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Started by JeyNyce, July 11, 2014, 09:57:23 PM

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First figures from BvS

6 inch figures look pretty bad. Superman is passable I guess, but that Batman looks horrible. Wish dcc or neca had license in this scale. Never thought I'd say this, but that WW barbie is the best looking of the bunch.


Yeah... I'm counting on them being prototypes, or at least getting a better batman later on. Tbh, it could just be the photos too, I've seen that happen too. That said, if Batman's face is that lopsided in all the figures, I'm sticking with the Nolan fig.

That said, at least we're getting figures in this scale still. Could be worse.


Batman eyes needs to be fixed and whats up with the Bat-superman mobile?
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Yeah, the bat head sculpt is bad all the way around. I REALLY hope that's just a sloppy prototype. We'll know more after SDCC, I guess.

As for the car... I wouldn't put too much stock in that ridiculousness. Mattel is notorious for doing random cars that have nothing to do with the movies they're made for, and I'd say it's roughly analogous with the gimmicky Batman toys that show up with every Batman line ever.


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Nice! Was wondering if there was gonna be a Professor Pyg figure and here it is!!! Thought we'd never see a figure of him. Def getting him.
Man-Bat looks pretty rad but a bit too extreme for my taste, might need to track down the old secret files version. Azrael does look pretty cool but gonna pass him up.


Yeah, Man Bat's design in AK was... eh. It works, but it's a bit too much as far as I'm concerned.

Still, this almost makes me sad that I'm not collecting AK figures. Almost. Then I remember the price point and I'm like "Yeah, eff that"


So BvS figures actually look pretty good

DCC has lots of cool stuff from designer series, TAS, AK, TV shows etc. (links to other stuff in there as well.

They also had lot of stuff that were not to be photographed (I hate when they do that, why would you show them in the first place).

QuoteGreg Capullo Flash and Survival Suit Batman coming in July 2016.

Greg Capullo Joker and Wonder Woman (No Release Dates)

New Batman Adventures Fire Suit Batman, Firefly, Harley Quinn coming in July 2016.

Batman: The Animated Series Clayface (with multiple arms and heads) coming in July 2016.

Batman: Arkham Knight Batgirl & Oracle 2-Pack coming in June 2016.

DC Comics Icons Lex Luthor Statue coming in July 2016.

Wonder Woman Art of War Bruce Timm statue coming in April 2016.

DC Comics Cover Girl Raven Statue coming July 2016.

Flash TV Series Captain Cold's Gun Prop Replica July 2016.

DCE released a video of their newly revealed stuff and The Joker looks fantastic, he is based on endgame look and can't wait to get him. TAS Gordon and Ra's look boss as well, really great job on them.



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That flash figures look pretty good. Mattel have really stepped up their game. Endgame joker and justice buster amor are pretty cool as well.


A better look at the 6" multiverse figures including Arrow, Flash, Calvin Ellis Superman, and Endgame Joker.

And that it totally a dcuc buck on Calvin. Long live DCUC!


looking at that Calvin Ellis Superman just make me want an ICON figure so badly.
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So, despite everything they showed off, I'm kinda disappointed in Mattel this year. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy to be getting Flash, Arrow, and the BvS figures... but really, no Arkham figures? The final game JUST came out. At least give me a proper AA/AC Joker figure. I'll use the Arkham Origins version, but I'd rather have a proper one, y'know?


Ya was watching their 3.75 display and it seemed to be pretty light on new stuff. You'd think the Joker would be a no brainer. I'm personally happy that unlike toy fair I'm actually getting something that was on display here. Def grabbing AK Professor Pyg and Endgame Joker.

But on the other hand I'm disappointed that they are shoving JL members into the Capullo line. While they did say on their panel "there's obviously tons more characters left to do in this line" I wish they put Bat family and villains first and the leaguers at the end. Why not give WW a Cliff Chiang line or Francis Manapul for The Flash, they'd sell like toilet paper.


If I had the space and the money for it....

I think sometime they build things like this just to see if they can.
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Everything old is new again, or soon will be

If this becomes a hit, you'll think they'll bring back C.O.P.S?
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Quote from: JeyNyce on July 21, 2015, 01:53:50 PM
If I had the space and the money for it....

I think sometime they build things like this just to see if they can.

Ya, i think this will be for display purposes only. The size of it, the shipping, pricing, there is no way this will be up for sale. They are selling the cockpit in this scale though which is much more reasonable.


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Pfft, forget ww, there's a Batman with boots! Yay, now I can rip those legs off and use them with a black joint piece to have a proper Batman.


