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Heroes Season 2

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, July 25, 2007, 03:12:22 PM

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A couple of predictions and observations:

[spoiler]-Since we know that future Matt Parkman could scan people's memories, we know he can get stronger.  Perhaps a large part of his encounters with his father are about him discovering his own hidden potential.

-Elle's father is probably Kensei.

-I believe that Kaito was killed by Nathan, but he could have been controlled by Maury Parkman to do so and not remembered it.

-Maury Parkman probably was in control of Niki when she attacked Bob.  That would explain why she ignored Mohinder and went for Bob.  Also, she didn't seem like the Jessica character to me.  Jessica usually likes to make some sort of speech before killing her victims.

-Elle's big weakness is obviously water.  This will come back to bite her in a big way later.

-Sylar will kill Alejandro and become Maya's new companion.  It will probably be the first power he is able to use since last season.

-Bennett will not be killed like in painting 8/8.  It will probably be Sylar using Candice's power instead.[/spoiler]


Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AMA couple of predictions and observations:

I thought some of these were pretty good, but I didn't see where all of them are coming from.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Since we know that future Matt Parkman could scan people's memories, we know he can get stronger.  Perhaps a large part of his encounters with his father are about him discovering his own hidden potential.

Do we know that? Is that in the comic?

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Maury Parkman probably was in control of Niki when she attacked Bob.  That would explain why she ignored Mohinder and went for Bob.  Also, she didn't seem like the Jessica character to me.  Jessica usually likes to make some sort of speech before killing her victims.

Maybe, but I didn't see any indication that Nikki was under any outside control in that scene. She wasn't later confused about who she had been fighting or anything.

I am sticking to me earlier theory that Nikki was acting on Bob's directions in that scene. That is, his "something in return" mentioned when she came to him was that she would fake an attack on him and then refuse Mohinder's help of escape once she was caught, to convince Mohinder that The Company does do some good and she is there voluntarily and to be helped. The Company knows that Mohinder is working against them and wants to cast doubt on his conviction to bring them down, possibly so that he will trust them with Molly and possibly so that he will slip up and reveal HRG to them.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Elle's big weakness is obviously water.  This will come back to bite her in a big way later.

What proves that she has a weakness and that it is water?

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Sylar will kill Alejandro and become Maya's new companion.  It will probably be the first power he is able to use since last season.

He would be smarter to kill Maya first, since if he fails to acquire her power, he will have at least eliminated a danger to himself. But, it wouldn't surprise me if he kills Alejandro first. His murders haven't always been the smartest moves and I have the feeling the show wants to keep Maya around for longer.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Bennett will not be killed like in painting 8/8.  It will probably be Sylar using Candice's power instead.

Could be. However they do it, I don't believe HRG will be dead anytime soon.


Quote from: stumpy on October 29, 2007, 09:56:00 AM
Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Since we know that future Matt Parkman could scan people's memories, we know he can get stronger.  Perhaps a large part of his encounters with his father are about him discovering his own hidden potential.

Do we know that? Is that in the comic?

He says that Hiro has no memory of the last 5 years, but he could easily have just asked Hiro about the last 5 years and listened to his thoughts.  He was also able to read Hiro's thoughts when he couldn't understand thoughts in another language in Company Man, but he had plenty of time to learn Japanese over the 5 years.  It wouldn't surprise me if he tried to learn as many languages as he could in order to avoid that problem.  So there's no clear evidence that he can dig any deeper into people's minds in FYG.


Quote from: stumpy on October 29, 2007, 09:56:00 AM
Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AMA couple of predictions and observations:

I thought some of these were pretty good, but I didn't see where all of them are coming from.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Since we know that future Matt Parkman could scan people's memories, we know he can get stronger.  Perhaps a large part of his encounters with his father are about him discovering his own hidden potential.

Do we know that? Is that in the comic?

