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Skins for Orginal Characters

Started by Failed_Hero, March 30, 2007, 10:23:04 PM

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 Elise hexed from Scarlet Witch
what I hope will be flaming lass if I can get human torch affects any ideas.  It is simply a reskinf of rouge revolution I beleive.
Ember/Thermite the son of Fire and Bosster Gold.  I need to hex the rannian rockeet pack and get some different keyframes and I woyld be set.

Comments concerns Ideas.

The Hitman

I really like Elise! The netting on the legs and the seams accent the skin well.

I think that you should add some hair on the actual head, at least where the hair would meet the scalp in the front, so she doesn't look like she's bald with a wig quite as much.


these appear to be heavly kittbashed, which is really friowned upon on this boards, so i would take these skins down


I removed the pictures. I understand kit bashing is frowned and the reason it is frowned however, I did not claim any of these as completely orginal, and I fully believe that people have to take ideas from many places, that is including other peoples ideas.  I believe as long as credit is given where credit is due, as long as people you are garning ideas from do not mind then it is ok.  I am new to these boards and only posted these images because I mainly of my request for simply help or hints with bulding meshs and keyframes have fallen on deaf ears on this board and community, I was only attempting to show that I take the creations process seriously, but I have felt generally unwelcome.  I did not expect answers to every problem I have encountered or even a magic fix all, I am simply attempting to learn a craft I have developed and interest in.

But any way in the future I will make sure to add a list of all the people I am developing from and send a message asking permission, in order to continue artistic intergity.


Hey, don't get discouraged fella. Most people just really don't like kitbashing. It's understandable. There are plenty of base skins that you can use, though, and people are very willing to give you tips and techniques to learn.

I'm going to be honest here. I kitbashed when I was starting. And I used recoloured extras for a long time. It took me ages to feel sure enough about my skins to stop doing that. I still look closely at other people's skins to see how they did things.

Anyhow, you should ask permission but be prepaired for most people to say no thanks. Me, however, as long as I get credited in a readme if it is released and people are willing to admit it... I don't mind being kitbashed. Assuming you learn from it, and you'd actually want to kitbash a skin of mine.

So there you go.