Player Content Repository?

Started by Ephemeris, March 26, 2009, 03:30:11 AM

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Rain and I were talking about a month ago about sharing costume files to create arcs that involve superteams of FR/NRF member's characters.  How awesome would it be to have a mission vs FR, NRF or any other group?  We could also store villain groups or unpublished arcs.  We thought a repository of costume files for one stop shopping would be best.  The files are saved as text files, so they're small and they're easy to 'install'.

Would anyone be interested in a website where you could get other people's costumes, arcs or other unpublished player related content?  TW is willing to set one up if there is enough interest.


Marmeille is the wisest cat ever, EVER!!!
Cool Cape is sometimes made of oatmeal (freaking unstable molecules).


That means I could steal Eph's cool costumes!  YEAH!  DOO EET!!



TW wants a suppository? What?

*reads again* Ohhh...REpository. Ok, that makes more sense.

Oh, and you guys know I'm on board, I'd love to see if anyone comes up with better Freedom Force Characters than I have. :D


Another great idea from the troubled minds here at FF.   :D

I can see a mission right now:   TW is being held hostage on a planet of Amazons, being guarded by women of incomparable beauty and you need to save him and drag him out of there ... and all the while, he's begging you, "Please!  I don't want to be saved!  just leave me friggin' alone!"   :wub:
Plotter and Writer of ... The Legendary (and by that I mean LONG FORGOTTEN) Fantastic Force!!!!



El Condor

"Things would be so different, if they were not as they are." - Anna Russell


[img width=145 height=45][/img]

"I hold to a simple philosophy: Just assume everyone's a piece of crap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage


TW has started on the site. 

Here's the link:

TW is looking for some feedback on the site.  It's still a work in progress, just post your thoughts here.


Nice simple design.  Easy to find what you need.  Plus, it's just a kick-arse idea.

A couple suggestions for when it gets more populated...
-The missions/critters/vg/costumes pages are going to have a ton of scrolling if the pics and text layout stays as big as it is.  I would suggest pics half the size, shrink the text and put it below the pics.  You should fit 4 columns across then and 2 rows to have 8 submissions viewable in the frame at a time.
-anyway to add a search by 'alphabetical', 'most recent' or 'creator' function?  That'll be handy when we've got plenty posted.