Freedom Reborn Archive

Community Forums => Posting Games => Topic started by: Alaric on April 30, 2007, 04:13:59 PM

Title: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on April 30, 2007, 04:13:59 PM
Okay, okay... I said I'd consider running a RPG here... I also said what I was thinking of was super hero-ish. Well, I've kind of changed my mind about the last part. Over the past week or so, a different idea has been slowly forming in the dark corners of my mind. An idea I had to call...

The Thrilling Exploits of...

(mostly because I couldn't think of a better name...)

Here's how it works:

1: Theme

This game combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, humor, adventure, and many other kinds of escapist fiction. Virtually anything can happen- within the rules of these forums, of course.

2: World

The world in this game is a fictional version of Earth, in an indeterminate time period that combines aspects of every time from about 1760 to about 1960, with some aspects earlier or later. The people who populate this world are completely unaware of the various anachronistic and contradictory aspects of their existence- they just accept the world as it is, in that regard. That does not mean that they feel the same way about the various science fiction and fantasy elements of their world, however- although some may in fact. Basically, this is a world that exists to be a setting for adventures.

3: Character Creation

Anyone who wants to play should PM me with their character ideas (do not post these character ideas here). These posts should include the following information about the characters;

1: Character name

2: Character description (appearance and personality)

3: Character background- It's okay to give your character an interesting background, but try not to make him or her too historically important at the begining of the game. Note that, if I aprove your character's background, it will affect the in-game world, and the game, in various ways.

4: An occupation- This should be a single occupation (even if the character also does something else on the side). It should include a general occupational category (scientist, law-enforcement, athletics, etc.) and a specific sub-category (biology, undercover cop, baseball player, etc.).

5: A hobby- This can be anything your character is skilled at, naturally talented at, or otherwise has going for him or her. It may or may not be related to his or her occupation. Again, as with occupation, htere should be a general category and a sub-category. Remember, to begin with, you only have one hobby.

6: A Gift (capital "G")- This is somespecial gift the character has, above and beyond what most people a capable of. Being Gifted in something is different from simply having something as an occupation or hoddy- being Gifted in science, being a scientist, and having science as a hoby are all different (and, yes, you can have all three on one character if you want). Possible Gifts include, but are not limited to: Science, Athletics, Mad Science (mad scientists are skilled at using scientific techniques to do things normally considered scientifically impossible, but aren't always so good at conventional science), Magic, Psychic Powers, Half-Alien, Luck, Heroism, Villainy, Goodness, Evil, Courage, Beauty, etc, etc. As with occupations and hobbies, the character should have one general category of Gift (such as the ones listed), and one sub-category, such as Physics, Strength, Reanimation, Necromancy, Precognition, etcf, etc.

7: Optional- Disadvantage(s)- If you want, you can give your character one of more disadvantages (subject to my approval). Disadvantages will speed up your character improvement a little- and, no, I won't explain about that.

Finally, you should list the character's equipment. Equipment can include any normal items you would assume most people could have, as well as items related to your character's occupation, hobby, Gift, and background. The altter CAN include special, unusual, or even unique items, so long as I approve them- nothing that would drastically overpower the game, of course. For especially powerful, unusual, or mysterious items, it might be best to list the item without explaining what it does, and leave the latter to me...

Note: While you should include items you have with you, as well as items you keep at your residence, you don't have to list everything- I'll assume most people own plates, for example, and any sort of item that your character probably should have given their occupation, etc., likely doesn't absolutely have to be listed. If you don't list it, though, it will be up to me whther you have it or not.

Note 2: It is possible, in the course of the game, to improve your character. I'll let you know when you have the opportunity to do that.

After you've sent me your character, I'll read it over and respond by PM. I may simply approve the character, I may make some minor changes and send the character back with approval, I may send back some suggestions, clarifications, and/or questions, indicating that you need to make some changes for approval, or, in very rare cases where the entire concept is, in my opinion, unworkable for this game, I may reject the character.

If there are, in my judgement, sufficient approved characters in one week, I'll begin the game.

Onward- to adventure!

(Oh, and if anyone has a better name for this game, please let me know...)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 01, 2007, 02:33:29 AM
Hm . . . interesting.  I'm very interested in getting in on this, but I find the setting description a little vague.  Can you give any concrete examples about what does and does not exist?  Or is the entire point to let the players define the setting through their character design?  (For example, if my character is an engineer that designs and builds derrigible luxury liners then derrigibles will be an important part of the world.)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 01, 2007, 05:57:25 AM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 01, 2007, 02:33:29 AM
Hm . . . interesting.  I'm very interested in getting in on this, but I find the setting description a little vague.  Can you give any concrete examples about what does and does not exist?  Or is the entire point to let the players define the setting through their character design?  (For example, if my character is an engineer that designs and builds derrigible luxury liners then derrigibles will be an important part of the world.)

That's part of the point- admitadly, I don't think I was very clear about that. Things you include in your background, subject to my approval, can help shape the world.

On another note, one person so far has submitted two possible characters, and asked me to choose between them. That's actually not a bad idea. I'm not going to require it, but if people do submit two possible ideas (preferably in one post), it will help me balance the group a little (for example, if character A is interesting, but a little two close to another character someone's already submitted, I might go with character B).
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 01, 2007, 07:40:49 AM
Heh.  I see you decided against keeping things simple...  :lol:

I am interested, but I'd like to know what kinds of adventures are common in this world of yours.  What are the biggest/most common threats?  What's big news in the newspapers of this world?  Doesn't have to directly relate to the adventure you have in mind, just needs to spark an idea.

I take it that there are no super-heroes, per se, so I'm trying to figure out what sort of concept is relevant enough to play and interesting enough to keep my interest high.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 01, 2007, 09:01:21 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 01, 2007, 07:40:49 AM
Heh.  I see you decided against keeping things simple...  :lol:

I am interested, but I'd like to know what kinds of adventures are common in this world of yours.  What are the biggest/most common threats?  What's big news in the newspapers of this world?  Doesn't have to directly relate to the adventure you have in mind, just needs to spark an idea.

I take it that there are no super-heroes, per se, so I'm trying to figure out what sort of concept is relevant enough to play and interesting enough to keep my interest high.

Heh... Seemed simple, until I started writing it down...

I'd rather keep the exact nature of the world a little vague for now, in part because I'm trying to encourage a certain amount of imagination, and perhaps originality, in the characters' designs. Also, as mentioned in my previous post, the characters' backgrounds may have some impact on the world they live in. Pretty much any adventure, escapist, or fantastic fiction of any sort (short stories, novels, movies, comic strips...) from the 200-year-or-so range I mentioned above should give you some idea of the possibilities, though. So far, those people have have sent me cahracters have gotten the spirit of this perfectly. If you're unsure, you could PM me with some possible thoughts, and I'll let you know if they're workable.

Most superheroes probably wouldn't fit, you're right. Pulp heroes are another matter, though. Also, Golden Age heroes, at least the less powerful ones, might possibly work. Not looking for a team of costumed heroes, though.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: UnkoMan on May 01, 2007, 10:27:49 AM
I'd like to express interest in this. It looks like it could end up very entertaining.

Now, I've never RP'd before, and I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to, but I will definately be watching this thread with gusto.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 01, 2007, 02:10:29 PM
I'm just sending out my first batch of approved characters, and I thought I should explain a few things;

1: You'll notice that your approved character info is in the form of a "character sheet". After the game beings, I may from time to time send you an updated sheet for your character. Don't worry too much about what the numbers (not that there are many) mean.

2: You also may notice some minor changes I made- although, so far, none of the characters submitted to me have required more than very minor chnges, usually to fit them to the format a little better, or to clarify something.

3: For those of you who submitted multiple characters, just because I chose one doesn't mean I didn't like another. I'm trying to put together a varied group, which has a lot to do with the choices I made.

4: I've been very impressed with all the submissions I've recieved so far. Great work!

Note: If you've sent me a submission, and haven't recieved an approved character back, please let me know.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Spam on May 01, 2007, 06:50:51 PM
I'm terribly interested. I'll be PMing you shortly with two character ideas.

This will be very interesting. :)

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 02, 2007, 05:20:01 AM
Okay, so far, six people have submitted character concepts. Considering that this is my first attept at running a forum-based RPG (and it's been a while since I last ran any kind of RPG), I don't want to have too large a group, but I will accept one or two more submissions. The game will start on Monday.

I want to thank people for submitted multiple characters- it's made it a lot easier to end up with a varied, interesting group (no offense meant to the one person who didn't- that the first submission, and was before I made that request, anyway, and its a great character concept). The only problem is, I really like all of the concepts I didn't end up choosing, as well. It's also been interesting to see the different formats people chose for their submissions.

Looks like this could be... interesting.

(Anyway, I have to say all the nice stuff now, before I put on my evil GM hat :twisted: )
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 02, 2007, 06:43:20 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 02, 2007, 05:20:01 AM
The only problem is, I really like all of the concepts I didn't end up choosing, as well.

Heck, that's no problem at all.

Kill off the first batch of characters halfway through and then let the players run the alternates.  Best of both worlds.

What?  You said you were gonna put on your evil GM hat.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 02, 2007, 07:07:28 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 02, 2007, 06:43:20 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 02, 2007, 05:20:01 AM
The only problem is, I really like all of the concepts I didn't end up choosing, as well.

Heck, that's no problem at all.

Kill off the first batch of characters halfway through and then let the players run the alternates.  Best of both worlds.

What?  You said you were gonna put on your evil GM hat.

I said the hat was evil, not me.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Spam on May 02, 2007, 09:57:39 AM
*rubs hands in anticipation*

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Signups!)
Post by: Alaric on May 02, 2007, 08:54:52 PM
For the moment, until further notice, I'm not accepting any new character submissions. If you've already sent me something, and I haven't approved it yet, you're still welcome to submit additional ideas or redone versions of already submitted ideas; I will not at this time be accepting sumissions from new people.

So far, we have six approved characters, one "in negotiation", and one person I haven't gotten back to yet, but will soon.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Alaric on May 03, 2007, 09:18:10 PM
Okay, all the current players have been sent their approved character sheets. The game will officially begin on Monday. However, I will be PMing each of the players sometime over the weekend with some additional information about their characters, things they know, current situations, etc. I'll start a new thread on Monday for the actual game; I've decided to keep this thread open, for "out of game" discussion of the game, for example, if people who aren't playing want to comment on the game- also, so if I decide to allow more players later, or have to replace some of the current palyers, I'll have a place to announce that.

If anyone sent me one or more character submisisons and never got an approved character sheet back from me, please let me know.

Just one more question for my players- should I change the name of the game from "The Thrilling Exploits of..." to simply "Thrilling Adventures"? I think the latter has a better ring to it, but also seems a little more generic...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 03, 2007, 09:23:25 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 03, 2007, 09:18:10 PM
Okay, all the current players have been sent their approved character sheets. The game will officially begin on Monday. However, I will be PMing each of the players sometime over the weekend with some additional information about their characters, things they know, current situations, etc. I'll start a new thread on Monday for the actual game; I've decided to keep this thread open, for "out of game" discussion of the game, for example, if people who aren't playing want to comment on the game- also, so if I decide to allow more players later, or have to replace some of the current palyers, I'll have a place to announce that.

If anyone sent me one or more character submisisons and never got an approved character sheet back from me, please let me know.

Just one more question for my players- should I change the name of the game from "The Thrilling Exploits of..." to simply "Thrilling Adventures"? I think the latter has a better ring to it, but also seems a little more generic...

You did say that the RPG's world was a setup for adventures. ;)  I say "Thrilling Adventures".
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 04, 2007, 06:19:34 AM
How about "Tales of Thrilling Adventure"?  Seems to fit the genre a bit more.

BTW: can I ask who the players are or is that going to be a reveal once the game begins?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Alaric on May 04, 2007, 06:29:22 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 04, 2007, 06:19:34 AM
How about "Tales of Thrilling Adventure"?  Seems to fit the genre a bit more.

Y'know, I had been thinking of a title starting with "Tales of..."...

Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 04, 2007, 06:19:34 AM
BTW: can I ask who the players are or is that going to be a reveal once the game begins?

Heh... I haven't decided yet... I may post the "cast" here later today, or I may wait for Monday, when I'm definitely including "cast credits" in the game opening...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 04, 2007, 10:30:57 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 04, 2007, 06:19:34 AM
How about "Tales of Thrilling Adventure"?

I like it.  It has a ring to it.

