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Absorbing Man

Started by jmoser, March 06, 2007, 04:59:29 AM

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My recollection is that Absorbing Man could only absorb materials and powers through touch.  I tried using the new FFX attributes "Absorb Materials" and "Absorb Powers," but they allowed him to absorb any materials that happened to be in the area, and the powers of any heroes who were nearby.  The alternative, of course, would be to give him a melee attack with a state swap to Absorb, unless there's some way to alter the attributes so that they only work by touch.  Does anyone have any ideas?

I apologize if this has been covered before.  I recall a thread started by TaskmasterX in which he explained the various "Absorb" attributes, but that was before the great purge of the board.


Yes, Absorbing Man absorbs materials and energy by touch. But, IIRC, he absorbs powers just by being in the vicinity of another superbeing.
The range can be adjusted in the attribute, but would require the change in many places. It's currently set to melee range. If you execute the absorb command on a target far away from him, does he go to the target and then trigger the absorb? Also, thanks to Epimethee, there's code that makes the character chase the target down if it moved from the position where the command was executed. If the target moved to far away, then the absorber should stop where the command was executed and await further commands from the player.
If he's computer-controlled, then he should also only trigger the absorption when within melee range of a target.
I guess I could also make the range customizable in FFXCC. That way it could be used for "up close" and "at range" types of absorbers. I could include it in a Post-FFX3.2 Update.