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alert init renderer

Started by thehod, November 17, 2007, 07:09:36 AM

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Right, I've installed FF (again) and downloaded and installed patch 1.3, so why am I still getting an alert init renderer message when I try to run the game.

It used to work on my vista laptop, but its now decided it doesn't want to play ball.

I think its something to do with directx 10 and its total inability to be backwards compatible.

any ideas?


I get that same thing with FF. For me, rebooting always fixes it, though it can be a pain.

BTW, it doesn't happen all of the time. Sometimes I can start up FF fine and keep it running or quit and restart with no trouble. But, I have noticed that some other programs seem to cause that error to come up (and require a reboot if I want to play FF). My guess is that those programs change a graphics setting or initialize some feature in the card or in DirectX that is not compatible with FF. It would be nice if I knew how to reset the card without rebooting the PC.

Anyway, the program I have most noticed that seems to cause trouble is the Adobe Flash plug-in. That is, displaying a webpage with Flash content seems to result in the init renderer error the next time I try to start FF. I didn't notice this at first because I deliberately keep Flash totally disabled in my main browser. But, once it a while I will open a page that has Flash content and that seems to fargle FF.


Rebooting doesn't change the situation. Damn message still pops up.


We're outside of my experience with this now, but I have heard others talk about updating video drivers and even rolling back drivers to previous versions. Maybe someone else will have a different suggestion.


Stumpy, the Flash in browser thing is very weird, since Flash player, post-install, shouldn't have access to either directX or your driver, AFAIK. I'm curious... Does it happen in both IE (where Flash is an ActiveX control) and in Firefox/Mozilla/Opera/Safari (where it's a Netscape-compatible plugin)?