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FFX 3.3

Started by TaskMasterX, July 25, 2008, 02:52:50 PM

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...is here!

Go to the FFX website:
and download it!

EDIT: 08/06/2008 -  The new Patch 3 is included with the FFX 3.3 Update. You do not need to install the patch if you are installing FFX 3.3 for the first time.

The only prerequisite for FFX 3.3 is FFX 3.2. You must have FFX 3.2 installed to install FFX 3.3.
No other versions are required.

Please backup your custom data before installing. The .dat files included in the update are meant to be merged to your existing ones. This helps prevent corrupt data from cropping up as you only need to merge once. So if you already have Map Packs, FX Packs, or Voice Packs installed, then you don't need to worry about merging all that back in.
Read the text file for more details on installation. And please read it before you unzip anything!

Now, for a quick summary of what's included:
- FFX 3.3 contains a large amount of fixes to several attributes and swaps. It also contains alot of fixes and updates under the hood.
- M25 has added a new configuration option, the AI Timer Delay. You can now lower this delay to increase the response time of the AI (located in m25config.py). A lower delay can also tax the performance of older PCs, so be careful about lowering to low and then adding a ton of characters to the map. He also added the ability to only modify a character's delay by adding an entry to the character's m25ai file (see the updated AI documentation in the manual for more details) or by a character's speed (see m25config.py).
- Several new Attributes have been added: Alternate Current, Dizzy, Jinx Enemies, Gestalt/Amalgam, Phasing, Seat Filler, and Velcro Feet.
- One new Swap: Ranged Grapple with Custom Damage, which allows you to inflict any kind of damage (electrical, radiation, energy leech, mental blank, etc.) to a target while grappled.
- A Group Flight command has been added to Telekinetic, Magnetic, Earth Control and Weather Control. This allows the character to lift his allies in the air and carry them with him/her. Weather Control, places a whirlwind FX on his allies, while TK places a TK bubble FX on them.
- The Shield swap has been updated to use more than one Shield if you setup another carrier for it.
- Weather Control has also been update even more with a new Summon Rain command, and has much more accurate lightning and hail strikes with the accuracy decreasing the less energy points you have.
- Several new AI tactics have been created for Group Teleporter, Megablast, the new Phasing Attribute, Battle Computer, the new Group Flight and Summon Rain commands, and FF Active Defense.

To see a more detailed list of changes, go to the main page of the manual and you'll see a link.

Have Fun!


Huzzah!  Thanks to everyone involved!


Wow, this one snuck up on me.
I'll add my thanks to the team, you continue to make the game worth playing.
I've dowloaded but not yet installed, but that's what will likely stop me meshing this weekend.


M25's strings compiler puts everything in a sort of alphabetical order and I have made numerous additions with it - makes it hard to back up the .txt file. Would it be possible to get a copy of just the new strings so I can easily paste them in to my .txt file?
Thanks. :D


Taskmaster X did a considerable chunk of the work on this release, so a proportionally large part of your thanks should go to him. :)

Though, however, if it keeps Tommyboy from meshing the whole weekend maybe it shouldn't have been released. :P

Quote from: yell0w_lantern on July 25, 2008, 06:59:52 PM
M25's strings compiler puts everything in a sort of alphabetical order and I have made numerous additions with it - makes it hard to back up the .txt file. Would it be possible to get a copy of just the new strings so I can easily paste them in to my .txt file?
Actually, there's no easy file with just the new content since FFX 3.2, as everyone adds his bits and pieces at different times. You could try to sort each file alphabetically (using Notepad++ for example) and then comparing them with WinMerge.