Well, not -that- Ring.  Different adventure.  I mean the audible kind.  Not like the telephone kind of ring.  A kind of pleasing to the ear ring.  No, no, no... not earring... a ringing in the ears.  No, that's not right either. {sigh}

I like the sound of it, okay?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 04, 2007, 10:35:32 AM
Yes, sounds very pulp-fictioney.  But more like Bruce Willis, not Micheal Clarke Duncan.  Because I wouldn't like to play that game at all.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 07:50:46 AM
Note: The game will be starting today, probably this afternoon.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 10:56:11 AM
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

(I find that my capacity for patience shrinks as I get older...  It has currently regressed
to somewhere at or near adolescent level, I believe.)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 11:05:09 AM
And thus, before the game even begins, BlueBard's charcter falls into the grinder of the Happy Pet Cat Food company and is later devoured by a rampaging herd of rabid weasels.

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 12:03:21 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 11:05:09 AM
And thus, before the game even begins, BlueBard's charcter falls into the grinder of the Happy Pet Cat Food company and is later devoured by a rampaging herd of rabid weasels.

The weasels die of indigestion.

Next character!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 07, 2007, 12:17:52 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 10:56:11 AM
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?
When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When? When?

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

(I find that my capacity for patience shrinks as I get older...  It has currently regressed
to somewhere at or near adolescent level, I believe.)

It's all the hanging out with children - you are simply lacking in postive role models.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 12:43:36 PM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 07, 2007, 12:17:52 PM
It's all the hanging out with children - you are simply lacking in postive role models.

So... I can blame it on fatherhood?  Hm.  Interesting role-reversal.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Viking on May 07, 2007, 12:53:30 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 12:03:21 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 11:05:09 AM
And thus, before the game even begins, BlueBard's charcter falls into the grinder of the Happy Pet Cat Food company and is later devoured by a rampaging herd of rabid weasels.

The weasels die of indigestion.

Next character!

BlueBard creates a Mad Scientist, who is in the process of researching how a herd of rabid weasels can be attracted by the presence of cat food.  He plans to discover how to prevent the weasels of dying from indigestion, so that they may be further trained to work in conjunction with cats as an elite animal crime-fighting force.  Brilliant!  Brilliant, I tell you!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:01:29 PM
Oh, this is going to be a fun game.  :D
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Viking on May 07, 2007, 01:05:22 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:01:29 PM
Oh, this is going to be a fun game.  :D

You mean we haven't started already?  I mean, heck!  We could probably make a parallel posting game just out of the seed that you planted, GG...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 07, 2007, 01:12:45 PM
Quote from: Viking on May 07, 2007, 01:05:22 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:01:29 PM
Oh, this is going to be a fun game.  :D

You mean we haven't started already?  I mean, heck!  We could probably make a parallel posting game just out of the seed that you planted, GG...

Would that be titled "The Bizarro Exploits of...."?  And if there's gonna be any killing done by small, furry critters around here, I think it should be hamsters.  I'm just sayin.

*psssst*  I got the plug in, boss.  Can I have the bonus now?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:13:37 PM
My new character creates a rock band called "The Raging Weasels".  It becomes a huge hit in England, thus overshadowing the budding careers of four musicians in Liverpool and changing history forever....
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:24:24 PM
Hits sung by "The Raging Weasels" on their first album:

(We all live in a) "Yellow Habitrail"
"Imagine" (all the weasels)
"Sgt. Pfeffer's Rodent Fan Club Band"
"I wanna hold your hamster"
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Viking on May 07, 2007, 01:24:58 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:13:37 PM
My new character creates a rock band called "The Raging Weasels".  It becomes a huge hit in England, thus overshadowing the budding careers of four musicians in Liverpool and changing history forever....

Oh yeah?  Well... then....  my new character is the aforementioned Mad Scientist, and he hires a lawyer to sue The Raging Weasels for copyright and trademark infringement!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:26:31 PM
Guess I'll be Yoho Oh-No.

[warbles badly]  :D
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:29:43 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:26:31 PM
Guess I'll be Yoho Oh-No.

[warbles badly]  :D

Of course, she'll have to marry 'Raging Weasel' songwriter John Lemming.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Viking on May 07, 2007, 01:34:55 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:29:43 PM
Of course, she'll have to marry 'Raging Weasel' songwriter John Lemming.

Who in turn dies tragically as his car goes sailing over a cliff.  He never did pay attention to warnings against tailgating...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 01:36:20 PM
Quote from: Viking on May 07, 2007, 01:34:55 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 01:29:43 PM
Of course, she'll have to marry 'Raging Weasel' songwriter John Lemming.

Who in turn dies tragically as his car goes sailing over a cliff.  He never did pay attention to warnings against tailgating...
Yoho: "Oh NO!!!"  :P
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Spam on May 07, 2007, 01:44:44 PM
*runs around impatiently*


Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 02:02:24 PM
Well, that's six so far. Wonder if the final two will make an appearance in the pregame show before the real game starts.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 02:07:11 PM
Quote from: Spam on May 07, 2007, 01:44:44 PM
*runs around impatiently*

Just don't fall off the Cliffhanger and you'll be fine.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 02:16:00 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 02:02:24 PM
Well, that's six so far. Wonder if the final two will make an appearance in the pregame show before the real game starts.

...AND HERRRRRRRRRRE'S KKHOHOHO! mean this isn't-...-Well, I thought that this was one of those talkshows about sports that are done before the game, so I just thought I'd-...-Yes, I understand miss.  Why don't I get you one of those brand new weasel albums before the game starts? :D  *Runs like the dickens.*
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 02:34:19 PM
You realize we're in serious danger of having this entire thread shipped off to the Revolving Name Forum due to gravity leakage, don't you?

Then the title of the game will have to be: "When Forums Collide"
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 02:44:24 PM
Y'know, after reading what's happened to this thread, I'm almost afraid to start the game... it'll just be anticlimactic after what's been going on here...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Viking on May 07, 2007, 02:48:05 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 02:44:24 PM
Y'know, after reading what's happened to this thread, I'm almost afraid to start the game... it'll just be anticlimactic after what's been going on here...

Don't try to weasel out of it, Alaric!  We'll go rabid on you!  We'll hamstring ya... with hamsters!  (Would that mean that we'd be hamstering him?)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Spam on May 07, 2007, 03:20:01 PM

The thread is up.

I like the poster, Alaric. :)

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 07, 2007, 03:25:54 PM
Quote from: Viking on May 07, 2007, 02:48:05 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 02:44:24 PM
Y'know, after reading what's happened to this thread, I'm almost afraid to start the game... it'll just be anticlimactic after what's been going on here...

Don't try to weasel out of it, Alaric!  We'll go rabid on you!  We'll hamstring ya... with hamsters!  (Would that mean that we'd be hamstering him?)

Too late, Viking.  He already cut you in half!   :lol:

btw, I like the idea of non-participant comments being in a seperate thread.  I always felt like I would be intruding on things if I had a comment of some kind about MSI.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 07, 2007, 04:00:00 PM
QuoteWell, that's six so far. Wonder if the final two will make an appearance in the pregame show before the real game starts.

I absolutely refuse to to do so.

Oh--dang it!

On a more serious note, I see the prologue's there, but I'm confused as to whether or not that means the game itself is open.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 05:32:43 PM
Game commentary
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 04:25:53 PM
The game... Begins!!!


As you walk along a narrow street, suddenly, a thin figure rushes around the corner, coliding with you.

"OOF!"  This was supposed to be a good country.  Instead, one of it's residents just knocked me to the ground.  In Japan, this would never have happened!  With that thought, Ahikyo creates a demonic sword in his right hand, and points it at the man.  "If you want to live, tell me what your reason for your hastiness is!"

GEEZ kkhohoho! Is there not a word for "subtle" in your character's neck of the world? 
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 07, 2007, 06:10:17 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 05:32:43 PM
Game commentary
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 04:25:53 PM
The game... Begins!!!


As you walk along a narrow street, suddenly, a thin figure rushes around the corner, coliding with you.

"OOF!"  This was supposed to be a good country.  Instead, one of it's residents just knocked me to the ground.  In Japan, this would never have happened!  With that thought, Ahikyo creates a demonic sword in his right hand, and points it at the man.  "If you want to live, tell me what your reason for your hastiness is!"

GEEZ kkhohoho! Is there not a word for "subtle" in your character's neck of the world? 

Probably not, but I'll bet there's 57 different words for "overkill"!  :P
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 07:20:41 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 07, 2007, 05:32:43 PM
Game commentary
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 05:29:09 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 04:25:53 PM
The game... Begins!!!


As you walk along a narrow street, suddenly, a thin figure rushes around the corner, coliding with you.

"OOF!"  This was supposed to be a good country.  Instead, one of it's residents just knocked me to the ground.  In Japan, this would never have happened!  With that thought, Ahikyo creates a demonic sword in his right hand, and points it at the man.  "If you want to live, tell me what your reason for your hastiness is!"

GEEZ kkhohoho! Is there not a word for "subtle" in your character's neck of the world? 

Well, Ashikyo is very angry at what just happened.  He just arrived in a new country, and BWAM!  Somebody whacks him!  Well, for a guy who just arrived from a foerign nation, he must be feeling pretty mad.  So he demands to know why this guy would whack one who is cleary a foreigner, what with his clothing and all.  To top it off, there's something rather...unique...about Ashikyo which is to be revealed later, which causes Ashikyo to think one word:

_______-abuser.   :ph34r:  Not to mention that there might not be a more effective way to get information out of that rude man...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (New RPG! Submissions currently closed!)
Post by: Alaric on May 07, 2007, 07:50:33 PM
Note: I'm going to wait to give the last two players a chance to let me know what they're doing before I continue. The begining portion of the game requires a certain amount of coordination. If they haven't posted in the game thread by, say, 10:00 tomorrow morning (E.S.T.), whenever I can log in after that I'll continue.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 07, 2007, 08:21:21 PM
I edited Ashikyo's opening so that his unsubtleness is better explained.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 08, 2007, 10:55:19 AM
QuoteTime to go get him.  I chase after him.  He may be running for his life, but I don't think he's had physical traning.  I attempt to stick one my swords in his right shoulder so I can make him stay put and tell me what he's doing.

Don't try that with Frank around...  He sees you going after an unarmed man with a pigsticker for no apparent reason, he's going to be mightily put-out.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 08, 2007, 11:02:19 AM
I think that's going to go for most of the characters here.  We see a little psychopath running around waving swords and threatening somone who's not armed, it's not going to matter if he looks like a kid or not, people aren't going to be happy.  Either someone's going to intervene or call the police or both.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 08, 2007, 11:06:47 AM
Not only that, but there's absolutely no way on earth that your character could possibly know that it was anything more than an accident.  People run into each other all the time, and the normal response at seeing some crazed lunatick drawing a sword is to run away.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 11:35:08 AM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 08, 2007, 11:06:47 AM
Not only that, but there's absolutely no way on earth that your character could possibly know that it was anything more than an accident.  People run into each other all the time, and the normal response at seeing some crazed lunatick drawing a sword is to run away.

I thought I mentioned that Ashikyo had a bad day, and the thin man and the collision just made it worse.  Thus, Ashikyo is not thinking rationally.  If he was, he would just leave the man alone after he ran away, but instead, he went to the man to get the man to spill what he's doing because Ashikyo is ticked.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 08, 2007, 11:48:35 AM
Just bear in mind, there's a difference between running after someone in a populated city, and running after an unarmed guy in a city populated by mostly unarmed people, while trying to stick a lethal weapon into said unarmed person.  There's a difference between acting irrationally, and acting like a psychopath.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 11:58:31 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 08, 2007, 11:48:35 AM
Just bear in mind, there's a difference between running after someone in a populated city, and running after an unarmed guy in a city populated by mostly unarmed people, while trying to stick a lethal weapon into said unarmed person.  There's a difference between acting irrationally, and acting like a psychopath.

Unarmed?  Alaric said that it looked like the man had a gun...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 08, 2007, 12:07:08 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 11:35:08 AM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 08, 2007, 11:06:47 AM
Not only that, but there's absolutely no way on earth that your character could possibly know that it was anything more than an accident.  People run into each other all the time, and the normal response at seeing some crazed lunatick drawing a sword is to run away.

I thought I mentioned that Ashikyo had a bad day, and the thin man and the collision just made it worse.  Thus, Ashikyo is not thinking rationally.  If he was, he would just leave the man alone after he ran away, but instead, he went to the man to get the man to spill what he's doing because Ashikyo is ticked.

Doesn't your character have... I dunno... NON-LETHAL means of dealing with conflict?