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Maury Parkman probably was in control of Niki when she attacked Bob.  That would explain why she ignored Mohinder and went for Bob.  Also, she didn't seem like the Jessica character to me.  Jessica usually likes to make some sort of speech before killing her victims.

Maybe, but I didn't see any indication that Nikki was under any outside control in that scene. She wasn't later confused about who she had been fighting or anything.

I am sticking to me earlier theory that Nikki was acting on Bob's directions in that scene. That is, his "something in return" mentioned when she came to him was that she would fake an attack on him and then refuse Mohinder's help of escape once she was caught, to convince Mohinder that The Company does do some good and she is there voluntarily and to be helped. The Company knows that Mohinder is working against them and wants to cast doubt on his conviction to bring them down, possibly so that he will trust them with Molly and possibly so that he will slip up and reveal HRG to them.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Elle's big weakness is obviously water.  This will come back to bite her in a big way later.

What proves that she has a weakness and that it is water?

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Sylar will kill Alejandro and become Maya's new companion.  It will probably be the first power he is able to use since last season.

He would be smarter to kill Maya first, since if he fails to acquire her power, he will have at least eliminated a danger to himself. But, it wouldn't surprise me if he kills Alejandro first. His murders haven't always been the smartest moves and I have the feeling the show wants to keep Maya around for longer.

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 09:13:52 AM-Bennett will not be killed like in painting 8/8.  It will probably be Sylar using Candice's power instead.

Could be. However they do it, I don't believe HRG will be dead anytime soon.

[spoiler]1) It was my understanding that Matt Parkman in the future was scanning Hiro's mind for memories.  Like Conduit said, though, there could be other reasons for this.

2) Elle's powers are electical control.  When she was sitting in the car talking with her father, she said she didn't like the weather.  Sure that could mean nothing, but given the show's history, I think she would have seriously hurt herself and others had she gotten out of the car.[/spoiler]


QuoteSo lets make an extra thread, so people dont see negative coments? why make more threads when all i have ever heard from sites was not to duplicate threads to save space?

I wonder when every thread will have a negative thread counterpart, i find it funny and somewhat sad,but hey to each his own

This is a special case.  People are losing their enjoyment from the show because of the all the negativity. I can't see how anyone who cares about other people can't see that maybe this is a time to make an exception.


Things that I liked:

HRG is awesome.  Every part of his storyline this week was amazing.  Him killing the guy pushed him a bit more towards the evil side, but I definitely don't want him to lose his edge.

Mohinder's storyline was good too.

I loved when Kensei got stabbed with a sword and his "Yeah, that's so unfair" line.  That was so cool.  There was some pretty good acting from him at the end.

Some of the plots are finally starting to move.  The future storyline has definite potential, and the next episode promo sent chills down my spine.


Quote from: ips on October 29, 2007, 07:47:37 PM
i agree that parkman sr is controlling jessica. i suspect that is why niki sought help. she probably started to experience blackouts again and assumed jessica was resurfacing when infact it was parkman sr remote controlling her.

I must say, I definitely don't see this.  While it would certainly explain things, I just don't see why he would really be doing it, and how he's even is aware of Niki/Jessica.  I just don't really see it, but I could definitely see him controlling Nathan, if his power even allows that.

Quote from: Conduit on October 29, 2007, 07:33:29 PM
I loved when Kensei got stabbed with a sword and his "Yeah, that's so unfair" line.  That was so cool.

Definitely loved that line.  Shows how much he loves and enjoys his power, his arrogance showing off a bit since he knows he's godlike.  I noticed he didn't really seem to be terribly pained by it, and healed extremely quickly, without even falling down. 

Quote from: OutsiderNo11 on October 29, 2007, 01:58:11 PM
2) Elle's powers are electical control.  When she was sitting in the car talking with her father, she said she didn't like the weather.  Sure that could mean nothing, but given the show's history, I think she would have seriously hurt herself and others had she gotten out of the car.

