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Champions Online

Started by RTTingle, February 09, 2009, 06:24:15 AM

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I have 2 questions:

#1 : I thought I read a while back that you could change the color of your powers but, I don't see this option anywhere - Anyone know if this feature will be added or is already in there & just don't know how to access it yet

#2 Thought you could make a Nemesis for your Hero, not seeing that either

I was able to convert some of my CoX original toons over to Champ like Professor Mako - Alot of the same costume peices are in this CC - This game is getting cooler by the Minute but, CoX is still King for now :blink:


Quote from: electro on August 24, 2009, 01:35:04 AM
I have 2 questions:

#1 : I thought I read a while back that you could change the color of your powers but, I don't see this option anywhere - Anyone know if this feature will be added or is already in there & just don't know how to access it yet

Took me a while to find that, too... It's not part of the character creator or anything. Open your "Powers" tab. Each power has a color in a little box next to the power name. Click on that box, and you can edit the power's color.

Quote from: electro on August 24, 2009, 01:35:04 AM

#2 Thought you could make a Nemesis for your Hero, not seeing that either

Not at first; you have to reach a certain level to get a Nemesis.
Fear the "A"!!!


Quote from: Tortuga on August 22, 2009, 05:15:25 PM
-I prefer the 'realistic' graphics of CoH/V

Try turning off the comic shading in the graphics options. As fun as that is, I think the game looks absolutely beautiful without it.
Fear the "A"!!!



Quote from: MJB on August 22, 2009, 06:17:24 AM
I, MJB, was invited into the early closed-beta version of CO. I, MJB, tested CO as often as it was available. I, MJB, soon discovered that CO was not fun. I, MJB, felt that CO was an attempt at Super-WoW (ie take WoW and slide in super heroes). The WoW-ness was hard to get past.

I, MJB, will not be subscribing to CO.

End message.

Agreed. I had very high hopes for Champions, and was even involved in some rather indepth discussions on the official forums pre-alpha. A lot of the concepts CO floated sounded spectacular. Then I got into alpha. It was sort of ominous when the first set of threads on the closed forums I saw were entitled "when does it get fun?"

I set those aside; after all, it was only mid-alpha. Much would change over time. In the end, I wound up uninstalling the beta client from my PC. While there were some strong points, overall, I found both the desert and Canada to be excrutiatingly boring, the implementation of the cool concepts to be severely lacking, the level-gating of the Nemesis system (level 25?!) to be utterly stupid, the endurance building mechanism to be bland and obnoxious, and the omission of some of the highly touted aspects (e.g., secret identities) to be sorely disappointing. Not to mention the open world fantasy-like mob placement and mission style feeling decidedly unheroic.

At this point, there's nothing about CO that could entice me away from CoH/V; I find the "old" game much more enjoyable in looks, gameplay, and combat style. And the Mission Architect has rendered the Nemesis system moot, at least the way the Nemesis is handle right now. I can create my own nemesis and the full backstory, giving the story far more depth than the generic style CO has right now.


open world fantasy-like mob placement and mission style feeling decidedly unheroic

Really?  I like the job they've done telling stories about why those mobs are out and about doing what they are doing and the missions are pretty good.  CoX had mobs of guys just haning around for no reason at all, and even when I go on a mission I feel like I'm fighting mobs of guys standing around.  I can only assume you haven't played the same missions I have.  For example, I just played a mission where I had to get into a Viper stronghold.  Well, the security bots saw me and alertered the nearest patrol who then came charging at me.  I thought that was fun and well done. 

Its a matter of opinion, of course, but I will disagree with you on this point.


Quote from: captmorgan72 on August 24, 2009, 01:26:22 AM
I went ahead and made an original character just to avoid any problems. I would hate to level up a tribute character only to have to delete him/her. I also went back and read the terms of agreement carefully and yes, you are not suppose to use copy written characters. I gave my Hulk the name Green Goliath but he was obviously the Hulk. Oh well, anyway I like my original now anyway.

Never could understand why Marvel could dictate what a third party creates on their own accord on another persons IP, but I guess I'll never be able to understand.

