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Pod'20: Goldballs (March 22)

Started by Podmark, August 22, 2011, 12:35:42 AM

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Great work, Podmark.

I like your new releases.  I was waiting for the nightwing skin.  Thank you.

:) :) :)

Until Further Notice,  

No Requests will be be accepted.



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laughing paradox

Nice releases! I love the Cassandra Cain skope/skins combo.


Happy new year!

Today I bring you the new Scarlet Spider:

Thanks to AA, who provided me his Spider-Man skope early.

Spinning out of the recent Spider Island storyline in Amazing Spider-Man, a new Scarlet Spider ongoing series starts next week starring Spider-Man's formerly degenerated clone Kaine. That's right, we now live in a world where Kaine has his own solo series - and I'm quite looking forward to it.

I can't say the Clone Saga is a good storyline, but Maximum Carnage #3 was the first comic I ever bought myself (though I didn't get into regular reading for another few years) so I've always had a soft spot for it and it's major characters. I've only read a bit of it but I've been remedying that by slowly picking up the Clone Saga trades that came out a while back.

With the Scarlet Spider I now sit at 393 skins, so the big 400 is in sight.

I'm debating running another skin poll. If I do it will be up soon.
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That costume is... unfortunate. You did a nice job though, Canadian.

I heard that the "original version" release of the Clone Saga was better. DId you happen to read it, Poddymarkington?
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Quote from: Previsionary on January 02, 2012, 09:58:03 PM
That costume is... unfortunate. You did a nice job though, Canadian.

I kinda like it.

Quote from: Previsionary on January 02, 2012, 09:58:03 PM
I heard that the "original version" release of the Clone Saga was better. DId you happen to read it, Poddymarkington?

Do you mean the mini that came out a few years ago? I read it but can't remember it all that well right now, I think I liked it though. Art was nice, I always enjoy Todd Nauck.
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I kind of like it as well. Sure beats a sweat shirt. 

Great job Podmark! I have enjoyed catching up on your skins.
I am not, nor have I ever been a Rude Naked Hero!


Happy to see another new skin from ya Podmark. ^_^

Intriguing new character....must read about him sometime.
So there's another clone eh? Hmmmm.... :)

laughing paradox

I dig that design! I really like the skin.

I didn't even know Kaine was still around. Didn't he die during that Kraven storyline a year or two back?


Quote from: XStream on January 03, 2012, 01:18:18 AM
Sure beats a sweat shirt.   

I liked the hoodie...

Quote from: laughing paradox on January 03, 2012, 02:44:10 AM
I didn't even know Kaine was still around. Didn't he die during that Kraven storyline a year or two back?

At the very end of that storyline Kaine rose from the grave, mutated and now called the Tarantula. The Jackal found him and further mutated him into a nearly mindless man-spider. During the recent Spider Island storyline Kaine was restored back to human form and his degeneration was reversed. Peter and Kaine teamed up, and afterwards Kaine left New York with Peter's stealth suit.
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Pod Thanks for all your Bat-skins you released on X-mas,  they kick butt!


LOVE the new Scarlet Spider my friend! I like the new costume in as much as it reminds me of Spiderman Unlimited, but ti really needs the blue hoody!! Are you going to do a version with that?


Quote from: ghazkul on January 03, 2012, 07:48:03 PM
LOVE the new Scarlet Spider my friend! I like the new costume in as much as it reminds me of Spiderman Unlimited, but ti really needs the blue hoody!! Are you going to do a version with that?

Not planning to, unless he continues to wear it in the new series (and I don't believe he is).
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I love it Pod!

I started a blue hoody version (my favorite Spidey costume) but never finished it. Maybe one day soon I will.

Oh btw use the newer skope, the first one had a few issues.


ooh, meant to ask, with all the Bat-Goodies you've done is there any plans to do Bat-Woman?


Quote from: AfghanAnt on January 04, 2012, 09:50:02 PM
Oh btw use the newer skope, the first one had a few issues.

Okay, will do.

Quote from: ghazkul on January 06, 2012, 12:39:08 PM
ooh, meant to ask, with all the Bat-Goodies you've done is there any plans to do Bat-Woman?

Not right now. I'm not really huge on her. I believe our friend Mr. Ant has a nice one in his section.
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It's time for the third annual Podmark skin poll! The skins from the two previous polls (X-Force, Omega Sentinel) took forever to be completed but I'm hoping to be a little faster this time. Truth is I like these polls, they're fun and I always find it interesting to see how people vote.

This year I'm going with my own version of the Teen Girl Squad. Your choices are:

Stephanie Brown - Batgirl
My trip through Gotham sadly appears to be ending but you can still vote to get that Batgirl skin made. If not just wait til my next trip to Gotham.