Edit: The joys of Python: here are the new entries:ATTRIB_BATTLECOMPUTER_01, battle computer
ATTRIB_BATTLECOMPUTER_DESC_01, you have a computer capable studying a targets battle tactics and then predicts the targets manuevers, effectively giving you a bonus to damage and agility.
ATTRIB_BODYARMOR02_DESC_01, you have gear (armor, shields, etc.) that absorbs punishment for you, but gets worn down by damage exceeding its rating.
ATTRIB_BODYARMOR05_DESC_01, you have gear (armor, shields, etc.) that absorbs punishment for you, but gets worn down by damage exceeding its rating.
ATTRIB_BODYARMOR10_DESC_01, you have gear (armor, shields, etc.) that absorbs punishment for you, but gets worn down by damage exceeding its rating.
ATTRIB_BODYARMOR20_DESC_01, you have gear (armor, shields, etc.) that absorbs punishment for you, but gets worn down by damage exceeding its rating.
ATTRIB_BODYARMOR30_DESC_01, you have gear (armor, shields, etc.) that absorbs punishment for you, but gets worn down by damage exceeding its rating.
ATTRIB_ENERGYREDIRECTOR_01, energy redirector
ATTRIB_ENERGYREDIRECTOR_DESC_01, you have the ability to absorb and redirect incoming attacks. You must have an active or passive defense that absorbs damage! When an attack is absorbed you get a new command to use an attack that does the same damage as the attack you absorbed and disappears once used!
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE10_01, FF active defense (10)
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE10_DESC_01, scripted version of the original FF Active Defense Power, with hitpoints, moveable, regenerate and remote use options.
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE20_01, FF active defense (20)
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE20_DESC_01, scripted version of the original FF Active Defense Power, with hitpoints, moveable, regenerate and remote use options.
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE35_01, FF active defense (35)
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE35_DESC_01, scripted version of the original FF Active Defense Power, with hitpoints, moveable, regenerate and remote use options.
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE50_01, FF active defense (50)
ATTRIB_FFACTIVEDEFENSE50_DESC_01, scripted version of the original FF Active Defense Power, with hitpoints, moveable, regenerate and remote use options.
ATTRIB_FFQAMALGAM_DESC_01, (not multiplayable) this character is just a temporary form assumed by a GESTALT, and cannot be selected in the squad.
ATTRIB_FFQDIVINEINTERVENTION_DESC_01, (not multiplayable) higher beings watch over you, ready to act if you're on the verge of falling.
ATTRIB_FFQDIZZY_DESC_01, you have a poor sense of balance. whenever you're hit or spend energy, you risk falling over.
ATTRIB_FFQGESTALT_DESC_01, (not multiplayable) you are able to switch between two or more forms by merging with a specific object or person.
ATTRIB_FREESPIRIT_01, free spirit
ATTRIB_FREESPIRIT_DESC_01, your body is host to a free-roaming spirit that you can release to aid you.
ATTRIB_GENETICSYMBIOTE_01, genetic symbiote
ATTRIB_GENETICSYMBIOTE_DESC_01, when your genetic symbiote is close by your physical stats (strength, speed, agility, endurance, energy) and invulnerability increase. The closer they are, the higher the bonus!
ATTRIB_JINXENEMIES_DESC_01, you radiate bad luck against your enemies. in your presence, their guns jam, their equipment fails to work, and they fall over frequently!
ATTRIB_KINETICABSORBER_01, kinetic absorber
ATTRIB_KINETICABSORBER_DESC_01, you have the ability to absorb and hold damage from crushing attacks. You must have an active or passive defense that absorbs crushing damage! When an attack is absorbed, your Strength increases and you get a new command for a devastating melee attack which disappears once it's used.
ATTRIB_LESSERREGENERATION_01, lesser regeneration
ATTRIB_LESSERREGENERATION_DESC_01, you heal at 1 hp per second. and it takes a small amount of energy.
ATTRIB_PHASER_DESC_01, (not multiplayable) you are able to place other characters into a ghostlike state, where they do not take damage but can still move around
ATTRIB_PHASING_01, phasing
ATTRIB_PHASING_DESC_01, you have the ability to cause the atoms in your body and costume to go out of phase, making yourself intangible, are lighter than air and can also damage to electronics while out of phase.
ATTRIB_POWERRESERVE_01, power reserve
ATTRIB_POWERRESERVE_DESC_01, you can increase your physical abilities (strength, speed, agility, endurance) or power damage output by using energy reserves.
ATTRIB_SEATFILLER_01, seat filler
