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freedom flash or flash force

Started by bearded, November 16, 2010, 01:49:06 PM

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which sounds better?
i decided to post progress reports, just in case anyone might be interested. i'm up to mission 3b, mostly done, a few touches on it. my biggest thing for level 3b is taking sound bites from different sources, mainly the voicepacks and changing the cutscenes using them and some of tommyboy's special animations.


"Freedom Flash" strikes me as the sort of college student or mid-forties-to-early-fifties-male action that would persuade the MBTA to take one into custody.  I'd advise you to avoid it.

"Flash Force" strikes me as the same sort of offensive pastime, only organised into a coherent team with decent dental benefits.

*shrug* What about "Speed Force," in recognition of D.C.'s amorphous energy source for speedsters?

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.


so, from that, i take it that the flash might as well call himself the streak. speed force!  good name, i'll take it.


"Freedom Flash" has a nice ring to it! :ff:



speed force is about perfect, but i like freedom flash also. i'll take a poll later on, especially if anyone has any more ideas.
today i managed to get m25's ai working super perfect! captain cold uses his ice control in the mission!

Cyber Burn


Agreed, Speed Force sounds perfect  :thumbup:


On second thought, what say you to the rather pithy "Flush?"  I like the sound of it dribbling off the tongue.

Phantom Bunburyist and Whirled Braker
Two words: Moog.



small break. also waiting for a chunk skin. all the new skins by daglob, cyberburn, and SCD look great ingame!

John Jr.

One more vote for Speed Force, since it's the very thing that unites the speedsters in the DCU.


speed force is the perfect name.
past few days i've put in vigilante's rainbow raider, wish i could use laughing paradox's. did firestorm make a rainbow raider?
i'm going to work on a rainbow flight fx. there is a bubble setting for particles, makes the fx go up. if i can figure out how to make them go to the ground instead, and make them solid, i think i can make a rainbow slide fx.
also put in the top using male basic whirlwind, and made some top fx. a spinning top that bounces around and has various end.nif fx.
and captain boomerang, using crusaders.
still having lots of fun. it's incredible, creating an entire universe.


small vacation for a couple of days. depressed. need break from everything.
i'm not abandoning the mod, still intent on finishing it and still having fun with it.


I hope you come back refreshed, Bearded. Have some good, chilled time.


Quote from: bearded on December 02, 2010, 04:32:43 AM
small vacation for a couple of days. depressed. need break from everything.
i'm not abandoning the mod, still intent on finishing it and still having fun with it.
I know how that goes Beard-man.  Depression is no fun. :thumbdown: I agree with Dr. Reepicheep's orders, some down time will do ya some good.  ^_^
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Sorry to hear that Bearded.  Take it easy bud.  We'll be here when you feel better. :)
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Hope things get better for ya.
I'm currently working on a Rainbow Raider skin if you want to use it when its done.
Take it easy and enjoy your break first though.
P.S. Golden Glider is ready for ya. :cool:


i'm back, trying to figure out where i left off!

Amazo Version 2.2

For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


the slowest mod ever. I got everything up and sort of running today. I'm going to upload a version to see if anyone want's to playtest it for me. I haven't gotten around to changing the name to Speed Force yet.
link removed

It is nearly 456 meg, it is full of a lot of new things. This is a playtest release, I will trim it down, I'm sure.


Sorry BiL,  I'm having trouble getting that link to work.  did you share the URL from your address bar? or did you 'copy link' from the file to share it?


I figured out what I did wrong, but I also found a more updated version, so I'll test that out and make a new link.

Here's the better version:

This link should work.


Chunk has problems, which I might can fix, beyond fixing the colors of his sleeves and cuffs.


Yes please. I appreciate you, good to see you again. I think I'm out of retirement. I've almost got everything set up. Does max 5 work for  :ff: or just  :ffvstr: ?