Elle definitely seems like someone who likes to be in control, and always wants to be in control.  I could definitely see water being a problem for her, maybe not necessarily because she would hurt herself or something else unintentionally, but because water everywhere would just make it harder for her to control her power. 

And something else I noticed about The Haitian.  From what HRG said, The Haitian can't just probe people's memories, or else they would've just grabbed the info they wanted, so if he wants to wipe someone's mind, he has to know what it is he needs to wipe, and can't just search through and wipe what he wants.  So earlier in the season, Mohinder must've willingly given him the knowledge he needed to find Bennett. 


The storylines finally moved quite a bit, and Peter's joins the main storyline.  We also finally get a glimpse of just what it is they all need to stop.  Some thoughts, storyline by storyline.

Didn't enjoy this one as much as the others, but she is definitely going to expose her family at this rate.  Sure the other cheerleader won't get anyone to believe her, but if word of her story gets out enough, the Company WILL believe it.  I also wonder if West himself is, or will end up being, an agent of the Company.  Probably not yet, but he seems the type.


He finally takes a stand.  A risky one, I might add.  Still, I wouldn't expect him to do anything else.  I like Niki being partnered with him, as it brings her right into the main storyline.  Or should I say I like Jessica being partnered with her.

So he's my theory about her:  The Company did something to her to make her think Jessica was coming back, then, when she went to them for help, they brought her back.  That was Niki trying to escape, not Jessica, and it is Jessica now in control.  Could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised.


May not be part of the main story yet, but still a lot of fun.  He finally gets the girl, only to be betrayed by Takensi.  I was surprised by this, but definitely not shocked.

Maya and Sylar

Maya turns to the darkside, and Sylar is trying to turn her into his pet in case he never has powers again.  And is doing pretty well with that so far, I might add.


Peter, in one sudden turn of evens, is now right in the middle of the main story.  He also finally time travels!  He's frozen time, but he's never actually time traveled before.  Since Hiro's a bit tied up at the moment (literally) this works quite well, and we now see that poor New York is about to be devastated yet again.

My theory--the Chanti virus does jumpto normal humans, thanks to the Company's experiments in New York--forced the evacuation.  We may find out next episode that it has spread far beyond New York.


Ok to all those people who believe Jessica is being controlled:

[spoiler]I honestly thought that when DL died in the first season he woke Nikki up to reality by saying she was the stronger sister.
In my opinion if Nikki is dominant she should have control over both herself and Jessica. The only time I think she would ever let Jessica out is If she didn't have the heart to kill someone or If she didn't want to deal with any emotions or anything...like to lock herself away while Jessica has to deal with the real world.[/spoiler]

Maya and Alejandro:
[spoiler]I don't think it matters what order in which they die....If that is possible.
The two of them would never willingly separate from each other.
They are twins and Maya knows that Alejandro has to be with her just in case.

So if they are together.....
1. Sylar starts to kill Maya and *wham* her power kills him.
2. Sylar starts to kill Alejandro and then *wham* Maya's power kills him.

The only way either of them could die is If they were separated or knocked out.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]I liked how Maya's power is developing.
I liked the whole Mohinder scene.
Did anyone think that "Nikki" at the end was acting wayyyyyy more like Jessica???[/spoiler]

[spoiler]The vaccine Bob is trying to make will become deadly and will cross over and kill the majority of the population......the 93%.[/spoiler]


I've taken the liberty of creating that open discussion thread we talked about earlier.  It's right here.


Just popping in here to give a general announcement:

As many of you may or may not know, Heroes season 1 and 2 will now be showing on G4tv with viewer interaction with the cast (iirc) after the episode airs. Last weekend, they had a 3 day marathon of season 1 (which, i must say, showed me that it's very hard to watch this show after an hour on a single day...).

Anyway, I figured I'd let people know since this is the third channel that shows the show (the second being sci-fi).


I had a thought during this episode.

Didn't West seem a little bit like a young Magneto?  And, no, I'm not talking about them having similar powers.

