Quest - The costume is fine but the face not so good. Created with the character creator in "The Movies" game


Ha, cool work on all three of thsoe, RD.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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I agree with Benton on this one 100% Randomdays ^_^, all three of the following characters such as Tom, Dr. Quest and the robot that you are working on look awesome and above all I am a fan of many cartoons such as Tom and Jerry along with the HANNA-BARBERA classic Jonny Quest plus many TV classics such as LOST IN SPACE since I'm a big fan of the robot from that certain show and liked it since I had started watching it on DVD :). Great job Randomdays, I do hope that you will get these squared away with anyone else that you need to work on if you have anymore to work with, and I do hope that these along with many others will be ready for us to enjoy and use to play with in :ff: depending on which version these are for ;).


President Raygun

Just had to say, that Tom is excellent! Keep up the great work Random.


I agree - the Tom is fantastic! I can't even begin to know where to begin to make parts like that.


Thanks, but I can't take credit for anything but the rigging on it. Original model from the Tom and Jerry Gamecube game "War of the Whiskers". Rigging not that bad except for the very short legs that in the end wound up not being able to bend.

Was able to get the robot down to 15,000, but lower than that, deformations starting appearing messing up the shape. The robot itself has no skin - all the colors are from the material.

Starting work on rigging Jerry - besides basic Jerry there should also be 4 different skoped costume versions.

Edit - Jerry is done. Had to jump thru some hoops to get him to work due to the non standard base pose he came in - removed the left leg, selected the right leg and copied it, mirrored it and then reattached the copy as the new left leg. Only the thigh bones are rigged to the legs. On the arms, the right hand is rigged to the right forearm instead. He looks good but not great in character tool. Doing the skoped versions should be quick. Tom will be set to 50% of standard size and Jerry to probably 25% standard.

Unrigged Jerry

Rigged Jerry


I like the way Jerry looks Random, and above all you're doing a great job with him so far :thumbup:. I do hope you bring him out with the others for us to enjoy, and above all I do hope you'll bring some more characters based upon where they are from and I do hope they come out looking great :). Keep up the good work Random, and I do hope that your next set of characters will be up for being made and finished at the same time ;).


P.S. Random, I didn't know that you used Tom from the Gamecube version game of TOM & JERRY: WAR OF THE WHISKERS and I'm wondering if my guess is right on this one is that Jerry is from the same game as well but I could be wrong :unsure:.


Sorry it took so long, bro - I got hung up on this splotchy-skin issue when creating a Brak character for the first time. I've fixed it - I hope.

Anyway, here's Brak_v1! He comes with keyframes plus a bonus Sisto skin! Brak's Dad and Mr. Bawk-Buh-Gawk not included. Enjoy!


Thank you very much for providing us a link to download to Brak for us to use in :ff: to play with and battle :lol:, but most of all I'm glad you included a bonus character in the form of a skin known as Sisto which I will also enjoy very much as well ^_^. Once again :), thank you very much and I do appreciate it plus I will enjoy both Brak and Sisto together very much as I play with them along with using them to battle my choice of enemies and creating them as well ;).




No Droopy unfortunately. But I've got and going to try to rig the following; Nibbles the baby mouse, Spike and Tyke the bulldogs, Butch the cat, the baby duck and the robot cat. If I can grab it, I'll try to do monster Jerry. Nibbles and Butch should also have some skoped verisons. I've also could do a lion and an eagle from the game that were taken from some of the old episodes, but since they're really not recognizable or iconic will probably skip them.

Should be about 20 meshes alltogether when done.

One of Jerry's skopes is done, the second almost done. 2 more and I'll start on the next.

Daglob, looking at some Space Ghost cartoons, I really didn't see a nozzle on the jet pack. Jonny Quest's jet pack did, but I think  the quiver might be alright as is for Jan, maybe some narrowing at the bottom where the thrust came from.


Can't wait to see more along with more characters from TOM & JERRY :lol:, and above all I'll have to wait and see how they will all come out in the way on what they all look like so far and how they will work out for everyone's approval :). Until then, I'll be waiting for more characters from TOM & JERRY and above all I do hope Spike and Tyke the bulldogs will come out looking great with the others ;). One more thing, I do especially like Spike and Tyke very much and I'm a big fan of them with the other iconic characters from the TOM & JERRY cartoons as well :D.



Quote from: BigD on September 30, 2013, 09:55:29 PM
Thank you very much for providing us a link to download to Brak for us to use in :ff: to play with and battle :lol:, but most of all I'm glad you included a bonus character in the form of a skin known as Sisto which I will also enjoy very much as well ^_^. Once again :), thank you very much and I do appreciate it plus I will enjoy both Brak and Sisto together very much as I play with them along with using them to battle my choice of enemies and creating them as well ;).


@BigD: You're welcome! Thanks to everyone else for their compliments, too!

Random, if you've got any other Hanna-Barbera characters slated up, just PM me and I'll see what I can do.