So the first waves of Batman v Superman figures have started to filter through to toy shelves, including the first wave of Movie Mas... excuse me, DC Multiverse figures. I went ahead and ordered Batman, Superman, and WW online (I haven't seen any in my area anyway), skipping over armored Batman for reasons too numerous to get into here. I'd reconsider doing so if there was an interesting CnC piece, but sadly it's just a life size Grapnel Gun. I mean... wow, really Mattel? At least when you didn't give me a figure in the TDKR line you gave me an awesome Batsignal prop. Seriously, in a film with DOOMSDAY we're getting a stupid looking gun?

Speaking of the head scratching CnC though, the reason I'm posting here about it is that apparently it's meant to be spread across 8 figures. This is interesting because, unlike the ML line, which mixes comic and movie figures, the comic figures have their own separate CnC. In short, there are 4 more good quality BvS figures coming, and Mattel has been unusually quiet about who they are.

Now, invariably, one of them is Aquaman. They have a cheaper version of him out already (I linked to it in a BvS post already) and he's the only other leaguer to get a poster. I can also see another one being Zod... Superman is mostly a reuse from MoS, and Zod would help pad out the line and would be kiiiiiiiiinda appropriate given that he is in flashbacks and what have you.

As for the other two? I'm actually not sure. Yes, you could have 2 side characters... Alfred, Luthor, or Lois, for example. But it'd be extremely bizarre for a toy line to have wave one contain all the biggest draws for the film (Toy companies typically like to drag their big sellers across multiple waves), and then wave 2 be leftovers. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to snub my nose at a Lois Lane figure, but I'm expecting wave 2 to have something a bit bigger. I feel Doomsday might be a bit too big to not be a CnC, but something like Luthor in a power armor like Batman's, or one of the other Leaguers (Cyborg, Flash, etc) that we haven't seen yet would explain why we haven't seen any of the second wave yet. The whole thing makes me wonder if the latest BvS trailer didn't reveal quite as much as we might have thought.


Could have sworn I've seen pictures of wave 2's lex luthor and nightmare batman (the one in desert gear), will look up later, i think it was from nycc.


Quote from: bat1987 on January 06, 2016, 12:39:40 AM
Could have sworn I've seen pictures of wave 2's lex luthor and nightmare batman (the one in desert gear), will look up later, i think it was from nycc.

You did. It's weird, because I went to google "NYCC DC Multiverse" and that page came up in my recent history, so I definitely had that page open at one point when I was looking for information the other day. I just completely missed the movie figures among all the comic based ones.

So Wave 2 definitely has Lex and "Knightmare" Batman (UGH that pun), that still leaves the two slots open. I'm still pretty sure one's gonna be Aquaman (They made a freaking plushie) which means maaaaybe Zod as the final figure? I'm less certain of that one now, what with both the revealed figures having a good amount of reused parts (Lex in particular is about 75% reuse, and Batman uses the same head and torso) so the need for a re-released Zod isn't as prevalent now as it was. It's still a possibility, but I just don't feel like the wave will sell unless they have something with some more sellability factor.

Edit: Here's something weird for ya'll... when I was examining Lex earlier to match up what parts come from where, and I noticed a discrepancy with the legs... specifically, that the lower leg folds don't match up with those of the actual figures released on the same leg buck, but are in fact reversed (You can tell by how the right leg is scrunchy on Lex, but on Ra's it's his left leg). I was ready to just write it off as "lol, they goofed up assembly of the comic con figure" but then I dug a little deeper and I noticed that other comic con previews, as well as promotional images for the same figures also had the lower legs reversed like Lex's are. It's making me wonder if that's how they were always supposed to be assembled, and somewhere along the assembly line hasbro messed up and Mattel just never bothered to fix it.



To the surprise of no one ever, Aquaman is going to be in wave 2 of the Batman VS Superman figures. Granted, I more or less expected this (he's been in the more kid-friendly line as well) but it's nice to get confirmation.


I have mixed feelings about this.  Some of them look good, but some just seems a little off.  I do like the Bat-Wing, but they should have made the Batmobile from Batman Beyond.
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I feel... like we needed a JLU Batman and Joker in there somewhere. I want my JLU Joker dangit!

That having been said... nothing here screams "Buy me" but I'm not ruling them out either. The Girls Night Out pack is a decent way for me to get Ivy/Batgirl/Harley in one go (I'm holding out buying a lot of the dcc figures because of my still upcoming move) in one swoop, depending on how expensive the individual figures are later on. That said, I will probably snag Talia as well, plus maybe one or two others... I REALLY want Bullock too, despite how pointless he'd be to my collection.