While watching the episode tonight, a certain line by West made my ears perk up. When he was talking to Claire at school about getting onto the cheerleading squad he said...

"You're a total babe and you have a power. That automatically makes you better than them."

I know its not much, but for some reason it made me think of the superiority complex Marvel's Magneto has about mutants being superior to non-mutants.

That got me thinking about West being so creepy and I realized that he's still a kid who isn't getting the same kind of guidance that Claire is about how to deal with his powers. In my opinion he's very similar to a teenage Magneto who's starting to think that he doesn't have to live by the "normal" world's rules.

Any thoughts on this?


That's why I think that if he isn't already with the Company, he soon will be.

[spoiler]Although the whole Hiro and Takensi thing has a very Professor X and Magneto vibe.  I can definitely see Takensi taking that road now that his friendship with Hiro is over.[/spoiler]


I'm actually starting to think that...

Takezo Kensai is the one killing off the original 12 in the future.  I think his power is actually immortality.  I think he is Adam Monroe (its not a coincidence his name is Adam in the future...he's the first SG/Adam was the first human).  His power makes him unkillable, that is why Bob is willing to do anything he has to in order to find a way to "cure" people of their powers.  They are trying to take away Adam's immortality so they can stop him.

Just my thoughts.


Some observations:

[spoiler]-Though not specifically stated, Sylar clearly had his power taken away by the same "virus" that Bob wanted to give to Monica.  Or at least some variation of it.

-West may have either killed his parents or ran away from them.  His comments on his parents was very cryptic.

-Maya has "the power to kill the devil."  Could this mean Sylar or Kensai?  Or both?

-I think Alejandro can speak and understand English.  He just doesn't speak it out of pride for speaking Spanish and because it gives him an edge when dealing with English speakers.  In real life this happens all the time.  My brother sells cell phones and every time there are Hispanics who want to buy a cell phone and they all go to the one Hispanic saleswoman and talk to her in English.  They'll literally line up behind her in spite of the fact that they speak English fine.  The same with my dad who currently sells cars.  While a Korean-speaker will be willing to deal with him and the Korean salesmen, the Hispanics tend to specifically ask for someone who speaks Spanish, usually in perfect English.

-Looks like this season is playing out a lot like last season.  The basic formula is there anyway.


A response to one of those items:

Quote-West may have either killed his parents or ran away from them.  His comments on his parents was very cryptic.
Or--he's older than he looks.  Not a teenager, not in highschool, but actually an agent for the Company.

If you think about it, this would explain a few things

1.  Why he singled her out to talk to her right away.

2.  He's never shown having any friends in the school himself.  He may not have been there very long himself.

3.  Why he spied on her.

4.  Why he purposely humiliated her to get her to admit her powers to him.  That was a rather ruthless move, if you think about it.

I'm not saying that I'm dead set about this, just that it is a possibility.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on October 31, 2007, 06:19:40 AM
Quote-West may have either killed his parents or ran away from them.  His comments on his parents was very cryptic.
Or--he's older than he looks.  Not a teenager, not in highschool, but actually an agent for the Company.

If you think about it, this would explain a few things

1.  Why he singled her out to talk to her right away.

2.  He's never shown having any friends in the school himself.  He may not have been there very long himself.

3.  Why he spied on her.

4.  Why he purposely humiliated her to get her to admit her powers to him.  That was a rather ruthless move, if you think about it.

I'm not saying that I'm dead set about this, just that it is a possibility.

That doesn't really fit with the online comic about him.  In that, he seemed to think that he was the only one with a power.  I also think that a company operative would be a lot more careful about secrecy than he has been.


Note: Finally a reference to the online comics within the show! Woo!


Some thoughts-

Did anyone get a look at all the paintings? I got: Hiro fighting Kensei, a hand with a vial, someone with Issac eyes (and a lot of people behind him), Niki (Jessica?) banging on something, and Peter (Sylar?) firing a gun.

