What's on your "To Do" List?

Started by Cyber Burn, March 22, 2014, 04:13:36 PM

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Cyber Burn

Seeing that so many of us are going through a bit of a "Burn Out" phase, and operating under the assumption that FF is used more as an escape from RL issues than anything else, I'm just curious if anyone else has a "To Do" List of sorts, and if so, what is on it? The main purpose of me posting this is just to get my blood pumping, so to speak, to get myself motivated. But if this gets other people motivated as well, then that's just an added bonus.

The majority of the Characters on my list will probably just be Skopes and with Kittbashed Skins for my personal use unless I decide to release them. If I do release them, then I'll either release them with a WireMap, or I will try to find a Skinner to collaborate with. As I stated before, these aren't really in any particular order because I tend to jump around on my list, and I also tend to work on multiple projects at the same time.

01. Shocker - Update Skope (Still working on updating Animations)

02. Baron Strucker With Satan's Claw (Possibly with FX Emitter on Glove)

03. Atlantean Krang (Current WIP will be Mapped differently, and may need updated Skin)

04. Atlantean Dorma

05. Atlantean Soldier MKV - Daglob

06. Trickshot - Hawkeye Villain

07. Silver Samurai With Sword FX (1. I want a Particle Emitter during Sword Animations, and 2. This will be a learning experience for me, to see if I can attach an Emitter to a Weapon.)

08. Iron Monger - Iron Man Villain (Has been on my "To Do" List forever, so I finally want to get started on it.)

09. Firepower - Iron Man Villain (Not real happy with how this is turning out, there are too many variations in the reference pics that I've found.)

10. Cannonfodder - Because there is never enough Cannonfodder  :P

11. Taskmaster (Ninja Looking Version with Energy based Weapons.)

12. Ringer (Still working on the Animations.)

13. Nova Corps - Versions for different Ranks (Need reference pics.)

14. Machete - Batroc's Brigade (DJ did an awesome Skope/Skin for this guy, but since I had already started this, I kind of want to finish him.)

15. Gorilla with Anvil - Daglob     

16. Armored Supergirl - Daglob     

17. Blue Devil (Very frustrated, , I think I overwrote my Skope with a previous version and have to start over.  :doh:)

18. KGBeast (I've got nothing.)

19. Doctor Midnight (McNider) ( I actually keep forgetting that I have this guy, he's somewhat close to being finished, so I may just need a Skinner when I'm done.)

20. Doctor Midnight (Cross)

21. Triumph - DC Comics (Broke my Skope, and have to start over.   :banghead:)

22. Cobalt Blue (On hold until I see if I can successfully place Particle Emitters on the Silver Samurai's Sword.)

23. Doctor Light - Villain (Wasn't happy with my previous Skope/Skin, so I really want to re-do the Character.)

24. MLJ/Red Circle/Impact Comics Characters - Comet, Shield, Black Hood, Etc. (Need to re-start my "Shield", because I'm not happy with it, and I have a "Comet" in the works.)

25. CSA/Earth 3 - Original Characters

26. Marvel Legacy - Update (While my Skinning Skills have gone downhill, I think I have learned a few new things with NifSkope that I'd like to try with these guys. I also have a few Characters that I never got around to Skoping/Skinning that I'd kind of like to do.)


This isn't my entire List, as it doesn't cover FX, Requests, Avatars, or about a dozen other Miscellaneous categories, I'm just hoping to at least get a few of these finished sometime in my life time.  :P


Hey, Cyber.  I have no idea how far you've made it on the skope itself, but  I made an Amazo skope with animations for Lanterns, Speedsters, and Superman-esque characters (all gren's animations combined into one set).  If you'd like, I could send it to you.


There's always tons of characters I want to skin. For now I'm obviously concentrating on:

1) The modern X-Men students. With the help of Windblown. (Next one is Hellion).

Beyond that the other areas that keep playing at the back of my mind are:

2) A Goblin collection. (Technically started with my still unreleased Hobgoblin update).

3) Some Ultimates/SHIELD/Avengers stuff. There's a bunch of characters under this heading that I've really wanted to do.

4) Some more Batman stuff. Mostly Bluebird and Spoiler.

There's some other stuff too.

Get my skins at:
my Google page


Heh. Much.