ATTRIB_SEATFILLER_DESC_01, this character exists only to fill out the squad roster and will disappear as soon as he is spawned. (for use when you don't to take as many characters as required for the squad)
ATTRIB_VELCROFEET_01, velcro feet
ATTRIB_VELCROFEET_DESC_01, you or your costume are specially adapted to cling to any surface effectively improving your resistance to knockback, but not making you totally immune.
ATTRIB_WRESTLER_01, wrestler
ATTRIB_WRESTLER_DESC_01, you are a skilled in wrestling combat and receive a bonus to your strength when making or breaking wrestling holds
ATTRIB_STRONGLEAPER_DESC_01, combines heavy lifter, heavy footed, and super leaper. The character must have Jumper added seperately.
ATTRIB_AIRWALKER_DESC_01, hearing galactus's offer of vast power and unlimited travel, gabriel lan readily accepted and was transformed by a tiny fraction of galactus's cosmic might into the air-walker, second of galactus's great heralds. combines cosmic awareness, fast flier, shake it off, power reserve, and invulnerable 10.
ATTRIB_AMAZO_DESC_01, your creator, the villainous professor ivo, designed you to absorb the powers of the JLA. combines fast flier, heavy lifter, shake it off, enhanced senses, invulnerable (10) and plasma sculptor.
ATTRIB_COSMICCONTROLROD_DESC_01, you wield a cosmic control rod which allows you to increase your strength, durability, and speed with the cosmic energy contained within. combines fast flier, heavy lifter, invulnerable 5, shake it off, and power reserve.
ATTRIB_NEGATIVEZONERULER_DESC_01, with the power of a cosmic control rod, you've conquered a section of the negative zone, providing you with a small army of alien creatures. combines fast flier, heavy lifter, invulnerable 5, shake it off, power reserve, private army 3, and summoner2.
ATTRIB_LOKI_DESC_01, loki, the asgardian god of mischief and evil, is devoted to his acquisition of power, both to take over asgard and to destroy his hated brother, thor. combines cosmic awareness, astral projection, invulnerable 5, illusionist, immortal, ff active defense, and puppet master (both).
ATTRIB_THOR_01, thor (combo)
ATTRIB_THOR_DESC_01, the asgardian god of thunder, thor possesses the mystical hammer, mjolnir, and control of the weather. fast flier, heavy lifter, ff active defense10 and megablast.
ATTRIB_BETARAYBILL_01, beta ray bill (combo)
ATTRIB_BETARAYBILL_DESC_01, the asgardian god of thunder, thor possesses the mystical hammer, mjolnir, and control of the weather. fast flier, heavy lifter, and ff active defense10.
ATTRIB_HULK_DESC_01, after dr. banner became irradiated by gamma radiation he transforms into the incredible hulk when made angry. combines strong leaper, jump travel, invulnerable (5), heavy footed, and defence mechanism.
ATTRIB_ZZZAX_DESC_01, a psionically charged electromagnetic field of humanoid form, zzzax is driven by a strong sense of self-preservation and will absorb psionic energy from as many victims as possible to prevent its "death". combines fast flier, borrowed time, current sapper, and short circuited.
ATTRIB_DAYDREAMER_01, daydreamer (combo)
ATTRIB_DAYDREAMER_DESC_01, as the Young Gods' philosopher, Daydreamer possesses several powers of the mind. combines enhanced senses and precognition.
ATTRIB_SORCERER_01, sorcerer (combo)
ATTRIB_SORCERER_DESC_01, you have chosen to pursue a life in the magical arts and have learned, from a powerful master, the skills of sorcery. combines spellcaster, enhanced senses, astral projection, and summoner grade 3.
ATTRIB_BLUEDEVIL_01, blue devil (combo)
ATTRIB_BLUEDEVIL_DESC_01, Daniel Cassidy was a stunt coordinator and stuntman. When filming for a new movie, he encountered a real devil who bound him into his special effects costume, making him a true devil. combines invulnerable (10), super leaper, and lesser regeneration.
ATTRIB_ZOMBIE_01, zombie (combo)
ATTRIB_ZOMBIE_DESC_01, as an undead creature, you possess limited invulnerability and are immune to mental attacks. combines invulnerable (05) and mindless.
ATTRIB_WARBIRD_01, warbird (combo)
ATTRIB_WARBIRD_DESC_01, with the ability to absorb vast amounts of electromagnetic energy and use for many effects including increasing her strength and speed and firing powerful blasts of energy, carol danvers is one of the most powerful avengers. combines invulnerable (05), fast flier and power reserve.
ATTRIB_ROGUE_01, rogue (combo)
ATTRIB_ROGUE_DESC_01,  you are a mutant with the ability to steal other super-beings' powers and have already permanently stolen super-strength and invulnerability from Ms. Marvel. combines invulnerable (05), heavy lifter, and absorb powers.
ATTRIB_BEETLE_01, beetle (combo)
