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JoeMama's Map Thread

Started by joemama, December 28, 2014, 04:24:48 PM

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Back after a LONG break and terraforming once again. 

At any rate, I put these together for a EZ Script Campaign mod that may or may not be released (too many kitbashed/kitscoped toons!), but I'll definitely release the maps in the next few weeks:

Arena -- Standard "Escape From New York" battle ring for those forced-gladiator-style fights

Asteroid Crater -- 'nuff said

Ruins -- not quite finished yet, but gives you the idea:

And a WIP:  started as a command center, but should also work as a space ship/station

Suggestions, feedback and requests are welcome.....

Cyber Burn

Definitely glad to see a Mapper back in business, unfortunately, I can't see the pics.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on December 28, 2014, 05:34:25 PM
Definitely glad to see a Mapper back in business, unfortunately, I can't see the pics.

Fixed thanks to Drop Box.

I guess the "img" tags don't work with Google Drive?

Cyber Burn

Quote from: joemama on December 28, 2014, 06:37:22 PM
Quote from: Cyber Burn on December 28, 2014, 05:34:25 PM
Definitely glad to see a Mapper back in business, unfortunately, I can't see the pics.

Fixed thanks to Drop Box.

I guess the "img" tags don't work with Google Drive?

I've actually never used my Google Drive to post pics here, I've always stuck to Photobucket.

On the plus side, I can see the pics now, very cool. I'm very interested in seeing how the Ruins and Command Center turn out.


These all look great. I'm definitely interested in the Arena and even the Asteroid Crater map for when I run my own tournaments.

Question: On the Arena map, do the sets of four blocks (they look like roof vent covers) perform any function or are they merely ornamental? I was just thinking that if a combatant was knocked onto one they might explode or release a flame plume. And I'm not asking you to add this; I was just wondering.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: hoss20 on December 28, 2014, 08:37:39 PM
These all look great. I'm definitely interested in the Arena and even the Asteroid Crater map for when I run my own tournaments.

Question: On the Arena map, do the sets of four blocks (they look like roof vent covers) perform any function or are they merely ornamental? I was just thinking that if a combatant was knocked onto one they might explode or release a flame plume. And I'm not asking you to add this; I was just wondering.

Oooh, that would be nice. Maybe even have the flames come out at random intervals, that would be sooo cool.  :D


Quote from: hoss20 on December 28, 2014, 08:37:39 PM
These all look great. I'm definitely interested in the Arena and even the Asteroid Crater map for when I run my own tournaments.

Question: On the Arena map, do the sets of four blocks (they look like roof vent covers) perform any function or are they merely ornamental? I was just thinking that if a combatant was knocked onto one they might explode or release a flame plume. And I'm not asking you to add this; I was just wondering.

Thanks for the feedback. 

Unfortunately, they are only cosmetic -- I'm using the Ger Radio Tower Slab mesh and that's part of it.  Still, that's a good idea and it's not hard to do with EZ Script and the ffx_tiggot template.  I'll add the necessary tags and instructions in the public release, but, in a nutshell:

1. Copy ffx_tiggot and rename it "trap" or something like that.  Probably want to create "trap##" for each one that you plan on using...EZ Script can be a bit finicky sometimes.

2. Place markers on the map where you want the traps to occur (use unique name that won't interfere with any other markers on the map).  Use "[marker name]1" and then place another marker called "[marker name]1_item1" and that's where the trap will appear.

3. Create "One Shot Power Trap" or "Switchable Power Trap" encounters using the item(s) just created and the "Marker: [marker name]" command line.  You can also create a custom encounter using "Villains Fight Heroes", "Item Exists", "Item Has Power", "Item Uses Power On Everyone" actions.  Power can be any, but I think melee or melee aoe would work best for the effect you're describing.

I had a working version of the encounter in the material I lost when I stopped playing FF.  It was slightly different in that it used a ranged attack, but I'm pretty sure that's how you do it.


Command Center skoping is 99% complete.   Just a few cosmetic tweaks and it will be ready to fill with props.  Screens (with characters for perspective) below:

Top Down


Room (facing doorway)

I made it by skoping the walls from the MP Prison Yard map onto the old blank city terrain from FF1 (nice because there are no curbs).  This makes for a rudimentary modular design system that works for pretty much any single-level interior map (no more Robot Factory/Nazi HQ  :thumbup:).  It's a bit tedious (this one taking about 8 hours), but the results look great, imho.

The biggest issue is that the walls don't line up flush, meaning you have to finesse them a bit to prevent clipping or gaps (razor thin, but visible nonetheless) on the corners.  The other issue is that walls have no ends on them, which is why you can't see the tops of the doorways on the top-down shot.  I'll be experimenting with a few other wall options to see if they work better, but I'm comfortable with these if nothing else is suitable.

I'll release this once complete and plan on making several other interior maps as well:


Suggestions, feedback and requests are welcome as always


Feedback hmmm? Mine is I love maps. MOAR! I seriously have any map you or anyone has made or has been converted for FFVTTR right now. I envy you peeps who have that down pact. My only skill seems to be in making props for maps. Lemme know if you need anything specific there, I get a kick out of making them especially if they're going to be animated ones.

laughing paradox

Great to see you back! The more maps, the better!

