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My first almost finished fighter - the monk

Started by mystic_swordsman_74, January 21, 2008, 09:53:27 AM

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i'm a long time guest on the boards, so i wanted to join and get peoples opinions on a series of characters that i would like to start: martail arts based fighters.  this first one is a sword fighting monk.  it was originally a tommy boy mesh called thor_new_tf before i changed it around using nifskope.  the baseskin is one of courtnall 6's.  i'm not really sure how to improve this, so any help would be great.  if it helps, i'm using a freebee program called paint.net to do the skin.  i'm still learning how to use it though.


There are a bunch of other base skins out there, I would suggest looking at them to see if there are any details that differ from the C6 base that you might want to change.
Is the monk meant to be Asiatic? If so you might want to consider changing his skin tone a little, as well as redrawing the eye shape and changing the eye colour (very few Asians with naturally occurring blue eyes).
additionally your monk need eyebrows, and I would look at some skinned hair from artists such as AA and UE to see how to make the topknot show reflections of light and variation of tone, rather than appearing as a black mass.
Finally, gold, as a metal, isn't really bright yellow, its more of a glossy brown yellow. the wrist guards are very bright, to the point where they are visually distracting. I'd recommend dulling them down, or even getting ahold of a gold texture (google it) and using that as a guide to paint the gold.
good luck with it, hope to see an update soon



Quote from: mystic_swordsman_74 on January 21, 2008, 09:53:27 AM

i'm a long time guest on the boards, so i wanted to join and get peoples opinions on a series of characters that i would like to start: martail arts based fighters.  this first one is a sword fighting monk.  it was originally a tommy boy mesh called thor_new_tf before i changed it around using nifskope.  the baseskin is one of courtnall 6's.  i'm not really sure how to improve this, so any help would be great.  if it helps, i'm using a freebee program called paint.net to do the skin.  i'm still learning how to use it though.
Try Gimp, at least for highlights, it shows good results. :P :lol: