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The Invasion Proper Ends Tonite, Kids

Started by B A D, August 07, 2007, 01:24:42 PM

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The Invasion will be ending Tuesday 8.7.07 as a daily event. It can still be triggered in a single, random zone through player actions, however. In addition, we are planning on bringing the full-scale Invasion event back on random days throughout August and September, and possibly beyond. - Lighthouse

Those freaks who want their Accolade Badge(s) feel Free to Glom on to (Starting with) Black Thirteen this evening as he will be roaming around in a desperate attempt to sell girl scout cookies to pedestrians in order to win that Bike!

Or, kick Rikti butt. You know, either one.

Uncle Yuan

I don't think you're a real Girl Scout.  'Cause if you were you'd know that they sell cookies to pay for camp!!