Okay, I'll grant you he looks like a ten year old.  And maybe he's otherwise unable to physically overpower another adult, though I'd bet against that.  Summoning the sword was obviously intimidation enough to freak the guy out and send him packing.

So what possible reason would he have... even assuming he had a really bad day... to chase the guy down and stick a sword in him?  Is your character that dishonorable?  I would think the thought of shaming his ancestors would give him sufficient pause to control his apparently lethal temper.

If you really want to stop the guy and interrogate him, try tripping him or something.  Chase him into an alleyway and THEN scare the daylights out of him.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 08, 2007, 12:08:44 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 11:58:31 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 08, 2007, 11:48:35 AM
Just bear in mind, there's a difference between running after someone in a populated city, and running after an unarmed guy in a city populated by mostly unarmed people, while trying to stick a lethal weapon into said unarmed person.  There's a difference between acting irrationally, and acting like a psychopath.

Unarmed?  Alaric said that it looked like the man had a gun...

Yes, he did.  But which man?  While I don't know your guy didn't have one, I don't recall reading that he did in the public text.

Alaric, I think it would help if you specifically addressed spoiler text to people, so we don't accidentally open spoilers that aren't intended for us.  I know I've done it at least once.

Something like:

Lizzy, Frank:
[spoiler]blah, blah, blah[/spoiler]

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 08, 2007, 12:09:19 PM
Where did you get that?

Your story says:
Quote from: AlaricAs you walk along a narrow street, suddenly, a thin figure rushes around the corner, coliding with you.
Quote from:  AlaricThe man looks at the sword, looks at you, blinks, turns, and runs.

"They're not payin' me enough for this..." you hear him mutter as he goes.

Do not confuses player knowlege with character knowlege - if your character is unaware of something, yet you see reference to it in another character's plot, you can not necessarily act on it because your character does not have that knowlege.  
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 08, 2007, 12:25:07 PM
For that matter, there may have been some confusion as to who is involved in nearby scenes.  So far, we have what looks like:

Dr. Herziwitz is being terrified by two men in suits.  This has been noticed by Dr. Kostanzis and Frank.  Frank, in particular, has reason to suspect that the smaller of the two men is reaching for a gun.  Thus, there's likely to be a scene bringing Dr. Herziwitz, Dr. Kostanzis, and Frank together.

Patch is heading to the police station to see what he can learn about this murder mystery investigation.  Though Patch doesn't know this, Envoy is in jail - probably the suspicious looking character that was picked up last night.  Steve is also likely to arrive at the station to tell what he knows about Dr. Holland, and possibly find out about his murder.  Thus, there's likely to be an upcoming scene bringing Patch, Envoy, and Steve together.

A thin man ran into Ashikyo, who suddenly produced a sword and got really angry.  Lizzie saw a thin man that she recognized walk down a narrow street, and then suddenly come tearing back out in a panic.  She's going to see what has frightened the thin man so much.  Thus, she's probably going to come face-to-face with Ashikyo really soon.

Put simply, the only scene that has suggested the presence of a gun is the one involving Dr. Herziwitz, Dr. Kostanzis, and Frank.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Spam on May 08, 2007, 12:58:23 PM
If any of you have read my post, its different now. I edited it to make more sense, waiting for somebody to show up. Namely Steve.

Sorry for the confusion. :(

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 01:42:30 PM
I've decided to change that post.

EDIT: It's been changed.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 08, 2007, 01:50:51 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 01:42:30 PM
I've decided to change that post.

EDIT: It's been changed.

Much better.  Thank you very much.

And don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to put those swords to very good use in the very near future.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 08, 2007, 02:29:48 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 07, 2007, 07:25:19 PMNoting the possibly hostile intentions of the two men, I scowl, no doubt making my deformities even uglier.  I walk towards the three men, coming from the side.  Although my hat is pulled down low, people passing me on the street catch glimpses of my face and scatter away to give me a wide berth.

Quote from: Panther_Gunn on May 08, 2007, 04:23:26 AM"Please let this be innocent.  I'm not prepared for this to get ugly."

Quote from: BlueBard on May 08, 2007, 06:17:12 AMI wear a weather-beaten hat on my head, pulled down low.  The collar of my trenchcoat is pulled up as far as I can.  But it cannot disguise the pale, greyish complexion of my skin, nor my brutish, craggy facial features criss-crossed with disfiguring scars.

The scowl I currently wear completes the ugly picture

heh.  I made a funny.  :P
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 08, 2007, 02:47:06 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 08, 2007, 11:58:31 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 08, 2007, 11:48:35 AM
Just bear in mind, there's a difference between running after someone in a populated city, and running after an unarmed guy in a city populated by mostly unarmed people, while trying to stick a lethal weapon into said unarmed person.  There's a difference between acting irrationally, and acting like a psychopath.

Unarmed?  Alaric said that it looked like the man had a gun...

That was a different man. The man who nearly collided with you was not the man who looked like he MIGHT have a gun, which was noticed by an entirely different character, anyway.

(The things that happen when I don't log on for several hours...)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 10, 2007, 08:26:56 PM
Is it just me or is my character starting to be evolve a very thick southern accent?  I'm sure that wasn't in the creation notes... ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 12, 2007, 02:27:42 PM
Sometimes our character's surprise us.  It's when she turns out to be a man in drag that you really have to worry. . .
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 14, 2007, 11:13:12 AM
I thought it would be worthwhile to discuss an issue that I've been grappling with - possibly a bunch more than I need to.  Ultimately, it deals with the sometimes-competing motivations of:

1) What do I think my character would do?
2) How do I get my character to be introduced to all the other characters in the game?

I find it a tricky issue.  On the one hand, I feel like the meat of the game should come from the characters interacting with one another, and I should do everything in my power to help the "party" of characters come together at the beginning as fast as possible.  On the other hand, it's understandable that characters may want to split off in different directions.  Someone may feel an urgent need to investigate a lead, or obtain a piece of equipment.  Or a character may be naturally suspicious and a loner by nature.

I'm curious as to what other people's philosophies are.  Speaking only for myself, I cringe a little bit at the start of any game where it looks like a player is steadfastly trying to avoid plot hooks or meeting up with the other characters.  How do other people react to such situations, whether as players or game masters?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 14, 2007, 12:05:26 PM
"Toot toot!  Here's comes the plot train, ready to railroad everyone into the story!  Toot toot!"

Okay, I kid - I'm not a big fan of Plot Hammers or anything that forces the characters together in a way that doesn't make a whole lotta sense, but sometimes they do become necessary as a last resort if the players are splintering all over the place.  Most of the time, I think that as a GM, I  should be able to be flexable enough to adapt and come up with some way to bring everyone together. Forcing the plot can often make the player feel more like observers and that's not fun.

This is not an 100% rule obviously - sometimes things get away from you and you have to do a little plot hammering, but as I said, I like to avoid it as much as possible so that the story at least feels like it's flowing.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 14, 2007, 12:06:29 PM
I've been struggling with the same problem.  Particularly with my character, who would not horn his way in on a murder investigation.  Like you I find the first few scenes to be the most awkward.  Once the story line begins propelling the character, things get smoothly.

I don't have any good answers, though.  I will probably try something fairly contrived and hope no one notices . . .
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 14, 2007, 12:28:10 PM
Character vs Story... The age-old struggle...

In the current game, I regard "character" and "story" to be equally important. In fact, between the two, they're what the game's all about.

Note: The following is enclosed in "spoilers", not because it gives anythign away about the plot, but because it involves a glimpse at the "man behind the curtain", and some players may prefer to maintain the illusion that the GM actually knows what he's doing  :D

[spoiler]I'm still new to running a posting RPG, and I've already learned enough that if I could start it over again, I'd do a lot of things differently. In fact, I think I made a lot of mistakes in the set-up for the game- and, no, I won't list them here. I think a better set up would have made bringing the group together, and moving the story on, much, much easier. That being said, I think GMing a game like this involves a certain amount of "slight of hand"- ideally, I should be able to manipulate events into bringing you together while allowing you players the illusion- the "willing suspension of disbelief", if you will- that no such manipulation is going on. I don't think I'm good enough at this yet to fully do that, although I can do it a little.

There's also the fact that we're still at the very begining of the game- things will defintely go more smoothly after we get past the initial hurdle. Getting to that point is something of a problem, though.[/spoiler]

I certainly wouldn't ask people to do anything blatantly out of character in order to move the story along- but I'd rather, where possible, that people not blatantly sabotage the story, ether. That said, I have backup plans already in place for if certain things don't work out the way I'd like them to. Also, I know that sometimes it can be annoying to be presented with a situation where it's overly clear what you're expected to do- or, for that matter, a situation where it's overly unlcear. I'd like to ask you all to have a little patience- once the game really gets started, you shouldn't have to worry about that sort of thing so much.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 14, 2007, 12:34:29 PM
This is all stuff that is important to know.  As far as I am concerned in the present game, I feel like my character has a valid excuse for sticking together with people who have that "player character aura."  Players will generally find that Patch does not object to their tagging along.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Spam on May 14, 2007, 12:38:53 PM
Totally agree with what everyone has said here.

That's why I'm sort of semi-glad my character started in jail... He didn't have to do anything to move the story along. :)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 14, 2007, 08:48:32 PM
I actually have a similar quandary with Frank.  From a strict characterization standpoint, he's got every reason to go hide somewhere and better reason than most to avoid Hertzy and Ray like the plague... not that they're bad guys or that Frank thinks they're bad guys, just that he has an excellent reason to stay away (which shall remain under wraps for now).

For the sake of the game, he needs to hook up with them.  But from a characterization standpoint, the character needs a good reason to stick around.  The premise doesn't need to be very strong, it just has to be.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 15, 2007, 05:42:48 AM
Some of the characters could already know each other.  Hertzy in particular seems a good candidate.  He's friendly, has a lot of patients, and probably knows quite a few people in the community.  In addition, many of the other characters are about the right age to have been children during his career, and he does love his younger patients.

Just a suggestion which might make getting some of the character together easier.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 15, 2007, 07:15:39 AM
None of the characters know each other, but some may have heard of each other (unfortunately, the most likely ones are scattered among the different groups right now, but if the groups stick together, that should actually help a little...), and some may have some other connections with each other...

And there are some possible, if somewhat subtle, reasons why some may want to stick together, or at least remain on contact with each other, within the text of the game already. Though, as I said, I have backup plans...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 15, 2007, 07:31:50 AM
Well, Herzy at least is friendly and sociable and like just about everybody, so that should help.

Of course he also hates changing his routines or doing anything unfamiliar.  That won't.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: bearded on May 16, 2007, 08:25:35 AM
i'm a little leery of posting, since i'm not involved, but i wanted all of you to know, i'm reading along, and really digging it.  the character interactions are groovy.  i'm reading it like a story, of course.
i do have a question...regarding the curse.  if a man is in a child's body, he would have the biochemistry of a child, right?  would that give the same feelings and emotions of a child?  i'm not entirely clear what age we are talking about also.  perpetual puberty?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 16, 2007, 09:07:23 AM
Quote from: bearded on May 16, 2007, 08:25:35 AM
i'm a little leery of posting, since i'm not involved, but i wanted all of you to know, i'm reading along, and really digging it.  the character interactions are groovy.  i'm reading it like a story, of course.

Glad you're enjoying it. And it's fine for people not actually playing to post, so long as they do it in this thread, and not the actual game thread.

Quote from: bearded on May 16, 2007, 08:25:35 AM
i do have a question...regarding the curse.  if a man is in a child's body, he would have the biochemistry of a child, right?  would that give the same feelings and emotions of a child?  i'm not entirely clear what age we are talking about also.  perpetual puberty?

While for the most part I'm leaving that up to kkhohoho, and how he wants to play the character, I'm more-or-less assuming that emotionally Ashi would be some sort of combination of child and adult- exactly how much of each, I couldn't say. Since that's really part of the character's personality, though, for the most part, I'll leave it up to the player, beyond certain things that have already been established. Also, the world in the game doesn't always run on "real world" logic- more like "adventure fiction" logic. In fact, I'm finding that to be one of the interesting challenges in running this game- I'm normally the kind of person who picks out all the "real world" logical problems in a story.

As to how old Ashi appears, that hasn't really been established, has it? Until it is, I'm just going to let the different players react to him as if he seems to be whatever age they picture him as looking. I'll leave it up to kkhohoho as to whther he wants to define it more narrowly than that.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 16, 2007, 09:11:55 AM
Actually, he did post it in his description on page 1
Quote from: kkhohohohohreally in my late 20's, but complications arose, and now, I'm stuck at the age of either 9 or 10.