ATTRIB_BEETLE_DESC_01,  abner jenkins, a master mechanic, built a suit of battle armor that looks like a beetle exo-skeleton and uses it to furthur his criminal ends. combines invulnerable (05), flier, and battle computer.
ATTRIB_CAPTUNIVERSE_01, captain universe (combo)
ATTRIB_CAPTUNIVERSE_DESC_01, captain universe is the generic name of the recipient of the Uni-Power which endows the wielder with superhuman powers. combines flier, fast flier, heavy lifter, enhanced senses, fast healing, puppet master (both), and transmutator.
ATTRIB_CELESTIAL_01, celestial (combo)
ATTRIB_CELESTIAL_DESC_01, the celestials are a star-faring race that locates nascent sentient races and manipulates their genetic make-up, then returns in the future to judge whether they are a threat to the universe. combines fast flier, enhanced senses, cosmic awareness, immortal, invulnerable (20), slow moving, shake it off, disciplined, unbeliever, presence, and weather control.
ATTRIB_COMETMAN_01, comet man (combo)
ATTRIB_COMETMAN_DESC_01, astronaut stephen beckley flew a manned mission to halley's comet and was accidentally disentegrated by an alien named max and then remade by max using his own physiology as a template thereby turning Stephen into a human with superhuman powers. combines fast flier, enhanced senses, and super-telekinetic.
ATTRIB_APOCALYPSE_01, apocalypse (combo)
ATTRIB_APOCALYPSE_DESC_01, an ancient mutant, apocalypse is capable of altering his physical form and is near immortal. combines regenerative, invulnerable, metastrength and ff active defense 20.
ATTRIB_CAPTAINAMERICA_01, captain america (combo)
ATTRIB_CAPTAINAMERICA_DESC_01, a wwii hero, captain america was revived from suspended animation in an iceberg to continue his fight for liberty. combines acrobatic, coordinator, and ff active defense 50.
ATTRIB_MRFANTASTIC_01, mr. fantastic (combo)
ATTRIB_MRFANTASTIC_DESC_01, reed richards, the leader of the fantastic four, has a maleable, rubber-like body that he can stretch and transform into various shapes for various purposes. combines super-leaper, glider, and invulnerable(5).
ATTRIB_ICEMAN_01, iceman (combo)
ATTRIB_ICEMAN_DESC_01, bobby drake was born with the mutant ability to create ice and use it in various ways like creating an ice slide and walls of ice. combines ice control and flier.
ADD_TARGET_TO_DATABASE_01, add target to database
ADD_TARGET_TO_DATABASE_DESC_01, adds the selected target to the battle computer database
BOOST_AGILITY_01, boost agility
BOOST_AGILITY_DESC_01, spend energy to increase agility
BOOST_ENDURANCE_01, boost endurance
BOOST_ENDURANCE_DESC_01, spend energy to increase endurance
BOOST_POWERS_01, boost powers
BOOST_POWERS_DESC_01, spend energy to increase damage from powers
BOOST_RESISTANCE_01, boost endurance
BOOST_RESISTANCE_DESC_01, spend energy to increase resistance to state-changing attacks
BOOST_SPEED_01, boost speed
BOOST_SPEED_DESC_01, spend energy to increase speed
BOOST_STRENGTH_01, boost strength
BOOST_STRENGTH_DESC_01, spend energy to increase strength
CUSTOM_DARKFORCE_BLAST_01, darkforce blast
CUSTOM_DARKFORCE_BLAST_DESC_01, project a beam of darkforce energy
CUSTOM_DARKFORCE_BLIND_01, darkforce blackness
CUSTOM_DARKFORCE_BLIND_DESC_01, summon the darkforce to fill a large area and blind your enemies
CUSTOM_FFQALTCURRENT_DESC_01, leech electricity from this object 
CUSTOM_FFQGESTALTMERGE_DESC_01, amalgam yourself with this target
CUSTOM_GHOST_01, smoking mirror
CUSTOM_GHOST_DESC_01, summon a ghost from the deep past to confuse enemies
CUSTOM_RETURN_SPIRIT_01, return spirit
CUSTOM_RETURN_SPIRIT_DESC_01, return the free spirit to your body
CUSTOM_SUMMONVEHICLE_DESC_01, bring your vehicle near you
CUSTOM_UNSUMMONVEHICLE_DESC_01, send back your vehicle from where it came
LEAVE_HOST_01, leave host
LEAVE_HOST_DESC_01, temporarily leave your host to aid them in the material world
RELEASE_SPIRIT_01, release spirit
RELEASE_SPIRIT_DESC_01, temporarily release the free-roaming spirit within you
TURN_OFF_POWER_RESERVE_01, turn off power reserve
TURN_OFF_POWER_RESERVE_DESC_01, stop using energy to increase a physical stat or damage output
CUSTOM_PHASEOUT_01, phase out
CUSTOM_PHASEOUT_DESC_01, set your atoms out of phase
CUSTOM_PHASEIN_01, phase in
CUSTOM_PHASEIN_DESC_01, phase your atoms back to normal
CUSTOM_GROUP_FLIGHT_01, group flight
CUSTOM_GROUP_FLIGHT_DESC_01, lift allies for flight
CUSTOM_LAND_GROUP_01, group land
CUSTOM_LAND_GROUP_DESC_01, land allies from flight
CUSTOM_DISRUPT_ELECTRONICS_01, disrupt electronics
CUSTOM_DISRUPT_ELECTRONICS_DESC_01, inflict damage on electronic objects and characters
CUSTOM_RAIN_01, summon rain
CUSTOM_RAIN_DESC_01, summon a torrental downpour to limit the movement and vision of those nearby


