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Pet Names

Started by BentonGrey, May 25, 2008, 12:35:54 PM

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Well, not quite.  I'm writing GL's solo JLA mission, and I was just wondering, would Hal name his ring?  In the comics it's always 'ring do this' or 'ring do that,' and the ring doesn't usually have much of a personality.  I was thinking though, since he's never had a side kick, giving the ring a little bit of a personality might not hurt.  If so, would he give his ring a name, or just keep calling it 'ring?'  If he would name it, what would a test pilot like Jordan choose as an interesting name?


I say stick with ring, the only lanterns i can see naming there  ring are guy(chicks name)  and maybe klye


"Ring" does have a nice ring to it.

And yes, it's always intended.


Haha....yeah, I sort of feel the same way, but I wasn't quite sure.


He could name it "kitty" like my cat.