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Pod'20: Goldballs (March 22)

Started by Podmark, August 22, 2011, 12:35:42 AM

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Windblown is back so time for me to dust off the ol' Photoshop. Today I bring you time displaced teenage Jean Grey:

All but the last skin have been done for quite some time. This was the last set I was working on before Windblown went on hiatus and I got fairly burned out. Since then I skinned Gentle and some Legionnaires, but it's nice to finally finish this set off.

A few years ago Beast brought the original five X-Men from the past to the present in order to force present Cyclops to face the man he had become. The teen X-Men got stuck in the present and had adventures for a few years before finally being sent back last year. Teen Jean was the highlight of the group as regular Jean had been long dead when the past version came around. Of course Marvel then resurrected Jean and we had two Jeans running around for a while.
Nowadays the X-Men have resurrection protocols and everyone comes back.
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Wow, great work, Pod!  Those are lovely, and I particularly like the faces on the mask-less versions.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Love it. I really enjoyed those characters. It was one of those things were when they proposed it I thought it sounded lame but when I tried it out I was hooked.


"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Cyber Burn

The original 5 were always my favorite, so I'm a bit biased here, but I have to say that Jean turned out simply Marvel-ous (pun intended).  :D


So glad you're back to skin!  ^_^

Jean looks fantastic! I really like the Extraordinary X-men skin (even if I didn't like it a lot on the comic) and the jacket of the X-men Blue one.


Y'know, it's a shame none of the time displaced X-men ever really had good designs during that period. They were all just so... busy.

Don't get me wrong though, I say that in part because these are actually a lot better looking than they have any right to be. These skins are so good I'm left wishing we'd gotten something like Adult Jean's redesign from the latter portion of this era, which I actually really liked.


Well busy is pretty standard for most X-Men costumes in general for the last several years. I liked some of 05 costumes, but none of them were amazing. The first set always make me think of Power Rangers.
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Yeah, but every so often we got a good one, Ex. Adult Jean pre-House/Powers of X. I actually wouldn't have minded a slightly updated version of their graduation gear... I get Cyclops not wanting that, but it'd have been cool to see a non blue beast rocking that style of outfit again.

That said, the x-men blue designs were definitely on the better end. Still busy, but they at least kinda matched the style of other X-men designs at the time. The mostly white ones just... didn't look like X-men costumes.


I think I got agree with Tomato on that. Like they were trying too hard to both capture the original look yet set it apart and brand it at the same time. Meanwhile just a solid streamlined design would have worked just as well.


Took longer than I hoped but here are some new skins.

Three versions of the young X-Men Goldballs. Goldballs was a student at Cyclops' Xavier School. He fires gold jimmies from his body.
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Very nice, your work is always amazing.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Yay!! :thumbup: :thumbup: He looks fantastic!! and that face is perfect.


It is so weird looking at the casual version because it kinda looks like wireframes to me even though I know it's not. Skins are all great, love the unique costume, really pops.


Thanks guys. I spent a lot of time on the face trying to capture Chris Bachelo's art.
Get my skins at:
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Great work on all of them, Pod!  The name sort of cracks me up, especially as the board changes it to 'jimmies'. 

The face is sort of amazing.  It's wonderfully unique and full of personality.  I've never so much as seen a comic with this kid in it, but I think I have an idea of who he is, just from that face.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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