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Iron Fist?

Started by Blitzgott, October 27, 2009, 08:28:01 PM

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At first, I thought he was just your average super-skilled martial artist with a big punch, so I just gave him a lot of melee attacks (because I like filling up as many power-slots as possible), a very strong "Iron Fist Punch" power, and a 300-percenter power to simulate his ability to use his chi to get stronger. However, after reading his profile at Marvel Database, it seems like he is much more powerful than that, and has a large number of other superhuman abilities, like moving at vast superhuman speeds and increasing his durability to the extent of surviving a "nuclear blast that would put the bombing of Hiroshima to shame" without any aparent harm, as well as the ability to heal himself and others, all through the use of chi. He is apparently peak-human, as opposed to olympic-level athlete, like I first thought.

How would you simulate these powers in Freedom Force? Maybe give him a very strong active defense to simulate his chi-enhanced durability (more like invulnerability, it seems...), or a sprint power for his superspeed, for example?

Please share your thoughts and suggestions.


all these jacked up powers really takes away from the character.i like the old school fist. athlete strength and speed,martial arts abilities,and his Iron school like the old school.keep him original.


Although his current comic is great, Iron First is too over-powered for FF gameplay at the moment ... I use his stats from 15 to 20 years ago.


Survive a nuclear blast? I don't like this. I coincide with herodad1 and prefer the old school character.
But maybe you can simulate this powers with temporary invulnerability or active defense and adding sprint power.


Yeah, well... On second thought, I agree that those powers do not seem to fit the character at all.

I think I'll just leave the hero file as it is.

Thanks for the input.


Honestly?  I think I can make my Iron Fist on par with what Chi would allow him to do and use attributes or an active defense to simulate his chi, but to be honest, regardless of what he has comparatively speaking, I still would be able to defeat him with many other characters.  Hell, despite how powerful my herofiles are, I can still likely defeat him with a existing file like "thug with gun".  At least I'm confident I can.  I think he can be powerful, but that's relatively speaking.


My philosophy when it comes to guys like Iron Fist is that he should have a wide variety of attacks....but they all do different things. Hey, he is a master martial artist, right? He should know all kinds of different maneuvers. A 360 attack with high knock back to simulate a spinning kick or something, a fast, stunning attack to simulate a pressure point strike, things like that. You could put in alot of different melee attacks, and it would be pretty much justified by the character. Just make sure that you diversify them. Iron Fist and guys like him are rarely in a situation that cant be answered by one of his martial arts skills.