BTW: is it possible to group the physical descriptions someplace so we can reference them a bit easier?  Does anyone mind ifI do it here?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 16, 2007, 09:23:33 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 16, 2007, 09:11:55 AM
BTW: is it possible to group the physical descriptions someplace so we can reference them a bit easier?  Does anyone mind ifI do it here?

I think that's a great idea, GG.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 16, 2007, 10:09:07 AM
In that case...


Frank Stein
Quote from: FrankI am, not to put too fine a point on it, a hulking monster of a man.  I stand nearly seven feet tall and I am big.  My shoulders are very broad and the ill-fitting dark clothing I wear cannot hide my barrel-like chest, beefy hands that look as if they could bend steel, and long legs like small tree trunks.

I wear a weather-beaten hat on my head, pulled down low.  The collar of my trenchcoat is pulled up as far as I can.  But it cannot disguise the pale, greyish complexion of my skin, nor my brutish, craggy facial features criss-crossed with disfiguring scars.

The scowl I currently wear completes the ugly picture, and it is no small wonder that people shy away from me with frightened glances and quickly look away as they get as far from me as possible.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cunningham
Quote from: LizzieMy name is Elizabeth Cunningham, but most folks just call me "Lizzie".  Some say I'm a little rough around the edges, but as my poppa says "roughness adds character".  I look a little younger than I actually am, which is about mid-to-late-twenties.  Don't ask my exact age though - it ain't polite.   

I've got a bit of a worker's tan from being outside a lot and I like simple clothing with pockets.  Ah pockets, man's greatest invention next to the airplane.  Right now, I'm wearing a sand colored t-shirt under an explorer's vest (with lots of pockets), cargo pants (more pockets), and a pair of slightly scuffed boots.

Right now I've got my hair tied back.  It's reddish brown, though not as red as my momma's, and it's curly.  I have my poppa's eyes though, grey-green like a misty forest like momma says. 

Patch "Briar Patch" Briarson
Quote from: PatchThe name's Patch Briarson.  Wasn't too long before people made the obvious joke of calling me "Briar" Patch, and the name just kinda stuck.  Works as well as any, I suppose - you could say I have a certain knack for finding my way out of trouble.  Into trouble as well, but that's a different story.

I wear the standard-issue trenchcoat and fedora that came into vogue ever since Humphrey Bogart started appearing on the silver screen as Sam Spade.  Hey, who am I to buck a trend?  But aside from the job and the duds, that's where the resemblance ends between me and Mr. Sam Spade.  I haven't been at this long enough to have that world-weary expression on my face.  (Though I will admit, Bogart does make that look cool.)  Nope, I'm still young and naive enough to keep a cocky grin on my face.

Patch Briarson, Third Eye Detective Agency - "We Always Know Where To Look."  You can find me in the phone book.

Quote from: EnvoyFirst, my neck is sort of cranked like that of an hunchback. My eyes glare red, they even do that in the dark sometimes. I don't consider myself short and stubby, but then again, most people do consider me that way. People can't even describe my face. It's like I'm a mystery book to them, and their not reading. Also, when I was a kid, whenever I was in public, people started screaming and yelling, and running away. But now as an adult, they just move on with their lives... Strange...

Quote from: AshiSheesh. I've been having a bad day, and this man not only collides into me, but runs away.  Of course, he has good reason.  It's not every day you hear a death threat coming from a kid with demonic swords.  That's right.  I'm really in my late 20's, but complications arose, and now, I'm stuck at the age of either 9 or 10.  Kind of hard to tell.  But that didn't change my thoughts.  My face also got affected though.  I can hardly show emotion with it.  I still do what I do.  Things have just been a bit different for me since then.

Dr. Ray Kostanzis
Quote from: RayWith the action & attention level ratcheting up so suddenly, Ray quickly flashes to how *he* must look in all this, and if he's blending in well enough.  Being a little bit larger & a little bit heavier than your average Joe, the grey trenchcoat and fedora (because gentlemen always wear hats when properly attired) go a long way to helping him slip back into the crowd.  Even the well-groomed brown hair and almost baby-faced appearance don't stand out too much.  But then there's the cane.  Yes, that could be a giveaway, to anyone who might be looking for it.  Made of a lacquered, but unstained, light wood (perhaps even old ivory?), capped & tipped in silver, it's definitely not "average".  But, no, of *course* it doesn't stand out. 

Not that much. 

Steven Littlefield
Quote from: SteveI glance at the mirror over the dresser, Jeepers, I look a mess.  Can't go to the polics looking like this!  Holding the phone with my shoulder I try to clean myself up while talking to Mr. Plant.  I take a couple futile swipes at my hair, trying to arrange a few of the thinning blond whisps to cover up my bald spot.  Sigh, the bald would bother me less if I didn't have such a baby face. I'm only 36, for cryin' out loud.  I retighten my generic "business man's" tie.

Tuck in the shirt tail over a belly grown just slightly too soft from too many hours sitting in front of a drafting table.  And I used to be in such good shape too.  Well, Steven, that was a long time ago.  No use crying over spilt milk.

Getting my off-the-rack suit jacket back over my broad shoulders takes a bit of manuevering, switching the phone from one side to the other while I listen to Mr. Plant's reply.  I glance around and spy my grey felt hat next to my brief case on the bed.

Doctor Mortimer Hertziwits
Quote from: HertzyOne of the pictures in the wall is off-center slightly, which only serves to draw attention to the fact that the good doctor's own bowtie is also off-center and his suit coat, while clean and wrinkle free, is a worn a bit crooked and lopsided.  In fact his whole demeanor somehow reminds one of an absent-minded professor, although it's obvious that one of his profession cannot be all THAT absent minded.  His overweight belly and while hair and beard causing him to resemble Santa Claus if he weren't wearing a business suit only serve to add to this impression.

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 16, 2007, 04:34:59 PM
Quote from: bearded on May 16, 2007, 08:25:35 AM
i do have a question...regarding the curse.  if a man is in a child's body, he would have the biochemistry of a child, right?  would that give the same feelings and emotions of a child?  i'm not entirely clear what age we are talking about also.  perpetual puberty?

Less important than biochemistry would be the physical development of the brain.  Children's brains in school age years are pretty stable, but during adolescence there is a ton of remodeling and reorganization that goes on.  It is hypothesized that this transition is what is necessary to move from the the linear, more abolutist thought porocesses of a child to the more nuanced and shaded thoughts of adulthood.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: bearded on May 17, 2007, 01:07:28 AM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 16, 2007, 04:34:59 PM
Less important than biochemistry would be the physical development of the brain.  Children's brains in school age years are pretty stable, but during adolescence there is a ton of remodeling and reorganization that goes on.  It is hypothesized that this transition is what is necessary to move from the the linear, more abolutist thought porocesses of a child to the more nuanced and shaded thoughts of adulthood.
interesting.  the only example i can think of in works is the little vampire girl in interview with the vampire.  her body stayed the same, yet her mind did seem to expand to some degree, but her nature still seemed to hold childish notions.  i would guess in this case, the remodeling would be put on hold, yet the reorganization would progress.
i like the characterization of ashi.  he seems to think like an adult, but seems to do rash impulsive things.  i got a feeling that lizzie was going to actually spank him at one point! 
all of the characters are portrayed very well, you guys are good writers.  i realize the appeal of this style of writing, to me.  when you are reading a story, or a novel, you are really only hearing one voice, no matter how good the writer.  this way, the characters are truly as different as individuals can be. 
it would be a good thing, if at some point the story were organized as actual fiction.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 17, 2007, 05:04:21 AM
QuoteSorry, couldn't find one for Hertzy beyond:
"...older, fat gentleman..." and "...normally rosy face..."

Actually, his description was pretty much summed up by the narrators first bit involving him, so I saw no reason to re-do it.

Quoteanother man (who bears some resemblance to Santa Clause, though not in his clothing) in front of a newspaper stand.

I suppose looking at it now, I should have done more, but I didn't want to have to abruptly interrupt the flow of the story to do it.  I'll try to put something in there later on.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 17, 2007, 08:04:01 AM
No problem Cat.  I updated the decriptor to include that and I'll update it again later when there're a few more details.

Speaking of Ashi: another factor to take into account is how long ago the de-aging took place.  If it was recent (the impression I get), both the body and mind are still sorting out the abrupt new body shape/chemistry.  Plus the new perspective on how society treats him to adjust to.  Old habits die hard, so to speak.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 17, 2007, 09:48:56 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 17, 2007, 08:04:01 AM
No problem Cat.  I updated the decriptor to include that and I'll update it again later when there're a few more details.

Speaking of Ashi: another factor to take into account is how long ago the de-aging took place.  If it was recent (the impression I get), both the body and mind are still sorting out the abrupt new body shape/chemistry.  Plus the new perspective on how society treats him to adjust to.  Old habits die hard, so to speak.

Actually, Ashi was turned into a kid 2-3 years ago.  However, he's trapped in that state untill he gets killed forcefully.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 19, 2007, 09:04:12 PM
Not to sound worried, but it's been two days and no updates.  Is everything okay?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 20, 2007, 05:34:49 AM
I was getting concerned as well.  I was really enjoying this and am disappointed to see nothing going on.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 20, 2007, 06:32:51 AM
Alaric mentioned in game that he had some RL stuff coming up and that he wouldn't be able to run the game for a while.  He didn't mention how long he would be out, though.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 20, 2007, 06:45:36 AM
Sorry, I'll update things today.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 20, 2007, 05:21:35 PM
Note: Could people please make sure they have room in their personal messages? I suspect at least one message I've sent to someone may not have reached the person.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 20, 2007, 06:08:30 PM
So much for the "no limit" on PM's we were supposed to have.  I'm just glad I'm not the only one having the problem (so's I can't be called crazy).  Must be a heck of a fix, if it's got Randy stumped.

*sigh*.....time to go delete, delete, delete......
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 20, 2007, 06:37:59 PM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on May 20, 2007, 06:28:51 PMRay's Story:

Quote from: Alaric on May 20, 2007, 05:24:40 PMAs you're leaving, the man in the trenchcoat approaches you. He asks, "Hey, who was that guy? What's going on?"

Just now noticing the man, Ray responds: "Oh, just a friend, going through some rough times.  Sometimes the pressures of the everyday can make even the most calm person shout in frustration.  Nothing to be concerned about, I assure you."

ooc & oog:  *waggles his fingers while saying the last sentence, continuing with:* "These are not the people* you seek.  There is nothing to fear here.  All is well.  There are neither demons, walking dead, nor insane alien gods prepared to eat your brain and/or soul.  Go on about your business, citizen."

*pulls out small rod with dials on it that makes a bright flash, just in case*

*: I couldn't very well say "droids" here, could I? :lol:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 20, 2007, 07:50:18 PM
hee hee hee...

"These are not the dorks you are looking for...."  :D

At the moment, I'm 10 under my quota so I should be okay, but I haven't gotten anything recently.  If something was sent and lost, let me know.

BTW: Alaric, take your time.  I know these things can be massive time eaters to GM.  Just wanted to make sure all was well in general.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 20, 2007, 11:14:03 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 20, 2007, 07:47:41 PMLizzie follows closely, taking Hertzy's arm (I assume he's still holding onto Ashi) and witha quick "Shall we go?" start heading for the door.

Holy shades of Oz, Batman!   :lol:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 21, 2007, 06:40:16 AM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on May 20, 2007, 11:14:03 PM
Holy shades of Oz, Batman!   :lol:

Except this time, Toto's a bit more vicious and will hack your arm off if you look at him funny...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 21, 2007, 07:23:21 AM
Yup, it sounds like someone needs a hug.  ;)

And that sound you hear is L Frank Baum spinning in his grave at this lot in Oz.  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 21, 2007, 09:25:52 AM
Does that make me The Tin Man or The Scarecrow?

I gotta know whether to ask The Wizard for a heart or a brain.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 21, 2007, 11:16:57 AM
I'd say you're closer to being the Tin Man, BB.  Frank apparently sees himself as a monster, which by extension implies viewing himself as a heartless beast.  Despite this, his actions thus far have shown him to be a caring individual - i.e., having a big heart all along.

Of course, we have rather a larger corral of characters than the core that appears in Oz.  I've got no clue as to how Patch would fit into that genre...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 21, 2007, 11:32:09 AM
Hmm... that's a toughie. I'd like to say the Hungry Tiger because he can't resolve his desire to eat a fat baby with his conscience telling him not to. 