Finally tried out CO, and well, it feels like I'm playing COX all over again.  Am I missing something?  It just seems like COX with a minor facelift.  There's definitely some nice touches in the character creator, but I couldn't find anyway to make a full face mask.  The fights seem to play out exactly as they do in COX:  run up to group of enemies; aggro said group; click a bunch of times to trigger your powers; stand in one spot and defeat enemies; except if you wait too long; the enemies respawn.  Granted I only did the tutorial missions which ate up a lot of time.  The powers looked like the same meager assortment that COX gives.  I was hoping to try something new and exciting, but it felt like the same old, same old.  Oh, and for some reason there was no sound (my computer is old and clunking).  I'm just not convinced that this is worth paying a monthly fee for.  And as already mentioned, there's way too much reading which I found myself ignoring because it was already too much of a time sink just grinding through the missions.  In the end, just not that much fun, and so much like COX that I might as well renew that subscription than pay for this version.


Quote from: Xenolith on August 24, 2009, 03:08:05 PM
open world fantasy-like mob placement and mission style feeling decidedly unheroic

Really?  I like the job they've done telling stories about why those mobs are out and about doing what they are doing and the missions are pretty good.  CoX had mobs of guys just haning around for no reason at all, and even when I go on a mission I feel like I'm fighting mobs of guys standing around.  I can only assume you haven't played the same missions I have.  For example, I just played a mission where I had to get into a Viper stronghold.  Well, the security bots saw me and alertered the nearest patrol who then came charging at me.  I thought that was fun and well done. 

Its a matter of opinion, of course, but I will disagree with you on this point.

That's all right. Opinions will vary.  :)

It feels more like a sci-fi game than a superhero game to me. The more I tested/played, the more bored I got with CO. From my personal perspective, the greatest thing I got from my time in CO was a better appreciation for and revitalized interest in CoH/V.


Logged many hours into CO and I really don't see the reason to keep playing. I find it kind of boring and had tons more fun with games like WoW and Galaxies. I have never tried CoX but from what I am reading it is actually fun. I probably should try that one out.


I wonder how this game will be in a few years. Because, honestly, CoH is only now becoming a game I would enjoy. I was fairly bored of it quickly when it first came out. I can see myself being bored quickly with this as well. Mostly since I have terrible altitis, and the fact that I don't like playing with random strangers. That, coupled with the fact I can't really play it online unless I lug my computer downstairs. I dunno...

Should I get a lifetime subscription to a game I don't really want until a few years from now? I'd also have to play it a lot right off the bat, since I figure that's what the folks here who get the game will do. I just don't know.

Quick question, was there ever word on a stand alone character creator? I know CoX is too stubborn for one. The look of this game is really what wins it for me.


CO is good when you play with a group, hence MMO, but I like MMOs where you can have fun playing as a group as well as going solo.  I played last night with some friends and we had fun.  When I played solo it was like, meh.  They are talking about getting it, I'm not sure for myself.
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Quote from: JeyNyce on August 25, 2009, 12:41:54 PM
CO is good when you play with a group, hence MMO, but I like MMOs where you can have fun playing as a group as well as going solo.  I played last night with some friends and we had fun.  When I played solo it was like, meh.  They are talking about getting it, I'm not sure for myself.

Heh. I've been soloing nearly exclusively, and having a great time doing it.
Fear the "A"!!!


The $200 lifetime is what pulling me in, I really like that.  I did the same for LOTRO (Lord of The Rings Online) and I'm loving it.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Although... I've been mulling it over and the Nemesis system is really bugging me. I don't get to design minions. I don't get to customize their powers, just pick from frameworks. That means I don't get to choose their travel power. Not to mention, and this is a gripe with the character creator, the simian head doesn't allow me to give them antennas coming out the sides of their face, so I can't make Sil'Varr B'Akk and his army of Space Apes! Grrrr-Ow!


CO is not for me. The replay value is really low, not too crazy about the graphics too. *Shrugs*
I'll wait for DCUO.


I've decided not to subscribe.  In fact, I'm just not going to play any more MMORPGs.  Maybe if DCU is AWESOME, I'll play that, but otherwise, I'm done with them.


Man, a lot of negative views of this game here.  I was really hoping it would be great. <_<
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Benton, I liked CO as much as I've liked any MMORPG, maybe even more so since you can just about create any character you want to.  The missions are fun, the stories are humorous at times, and the world is pretty cool.  I'm just at a point where there are other things I'd rather do with my time.


I just watched's video previews of SW: The Old Republic MMO by Bioware.

Sorry CO, I'd rather give my money to them.


SW: The old Republic is a must, no question about it.
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It's the internet, don't take it personal!


So, i was actually thinking of going really into Co; but after i read evething everyone has to say about it...It doesn't look like such a great game. Apparently the only cool part is the character editor, adn then it jumps from awesome to boring. Too bad, i'll wait for the DCUO...


