Super Boosters You'd Like To See

Started by BlueBard, November 13, 2009, 04:41:30 PM

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After seeing the post for the Martial-Arts super booster (and not being terribly interested in it), I wondered what super boosters you'd all like to see.

Post your ideas here.  Include the theme, descriptions of costume pieces, descriptions of emotes and costume change emotes, and one booster power that fits your theme.  In keeping with other booster powers, it should be fairly gimped (limited effect, long recharge, built-in disadvantage, less powerful than standard powers, similar to an existing power but with different f/x, etc).

I'll start you all off with a couple...

Theme: Vampire
Costume Pieces: Dracula-style cape w/raised collar, various vampiric faces with different fangs, trickles of blood, etc.  Vampiress dresses. Could also include some vampire-hunter pieces, like a bandolier of stakes or a priest outfit.
 recoil (as if from garlic, cross, etc)
 batchange (momentarily turns char into flying bat)
 batfly (flying emote)
 smokechange (momentarily turns char into hovering smoke cloud)
 smokefly (flying emote)
Power: Vampiric Rise: A fallen character can target a nearby enemy and self-rez with 25% health and endurance while draining some health and endurance from the target.  Usable once per hour.

Theme: Adventurer
Costume Pieces: various adventurer type costumes (treasure-hunter, swashbuckler, archer-hero, etc)
 hitground  (char dives to ground face down and prone)
 lookclues  (char looks thru a magnifying glass)
Power: Whip: Close range attack, does minor lethal damage with small chance of knockdown.
Power: Dumb Luck: High defense buff with moderate knockback and smashing/lethal damage resistance for 10 seconds, long recharge time.  Does not stack with other defense powers.
Note: This would tie in nicely if they'd ever add a swinging travel power to CoX...
STO/CO: @bluegeek