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Gauntlet Actor

Started by Cdub, June 22, 2008, 02:57:49 PM

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Ok, I'm writing a script for a movie (based on my comicbook character, Gauntlet) and I don't know who would be a good actor for the character Numbers. Here's some info on him.

He is a genius.
He is insane.
Pure evil.
Stands at 5' 7
Weighs 156 lbs.
Has black greased back hair.
Always wears a grey suit.

Any help?

Mr. Hamrick

I would reevaluate how you are going about trying to define what you are casting. 

Ht or ht range is ok.  If you are envisioning the character as 5'7" then I would audition actors in a range of 5'6" to 5'9".  You can always cheat to make the actor look shorter on camera.  Plus the audience will never know the character is exactly 5'7" anyways.

Never do an exact weight.  Instead of 156lbs, word it as "slim build".  Generally speaking, most actors and actress do not list their weight on headshots unless it is relevant to how they are seeking to being cast. Actors can always lose or gain for a part too.  Same goes for hair and costume.  Any actor can dress up in a gray suit.   Most actors will dye their hair if the price is right.  However, it is fair to say that the character has dark hair to alert the actor in advance.

The character is a genius, insane, and pure evil.  This should be conveyed in the script.  If it is conveyed in the script and mentioned to the actor then the actor should be able to bring that out in an audition.   

One thing you didn't put here in your description is an age rage of the character.  I would guess the character to be in his 30-40s but your may be thinking younger or older.

IF you wanted older, try Dustin Hoffman or Al Pacino.  You won't likely get them were you make the film unless it was big budget.  BUT if you are looking for an actor to picture in mind while writing (something that has been my personal undoing on nearly every script I have worked on) then it's a fair route to go with them.  They in the right height range, build and are definitely good actors (and the OSCAR FOR UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR GOES TO >>> ME!)  Paul Giamatti is taller than Pacino (by about a inch or so) but could do the role.  Still might be out of your price range. 

If you wanted to go with much younger.  Emilie Hirsch and David Krumholtz would be good routes going based on the ht range.  Both are slim built actors.  David Krumholtz had the slicked back and somewhat oily hair in the movie "10 Things I Hate About You".  He plays the smart roles well too, see his performance on the series Numbers.

Realistically, you're going to get more out of doing an open audition than trying to market a script to a major name actor.  There are always exceptions to that rule, but they are EXCEPTIONS not the RULE.

Hope that helps.


Sorry, that I didn't make myslef clear in the beginning, this is COMPLETELY a dream script (as in if I had a huge budget and could get any actor/actress I want). Ok, here's another character I'm having trouble on.

Height: 6' 0 - 6' 3
Build: Muscular, about 180-220

Any suggestions?