Quote from: Trelau on August 25, 2009, 07:36:10 PM
So, i was actually thinking of going really into Co; but after i read evething everyone has to say about it...It doesn't look like such a great game. Apparently the only cool part is the character editor, adn then it jumps from awesome to boring. Too bad, i'll wait for the DCUO...

Honestly, I don't find anything about this game boring. The other day, one of my Beta characters got into a fight with a previously-disguised alien warrior on the streets of Millennium City- it was great! Like something out of a Superman comic! We kept sending each other flying...

I even kind of enjoy the "crafting" system, and this is coming from someone who can't stand the CoH Inventions system...

Yes, there are problems I have with CO, but overall, I find it extremely fun, addictive, and enjoyable.
Fear the "A"!!!


Even though I was complaining, I really liked it. I had a ton more fun than I did with CoX when it first came out. I actually think I might just get it anyhow.

I even noticed a couple people already had me friended. Tomato. Psychopanda? Somebody else who I don't know. With Alaric there's totally enough to make a team of greatness, if I can only buckle down and stick to one character.


Someone in one of my WoW guilds has been feeding me info on CO and answering my questions about it, and I thought about pre-ordering CO, but after hearing things about it from other people and what I've read in the various threads here (well, this one and the one about it in the CoH section of the board), I think I'll be waiting until they decide to offer free trials.

(Will be paying for it with time cards, anyway; I'm not leaving WoW - especially after hearing what's coming in the next patch and the next expansion pack - and can't afford to pay for two subscriptions every month)

If I ever make GhostMachine in CO, he'll probably be a Power Armor guy; that's what the Freedom Force version was, and the only reason I didn't make him an armored guy in CoH (he's a cyborg, instead) is because none of the armor costumes in CoH looked cool enough. (Though I may make a pulp hero version, too; CoH GhostMachine's appearance is partially based on The Shadow, because I'm a big fan of that character)


Well, the life time offer is over so I lost all interest in the game.  I can't afford to be paying $15 a month right now.  We'll see next year.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


Hello All,

Just logged on into CO and found out that alot of you at last got into the game a sent me a much of bubby invites, thanks all for not forgrting I'm around and I hope to see Freedom Reborn as a Superteam/Supergroup/Guild in Champions soon.

I also love the graphics once you turn off the comic outlines but wish there was more different types of zones in the game. I see lots of promise in this game for the future.

And now for some news for all of you something Cryptic has added into the game that some of you might not know. For now but will problely be removed once the game goes live and this was only added this week.

It's called the Instant level 40 quest.

Once you can get into the Wilderness Zone (lvl 10), up on the ramp where you pop up when you die is a teleporter into the City. When you teleport into the city on that same platform you will see your first policeman in the city. Go and talk to him and get him to grant you the Supreme Power. What this does is instantly level you to level 40. Now you need to go to a trainer and pick your new powers. You can now fight as a level 40 hero until they wipe it all out at the end of the beta testing and go live.
Left to Right: Canine Crypto-Robin Hoodlem-Nurse Nitengale-Knight Star-Doc Medic-Super Sentry
Right to Left: Striper the Grimlin-Sargent Major-Demonic HellRaiser-Shogun Ninja Master-Demoness Diva-DMenacer


Quote from: DMenacer on August 26, 2009, 03:27:47 AM
Once you can get into the Wilderness Zone (lvl 10), up on the ramp where you pop up when you die is a teleporter into the City. When you teleport into the city on that same platform you will see your first policeman in the city. Go and talk to him and get him to grant you the Supreme Power. What this does is instantly level you to level 40. Now you need to go to a trainer and pick your new powers. You can now fight as a level 40 hero until they wipe it all out at the end of the beta testing and go live.

That's just for the End of Beta Event, so everyone can effectively take part in the battle against the giant destroids. Defintely not remaining as part of the game. Beta is lasting a couple of more days than originally announced- I believe everything's getting wiped tomorrow night- but I'm not sure if the Event is being extended for the final day, as well.
Fear the "A"!!!


Quote from: Tortuga on August 25, 2009, 05:50:28 PM
I just watched's video previews of SW: The Old Republic MMO by Bioware.

Sorry CO, I'd rather give my money to them.

Quoted for Truth.


I'm kind of hoping that Star Trek Online turns out to be good.  I'm not a hard-core Trekkie, but I'd rather play Sci-Fi than Fantasy.

The paradigm is a little strange... "Teams" are mini-fleets with each player captaining a ship in space and away teams filled with starship captains for the planetside stuff.  But I could live with that, I think, if they get the rest of it right.
STO/CO: @bluegeek