I'm really looking forward to your subway/train map! Thanks for providing more content for the game.


So happy to see you back, JM...Welcome home  :D  It's also great to see new maps.



Those maps look great, especially the "Ruins" one. I'm looking forward to try them :)

Cyber Burn

You said the magic word JoeMama..."Requests"!!!

I had the idea put into my head years ago, and I absolutely loved the concept.

A "Trophy Room". A single room Map containing glass cases with various Characters signature items (Captain America's Shield, Thor's Hammer, Hawkeye's Bow and Arrows, Etc.), and maybe a Throne for whatever Villain is in charge.  :D


Mine is a Hungry Hippo's map. I made a 3d model of the game board but don't have the foggiest of how to bring that into FFVTTR.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on January 09, 2015, 01:26:26 AM
You said the magic word JoeMama..."Requests"!!!

I had the idea put into my head years ago, and I absolutely loved the concept.

A "Trophy Room". A single room Map containing glass cases with various Characters signature items (Captain America's Shield, Thor's Hammer, Hawkeye's Bow and Arrows, Etc.), and maybe a Throne for whatever Villain is in charge.  :D

Hmm, interesting concept.

Gritty/grungy, high tech, or palatial?

Cyber Burn

I'm leaning towards Palatial, but High-Tech would be good for Characters like Ultron or Braniac.

I would be immensely happy either way. Whatever is easier for you is good for me.  :D


re: requests

* an alien or futuristic city. Something for all the aliens and space/futuristic characters to fly around and battle in.


WIP Update: Command Center

It's finished and looks good, but I ran into a pretty major snag -- flyers and jumpers can get over the walls, which pretty much kills the "interior map" concept.  It's fine for my mod, as there are no flyers or jumpers in the mission but probably not the best for the Rumble Room  :unsure:.

No fix is on the horizon -- if I release it, it will be "as is" -- but I'm open to suggestions.

Quote from: Starman on January 11, 2015, 11:37:36 PM
re: requests

* an alien or futuristic city. Something for all the aliens and space/futuristic characters to fly around and battle in.

Have you seen the Starship Hull (NPI?) or Alien City (FFX Force) for  :ff:?  I'm pretty sure the Alien City map is included in GP's Map conversion for  :ffvstr:: .  I don't have the Starship Hull map anymore unfortunately, but maybe a community member knows where to find it?

I have an idea for an orbital platform map on my dev list but that's probably a month or two away.

Quote from: Cyber Burn on January 10, 2015, 09:00:54 PM
I'm leaning towards Palatial, but High-Tech would be good for Characters like Ultron or Braniac.
palatial is much easier -- there's already a terrain for it and textures are easy enough to find.  Just need the hero props.  I'll add it to my dev list

Amazo Version 2.2

for the flier and jumper issue, could you stack up walls? maybe layer them so that it would be harder to get past?
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.


Did you try setting the FFEdit template attribute unpassable to 1?
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Quote from: Epimethee on January 15, 2015, 05:26:31 AM
Did you try setting the FFEdit template attribute unpassable to 1?


I skoped them directly to the map...didn't even think about making them templates and placing manually -- that might just do it.


Maybe you could just add invisible objects over the map instead of removing the map skopes?

Edit: Either way you go, you'll probably also want to add the "flyover" and "physical" attributes and set them to 0.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Hmm, not working out as I'd hoped.  I used the sky_backing model from FF1, which is invisible on one side to create a ceiling but characters still fly through it and over the walls.  Not sure if it's because of the model itself?

Here's a screen of it from FFEdit: (just a place-holder texture)

Here are the template settings:


Sorry, I didn't realize you were trying to add a ceiling. AFAIK, the game engine doesn't support this. Hence the absence of arches or multiple floors in the game.

However, if memory serves, "unpassable" should still work to prevent flying over no go areas. Sadly I can't run FFEdit for the moment to test it. (Mind you, there must be a way to add the the unpassable info directly into the map file for built-in areas of a map, since it does work for the various tunnel missions).

Edit: In Nifscope, some areas of a terrain NIF are marked as AREA_UNPASSABLE.
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Quote from: Epimethee on January 18, 2015, 08:57:35 PM
Sorry, I didn't realize you were trying to add a ceiling. AFAIK, the game engine doesn't support this. Hence the absence of arches or multiple floors in the game.

That wasn't part of the original plan, just thought "unpassable" might work on it -- I'll try again with invisible objects and place-ables a little later this week.


More Ws in P:

Orbital Platform:

no zero-g unfortunately  :(

Throne Room (with either treasure vault or staging/receiving area...haven't decided yet):

Navigation between areas will be via FFX teleporter -- still working on a throne texture.

Cyber Burn




JoeMama!  Ohh man, welcome back!  It is awesome to see you creating cool maps again.  This community is desperately in need of talented mappers, and, in fact, I'm in need of a mapper's help for my mods.  A PM is on the way!

I'm loving what you're working on.  I bet I can find a use for all of these! :thumbup:
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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