It's been a few years since I read the series though, so there might be a minor character more suited that I'm forgetting about. 
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 05:20:07 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 20, 2007, 07:50:18 PM

At the moment, I'm 10 under my quota so I should be okay, but I haven't gotten anything recently.  If something was sent and lost, let me know.

Just out of curiosity, what is the current maximum?
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 05:32:06 AM
Since most of you have had the oportunity to observe each other more closely now, I'm going to go ahead and post the descriptions from your character sheets here, each paired with the "in-game" descriptions from Glitch Girl's post.

THE CAST in depth

Frank Stein
Quote from: FrankI am, not to put too fine a point on it, a hulking monster of a man.  I stand nearly seven feet tall and I am big.  My shoulders are very broad and the ill-fitting dark clothing I wear cannot hide my barrel-like chest, beefy hands that look as if they could bend steel, and long legs like small tree trunks.

I wear a weather-beaten hat on my head, pulled down low.  The collar of my trenchcoat is pulled up as far as I can.  But it cannot disguise the pale, greyish complexion of my skin, nor my brutish, craggy facial features criss-crossed with disfiguring scars.

The scowl I currently wear completes the ugly picture, and it is no small wonder that people shy away from me with frightened glances and quickly look away as they get as far from me as possible.

Frank is Big with a Capital B and Ugly with a Capital U. He has black hair, craggy facial features, a pale, greyish complexion, scars all over his body, one blue eye and one brown eye. Frank has a deep voice but doesn't talk much due to a speech impediment (stutters). He is quite shy and normally gentle, but is able to act menacing without too much effort. Frank gets angry when helpless people are taken advantage of or bullied. He gets frustrated when he forgets his strength and accidentally breaks something (which may result in something else getting broken). He is very careful not to accidentally hurt people around him, which often leaves the mistaken impression that he is slow. He wears an ill-fitting dark suit that's just a bit too small for him and a large trenchcoat that fits passably on him.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cunningham
Quote from: LizzieMy name is Elizabeth Cunningham, but most folks just call me "Lizzie".  Some say I'm a little rough around the edges, but as my poppa says "roughness adds character".  I look a little younger than I actually am, which is about mid-to-late-twenties.  Don't ask my exact age though - it ain't polite.   

I've got a bit of a worker's tan from being outside a lot and I like simple clothing with pockets.  Ah pockets, man's greatest invention next to the airplane.  Right now, I'm wearing a sand colored t-shirt under an explorer's vest (with lots of pockets), cargo pants (more pockets), and a pair of slightly scuffed boots.

Right now I've got my hair tied back.  It's reddish brown, though not as red as my momma's, and it's curly.  I have my poppa's eyes though, grey-green like a misty forest like momma says. 

Lizzie's a 5'7 ball of energy... well, figuratively speaking of course. A young semi-tanned woman, she appears to be of English or possibly Scottish descent, with reddish brown curls that reach her shoulders when not tied back, and grey-green eyes. She tends to wear a sand colored t-shirt under an explorer's vest with lots of pockets, cargo pants, and boots.

Patch "Briar Patch" Briarson
Quote from: PatchThe name's Patch Briarson.  Wasn't too long before people made the obvious joke of calling me "Briar" Patch, and the name just kinda stuck.  Works as well as any, I suppose - you could say I have a certain knack for finding my way out of trouble.  Into trouble as well, but that's a different story.

I wear the standard-issue trenchcoat and fedora that came into vogue ever since Humphrey Bogart started appearing on the silver screen as Sam Spade.  Hey, who am I to buck a trend?  But aside from the job and the duds, that's where the resemblance ends between me and Mr. Sam Spade.  I haven't been at this long enough to have that world-weary expression on my face.  (Though I will admit, Bogart does make that look cool.)  Nope, I'm still young and naive enough to keep a cocky grin on my face.

Patch Briarson, Third Eye Detective Agency - "We Always Know Where To Look."  You can find me in the phone book.

He wears the trenchcoat and fedora that are typical of Humphrey Bogart playing Sam Spade. His face is nothing like Humphrey Bogart's, though. I'm envisioning dark hair, dark eyes, mischievous grin. Definitely the look of a young man.

Quote from: EnvoyFirst, my neck is sort of cranked like that of an hunchback. My eyes glare red, they even do that in the dark sometimes. I don't consider myself short and stubby, but then again, most people do consider me that way. People can't even describe my face. It's like I'm a mystery book to them, and their not reading. Also, when I was a kid, whenever I was in public, people started screaming and yelling, and running away. But now as an adult, they just move on with their lives... Strange...

Humped back and blairing eyes, he looks like he just escaped from prison. His hair is very messy and looks like a greasy black mess, like he hasn't shampooed it in years. His face isn't particulary attractive, just as long as people don't come next to him, he's okay. His voice is low and and croaky, like a bullfrog talking to a gorilla. He doesn't like people, like getting particularly attatched to anyone. But for some reason he loves to help people.

Quote from: AshiSheesh. I've been having a bad day, and this man not only collides into me, but runs away.  Of course, he has good reason.  It's not every day you hear a death threat coming from a kid with demonic swords.  That's right.  I'm really in my late 20's, but complications arose, and now, I'm stuck at the age of either 9 or 10.  Kind of hard to tell.  But that didn't change my thoughts.  My face also got affected though.  I can hardly show emotion with it.  I still do what I do.  Things have just been a bit different for me since then.

His physical form is that of a child 9-10 years of age. His face is almost conastantly emotionless. He wears traditional Japanese warrior clothing (black kimono, black devided hakama, white obi, white tabi, black zori). He also wears a wide, flat, circular hat. He has short, black hair. He has no sheathe, as his sword doesn't need one. Despite his child body, he acts like an adult, and when he sees a bottle of liquor lying around, he picks it up, but puts it down, remembering that, because of his physical state, he probally can't hold his liqour. He has a cool, calm demanor. Sometimes, he tries to crack jokes, but because he can't change the emotions on his face too well, people often thinks his jokes are serious.

Dr. Ray Kostanzis
Quote from: RayWith the action & attention level ratcheting up so suddenly, Ray quickly flashes to how *he* must look in all this, and if he's blending in well enough.  Being a little bit larger & a little bit heavier than your average Joe, the grey trenchcoat and fedora (because gentlemen always wear hats when properly attired) go a long way to helping him slip back into the crowd.  Even the well-groomed brown hair and almost baby-faced appearance don't stand out too much.  But then there's the cane.  Yes, that could be a giveaway, to anyone who might be looking for it.  Made of a lacquered, but unstained, light wood (perhaps even old ivory?), capped & tipped in silver, it's definitely not "average".  But, no, of *course* it doesn't stand out. 

Not that much. 

A little larger and heavier than average. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Glasses. Appears a little bookwormish/studious. Tends to keep to himself. Most people tend to get that "he's weird" feeling about him. I'm sure the occasional muttering to himself doesn't help that much. Has been witnessed to be somewhat superstitious.

Steven Littlefield
Quote from: SteveI glance at the mirror over the dresser, Jeepers, I look a mess.  Can't go to the polics looking like this!  Holding the phone with my shoulder I try to clean myself up while talking to Mr. Plant.  I take a couple futile swipes at my hair, trying to arrange a few of the thinning blond whisps to cover up my bald spot.  Sigh, the bald would bother me less if I didn't have such a baby face. I'm only 36, for cryin' out loud.  I retighten my generic "business man's" tie.

Tuck in the shirt tail over a belly grown just slightly too soft from too many hours sitting in front of a drafting table.  And I used to be in such good shape too.  Well, Steven, that was a long time ago.  No use crying over spilt milk.

Getting my off-the-rack suit jacket back over my broad shoulders takes a bit of manuevering, switching the phone from one side to the other while I listen to Mr. Plant's reply.  I glance around and spy my grey felt hat next to my brief case on the bed.

Robust man approaching middle age with a bit of a spread. He is extremely easy-going and "golly gee" nice.

Doctor Mortimer Hertziwits
Quote from: HertzyOne of the pictures in the wall is off-center slightly, which only serves to draw attention to the fact that the good doctor's own bowtie is also off-center and his suit coat, while clean and wrinkle free, is a worn a bit crooked and lopsided.  In fact his whole demeanor somehow reminds one of an absent-minded professor, although it's obvious that one of his profession cannot be all THAT absent minded.  His overweight belly and while hair and beard causing him to resemble Santa Claus if he weren't wearing a business suit only serve to add to this impression.

Dr. Herziwits ("Hertzy" to his friends) is a slightly overweight, kindly gentleman doctor in him mid-50's. His white hair and beard, and fondness for children, causes him to be often mistaken for Santa Clause around Christmas time.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 23, 2007, 06:08:00 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 05:20:07 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 20, 2007, 07:50:18 PM

At the moment, I'm 10 under my quota so I should be okay, but I haven't gotten anything recently.  If something was sent and lost, let me know.

Just out of curiosity, what is the current maximum?
50 in inbox, no idea about the sent box.

PS: Updated the descriptions to include the revised description of Hertzy.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 06:24:03 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 23, 2007, 06:08:00 AM
Quote from: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 05:20:07 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 20, 2007, 07:50:18 PM

At the moment, I'm 10 under my quota so I should be okay, but I haven't gotten anything recently.  If something was sent and lost, let me know.

Just out of curiosity, what is the current maximum?
50 in inbox, no idea about the sent box.

PS: Updated the descriptions to include the revised description of Hertzy.

I currently have 182 messages in my inbox, and I'm still recieving messages. Did you by any chance mean 500, instead of 50, or am I just very, very lucky?

Updated my description post.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 23, 2007, 06:36:27 AM
Very lucky apparently.  Someone told me stuff bounced on mine ater it got up to 50.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 23, 2007, 12:50:44 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 23, 2007, 06:36:27 AM
Very lucky apparently.  Someone told me stuff bounced on mine ater it got up to 50.

Ditto.  When I asked Randy about it, he couldn't see any reason why it was acting that way.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 23, 2007, 07:34:47 PM
QuoteYou realize it's not the trash can itself drawing your attention, so much as an area just beyond it. There's a circular area of the ground that's obviously cleaner than the surrounding area. It fades as it extends outward. In the center is some sort of small metal canister.

OOC: it's not glowing, is it?

Narrator voice over: "Carefully, gingerly, the hulking Frank reaches out towards the glowing canister"

Frank: "This must be what's he's looking for!  I wonder what it could be! 

WAIT!  The canister is opening . . .

ARGH!!! . . . some sort of . . . energy, flowing . . . AHHH! . . . through me! 

M-my hands!  The-they're getting SMALLER!  And my feet!  I'm getting shorter!!  I . . . I . . . I feel so . . . nimble!  Light on my feet!  Like I could dance!

And my reflection in the window!  Why . . I'm HANDSOME!!

feel like I could dance!!

Even the people who I tried to help ran away and called me monster.  No more!!!  Now they will call me . . ."

"Fancyfeet Frank!!"

Narrator: "And so Patriot City's most unusual new protector dances off into the night, ready to tap out evil with his fancy footwork!"

Music Fade out over the retreating dancer:
"If you're blue and you don't know where to go to,
Why don't you go where fashion fits?"

All together now for the last line . . .
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 23, 2007, 07:41:28 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 23, 2007, 05:32:06 AM
Since most of you have had the oportunity to observe each other more closely now, I'm going to go ahead and post the descriptions from your character sheets here, each paired with the "in-game" descriptions from Glitch Girl's post.

THE CAST in depth

Frank Stein
Quote from: FrankI am, not to put too fine a point on it, a hulking monster of a man.  I stand nearly seven feet tall and I am big.  My shoulders are very broad and the ill-fitting dark clothing I wear cannot hide my barrel-like chest, beefy hands that look as if they could bend steel, and long legs like small tree trunks.

I wear a weather-beaten hat on my head, pulled down low.  The collar of my trenchcoat is pulled up as far as I can.  But it cannot disguise the pale, greyish complexion of my skin, nor my brutish, craggy facial features criss-crossed with disfiguring scars.

The scowl I currently wear completes the ugly picture, and it is no small wonder that people shy away from me with frightened glances and quickly look away as they get as far from me as possible.

