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voice packs

Started by docwhofanman, November 04, 2008, 11:48:08 AM

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could anyone tell me how to install voice packs thanks





Most of the voice packs for FF came with detailed installation instructions.  In a nutshell, it involves unzipping the sound files in the Data\Sounds\Speech\English folder (going from memory), copying the lines that come with the install instructions into the speech.txt file in the Data\Language\English folder, creating a unique ID on the Characters tab in FFEdit, and then clicking on the Compile DATs button on the main tab of FFEdit.  The actual installation readme will have all the info that you should need.  Good examples of these are in any of Zetor's voice packs, and can be found on cmdrkoenig's Yahoo groups.

Additionally, you might have gotten a quicker response if you had posted this in the Sounds/Voices forum.