Da Glob's Skin-A-Rama 06/19/20-Work in Progress

Started by daglob, January 01, 2009, 05:23:10 AM

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I don't know who Shapeshifter is, but I really like both skins for her, and that Sue Storm looks great too.


While I try to figure out what went wrong with my hexagon pattern for Photoshop, here are some WIPs:

On the far left is what may be the most obscure character I've ever done. So far as I know, his only appearance in a comic book is in a four-page giveaway from Cisco Systems "The Wrath of Restricto". Next to him is the least obscure character in the group: Armando Gutierezz after getting sucked into cyberspace ("Laugh with me..."). The two ladies are Freakazette, who I believe only showed up in the opening credits once, and Deadpan, who had a bit in the opening before the credits. Freakazette is on Yellow Lantern's female Reverse Flash with Freakazoid's hair, while Deadpan is on the same mesh as Ultrawoman. I'm not sure Deadpan can stretch and such, but she can change her physique to match that of Freakazoid.

Here is Mr. Universe (from Mr. Comics-the only other title of theirs I know of is Mr. Mystery), and The Canadian Shield. Copper Age has already done this version of The Shield, but I have never been able to find it, so...


I thought I was finished with Halloween costumes:

Three... witches? here. We have Octobermiss and Orange October (Red October has a really awful costume) are in the front. In the rear is an old unfinished project: Ms. Mystic. She doesn't have the sword (nor do I have any idea how to make it) nor her antennae (ditto), so she's been this way for some time. Maybe she should be switched to a more modern mesh?

Thanks to Sick Alice we now have a less robust Eric with a properly skull-like nose. The same basic mesh is part of the zombie in the rear. That zombie is intended to go in a package with Misery there on the right. For those one or two of you who don't know, Misery is an old foe of Airboy. He flies around in a giant stone airplane.


A stone... airplane.

Wow. Comics never cease to wow me with ridiculousness, hahaha!

Anyways, these are some really good skins, DaGlob! I particularly Octobermiss and Eric!

Cyber Burn

Do you have a reference pic for Ms. Mystic? Maybe we can find something that works.



Quote from: spydermann93 on October 25, 2014, 07:11:01 PM
A stone... airplane.

Wow. Comics never cease to wow me with ridiculousness, hahaha!

It's called The Airtomb.



Some works in progress. On the left is someone I didn't know existed: One-Eyed Jacquie. She dresses in leather and carries a gun-what more could a fan of the old Avengers (UK) TV show want? Anyway, she is a version of the Valkyrie scope I did, which started out as Grenedier's Huntress. next is the nearly-completed Captain America by Crimson Quill. Still some detail to work on.

in the back is an unfinished bit of Halloween content: Frankenstein's monster as portrayed by Christopher Lee.

Lastly is The Glob as Spider-Man using Sick Alice's new Spider-Man scope. If I ever get Multi-Form working right, The Glob will have several alternate "supers" to play as, including George Reeves Superman, Adam West Batman, Spider-Man, one of the Sandman forms as a pink Hulk, and who knows...


DAMN DaGlob!  :thumbup: Capt's Looking fantastic!

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


In the middle are The Girl Glob, my avatar's female counterpart, and the idiot in his pajamas is The Jaguar. No, really. He's from Fox comics, and I admit he has one of he most lackluster costumes I've ever seen. I may do an improved version.

Flanking GG and The Jaguar are two version of Mattie Franklin as Spider-Woman. These are on Grenadier's Huntress with everything hidden. The eyes are courtesy Sick Alice's Spider Man custom brushes.

Cyber Burn

Very nice work on the Female Spidey's. I got a kick out of the Female Glob as well.


Great skins daglob! I especially like the spiderwomen.


Quote from: daglob on November 10, 2014, 11:00:49 PM

and the idiot in his pajamas is The Jaguar. No, really. He's from Fox comics, and I admit he has one of he most lackluster costumes I've ever seen. I may do an improved version.

