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What hero or heroine did you have a crush on?

Started by DoctorDark, March 30, 2010, 07:39:46 AM

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Time to be honest now! Which hero or heroine did you most have a crush on growing up? It can be Marvel or DC, but otherwise there are no rules to this. Just name your favorite, what you liked about him or her, and post a link to the hero's or heroine's pic so we can see what he or she look like.
Naturally, since I started this thread, I'll go first:

DC Comcis: Starfire (Koriand'r)
When I turned 13, I had the biggest crush on Starfire of Teen Titans. To me, she was beautiful, fun-loving and just plain hot! Plus, she was completely uninhibited, even moreso than Marvel's Storm was back in the day. Here are links to my two favorite pictures of Koriand'r:

From the old days:

More Recent Pic:

Mr. Hamrick

hmmm.... i've always liked Catwoman for DC and Titania for Marvel



Early 90's Rogue and Storm... Strange i was just coming into puberty as they started making X-men bikini poster books !!


When I was a kid/early teen back in the early to mid 80's, Wonder Woman.

Tawodi Osdi

For DC, it would be tie betwen Batgirl or Supergirl, and Marvel would be Invisible Girl.


Spiral, Exile's Sunfire, Byrne's Phoenix and Gamora. Oh, I forgot Magick.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


Pre-Crisis (and preferably pre-headband!) Supergirl.

= wept.   :cry:
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on March 30, 2010, 04:17:18 PM
hmmm.... i've always liked Catwoman for DC and Titania for Marvel

Gotta love the strong (literally with Titania) women. Personally I really like She-Hulk for the same reason... she is smart, funny and tough. I'm not the worlds biggest cheesecake fan and It annoys me sometimes that it is a big part of her character but hey, cant complain either when she is drawn well.

Mr. Hamrick

Quote from: lugaru on March 30, 2010, 09:19:04 PM
Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on March 30, 2010, 04:17:18 PM
hmmm.... i've always liked Catwoman for DC and Titania for Marvel

Gotta love the strong (literally with Titania) women. Personally I really like She-Hulk for the same reason... she is smart, funny and tough. I'm not the worlds biggest cheesecake fan and It annoys me sometimes that it is a big part of her character but hey, cant complain either when she is drawn well.

I also like the "bad girl" thing.  And to me, Catwoman is great as an anti-hero but is still something of a bad girl at the core.  Titania is just an angry bad girl.  :)

And really, I have a big problem with She-Hulk being drawn more as cheesecake and downplaying other things about her.  I even commented such to Steve Scott over lunch once (though Scott isn't as guilty of this as some artists.  And Scott had a pretty decent model for drawing her in his ex-wife, a fitness model.)   




8 years old, 1978, Abba is blaring on the radio. The idea of a woman in a leotard with telekinetic 6 foot long hair was quite something.
I blame her for me being stuck in the 1970's ever since.

Starfire was pretty cool too, with the giant hair trail when she flies.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X



I remember that issue of Crisis when Supergirl was killed fighting the Anti-Monitor while the Flash was running so fast through space and time that he literally disintegrated. That was one epic fight in a very epic comic series! I remember crying just a little over Kara's death when I read that story for the first time. Since then, she's come back numerous times... but back then, we all thought she was gone.

Ah, Marvel's Rogue in the 80's! She was so hot I remember actually telling my mother that I thought Rogue was "foxy". There was something about her and Kitty Pryde back then that was *incredibly* appealing. I liked Magik too, from the New Mutants. I discovered those three while reading the X-Men Asgardian Wars miniseries back in the day. I have the trade paperback of that series, and I must say it is still epic when all the heroes go to fight Loki and get wiped out in the conflict that ensues. Then, they get resurrected but lose all the "gifts" that Loki gave them. For Rogue, that was *especially* difficult!

Over at DC, I also liked Kole Weathers from Teen Titans. She had this cute curly hair style and could spin crystal out of thin air. She was one beautiful and sexy lady! Here is a link to a good pic of her:
Like Supergirl, she perished during the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, but unlike Supergirl they never really brought her back in all her glory. She did come back as a zombie once, but that just doesn't count.


Medusa ala Johnny Romita. I intend to release a skin of that suit one day.


There's more than one reason I kept sitting through those "Wonder Woman" reruns.
My Amazing Woman - A Romantic Comedy of Super Heroic Proportions.

Also what Lightning Man and Kenn-X have been doing lately.


She-Hulk, she was tall (like me) and smart and could knock a person out.  I still have a crush on her.  Plus I'm a leg man and she always have nice long legs.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


When I was a kid, it would have beeb Julie Power from Power Pack.  Of course in 1984 I was 12 years old.  Mind you I probably had more of a crush on Dagger from Cloak and Dagger[/url].

If I were a kid today, then I would shift overseas and be more into someone like Mikoto Misaka, aka Level 5 Electromaster, aka Biri-Biri, aka Railgun from A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun

And the reason she is called Railgun.

Glitch Girl

Gonna add a little estrogen to the thread  ;)

Back when I was just getting into comics Nightcrawler was still in Excalibur and still had "swashbuckling" in his blood.  The way Alan Davis drew him.. yum.  :)

I also had a thing for Longshot in the original mini series.  I didn't read many of his appearances in X-Men later on, but that series always stuck with me.

And I did a thing for Kyle Rayner for a while too back when he was introduced mostly thanks to JLA, even though Porter's art didn't sell him to me 100%.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


Quote from: Xenolith on April 06, 2010, 12:28:17 AM
This particular drawing of Rogue.  I didn't care about the character, but the drawing sort of looked like a girl I had a crush on.

Paul Smith Rogue.

Can't go wrong with that.

Stephy Grayson

Let's add more estrogen to the thread:
Kerry Gammil's Superman, Dick Grayson by George Perez and Mike Grell's Green Arrow.


I can honestly say that I have never had a crush on a comic book character.


Seriously, what kind of sick question is this anyway?

Ms. Marvel.
Hey Kids, COMICS!
