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DC Universe Online

Started by Midnite, January 11, 2009, 01:59:13 AM

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Server 3 screenshots, couldn't get in time for Superman vs Luthor. Featuring Jim Lee as future Batman and Nick Kolan, PC Editor at IGN, as future Joker



So people who was in Beta. What do you give this game out of 10? At its current state.
I give it a 7.5


Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


I'd give it 8+ out of 10, based on how much fun I'm having with it, and how often I come back to it.    I give the same 8+ to CoX, which I also really enjoy - but in a very different way.

I'm actually very glad that the games don't overlap in their style.   

Now, I just need to figure out how to get cram more play time into my day.   :D
Plotter and Writer of ... The Legendary (and by that I mean LONG FORGOTTEN) Fantastic Force!!!!


I need more time with the PvP battles to comment on that but, the PvE is really fun so far - I'll give it a 9.0 :blink:


7 for me. The game play is cool but it needs more depth in the character creator...more body types and skins...more costumes and accessories...the ability to select your starting weapon if you have it....color of your energy or two more colors on the color palette as the top of my head.
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


Just checking - is all discussion of impressions thus far on the PC version of the game?  I have a friend who recently got a PS3 and was pondering getting DC Universe Online (his other MMO is World of Warcraft), and I wanted to pass along honest impressions to him.

In particular, I was wondering the extent to which in-game combat required skillful arcade reflexes.  I remember watching a video demo many months ago explaining the premise of characters finding ways to make their powers serve in any of the typical team roles, though people can always specialize their powers.  An example that I saw was a hero with some form of energy powers - his initial settings allowed him to mix things up in melee, with each of his four available power buttons triggering a melee-useful power.  But he could opt, mid-combat, to switch to being a ranged blaster, and each of his four available power buttons would trigger a different effect useful to that form of fighting.  Still another combat reconfiguration allowed him four powers to help control the battlefield. 

I was more or less wondering if it still sounded like combat worked like that, and how nimble one needed to be with the fingers to adapt for different power choices.

Also, I'm curious as to the extent to which PvP is a mandatory aspect of the game.


So are we going to form a super group for DCUO?  :D


I'm game, still hoping they don't separate US and EU servers. But the league would be awesome. :thumbup:



- Servers go live at 10am EST on the 11th.
- First patch is around 2GBs
- US and EU players will not be able to play with one another.
- Monthly updates will introduce legendary heroes/villains.


Quote from: Midnite on January 08, 2011, 03:12:04 AM
- US and EU players will not be able to play with one another.



And can't PS3 and PC not play together? Or did I make that up?
This seems like a super silly thing to do. Why would you want to play a world wide MMO except you are limited to playing with people in your region, as if in the age of the internet people didn't know people in other countries?


I would assume because of server load, lag, and ping times. That's typically the reason.
Disappear when you least expe--



Quote from: Previsionary on January 08, 2011, 06:31:13 PM
I would assume because of server load, lag, and ping times. That's typically the reason.

Those are common problems I agree, but CO has merged servers for US and EU without any noticable lag, so its doable.

As for PS3 and PC servers Jens Andersen said that technically its possible, so its up to marketing to decide whether the servers will be separated or not. Obviously they didn't want that.

As it is, most people here are from US, so I'm bummed I won't be able to play with you guys. I can make the EU division of the FR league, though I'm not sure how many people here are from EU.


After playing both PC & PS3 - The PC ran a hell of alot better & getting patches on the PS3 so far has been a pain in the a** - Sometimes it won't even get past the initial PS3 gray screen download to even get to the real patching of the game - Which is what happened to me in the Battle of the Legends - I might end up getting both the PS3 & PC versions - Put all my money & effort into the PC version & just play the PS3 version whenever my brother wants to team-up :blink:

P.S. In fact my whole experience with the PS3 online has been crap compared to xbox 360 - I mostly play games competitively online so i'm starting to think I wasted my cash on this machine.


Oooooo... I see the Frys Pre-order has a Scarecrow Screamer gun.  Is it gas or bullets?


Probably gas based. I picked fear gas power during beta. It comes out like a spray.


So I can have a gas gun without the preorder?


Nope, looks kinda lame. Your toon looks like its spraying the fear gas out of a can. Maybe later on when the devs give up the ability to customize weapon powers. *shrugs*
Just go for the pre-order bonus.


So I'm officially out of luck when it comes to this game's pre order. For some reason amazon is constantly refusing my credit card even with the US shipping adress.
I used this card to purchase something from book depository and it worked perfectly fine. I was gonna buy the game anyway but the only reason i pre ordered it is for the batman bonus. :(

So if anyone happens to have an extra Batman code or doesn't particularly care for using Batman in legends PvP let me know, I'd appreciate  it. This may sound like a desperate plea for help (which it is) but I went through a lot to make this pre order happen and to fail 24hrs before the game is released is a major bummer for me.
Thanks in advance  :thumbup:

P.S. its for the PC version of the game


You know Bat...

... I may be able to help.  I've pre-ordered the game from Best Buy and it has the bladed batarang and Bats in PVP as a bonus, but I'm more interested in the Frys electronics bonus Scarecrow gas gun.

Pc myself, we should talk.


Believe me mate I've tried that as well  :( It seems that Serbian billing address is the problem here :(

In other words I can't offer you anything for your code mate, wish I could. So if u really don't care much about that Batman code I'd love to have it, but since i can't offer anything in return I fully understand if u decide to keep the code for yourself.Thanks for your interest in any case!



I'll see what I can do for you yet friend.


I read from one one fansite forums. The servers will be named after famous comic titles. One PvP server will be named "The Killing Joke".  ^_^


Quote from: RTTingle on January 10, 2011, 04:44:02 PM

I'll see what I can do for you yet friend.

Cheers mate! Tnx a million in advance!  :thumbup:


Last chance to grab this promo off D2D.

QuoteAll MMOs 20% off at Direct2Drive
Looking to pick up some MMORPGs on the cheap? You could go for one of the hundreds of free-to-play titles crowding the market, or if you're looking for something a bit more traditional, Direct2Drive's latest sale might interest you. From now through January 10th (at 10:00 a.m. PST to be exact), you'll enjoy 20% discounts on what D2D deems "top tier MMOs." Titles include (but aren't limited to) the Guild Wars trilogy, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes: Going Rogue, and Champions Online.

The discount also applies to MMO pre-orders, so if you're looking for that extra nudge needed to push you towards an early purchase of RIFT or DC Universe Online, look no further.

Promo code: JOKER

Another D2D promo code: WOOTDC (Only applies to DCUO)
Save $15 off. Have no clue when it expires though.


Quote from: Midnite on January 07, 2011, 10:53:36 PM
So are we going to form a super group for DCUO?  :D
I'm all about it. :thumbup: A super group would be cool. ;)
I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


NA Servers:

Death & Glory - PVP

Public Enemies - PVP

Zero Hour - PVE

Virtue and Vice - PVE

Brave New World - PVE

Darkness Falls - PVE

New Fronties - PVE

EU Servers:

Bloodstorm (PvP)

Reality Lost (PvE)

So which one should we meet at? I like Zero Hour or Brave New World.  :D