Frank is Big with a Capital B and Ugly with a Capital U. He has black hair, craggy facial features, a pale, greyish complexion, scars all over his body, one blue eye and one brown eye. Frank has a deep voice but doesn't talk much due to a speech impediment (stutters). He is quite shy and normally gentle, but is able to act menacing without too much effort. Frank gets angry when helpless people are taken advantage of or bullied. He gets frustrated when he forgets his strength and accidentally breaks something (which may result in something else getting broken). He is very careful not to accidentally hurt people around him, which often leaves the mistaken impression that he is slow. He wears an ill-fitting dark suit that's just a bit too small for him and a large trenchcoat that fits passably on him.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cunningham
Quote from: LizzieMy name is Elizabeth Cunningham, but most folks just call me "Lizzie".  Some say I'm a little rough around the edges, but as my poppa says "roughness adds character".  I look a little younger than I actually am, which is about mid-to-late-twenties.  Don't ask my exact age though - it ain't polite.   

I've got a bit of a worker's tan from being outside a lot and I like simple clothing with pockets.  Ah pockets, man's greatest invention next to the airplane.  Right now, I'm wearing a sand colored t-shirt under an explorer's vest (with lots of pockets), cargo pants (more pockets), and a pair of slightly scuffed boots.

Right now I've got my hair tied back.  It's reddish brown, though not as red as my momma's, and it's curly.  I have my poppa's eyes though, grey-green like a misty forest like momma says. 

Lizzie's a 5'7 ball of energy... well, figuratively speaking of course. A young semi-tanned woman, she appears to be of English or possibly Scottish descent, with reddish brown curls that reach her shoulders when not tied back, and grey-green eyes. She tends to wear a sand colored t-shirt under an explorer's vest with lots of pockets, cargo pants, and boots.

Patch "Briar Patch" Briarson
Quote from: PatchThe name's Patch Briarson.  Wasn't too long before people made the obvious joke of calling me "Briar" Patch, and the name just kinda stuck.  Works as well as any, I suppose - you could say I have a certain knack for finding my way out of trouble.  Into trouble as well, but that's a different story.

I wear the standard-issue trenchcoat and fedora that came into vogue ever since Humphrey Bogart started appearing on the silver screen as Sam Spade.  Hey, who am I to buck a trend?  But aside from the job and the duds, that's where the resemblance ends between me and Mr. Sam Spade.  I haven't been at this long enough to have that world-weary expression on my face.  (Though I will admit, Bogart does make that look cool.)  Nope, I'm still young and naive enough to keep a cocky grin on my face.

Patch Briarson, Third Eye Detective Agency - "We Always Know Where To Look."  You can find me in the phone book.

He wears the trenchcoat and fedora that are typical of Humphrey Bogart playing Sam Spade. His face is nothing like Humphrey Bogart's, though. I'm envisioning dark hair, dark eyes, mischievous grin. Definitely the look of a young man.

Quote from: EnvoyFirst, my neck is sort of cranked like that of an hunchback. My eyes glare red, they even do that in the dark sometimes. I don't consider myself short and stubby, but then again, most people do consider me that way. People can't even describe my face. It's like I'm a mystery book to them, and their not reading. Also, when I was a kid, whenever I was in public, people started screaming and yelling, and running away. But now as an adult, they just move on with their lives... Strange...

Humped back and blairing eyes, he looks like he just escaped from prison. His hair is very messy and looks like a greasy black mess, like he hasn't shampooed it in years. His face isn't particulary attractive, just as long as people don't come next to him, he's okay. His voice is low and and croaky, like a bullfrog talking to a gorilla. He doesn't like people, like getting particularly attatched to anyone. But for some reason he loves to help people.

Quote from: AshiSheesh. I've been having a bad day, and this man not only collides into me, but runs away.  Of course, he has good reason.  It's not every day you hear a death threat coming from a kid with demonic swords.  That's right.  I'm really in my late 20's, but complications arose, and now, I'm stuck at the age of either 9 or 10.  Kind of hard to tell.  But that didn't change my thoughts.  My face also got affected though.  I can hardly show emotion with it.  I still do what I do.  Things have just been a bit different for me since then.

His physical form is that of a child 9-10 years of age. His face is almost conastantly emotionless. He wears traditional Japanese warrior clothing (black kimono, black devided hakama, white obi, white tabi, black zori). He also wears a wide, flat, circular hat. He has short, black hair. He has no sheathe, as his sword doesn't need one. Despite his child body, he acts like an adult, and when he sees a bottle of liquor lying around, he picks it up, but puts it down, remembering that, because of his physical state, he probally can't hold his liqour. He has a cool, calm demanor. Sometimes, he tries to crack jokes, but because he can't change the emotions on his face too well, people often thinks his jokes are serious.

Dr. Ray Kostanzis
Quote from: RayWith the action & attention level ratcheting up so suddenly, Ray quickly flashes to how *he* must look in all this, and if he's blending in well enough.  Being a little bit larger & a little bit heavier than your average Joe, the grey trenchcoat and fedora (because gentlemen always wear hats when properly attired) go a long way to helping him slip back into the crowd.  Even the well-groomed brown hair and almost baby-faced appearance don't stand out too much.  But then there's the cane.  Yes, that could be a giveaway, to anyone who might be looking for it.  Made of a lacquered, but unstained, light wood (perhaps even old ivory?), capped & tipped in silver, it's definitely not "average".  But, no, of *course* it doesn't stand out. 

Not that much. 

A little larger and heavier than average. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Glasses. Appears a little bookwormish/studious. Tends to keep to himself. Most people tend to get that "he's weird" feeling about him. I'm sure the occasional muttering to himself doesn't help that much. Has been witnessed to be somewhat superstitious.

Steven Littlefield
Quote from: SteveI glance at the mirror over the dresser, Jeepers, I look a mess.  Can't go to the polics looking like this!  Holding the phone with my shoulder I try to clean myself up while talking to Mr. Plant.  I take a couple futile swipes at my hair, trying to arrange a few of the thinning blond whisps to cover up my bald spot.  Sigh, the bald would bother me less if I didn't have such a baby face. I'm only 36, for cryin' out loud.  I retighten my generic "business man's" tie.

Tuck in the shirt tail over a belly grown just slightly too soft from too many hours sitting in front of a drafting table.  And I used to be in such good shape too.  Well, Steven, that was a long time ago.  No use crying over spilt milk.

Getting my off-the-rack suit jacket back over my broad shoulders takes a bit of manuevering, switching the phone from one side to the other while I listen to Mr. Plant's reply.  I glance around and spy my grey felt hat next to my brief case on the bed.

Robust man approaching middle age with a bit of a spread. He is extremely easy-going and "golly gee" nice.

Doctor Mortimer Hertziwits
Quote from: HertzyOne of the pictures in the wall is off-center slightly, which only serves to draw attention to the fact that the good doctor's own bowtie is also off-center and his suit coat, while clean and wrinkle free, is a worn a bit crooked and lopsided.  In fact his whole demeanor somehow reminds one of an absent-minded professor, although it's obvious that one of his profession cannot be all THAT absent minded.  His overweight belly and while hair and beard causing him to resemble Santa Claus if he weren't wearing a business suit only serve to add to this impression.

Dr. Herziwits ("Hertzy" to his friends) is a slightly overweight, kindly gentleman doctor in him mid-50's. His white hair and beard, and fondness for children, causes him to be often mistaken for Santa Clause around Christmas time.

However, characters may have "evolved" into different characterzations since their initial character sheets...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 23, 2007, 08:15:00 PM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 23, 2007, 07:34:47 PM
QuoteYou realize it's not the trash can itself drawing your attention, so much as an area just beyond it. There's a circular area of the ground that's obviously cleaner than the surrounding area. It fades as it extends outward. In the center is some sort of small metal canister.

OOC: it's not glowing, is it?

Narrator voice over: "Carefully, gingerly, the hulking Frank reaches out towards the glowing canister"

Frank: "This must be what's he's looking for!  I wonder what it could be! 

WAIT!  The canister is opening . . .

ARGH!!! . . . some sort of . . . energy, flowing . . . AHHH! . . . through me! 

M-my hands!  The-they're getting SMALLER!  And my feet!  I'm getting shorter!!  I . . . I . . . I feel so . . . nimble!  Light on my feet!  Like I could dance!

And my reflection in the window!  Why . . I'm HANDSOME!!

feel like I could dance!!

Even the people who I tried to help ran away and called me monster.  No more!!!  Now they will call me . . ."

"Fancyfeet Frank!!"

Narrator: "And so Patriot City's most unusual new protector dances off into the night, ready to tap out evil with his fancy footwork!"

Music Fade out over the retreating dancer:
"If you're blue and you don't know where to go to,
Why don't you go where fashion fits?"

All together now
for the last line . . .


(actually, I thought of mutant turtles first, but this works too)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 24, 2007, 09:03:05 AM
At least a couple of times recently, players have missed entire pages in the game, leading to some confusion. Just want to see if anyone has any ideas as to how to minimize that problem.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 24, 2007, 09:10:36 AM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 23, 2007, 07:34:47 PM
QuoteYou realize it's not the trash can itself drawing your attention, so much as an area just beyond it. There's a circular area of the ground that's obviously cleaner than the surrounding area. It fades as it extends outward. In the center is some sort of small metal canister.

OOC: it's not glowing, is it?

Narrator voice over: "Carefully, gingerly, the hulking Frank reaches out towards the glowing canister"

Frank: "This must be what's he's looking for!  I wonder what it could be! 

WAIT!  The canister is opening . . .

ARGH!!! . . . some sort of . . . energy, flowing . . . AHHH! . . . through me! 

M-my hands!  The-they're getting SMALLER!  And my feet!  I'm getting shorter!!  I . . . I . . . I feel so . . . nimble!  Light on my feet!  Like I could dance!

And my reflection in the window!  Why . . I'm HANDSOME!!

feel like I could dance!!

Even the people who I tried to help ran away and called me monster.  No more!!!  Now they will call me . . ."

"Fancyfeet Frank!!"

Narrator: "And so Patriot City's most unusual new protector dances off into the night, ready to tap out evil with his fancy footwork!"

Music Fade out over the retreating dancer:
"If you're blue and you don't know where to go to,
Why don't you go where fashion fits?"

All together now for the last line . . .

Heh. Too bad Frank's last name isn't Styles. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the "is it glowing?" question, in a post about someone named "Frank", was "More Energy X... flowing into me! I feel stronger, more powerful!"

Actually, it was kind of funny seeing this post last night... Earlier in the evening, I had been thinking about the superhero game I almost ran instead of this one, and thinking about this game, and suddenly I came up with a whole team of mostly tongue-in-cheek superheroes based on the characters in this game, complete with backgrounds... I'm really tempted to do something with them...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on May 24, 2007, 09:10:46 AM
In my case it was simple because there were FAR most posts in the course of just a couple of hours than I was expecting, and I think a couple were very, very similar to each other, but on different page, leading me to go, "Oh, there's where I left off" when that wasn't the right place at all.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 24, 2007, 12:55:44 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 24, 2007, 09:03:05 AM
At least a couple of times recently, players have missed entire pages in the game, leading to some confusion. Just want to see if anyone has any ideas as to how to minimize that problem.

My problem was just forgetting that there was another page to read (after the one I was on, & responding to).  I did, however, read them under the message window before I finished (did it again today, too).  I guess that just means the game's so good that I forget to read it all before wanting to respond.   :thumbup:

btw, this will probably be my last post until possibly very late on Monday.  Driving down to the Bay Area this afternoon for my sister's wedding.  Yeah, lookin forward to *that* drive. <_<
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 01:25:41 PM
Have a good trip Panther_Gunn.  Not familiar with the exact drive in question, but I hope it doesn't take too long.

And anyone wh's vacationing this weekend, have a good Memorial Day Weekend. :)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 24, 2007, 02:02:14 PM
Heh... I just about keeled over laughing at UY's version of events. 

Only here could one find a scene from the twisted alternate reality 'Freedom Force Meets Young Frankenstein'.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 24, 2007, 03:33:15 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 24, 2007, 02:02:14 PM
Only here could one find a scene from the twisted alternate reality 'Freedom Force Meets Young Frankenstein'.  :rolleyes:

And that, my friend, is entirely the twist I was aiming for.   ^_^

The corollary to your statement is that only here could we find a group of people who could get (and appreciate) such a scene!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 04:13:05 PM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 24, 2007, 03:33:15 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 24, 2007, 02:02:14 PM
Only here could one find a scene from the twisted alternate reality 'Freedom Force Meets Young Frankenstein'.  :rolleyes:

And that, my friend, is entirely the twist I was aiming for.   ^_^

The corollary to your statement is that only here could we find a group of people who could get (and appreciate) such a scene!
amen to that.  :D
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 24, 2007, 07:17:14 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 24, 2007, 09:10:36 AM
Actually, it was kind of funny seeing this post last night... Earlier in the evening, I had been thinking about the superhero game I almost ran instead of this one, and thinking about this game, and suddenly I came up with a whole team of mostly tongue-in-cheek superheroes based on the characters in this game, complete with backgrounds... I'm really tempted to do something with them...