Based on that, I'ma gonna go ahead and say that Mohinder's new partner is, in fact, Jessica.

I'm also gonna go ahead and say that while I've read three Heroes will be dead by January, I don't think HRG will be joining them.  I think its gonna be a vision that Parkman Sr traps him in. I'm rooting for West, Alejandro and Maya to bite it, personally.

Sylar is obviously patient zero that they tried their vaccine on.

Nitpicks moved to other thread as requested, though there werent many. For the first time this season, I actually saw the potential that they had back in Season one. I'd rank this rite up with most Season one episodes (not the great ones like "Company man", but the rank and file.)

Took them long enough to reverse the slide- What are we 5 -6 episodes in?


Oh, sure- they've finally brought back the show I feel in love with last season, only to have the writers go on strike.. :(


I finally know what the Heroes writing staff were waiting for before anything happens: sweeps!  About as much happened in tonight's episode as in every one of the season leading up to here.  Much improved, much improved. 

And though the big reveals weren't terribly surprising, at least they make sense, which I prefer over a surprise that is only shocking because it comes out of la-la land and is totally nonsensical.


Well, that was much better than any other episode this season.  It had some really cool parts.

The pacing is a lot better.  All of the plots that were dragging are finally getting into gear.

It's great to see Hiro and Peter back involved with the plot, and Hiro's visit to the past may not be totally pointless after all.  I really liked Hiro and Kensei's swordfight.  I loved Hiro and Ando's scene together.  It's great to see those two back together again.

I also really liked the Parkman vs. Parkman scenes.  The acting was very good, and it showed some real character development.

The virus storyline may have some promise.  The general development of that plot was pretty good.  The future parts were pretty interesting.  I can't say I'm too sorry to see Caitlyn go, either.

This episode managed to rectify some of the bad parts of earlier episodes by acknowleding the consequences of certain actions.  It's really good to see the writers acknowledge that Claire and West's prank did leave a police report, and HRG left fingerprints when he killed Ivan.


That was definitely a great episode, and was of the high quality that I would expect from the show. 

[spoiler]The pacing definitely was much quicker, it seemed as if everything was there for a reason and it wasn't just full of filler to chew up screen time. 

I like that Peter has his memories back, or at least, some of them.  But I'm not entirely sure how that worked.  Does Mrs. Petrelli's power work in such a way that she was able to repair his lost memories, thus giving him back all the memories he had?  Or does her power work that she was able to transfer her memories to Peter, which seemed to me to be the case, since they just showed a lot of flashes or her during that scene where Peter got the memories back?  Or was it that Peter somehow used Parkman's power and saw all of Mrs. Petrelli's memories that she was thinking about?  As I said, I'm not really sure, and if it was the first or the third option I suggested, then Peter might only have partial memory or even "extra" memories (since Mrs. Petrelli in the future had an extra year of memories to pass on in that case.)

I must also admit, I kind of laughed a bit when Peter left his Irish lass in the future. 

I really like that Parkman is getting better control of his powers and we're really starting to see them evolve.  I can't wait to see how he manages to use his newfound powers and if they will fully manifest like Parkman Sr's over time.

After this past episode, I really don't feel like Niki was controlled by Parkman Sr. into going to the company.  If she was, I think he would have had her kill Bob a lot earlier instead of when he got nearby.  I find it interesting how she'd seemingly rather die (by injecting herself with the virus) than harm more people.  But I found myself wondering why she even had the syringe at all.  They had it as a plan to stop Parkman Sr. but she didn't have it in her hand when she tossed Mohinder and picked it up afterwards before making her way to Bob.  I'm not really sure why she'd pick it up when she could just rip Bob a new one with her bare hands.

The virus storyline has the chance to turn into something really cool, but I don't really like the whole way that they just keep seeing the future, decide they don't like it, and then work to change it.  I kind of liked the idea of a destiny, a future more or less set in stone that even if you change a few things in the past, won't necessarily affect the future in a huge way and you still end up more or less where you were supposed to go. 