Thank you, sir!  :thumbup:


Great Update!  Those are some VERY usefull new attributes and swaps (especially the hypnosis swap Taskmaster). 
Thanks for putting all the time and effort in this and keeping DrMikes FFX alive and rolling.


Are the fx for the Group Flight command customizable, specifically for telekinetic?


Quote from: justintyme2174 on July 26, 2008, 08:15:04 PM
Are the fx for the Group Flight command customizable, specifically for telekinetic?
No, not customisable, at least for this version. But, you can change the FX by opening ffx.py and searching for "def addtkFlightFX(event)". You'll see the 4 different attributes FX and can change it there.


oooooo Thanks guys. Always great to have new FFX!


Great work on this update Taskmaster - with some help from USAgent i finally figured out some of the setup swap steps but i did run into one problem - Ok after messing with this a bit i have all the powers swapping correctly like energise for grapple etc... but Hypno will simply not work, if you try to swap hypno for hypno then it will always fail because the inital hypno fails to register before it can then be swapped for the secound hypno - so i tried swapping rage & blank for hypno but it's a no go so far - what would be better is if we had a grade of beautiful attribute like we have for invunerability like invunerability 02, 05, 10 etc.... example Beautiful 10%, 30%, 50% etc.... - Well it is nice to finally have the grappling working & am looking forward to changing up some hero files to use it - I do have one more tip - once you make a char to use grappling & swap the Energise for Grapple you still need to go inside your M25AI file for that char & remove     ,type=friend,   from the AI or your char will never target the enemies with the new grapple move - Heres how i have my SF2=zangief setup with bear hug being the grapple.

   ["target enemy",

   ["timer", 'auto',
      "TMelee('bear hug',time=2.19)",
      "TMeleeArea('super slams',time=2.19)",
      "TMeleeArea('spinning lariot',time=1.68)",
      'TMoveTo(mindist="melee",subtype="not emitting_damage",time=0.87)',


Thanks for the tip about the about the type="friend" parameter added to the tactic for Energize. That's actually normal because the AI Generator sees that Energize is something you'd only want to use on an ally and doesn't know it's being used as a swap. If that part of the AI Generator is removed then you'd have to add that parameter if a specific character wasn't using it as a swap. So, now that Energize and EnergySurge have some commonly used swaps, I guess we need to determine which way the AI Generator should handle Energize powers it detects.

Speaking of the Grapple swaps, I'd really like to see some meshers add grapple and throw animations to their meshes! :D

As for Hypnosis, remember that swaps can't work with Direct Powers. You'll need to change your Direct Hypnosis Power to a Beam. The target can still resist the Hypnosis swap. If the target is Highly Resistant to Mental Attacks, then most of the attacks will be resisted. If it's resisted, then you won't see two RESISTED! bubbles, only one. If the Hypnosis succeeds, then you still see the initial RESISTED! bubble but the target gets hypnotized instantly after that.
Epimethee and I have been working on a way to get AI vs. AI Hypnosis to work without a swap. He recently updated the mlogreader.py file for FFX 3.3 to hopefully work as we imagined it to. So hopefully by next update, we can have Hypnosis work as intended. Until then, I came up with the Swap to use.

