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Started by triviaman, February 15, 2007, 06:58:25 PM

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Hey I am currently playin around with FF and I am making a Multiplex character but when I put ether clone self or deja duplication the
copies of my character they just stand around and don't move. Is there any way that this problem could be countered?


I've never heard of this before....


Try turning the character shadows off.


Clones are evil, I tells ya!


It might have something to do with the attributes you give him.

I had a similar problem with my Bane file.  I gave him a rage power to simulate his venom boost, but at the same time I gave him a disciplined attribute, which kind of nullifies the power so he just stood there when I turned it on.... actually, wonder if he still does that?


when i make clones, they move when my char moves


that is a known bug in FFVTTR. There's not much you can do about it sry,


oh so i'm not the only one with the problem :o

only chars from  :ffvstr: that can do clone without bugs

only custom meshes


Well, I had that problem before I turned off the shadows. Then... it went away and I was cloning left and right.


turned off shadows eh?
i'm gonna try that