While I originally thought West was with the Company, I don't think so anymore.  He just seemed far too shocked, hurt, and upset by discovering that Claire's father was HRG, which if he was with the company, he already should have known.

Also, I'm wondering if Bob really thinks Claire's healing can lead to a cure for the virus, or if he just wants to get her for other reasons (like perhaps to get some measure of revenge on HRG for killing Ivan.)  Since it seems like powers may have some hereditary link (from Parkman and his Dad) maybe Claire is Kensei's relative (perhaps even his daughter) and that may explain why the company has so much of an interest in her.

I know Mohinder really just wants to do good for the world, but was he just being a bonehead again by coming clean to Bob about working with HRG to try to take down the company? 

And on one final note for the night, I'm going to make a prediction that since all the evidence is pointing to either Mohinder or West shooting HRG, that there'll be a huge curveball thrown, and Claire'll do it.


Quote from: Adamence on November 05, 2007, 08:15:55 PM
Also, I'm wondering if Bob really thinks Claire's healing can lead to a cure for the virus, or if he just wants to get her for other reasons (like perhaps to get some measure of revenge on HRG for killing Ivan.)  Since it seems like powers may have some hereditary link (from Parkman and his Dad) maybe Claire is Kensei's relative (perhaps even his daughter) and that may explain why the company has so much of an interest in her.

No...Nathan is Claire's father.  Is someone here absent minded? :P


Quote from: kkhohoho on November 05, 2007, 08:26:21 PM
Quote from: Adamence on November 05, 2007, 08:15:55 PM
Also, I'm wondering if Bob really thinks Claire's healing can lead to a cure for the virus, or if he just wants to get her for other reasons (like perhaps to get some measure of revenge on HRG for killing Ivan.)  Since it seems like powers may have some hereditary link (from Parkman and his Dad) maybe Claire is Kensei's relative (perhaps even his daughter) and that may explain why the company has so much of an interest in her.

No...Nathan is Claire's father.  Is someone here absent minded? :P

What reason do we have to really believe that?  Because Claire's lying mother said so?  I'm sure Nathan's slept around enough to not keep track of how many illegitimate children he's had, and to believe just about anyone claiming he had one with them.  I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time a woman has lied about who the father or her child is for money or any other reason.[/spoiler]


On a semi-related topic...
if last year's threat was lifted from The Watchmen, is this year's the Legacy Virus?

Figure Fan

Quote from: Talavar on November 05, 2007, 09:42:46 PM
On a semi-related topic...
if last year's threat was lifted from The Watchmen, is this year's the Legacy Virus?




It wasn't just Claire biological mother who said that she was Nathan's daughter.  Mrs. Petrelli did as well, and it seems was keeping track of her since birth, or close to it.  Mrs. Petrelli is a founder of the Company and would know what they know in this regard.

Also, Matt and his dad are the ONLY examples of actual powers being passed from parent to child.  We have multiple cases of children of powered folks having completely different powers and one single case of them being identical.  We also have one case of characters having identical powers (Nathan and West) who are apparently not related to each other in any way.

General thoughts

It's good to see the storylines coming together.  Three more of our wayward birds are back in the nest, leaving only Monica and Maya's storylines still disconnected, although one can see several ways in which Maya, Alehandro, or both, could end up being quite vital.

Now I would like to remind you all of just who said that Takensi could easily be a Magneto type?  And now he's described as trying to punish non-power humanity.  His being the big bad wasn't a total shock, but Hiro's story now falls into place as Adam's origin, and actually becomes more interesting and important because of that.  It also means that Hiro is responsible for most of what is happening, even if it wasn't really his fault.  I look forward to seeing what happens when Hiro and Adam next encounter one another.  With the news about his father, I'm sure he and Ando will soon appear in New York to investigate.