Now that FFX 3.3 is finished, I'm diving into working on my hero files. I should have tons of examples of all the new swaps and attributes ready for release soon. It's taken me soooo long to do my hero files. USAgent has already converted all of his and updated them several times and I haven't even finished 5 letters! :)

Hey, Yellow Lantern, have you tried Battle Computer out in Campaign Mode, yet? :)


Quote from: TaskMasterX on July 28, 2008, 04:41:14 AM
Now that FFX 3.3 is finished, I'm diving into working on my hero files. I should have tons of examples of all the new swaps and attributes ready for release soon. It's taken me soooo long to do my hero files. USAgent has already converted all of his and updated them several times and I haven't even finished 5 letters! :)

Yeah, but your actually making new custom content for the game for EVERYONE to enjoy, I wish I had your knowledge of the inner workings of the game.  I am really looking forward to your examples of which characters the new attributes and swaps will work with.


Ok swapped the direct Hypno for a beam & it works now but, I did notice in watch mode that if the opposing char becomes Hypnotised & is the last opponent left then the game will end or if there are 2 opposing chars & both become Hypnotised then the game will end - As long as there is one char not Hypno'ed then everything plays out like it should - might just be me having this very small problem but it's one i can certainly look past - I have to admit that grappling & ranged grappling are about the coolest powers in FF2 now :blink:


No sir, I've been setting up Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet using Summoner and Gestalt.
But I hope to try it again soon.


Yes, Electro, that happens because the Hypnosis Swap is changing the team of the Hypnotized character to the team of the character that hypnotized them. If they are the only one left, then the mission ends because there aren't any more "enemies".
Without using the Swap and using Hypnosis normally, the hypnotized character would instead flip his reaction (enemies became allies and allies became enemies). So, you may have noticed that if the hypnotized character was the last one left, he'd just stand there, because he'd have no enemies to attack. All the enemies became his allies. If you had several teams battling it out, everyone of the other teams, even the teams that didn't hypnotize him would become his ally, and only his team would become the enemy. So he'd ignore the enemies of the hypnotizer's team, and only attack his team, if there was anyone else on his team. If not, he'd just stand there. I hope that made sense! :wacko:
So, even if you didn't use the swap, instead of the mission ending, the hypnotized character would just stand there and make for an easy target to KO and end the mission anyway. ;)
I might be able to figure out a way to keep the mission from ending. The hypnotized character's former enemies (the team that hypnotized him) would wait for the hypnosis to end and then attack him as normal until one side is KOed and then the mission will end. Maybe for the next update. :)


Spawning an undetectable tigot on the other team should keep it from ending.


That's a good idea, Cat. I didn't think about that. But, after taking a quick look, I think I found a way that's a little bit easier.
Anyone that wants to test it out, open up m25skirmish.py (located in the ffx3\Missions\Scripts folder) and look for the line:

def FindEnemyTeam(char):

...and replace those six lines with these ten lines:

def FindEnemyTeam(char):
    chars = js.Mission_GetDynamicObjects()
    for c in chars:
        if Object_IsAlive(c) and m25team.AreEnemies(char, c):
            return 1
        if (Object_GetPrimaryState(char)==PCSTATE_HYPNOTISED) and (oldTeam != team):
            return 1
    return 0

...save, then try it out.


Okay, I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this but...

I decided to wait for the release of FFX 3.3 to mess with using the grapple/throw2 state swaps... and today I was messing with setting up what I needed to in ffxcustom2.py (using your examples as a basis) and then went into the FFXCC after setting up my characters with a throw attack using the energized attack. There was no throw2 or grapple swap states in the pull down window.. I checked the ffxdefault.py in my notebook and all of the needed swaps were listed in the FFX_TO_TYPES area.

So, what did go wrong?
And what do you need from me to help fix this?  :blink:

- CrimsonQuill


The reason they aren't there is because all grapple swaps are in the ffx2.py and not the ffx.py file. It doesn't matter (unfortunately) that they are in the ffxdefault.py.
You need to add them to the ffxcustom.py file manually. Check the FFX Manual entries for the Grapple Swaps for more details.


Quote from: TaskMasterX on July 31, 2008, 03:08:47 PM
The reason they aren't there is because all grapple swaps are in the ffx2.py and not the ffx.py file. It doesn't matter (unfortunately) that they are in the ffxdefault.py.
You need to add them to the ffxcustom.py file manually. Check the FFX Manual entries for the Grapple Swaps for more details.