Things I already have going on my hard drive:
- Green Lantern Corps
I'm trying to accomplish an in game model of every GL every made. I've knocked out a sizable chunk of whats out there already.

- Black and White Lantern Corps
I got requested on these awhile ago and have been holding them mainly because most to all are variant skins for other releases. Much of the blacks are GLC variants of course, to be released in Wave 3: The Crypt Of Oa, and are coming along just fine. On both counts the rest are of course variants of DC characters outside the Lantern family of books so it shouldn't be a big challenge. Wonder Woman is taking a toll since I'm custom sculpting her costumes and giving her New 52, Star Sapphire and Black variants.

- Odds and ends Corps
A few I left behind. Relic, Prixiam, that " giraffe " Blue Lantern and the New Guardians Of The Universe.

- New 52
DC dropped a well of designs we don't have in game when they made this move so I'm doing lot's here.  I'm also working on Cyborg, Grid, Johnny Quick, Deathstorm (for the Black Lantern as well of course), Deathstroke (with a Flashpoint variant), Starfire, The Outsider, Catwoman (with Gothtopia variant). I'm toying with the idea of doing Steve Trevor and maybe some of The Outsiders in the long run as well but haven't started anything.

- *****
Some unnamed project. I pretty much finished very character from a certain indy book and just have to put them together, check for glitches and upload them.

- other Marvel stuff

Sugar Man for a request. I'm working on the Bride Of Nine Spiders (to complete Gren's set), Sinister (both Claude and his AvX style looks), Loki (film version), Onslaught (Phase 2), Ben Grimm (a few variations here), Dr.Doom, The Goddess, Lilandra (War Of Kings styled), Darkhawk (modern), various Marvel Zombies, Lyra, Pepper Potts (from the Order and as Rescue), Supernaught, Red She-Hulk, Devil Hulk, Squirrel Girl, Iron Patriot (Norman), some of the Fear Itself baddies, Black Widow (Age Of Ultron version), Ultron (Age Of Ultron) and a few X-Men characters. I'm trying my hand at a Danger mesh, we'll see if it works or not.

- other stuff
Velocity and other Hunter-Hiller/Cyberforce characters, Witchblade, Aphrodite XI, Ash (with AOD and Marvel Zombie variants), Ghostface, Robert The Tire, Repo Man, Dark Helmet, The Inhumanoids, and The Madballs (if you've never read that disaster of a comic do so, it's terribly great!).

Cyber Burn

Quote from: spydermann93 on March 22, 2014, 06:11:15 PM
Hey, Cyber.  I have no idea how far you've made it on the skope itself, but  I made an Amazo skope with animations for Lanterns, Speedsters, and Superman-esque characters (all gren's animations combined into one set).  If you'd like, I could send it to you.

Absolutely, I would love to check it out. I have a couple versions in process, and Daglob had at least one he was working on. It would be very cool to take the different versions and combine them into one Mega-Version.


@Alice: Wow... what you have in store for us is just... wow.  I eagerly await your upcoming releases.  The amount of work that you are putting for is just outstanding.  The sheer quantity AND quality is breath-taking.  You rock, Alice.

@Cyber: Amazo has been sent to your e-mail.  If the Justice League are bothering you, then he shall deal with them. :cool:


Wow, those are some awesome and extensive lists guys!  I'm looking forward to seeing all of this stuff.

SA, I think Deathstorm is one of the few good things to come out the New 52 (though I know he originated in Blackest Night).  He's a nice addition to the CSA and a cool design.  It'll be cool to have him in FF.

CB, I love all the stuff you and RD are making available.  That is too awesome.  Has the Iron Monger ever been done before?  Neat!

I suppose I can post my own to-do list, though it's a little different than these busy guys' versions.  My projects take just a little while to do. ;)  So, keep in mind that this is a very slow moving list.  It's also rather prone to change, as I pick up a project and work until I get distracted or bored, and various things are constantly pulling me in different directions.  I'll listen to a DC podcast or read a DC comic, and the JLA calls my name.  I watch a Marvel movie, and Captain America begs me to tell a story about him.  On and on, so I'm afraid you can't hold me to the order here.  :D

  • Pulp Adventures
  • DCUG Vol. 2 (Aquaman, Hawkman, JLA/JSA, Green Arrow, Brave and Bold, etc.)
  • TMNT Vol. 2
  • Secret Project
  • Marvel Adventures Vol. 2 (finish ongoing stories, Spider-Man, Dr. Fate, Silver Surfer)
  • PC Tales

And I've got a few other things bouncing around.  If enough Thundercats materials ever get made, I'll do a mod for them.  If Val's Transformers meshes ever get skoped to provide more KF possibilities, I might do a TF mod, though I feel less anxious for that after the excellent Fall of Cybertron type games.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


@Benton: Iron Monger has been done, but only as a skin.  I don't know of any meshes.