Hope Summers - Mutant Messiah
Picked up Generation Hope at a sale at my shop recently and I've been picking up Uncanny so I've been reading plenty of Hope lately. With Avengers vs X-Men coming this summer this might finally be the year with find out what her deal is, and what would be a better time to skin her?

Megan Gwynn - Pixie
My never ending attempt to skin all the New X-men continues with Pixie (who recently joined Generation Hope's roster). If you like girls with butterfly wings this is the choice for you.

May Parker - Spider-Girl
And finally the Amazing Spider-Girl. Those with long memories will recall that I used to skin lots of characters from the MC2 line but I never skinned May Parker in her original costume. AA's recent Ultimate Spider-Woman skin inspired me to revisit the idea.

So those are your choices, vote for your favorite. Voting ends January 13.
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Pod, I know you and I have this weird relationship where I don't like you because you're Canadian and you absolutely adore me, but why do you keep trying to insult me by attempting to skin the most annoying characters alive? *looks at Hope and Pixie*

Apologize to me immediately. Obviously, I vote for Spider-girl and Batgirl. I shall go do that now. *shimmies away in a blast of lightning*
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Quote from: Previsionary on January 07, 2012, 04:11:41 AM
Obviously, I vote for Spider-girl and Batgirl.

Good luck with voting for both, it's one vote per person!
Ha that'll show that silly Previsionary.
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laughing paradox

Firstly, I remember when Teen Girl Squad was just an email response from Strongbad. I friggin' love TGS.

So anyway, these are some damn nice choices. I love MC2. (Did you ever do Ladyhawke?)

I wanted to do my own rendition of A-Next, just because I loved that book so much. Maybe in time I will, who knows?

Anyway, my vote will go for Batgirl. Stephanie needs some love.


Torn between Pixie and Hope!!! Do both!! Xmen vs Avengers is coming!!


Quote from: laughing paradox on January 07, 2012, 05:09:47 AM(Did you ever do Ladyhawke?)

I did, but it's one of my really old skins, could really use an update but I'm not sure I'll be getting to that anytime soon.
If you want it let me know.
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I agree with prem... eff hope. NuJean needs to go away.

I vote for Batgirl. Someone needs to give her props, since DC clearly isn't going to.


i wanna say batgirl and spider-girl

but i have to annoy prem to all hell, so vote for hope, hope for the future


Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on January 07, 2012, 09:36:59 PM
i wanna say batgirl and spider-girl

but i have to annoy prem to all hell, so vote for hope, hope for the future

Annoy me? I feel sorry for you. You're hoping that a whiny brat named Hope will save your nonexistant future. Sorry, home girl. Ain't gonna happen.

Quote from: Podmark on January 07, 2012, 05:05:18 AM
Quote from: Previsionary on January 07, 2012, 04:11:41 AM
Obviously, I vote for Spider-girl and Batgirl.

Good luck with voting for both, it's one vote per person!
Ha that'll show that silly Previsionary.

If I want to vote twice, I shall vote twice. How dare you! How dare you question me! *bombs Canada*  :angry:
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Quote from: the_ultimate_evil on January 07, 2012, 09:36:59 PM
i wanna say batgirl and spider-girl

but i have to annoy prem to all hell, so vote for hope, hope for the future

Dude... no. In this case, annoying prem is not acceptable criteria for a vote. We can annoy prem any time... hell, we annoy prem by EXISTING. But NuJean is a horrible horrible character, in many ways representing what's wrong with modern marvel, and I refuse to see her get skinned before better, more interesting characters.


My vote goes to Batgirl. Coz i like the character. :)
If i could vote for 2.....Spider-girl would be a close second. :P

Edited to add: Looking at Pixie, she ain't bad herself. :stupor

President Raygun

I voted for Batgirl, because seeing her in-game is probably the only way we'll be seeing her for quite a while (Thanks a lot 52) :angry:


I vote Hope,sorry guys but I kinda like her.
Awesome job on Kaine also :cool:


Today I tribute X-Men writer Mike Carey who just finished a lengthy run on X-Men/X-Men Legacy. It was a great run and I always felt he really got the characters, I'm sad to see him go. So in tribute I give you Professor X:

It probably should have been Rogue, but I'll save her for another day. I've been meaning to skin a suit wearing non-paralyzed version of Chuck for quite some time, it's the way I prefer him.

Avengers Academy writer Christos Gage starts his run on Legacy this week, and for me he's the perfect replacement for Carey. Looking forward to the run.

And Miss Brown leads the poll, but there's still 4 days left.
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