Ohhhh... Dohhhhh!!  :doh:

I knew I forgot a step somewhere... and it happened to be such an easy part to do. Thanks for the heads up TaskMaster..  :thumbup:

- CrimsonQuill


Nice stuff.  Thanks.


A patch has been released for FFX 3.3. Nothing major. This update only replaces .py files so no merging dat files required and no overwriting of custom data in FFXCC should occur. Here's a list of fixes:
- Removed datfiles. prefix in print "Defence '%s' duration: %s" % ( d[0], PT_RANGE_NAMES[d[1]] ) line in ShowAllActiveDefenceDurations().

- Updated Power Reserve Dummy Power to be triggered on the user and not the target
- Updated Free Spirit to work properly by the AI
- Fixed issued with Absorb Energy and Absorb Material Pass Thru Defence and updated how the FX is handled for these attributes
- Updated Private Army to initialize the army's AI and Team faster so the Leader doesn't attack them immediately after they are spawned.

- Fixed FF Active Defense Remote AI Tactic
- Updated AIGenericPowerOnTarget() to check for overpower for characters with the 'energy reserve' section in their AI file.
- Added spirit_released subtype for Free Spirit Attribute

- Updated so if a Hypnotized character was hypnotized via the Hypnosis Swap and is the last enemy, the mission will not end.


I've updated the patch with a single tiny change: the version number in ffx.py (for bug reports). More to the point, for those who haven't yet downloaded the main FFX 3.3 package, it now includes the changes from the patches.


Thanks Ep. Stumpy has an update as well - a couple of changes to the datfiles.py and an updated Shield Swap entry for the FFX manual. I've updated the site (again) so that the FFX3.3 Full Install includes the latest patch and Patch 3 is now available for those that already have FFX3.3.

So, to reiterate what Ep said:

Those that have FFX 3.3 installed, download the patch only. Those that do not have FFX 3.3 installed, download the FFX 3.3 Update only, which includes all patches.
If you downloaded any patch any time within the past 24 hours before this post, the latest patch is now available.

Wow! Three FFX Updates in 24 hours! At this rate we'll have FFX 3.4 released in a week!  :D
!I'm just Kidding! :lol:

EDIT: A quick revision of the Shield Swap entry to the FFX Manual is available in the online Manual at the FFX site. You can use that to update your existing shield.htm in your ffx3\manual\cstates folder.


Oops. Look like I was a bit too hurried pushing the patch out the door. Must have been because of its capital importance. :rolleyes:

...And what do you mean, FFX 3.4 next week? According to the roadmap, shouldn't we have released FFX 3.7 by then?


Both the patch-only and the full installer of v.3.3.10 are now available on http://ffx.freedomforceforever.com

What's new:

- Fixed bug in Villain stops at X health actions (they weren't returning encounters properly)
- added EncCheckEndEvent() function to allow end checks from an in-game event

- MLOG_WatchDamage(): Replaced the try... except for invalid targets by Object_Exists()

- new in FFX3.3, for XP and theoretically Vista, the installer adds a shortcut to the "Custom" folder under the hidden user profile


here to report a little bug: i gave a character (amazo to name him) the attribute plasma sculptor and absorb power.
plasma sculptor works fine, but when i use the "absorb power" custom command, the character learn new custom command and forget all the plasma sculptor ones.
tried it several time with different mesh and with just this two attribute, so i'm pretty sure this is bound to happen every time.
edit: by the way, the "cold blast" and "cold explosion" power (learned through "absorb power") works perfectly, but the "flame blast" does nothing.

also, i'd like to know if the weapon master attribute still work, because by adding new custum attribute i saw the "ATTRIB_weapon_bearer" lines; and wondered i you just removed them from the list of attribute for purchase but not from the code. If not working, that's definitly one attribute i'd like to see coming back...


Thanks for the report, Trelau.
There may be an issue there with Plasma Sculptor and Absorb Powers combo. I'll check into it. I'll also look into the issues with the flame blast.

As for the Weapon Master attrib, I recently tried customizing it but couldn't get it working, so there may be an issue there, too, but I thought it was included, though I could be wrong.


I want to express my thanks to the FFX3 team too....Thank you so much, guys...This game means a lot to me and I've got years (five years?  Holy Moley!) of enjoyment out of it and this community.  FFX really adds new dimensions to this game and has even allowed me (via EZScript) to try my hand at mod-making.