This episode provided an interesting look at Bob and the Company.  I no longer look at them the same.  They aren't monsters anymore, just somewhat misguided, yet still trying to do the right thing and recover from Linderman's influence.  It looks like the characters will actually end up working with the Company to stop the whole thing, which is a surprising yet refreshing change of pace.  I am wondering why it didn't occur to Bob that looking for Adam would be just as good as Claire, but maybe it's because he only knows where one of them is.

Speaking of Claire, her stupidity and immaturity has finally caught up with her, on all three fronts.  (HRG, West, and the Company)

It turns out Matt's dad was telling the truth about their powers being the same.  It's good to see him beat his father at his own game and free Molly.  What he does with his new mental manipulation powers we will see.

Now, several characters are going to die, it's been stated.  Any guesses who?  My picks so far.

Niki--she's already got the virus, and I doubt they'll cure the thing until the last episode of the storyline, or the one before

Adam--I doubt they can stop him any other way than by killing him.  Likely Maya.

Alehandro--it's just too good of a plot twist to give up

HRG--iffy on this one, but I'm thinking he might indeed be going, as the picture indicates, I'm also guessing it will end up being his own fault, that he will end up more paranoid than he already is, especially with Mohinder essentially switching sides, and his mistrust will lead to his death when someone else is forced to fire on him.


Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on November 06, 2007, 05:28:39 AM

It wasn't just Claire biological mother who said that she was Nathan's daughter.  Mrs. Petrelli did as well, and it seems was keeping track of her since birth, or close to it.  Mrs. Petrelli is a founder of the Company and would know what they know in this regard.

Also, Matt and his dad are the ONLY examples of actual powers being passed from parent to child.  We have multiple cases of children of powered folks having completely different powers and one single case of them being identical.  We also have one case of characters having identical powers (Nathan and West) who are apparently not related to each other in any way.

And as a founder of the company, she'd know about Kensei and if the company knew Kensei was Claire's real father, she would know that.  And since the company keeps tabs on Kensei, they'd likely want to keep tabs Claire as well if she was his daughter.  And when Claire was told she was Nathan's daughter, Mrs. Petrelli could have played along with the convenient lie rather than let the truth get out.  This would explain why she had kept tabs on Claire and why she led Claire to believe that Nathan really is her father.   

I'm not saying Claire is his daughter, I'm merely saying I view the possibility as being there. 


Does anyone else find it completely rediculous that we finally opened a duplicate thread for bashing the lackluster writing job this season right as the series got good again?  :P

[spoiler]There wasn't really anything that we didn't already guess in this episode (we pretty much knew Kensei/Adam was the baddie from the start, the virus killing everyone in a year wasn't suprising at all, and the fact that Hiro really was the subject of the Kensei legends was guessed right from the outset) but I don't actually care about that at all. The writting was alot better, the acting was good, and the pace has finally picked up from the crawl it had been for most of the previous episodes. If they keep it like this, I wouldn't care if they never did anything shocking ever again. At least, not for the rest of the season... which doesn't seem to be that long anymore.

But anyway, actual plot discussion-

I probably differ from most on this, I hope HRG dies now. He was good when he was fighting for Claire, but it seems like now he's just fighting for his own neck, and is getting really sloppy because of it. I wanted him to live when he initially saw the painting, but he's becoming less and less likeable as the season continues.

The Company is no longer a dirty word, which is nice. Having a all-powerful entity that is morally bankrupt is ok, but it gets old after awhile. I really hope they don't revert to the former steriotype later on. I am curious though... if the Company put Adam away, and Linderman was his first desciple, why did Linderman keep him there?

As far as Peter's memories, I think her presence might have just been a trigger for the return of his own memories. The images we saw seemed to be from Peter's perspective, so I don't think she sent him duplicates of her own memories or that he read her mind.

I'm curious to see what they do next episode, since it's going to fill in the blanks from ssn 1 to ssn 2. If it stays in the same decent vein as this last one, I think I'll enjoy it quite a bit.
