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Behind-the-Scenes changes?

Started by BlueBard, March 08, 2008, 08:58:47 AM

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I was online this morning and saw a few things I'd never seen before.  Maybe I'm just not that observant... or maybe I've never seen them because of level, etc.

I was doing an Arachnos mission and saw Tarantula robots that I'd never seen before...

I was doing a Sky Raider mission and saw Zenith Hoverbots for the first time...

Strangest of all, I was in Croatoa and saw fir-bolg that planted themselves like trees.  When in tree form, they can't be attacked.  Also in Croatoa, I saw tuatha-de-dannon running to attack a group of fir-bolg.  Not like standing around and waiting for me to get in range... two mobs ran in from way off-screen and whacked them as I watched.  I assume it was still triggered by my presence, but I'm imagining what would have happened if I'd rushed in to fight those fir-bolg.

Is any of that stuff new?  It would be pretty cool if they were making enhancements to NPC enemies and behavior.


El Condor

Just keep leveling up there, amigo - a whole, undiscovered game awaits you!  :D