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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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I really appreciate the work you put into your meshes. If I ever get time to work on things, I want to try editing keyframes. I wish there was an option like character studio to make them with, but in the absence of that, your editing process may be the way to go. There are several I want to try, just need the time. :(
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It's tedious and hard on the wrist but I think regardless of whether you're typing it in or dragging it in a 3d program. On the other when I'm stressed it helps take my mind off it.

Gambit is done and in the release section. I also managed to finish all my Turtle weapon placements so all I have to do there is polish the basic animations and then finish up some textures.


Sorry for being short. Normally after I release something I will mock up a tutorial teaching the things I learned and/or that users can skope from that work. I select most projects based on the need to try something new thus learn something. However I am sick. I feel like a swallowed and breathed hot ash (yes, I have been in a wildfire and done this for comparison) and forehead feels like something is trying to claw it's way out from the inside. What they call the lurgy in the UK I think.


I'm not a fan of the lurgy :thumbdown:  hopefully you feel better soon.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


Ty. And not a fan either. Every part of my body hurts and burns. It's funny because I haven't even left the house in almost two weeks and somehow this happens.


I hope you feel better soon, SA.



That sucks SA! I hope you feel better soon.
For Freedom!

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Ty. Looks like there is an incoming system on the West coast so this is probably going to be in style for all of us soon enough.

Anyway doing the Turtle Van and the outside of the passenger door is flickering and mapped to the inside of it in CTool? These parts are independent and not touching (proper amount of space between them as a door should have) so I'm at a loss here. I'm to comb through every setting in the nif and try and see if a number is off somewhere. Somehow that exterior has to be pointing at both textures. It's an odd error though.


Right. I'm going to share this error for education reasons. I did not use Blender but this error is frequently caused by it's export plugin. Files can't contain the same name twice. So say even if something is named Editable_mesh the next one has to be something like Editable_mesh_2.

The model itself of the interior was messed because I named it the exact same thing as I named the exterior door model. You can see in the screencap the passenger door is mapped to the interior. That's because when I imported the models Nifskope put them inside it's container with those duplicate names.

During animations the game will select the second of the same named file in numerical order and use it. During a Cycle animation instead of a Clamp it will often come back to the first and cause this error to flicker. During a Reverse animation, which we don't often use, it would go to the first numerically instead.

So I exported the interior file again with a new name and imported it and this fixed the error.


For some reason making low poly models of seemingly simple things is what appeals to me the most. I think there is a little more of a challenge to translating of physics of something like this adjustable than putting together a person or car that should be more complicated but isn't.


If a screenshot type tutorial on manual animation editing is wanted here let me know. Tis the season for bad weather and to be trapped inside finding things to do after all.


Yes please!

I realize it is kind of a long process, but I would very much like to see how you do this. I would one day like to have some time to do some editing.
For Freedom!

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