I think I saw that outfit on someone in my local Wally world the other day.  :D

Seriously though, great skins. Especially Girl-Glob.
For Freedom!

FF Museum Website: http://ffmuseum.org/


Pollux there is almost finished; The Turtle still needs a good deal of work. The face isn't mine; I don't know where Bearded got it, but I'm not sure I can do better.


Oh, I was simply copying and pasting from art. I would drop blocks in and smudge them together. The head nif looks pretty good with it. You can do better I am sure.
I can't find the original artist. Also, if you hide the shell you have a male_stocky with a funny head. Do you think you could skope some hair on the back?
The animations clip his arms inside his shell a little, I think it looks ok with that. I am working on a new walk animation to add to it.
Is his front stretched oddly? I can rewire it if you need. Also, do you think we can get this guy out of it?

Cyber Burn

I couldn't even begin to imagine on how you did it, but you absolutely nailed the logo on Pollux.


In honor of The Iron Bowl (which is probably meaningless to people who aren't from Alabama) we have Alabama Superman and Auburn Superman flanking Saints Superman.

Catch a preview pic of X-Mas Pool in the Christmas Challenge thread in the Freedom Force forum.


Not familiar but they're really sharp anyways and nice to looks at. And more Mattie Franklin is always a good thing.

Cyber Burn

Not much of a Sports fan, but these came out really nice.


The lady on the left is The Spider Widow, in her later guise. Originally she wore rags and tatters, but eventually just wore a dark dress, a fight wig, hat and mask. her schtick was throwing black widow spiders at the bad guys. Most of the skin is still C6/Grenadier; the face is mine (I do wish she had spike heels, though. Ah Well...). The other is Jane Martin, War Nurse. Don't laugh; she lasted for years and years. Jane is the second version I have done of this character, this on a scope of Gren's Huntress. If I can figure out how to do the mask I'll do Pat Parker, too.


There's just something really evil about somebody throwing spiders at people. :unsure:

Cyber Burn

Quote from: daglob on December 08, 2014, 11:32:41 PM

The lady on the left is The Spider Widow, in her later guise. Originally she wore rags and tatters, but eventually just wore a dark dress, a fight wig, hat and mask. her schtick was throwing black widow spiders at the bad guys. Most of the skin is still C6/Grenadier; the face is mine (I do wish she had spike heels, though. Ah Well...). The other is Jane Martin, War Nurse. Don't laugh; she lasted for years and years. Jane is the second version I have done of this character, this on a scope of Gren's Huntress. If I can figure out how to do the mask I'll do Pat Parker, too.

Do you have a pic of what the Mask is supposed to look like?


Like all your releases across the board. Noted something about getting the multi-form working? What are meaning there, like getting the attribute (shapeshifter) working in game or getting something working in a nif?

laughing paradox

The face on The Spider Widow is fantastic! I love it.

I really enjoy your Spider-Woman designs too.


Love the look of Spider-Widow. Should be fun when it's ready.

As for Pat Parker War Nurse... Vigilante did that way back when for one of the default meshes. That isn't really relevant, it's just funny because I saw it while scouring around for skins and such and then lo-and-behold you mentioned the character here.


I first saw Pat Parker in an Jeff Rovin's Encyclopedia of Super Heroes. Didn't learn anything else about her for years, until I saw Vigilante's version. Later found some of the comics at The Digital Comics Museum. Odd character.


There is supposed to exist a mesh called Gorilla Anvil by Texas Jack. I have never seen it, nor have requests produced it. So, with the help of Cyber Burn we have Gorilla Anvil Gren/CB. C'mon; it's like monkeys with machine guns, you just gotta have one.

Next to him is Crime Buster. Not nearly as dynamic, I know.


Something Cyber Burn made and I'm skinning. For you kids out there, these are The Iron Maiden's henchmen from the old THUNDER Agents.