Well, you're the GM . . . how are we to know if you switch things up mid-stride?  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 24, 2007, 08:40:13 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 04:13:05 PM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 24, 2007, 03:33:15 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 24, 2007, 02:02:14 PM
Only here could one find a scene from the twisted alternate reality 'Freedom Force Meets Young Frankenstein'.  :rolleyes:

And that, my friend, is entirely the twist I was aiming for.   ^_^

The corollary to your statement is that only here could we find a group of people who could get (and appreciate) such a scene!
amen to that.  :D

Heh.  I tried to explain 'Young Frankenstein' to my wife once... who's never seen a Frankenstein movie and never watched a Mel Brooks movie.  I couldn't get past the whole reanimation thing, which she considers to be twisted.

Sometimes she forgets that so am I.   :lol:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 24, 2007, 08:47:25 PM
And it is for the proper cinematic education of our significant others that God created Netflix . . .

edite . . . and now that the Yuanling is a teenager, and thus old enough to really start to "get" adult movies, I realize that Netflix is also for the proper cinematic education of our children!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 08:50:54 PM
Indeed. This poor woman has lived a deprived life. 

anyway, back to the game...

"Me?  Abnormalities?  No!  I mean, no.  Unless maybe you count being able to do this with my thumb."  I hold out my my thumb in a "hitchiker" pose.  The last segment forms a nearly right angle back over the rest of the finger.  "I've heard it called a "hitchiker's thumb" and it's a genetically recessive trait that not many people can do.  And an enjoyment for the complex mathematics that I need to do for my job.  Aside from that I'm pretty normal, I guess."

Whoot!  Another normal person (relatively speaking;) )!  Go normals!  :D :P
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 25, 2007, 04:03:21 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 08:50:54 PM

"Me?  Abnormalities?  No!  I mean, no.  Unless maybe you count being able to do this with my thumb."  I hold out my my thumb in a "hitchiker" pose.  The last segment forms a nearly right angle back over the rest of the finger.  "I've heard it called a "hitchiker's thumb" and it's a genetically recessive trait that not many people can do.  And an enjoyment for the complex mathematics that I need to do for my job.  Aside from that I'm pretty normal, I guess."

Whoot!  Another normal person (relatively speaking;) )!  Go normals!  :D :P

Wait . . . are you implying that your character is normal, too?  Well that doesn't work at all!!  If there are two of us that must make us . . .

a pair of normals!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 25, 2007, 05:07:09 AM
Then it all works out then. 

(ps: "Ba-dum CHING!")
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 25, 2007, 08:55:58 PM
Quote from: Uncle Yuan on May 25, 2007, 06:52:01 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 25, 2007, 06:27:51 PM

When you say you leave the office, do you mean you go out the front door, or something else?

OOC: Front door, of course.  Someone has to move this plot forward! :D

As my father accidentally said when he was playing Polonius in Hamlet some years ago, "If this be method, yet there is madness in it"...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 29, 2007, 04:41:45 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 24, 2007, 08:50:54 PM
Indeed. This poor woman has lived a deprived life. 

anyway, back to the game...

"Me?  Abnormalities?  No!  I mean, no.  Unless maybe you count being able to do this with my thumb."  I hold out my my thumb in a "hitchiker" pose.  The last segment forms a nearly right angle back over the rest of the finger.  "I've heard it called a "hitchiker's thumb" and it's a genetically recessive trait that not many people can do.  And an enjoyment for the complex mathematics that I need to do for my job.  Aside from that I'm pretty normal, I guess."

Whoot!  Another normal person (relatively speaking;) )!  Go normals!  :D :P

Is Lizzie's real name Abbie?  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 29, 2007, 08:37:38 PM
Abbie.. something.

Abbie who?

Abbie.... normal.

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on May 29, 2007, 11:30:06 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 29, 2007, 07:27:25 PMNoticing the number of people in or emerging from the doctor's office, the men seem a little unsure. One whispers somethign to the others briefly, and two of the men back up a little, keeping watch on anyone who emerges from the office.

......and a fireball goes off in the room.  Have fun, Frank!  :lol:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 30, 2007, 05:17:03 AM
Just wanted to compliment all the palyers on the great job they're doing on characterization and role-playing. You're all making this game a pleasure to GM, and there are times when I just have to sit back and watch you interact for a while (admittadly, that does slow the game down a little, but I can't help it). For example, the different characters' reactions to things paranormal, based on the different characters' differing past experiences, are very interesting. I made a point of trying to put together an extremely varied group from the alternate character submissions most of you sent me, and I'm glad to see all of you latching onto those differences and really playing them up. Great work!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 30, 2007, 09:17:59 AM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on May 29, 2007, 11:30:06 PM
Quote from: Alaric on May 29, 2007, 07:27:25 PMNoticing the number of people in or emerging from the doctor's office, the men seem a little unsure. One whispers somethign to the others briefly, and two of the men back up a little, keeping watch on anyone who emerges from the office.

......and a fireball goes off in the room.  Have fun, Frank!  :lol:

Okay, for my next character, I wanna roll up a half Tarasque, half demi-god who's a ninja. :D :P

And BTW Alaric, t'is our pleasure.  Just keep the updates coming.

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 09:51:02 AM
Hey, if she gets that character I want a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/commando with wrist blasters, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, and a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on May 30, 2007, 09:59:00 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 09:51:02 AM
Hey, if she gets that character I want a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/commando with wrist blasters, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, and a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell.

How about a half catwoman/half snake women wearing a fedora and weilding both a machete, a big high energy laser cannon, and Dark Force Powers?  Or is that not good enough? :P
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 30, 2007, 10:31:27 AM
He's a half-elven mutant cyborg paramilitary wizard computer hacker on the run from the law.

She's a federoa-wearing, catwoman-serpent hybrid with a big honkin' laser cannon trying to resist the lure of the Dark Side.

They Fight Crime!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 10:32:52 AM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 30, 2007, 09:59:00 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 09:51:02 AM
Hey, if she gets that character I want a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/commando with wrist blasters, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, and a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell.

How about a half catwoman/half snake women wearing a fedora and weilding both a machete, a big high energy laser cannon, and Dark Force Powers?  Or is that not good enough? :P

Thanks, Kkhohoho!  I knew I was forgetting something...

Make that a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/jedi with wrist blasters, a built-in lightsaber, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell, and the Millenium Falcon (with Chewbacca as co-pilot, of course).
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 30, 2007, 10:36:42 AM
These character concepts are reminding me of a Mage game in which one of the characters wanted to be a Bruce Lee martial artist and wizard, who wanted to use adamantium-coated brass knuckles, finger caps, and tonfas, all at the same time.  And then he wanted to get a 10' tall suit of high-tech assault armor to wear while he was doing his kung-fu moves.

Needless to say, the GM did not let him get away with any of those wishes.  But the rest of us sure laughed about it afterwards.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on May 30, 2007, 10:38:21 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 10:32:52 AM
Quote from: kkhohoho on May 30, 2007, 09:59:00 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 09:51:02 AM
Hey, if she gets that character I want a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/commando with wrist blasters, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, and a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell.

How about a half catwoman/half snake women wearing a fedora and weilding both a machete, a big high energy laser cannon, and Dark Force Powers?  Or is that not good enough? :P

Thanks, Kkhohoho!  I knew I was forgetting something...

Make that a half-elven mutant cyborg netrunner/wizard/jedi with wrist blasters, a built-in lightsaber, an Artifact of Endless Wishes, a faerie familiar named Tinkerbell, and the Millenium Falcon (with Chewbacca as co-pilot, of course).

All right, but a character that powerful will need some kind of disadvantage or weakness to balance him. I know! He's mildly alergic to anchovies! Eating them casues a slight, but non-debilitating, rash on the sole of his left foot!

Character balanced.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on May 30, 2007, 11:04:17 AM
And don't forget "Overconfidence."  Every PC has to have "Overconfidence!"
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Spam on May 30, 2007, 11:24:11 AM

I think my next character would just be a Tom Cruise clone...


Who throws exploding teddy bears, and has the help of Samurai Squirrels!

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 11:26:13 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 30, 2007, 10:36:42 AM
These character concepts are reminding me of a Mage game in which one of the characters wanted to be a Bruce Lee martial artist and wizard, who wanted to use adamantium-coated brass knuckles, finger caps, and tonfas, all at the same time.  And then he wanted to get a 10' tall suit of high-tech assault armor to wear while he was doing his kung-fu moves.

Needless to say, the GM did not let him get away with any of those wishes.  But the rest of us sure laughed about it afterwards.

Shoot, I would have let him have all of that.

Needless to say, all of that metal would totally screw up his spellcasting abilities.
The armor itself would disrupt his mana.
And somatic components would be extremely difficult to get right wearing brass knuckles and finger caps, or the armor's gauntlets.
And you know what happens when a spell is miscast...
Any attempt at kung-fu in an oversized suit of armor would force him to pass agility checks every round of combat or fall over.
And, of course, the brass knuckles and finger caps would neither fit over nor under the gauntlets of the armor.
Nor would he have a really firm grip on the tonfas with the gauntlets, as they are too big and clumsy.
And naturally, the gauntlets would need to be attached for the suit's power systems to be fully online.

I'd think the heavy metal would get left behind fairly quickly.  Thus opening the door for the next passing wandering enemy to start walking around in high-tech assault armor.

Yes. I'm the dreaded "Okay, you asked for it" breed of GM.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Spam on May 30, 2007, 11:36:41 AM
Quote from: BlueBard on May 30, 2007, 11:26:13 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 30, 2007, 10:36:42 AM
These character concepts are reminding me of a Mage game in which one of the characters wanted to be a Bruce Lee martial artist and wizard, who wanted to use adamantium-coated brass knuckles, finger caps, and tonfas, all at the same time.  And then he wanted to get a 10' tall suit of high-tech assault armor to wear while he was doing his kung-fu moves.

Needless to say, the GM did not let him get away with any of those wishes.  But the rest of us sure laughed about it afterwards.

Shoot, I would have let him have all of that.

Needless to say, all of that metal would totally screw up his spellcasting abilities.
The armor itself would disrupt his mana.
And somatic components would be extremely difficult to get right wearing brass knuckles and finger caps, or the armor's gauntlets.
And you know what happens when a spell is miscast...
Any attempt at kung-fu in an oversized suit of armor would force him to pass agility checks every round of combat or fall over.
And, of course, the brass knuckles and finger caps would neither fit over nor under the gauntlets of the armor.
Nor would he have a really firm grip on the tonfas with the gauntlets, as they are too big and clumsy.
And naturally, the gauntlets would need to be attached for the suit's power systems to be fully online.

I'd think the heavy metal would get left behind fairly quickly.  Thus opening the door for the next passing wandering enemy to start walking around in high-tech assault armor.

Yes. I'm the dreaded "Okay, you asked for it" breed of GM.

Oh wow...

That's like...


Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 31, 2007, 07:25:18 AM
Heh, we had something like that in one of the games I was in. 

The player wanted to be a movie star and have people adore him (along with powers of a DBZ character - he was a bit of a twit).

Then the GM introduced him to "groupies".  :twisted:

BTW: in regards to the current game - I get the feeling things are about to get ugly, and that's even before Frank shows up. 

BTW: What's Frank's middle name?  Nathan, Nathaniel, Norton..?  Gotta have an "N".  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 31, 2007, 10:30:40 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 31, 2007, 07:25:18 AM
BTW: What's Frank's middle name?  Nathan, Nathaniel, Norton..?  Gotta have an "N".  ;)

You better stop there, GG.  You wouldn't want to go asking for the last name.  Someone might take offense and hit you with a beer Stein.  In other words, show some common Sense.

Back to the topic of blatantly munchkin characters...

A friend of mine once ran a game in a pulp action setting.  One of his players ran the character "Jebediah Jameson, Wealthy Adventurer," and really pushed the envelope in trying to take "Flaws" that really weren't flaws.  The GM let him take the flaws, but took BlueBard's evil GM approach to make them haunt the player.  Two of the Flaws stick out particularly in my mind...

One was that JJ had made an Enemy of a tribe of savages somewhere in South America.  The player figured, the adventures would rarely if ever lead to South America, and the savages only used primitive weapons, so no problem, right?

Wrong, of course.  The GM decided that the tribesmen were not so unsophisticated as to be incapable of travel to hunt down a sworn enemy.  JJ had more than one interrupted night of sleep from released swarms of fire ants and the trained tarantula attack...

JJ had also opted to take the Dependent NPC flaw.  JJ had a teenaged relative, Tony... who was then designed to be ambidexterous, and a better shot than anyone in the party.  Once again, the GM let it ride, deciding that Tony the Gun Punk hated his older cousin JJ, and actively tried to make life miserable for him.  One adventure, Tony was hypnotized to gun down JJ.  Of course, nobody can be hypnotized to do something they are morally opposed to doing - good thing Tony had no moral qualms!

(Years later, this same GM ran a one-shot adventure, borrowing the character templates from his past game.  A similarly unimaginative munchkin player decided to play JJ.  I got to play Tony the Gun Punk.  It was a blast.)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on May 31, 2007, 10:49:02 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 31, 2007, 10:30:40 AM
JJ had also opted to take the Dependent NPC flaw.  JJ had a teenaged relative, Tony... who was then designed to be ambidexterous, and a better shot than anyone in the party.  Once again, the GM let it ride, deciding that Tony the Gun Punk hated his older cousin JJ, and actively tried to make life miserable for him.  One adventure, Tony was hypnotized to gun down JJ.  Of course, nobody can be hypnotized to do something they are morally opposed to doing - good thing Tony had no moral qualms!

(Years later, this same GM ran a one-shot adventure, borrowing the character templates from his past game.  A similarly unimaginative munchkin player decided to play JJ.  I got to play Tony the Gun Punk.  It was a blast.)
Literally? ;)

From my friend's gaming pages... (
Rule #128: No one can get points for having an allergy to 'Death' even if does make you go unconscious and your limbs go stiff.

Rule # 164: I cannot take Weakness: Chocolate, Oxygen, or any Element that does not exist on Earth without exploding or radioactively decaying immediately.

Rule # 229: GM Note: If the characters start the game with the 3 million dollar diamond Victoria Secret bra or a fully reconditioned (and crewed) WWII Battleship, they might be abusing the 'Resources' background.

And totally off topic, but I love the mental image
QuoteRule # 185: X-men's Wolverine is Angsty and mindlessly aggressive. He does not have PMS. He would never scream "I'm retaining Water! (snickt)", "You are putting up an emotional wall, bub" or "Validate me!" before diving into combat or going on a crying jag. And, he would never end a mission by comming home with a different flavored pint of Hagen Daas on each claw.

Don't ask what game inspired that.

Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on May 31, 2007, 11:20:02 AM
The name is "Fraunckensteen"

I have just one more thing to say...

"Frau Blücher"

{horse whinnies}

Hey, someone has to keep the Young Frankenstein gags going.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on May 31, 2007, 11:52:49 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on May 31, 2007, 10:49:02 AM
Quote from: Viking on May 31, 2007, 10:30:40 AM
JJ had also opted to take the Dependent NPC flaw.  JJ had a teenaged relative, Tony... who was then designed to be ambidexterous, and a better shot than anyone in the party.  Once again, the GM let it ride, deciding that Tony the Gun Punk hated his older cousin JJ, and actively tried to make life miserable for him.  One adventure, Tony was hypnotized to gun down JJ.  Of course, nobody can be hypnotized to do something they are morally opposed to doing - good thing Tony had no moral qualms!

(Years later, this same GM ran a one-shot adventure, borrowing the character templates from his past game.  A similarly unimaginative munchkin player decided to play JJ.  I got to play Tony the Gun Punk.  It was a blast.)
Literally? ;)

Well, I never shot JJ, though I did get to shoot at other bad guys.  I did, however, convince him that he didn't need to get his gun before he took on half a dozen other gunmen with his bare hands.  I also got to treat his wounds afterwards - despite having no knowledge of any first aid whatsoever.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on June 01, 2007, 11:13:37 AM
Good act... at least I hope it's an act.  Maybe I can-

-okay so much for that idea.

So, GG - what was your plan prior to Patch bum-rushing one of the thugs?

My original plan had been to try to pass the card with the warning off to Lizzie, suggesting that "she take the kid off to his school play now that he's had his checkup, and give me a call to discuss that issue of yours later."  With any luck, he was hoping that would have allowed Lizzie and Ashi to be allowed out of the building as being deemed unthreatening civilians by the thugs, giving them the option to attack the thugs from another angle.  But the moment one of the thugs made a move for his gun, I pretty much figured there wasn't time - he'd decided that he had no more time to waste.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 01, 2007, 11:28:20 AM
Not really a PLAN per se...

[spoiler]It was going to be something to the effect of "play up the helpless southern belle possibly related to the victim" act, start talking rapidly about how worried I am, how he's had trouble, yadda yadda.  While I'm baffling them with BS, I use this as a distraction to close the gap, and then at the right moment, do something painful to something tender.  :twisted:

Lizzie's been in a few brawls, so she knows not to play nice ;) [/spoiler]

Oh yeah, and Lizzie's not great with "plans" either.  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on June 01, 2007, 01:30:31 PM
ugh.....I think we need to work on Ashi's grasp of English & subterfuge.  ;)  I was *trying* to get him to move out to the side where he could cover them from that angle, before all of the scuffling started.  Suppose I'll need to be more direct next time.  Perhaps a boot in the rump.  :lol:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: kkhohoho on June 01, 2007, 01:39:36 PM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on June 01, 2007, 01:30:31 PM
ugh.....I think we need to work on Ashi's grasp of English & subterfuge.  ;)  I was *trying* to get him to move out to the side where he could cover them from that angle, before all of the scuffling started.  Suppose I'll need to be more direct next time.  Perhaps a boot in the rump.  :lol:

Sorry.  I was just playing my character as he would act.  Now, if Ray had told him "Why don't you move out to the side so you can cover us from an angle?", then we woud probally move.  But he didn't know what Ray meant.  (And neither did I. :P)

EDIT: Sorry.  Name mix-up.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on June 01, 2007, 02:04:13 PM
Except that it wasn't Patch talking.  It was Ray. The one who knows that Ashi is not a child and is likely a capable warrior.

Oh well, easy mistake to make, I suppose.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on June 01, 2007, 04:21:39 PM
Quote from: kkhohoho on June 01, 2007, 01:39:36 PM
Quote from: Panther_Gunn on June 01, 2007, 01:30:31 PM
ugh.....I think we need to work on Ashi's grasp of English & subterfuge.  ;)  I was *trying* to get him to move out to the side where he could cover them from that angle, before all of the scuffling started.  Suppose I'll need to be more direct next time.  Perhaps a boot in the rump.  :lol:

Sorry.  I was just playing my character as he would act.  Now, if Ray had told him "Why don't you move out to the side so you can cover us from an angle?", then we woud probally move.  But he didn't know what Ray meant.  (And neither did I. :P)

I was afraid that might happen.  I was trying to be less-than-obvious about it, in case we were overheard before things got well enough into motion.  It was a calculated gamble.  Hopefully, no harm done.  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 01, 2007, 06:01:10 PM
Quote(oog- [Don Adams voice] Ah, the old "Wait for the GM to be busy so you can post several times in the middle of a fight before your opponents can react" trick... [/Don Adams voice]...
Curses, he figured out our cunning plan!

Actually part of that was my fault.  I forgot I'd posted earlier in the day and shouldn't have posted that last bit, which got negated anyway so I guess that's okay. 

Though this is why you lurk often when running one of these.  ;)

Sadly though I'm gonna be away for most of the weekend so I'm going to pm my tactics to Alaric in case things move along very swiftly while I'm out of town.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 01, 2007, 06:46:12 PM
According to this (, the game thread is now number 2 on "Top 10 Topics (by Replies)"!

Curse you, NBC's _Heroes_...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Panther_Gunn on June 02, 2007, 09:41:03 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on June 01, 2007, 06:01:10 PM
Quote(oog- [Don Adams voice] Ah, the old "Wait for the GM to be busy so you can post several times in the middle of a fight before your opponents can react" trick... [/Don Adams voice]...
Curses, he figured out our cunning plan!

I actually misread it the first time, and read it in a Don Knotts voice!  :lol:  Still works, though.  ^_^
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 03, 2007, 10:39:09 PM
Just want to let everyone know- there's a good chance that I won't be able to post much durring the next week or so. Hopefully, that will only apply to the begining of the week, but it might be the whole week- or longer.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 04, 2007, 05:58:52 PM
Dang it, just as the fight scene was getting started.  :(

Hope all is well Alaric. 
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on June 04, 2007, 06:21:11 PM
 :o Fight?  Wh-who said anything about a fight?  :unsure:
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on June 04, 2007, 09:15:23 PM
I fully expect Steve to know at least seven different ways of killing a man with that mechanical pencil of his.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on June 05, 2007, 03:33:04 AM
Quote from: Viking on June 04, 2007, 09:15:23 PM
I fully expect Steve to know at least seven different ways of killing a man with that mechanical pencil of his.

Aw, you guessed it.  And now he's going to have to show them all to you . . . .
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 05, 2007, 11:50:18 AM
Ooo... and that's just with the mechanical pencil.  Imagine if he added that notepad into the mix. 
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on June 05, 2007, 12:17:12 PM
Well, the papers are of fairly limited use, but that little coil of wire - hooo boy! :twisted:

BTW - this kibbitzing thread is a great idea - I should have had one for Luck of Heroes!
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 05, 2007, 07:51:38 PM
Just to let everyone know- I'll update the game sometime tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 07, 2007, 10:47:57 AM
I appologize for not continuing the game yesterday. Let's just call this an "off-week". The game will continue next week- if anyone's still paying attention.

I know it's kind of an annoying moment for a week-long break in the game... Sorry about that...
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on June 07, 2007, 11:18:26 AM
You know, I'm still holding that mechanical pencil . . .  :twisted:

No, seriously, take the time you need to get things squared away.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on June 07, 2007, 12:02:16 PM
I'll see your mechanical pencil and raise you a pen...

I'll still be paying attention, Alaric.  But I'll echo Uncle Yuan's sentiments - take all the time you need to square things away.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 07, 2007, 12:57:46 PM
Yeah, real life comes first anyway.

However, we exepct to have your FULL attention next week.  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 14, 2007, 06:09:41 AM
Bumpity bump bump.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Viking on June 14, 2007, 06:56:58 AM
True dat.  Patch must be in the longest knee-to-the-groin shot in history.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on June 14, 2007, 07:36:13 AM
Quote from: Viking on June 14, 2007, 06:56:58 AM
True dat.  Patch must be in the longest knee-to-the-groin shot in history.

It's in Matrix-style Slo-Mo.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 14, 2007, 01:18:22 PM
More like someone hit the pause button, went to get a snack, and then Great Aunt Gertrude called, you know, the "talker".  ;)
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 14, 2007, 07:19:44 PM
Just want to appologize again... The game will resume soon.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 14, 2007, 07:44:42 PM
It's okay Alaric, we're just ribbing ya.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Uncle Yuan on June 19, 2007, 08:05:38 PM
Hey, Al, what's the word? 
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on June 26, 2007, 06:54:18 AM
Has anyone heard from Alaric at all?  It says on his profile his last login was June 23, 2007 and he hasn't posted anything since  June 15.  I hope everything is okay.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: BlueBard on June 26, 2007, 09:11:11 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on June 26, 2007, 06:54:18 AM
Has anyone heard from Alaric at all?  It says on his profile his last login was June 23, 2007 and he hasn't posted anything since  June 15.  I hope everything is okay.

No, I haven't.

I'm thinking it's possible that he's involved in some playtesting and hasn't had time, I hope that's all it is.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Alaric on June 30, 2007, 04:19:36 PM
Quote from: BlueBard on June 26, 2007, 09:11:11 AM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on June 26, 2007, 06:54:18 AM
Has anyone heard from Alaric at all?  It says on his profile his last login was June 23, 2007 and he hasn't posted anything since  June 15.  I hope everything is okay.

No, I haven't.

I'm thinking it's possible that he's involved in some playtesting and hasn't had time, I hope that's all it is.

Not invlolved in playtesting, no, but there's been a lot going on... Sorry about that. I'm pretty sure that the game will (finally) continue in a day or two, though.
Title: Re: The Thrilling Exploits of... (Game has started- see other thread!)
Post by: Glitch Girl on July 02, 2007, 08:50:28 AM
That's okay Alaric.  We were just starting to get a little worried about you is all. 

Hope the "a lot going on" is nothing bothersome.  Good luck.