Also, I'm very excited to hear more about your Pulp Adventures.  Your mods have always been amazing and I'm really glad to see that you are developing your old projects even more.

Cyber Burn

Iron Man #200 was actually the first "Iron Man" comic book that I ever bought, and ever since I joined FR, I've wanted to create a Skope for him, but I've never really had enough faith in my Skoping abilities to try it. But seeing as how he's been on my "To Do" List since day one, I just hope that when I do start Skoping him, that I can do it justice.


My to do list-
1. The Night Guard (4 original teams based on the Xmen) check my skins thread for where I'm at with them
2. Red Lanterns-Red Daughter of Krypton,Guy Gardner,Zilius Zox,Bleez,Antipathy
3. Sinestro Corps-Lyssa Drak (original,current and Book Of The Black versions),Arkillo,Amon Sur,Tri Eye,Maash,Karu Sil
4. Manhunters (just gotta find a mesh I like for them)
5. Saint Walker
6. Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris)
7. Unnamed project,building a team of originals around my avatar
8. New 52 Wally West/Flash as soon as I have a good pic,probably when Flash Annual #3 hits and introduces him to the New52
9. Based on Sick Alice's list,this list is going to grow.......a lot :P

Also add me to the list of those looking forward to Iron Monger Cyber,can't wait to see what you come up with.


I'll give this a go. Mine's all comics related these days.

A: Weekly tasks
1) Produce 1 page of Universe Gun every week.
2) Write a blog entry every week.
3) Weekly draw off at OzComics on Facebook.

B: Other comic strips (intended for anthologies) and drawing tasks
1) Cover for Universe Gun #3
2) Finish the remaining 3/5 pages of "Cold Atlas"
3) Write and then draw "Heliana" - 6 pages?
4) Write and then draw "Junkzilla!" - 6 pages?
5) Write and then draw "Utopia 337i" - 3 pages?
6) Finish a friend's tattoo design

C: Business side of comics (my least favourite bits)
1) Draw some adverts for Universe Gun for Project Wonderful (an advertising system)
2) Set up Project Wonderful account and figure out how it works
3) Figure out what to do with my Twitter account - add Twitter link to website pages, link Twitter and Facebook etc.
4) Hook up my blog to blogspot or something so people can leave comments
5) Keep looking into hashtags and other stuff to make my work easier to find
6) Submit "Pazuzu!" to some other anthologies
7) Check out other anthologies that may be looking for submissions and prioritize strips in List B.
8) Update deviantArt with Chapter 3 of Universe Gun and latest sketches

Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


Oh, man, this list - scratch that, this entire topic - is actually pretty motivating!

I see a lot of skins I want to see done, and the anticipation of all these popping up at Releases makes me feel this sudden impulse to fire up Nifskope and contribute.

Thanks for starting this, Cyber, I needed the recharge!


captain america
green goblin
hob goblin
ant man
baron zemo
captain Britain
iron man

alan scott

hawkgirl/shayera hol
hotde trooper
jay garrick
Martian manhunter
poison ivy
power girl
red hood
wonder woman
captain marvel



brightest day BOP
black canary
lady black hawk
animated x-men
prof x
Lehnsherr family
scarlet witch

Cyber Burn

Some great lists guys.

Dr. Mike, I can't imagine the amount of work that goes into what you're doing, I hope it pays off for you.

Bloodshadow, I've been enjoying your Skins thread, some very nice work being shown there.

TUE, you just said the magic words (Hawk and Dove), I'm going to be very eagerly awaiting those.

Vorelliwiseau, your inventive creations have been inspiring to me, so if this thread was able to inspire you to continue, then I am very glad, because in all honesty, I was really hesitating starting the thread.

Benton, DCUG V2!  :yipee

laughing paradox

These are things I'd like to work on. The list goes from most likely (working on/done) to lowest priority.

Suicide Squad - Ostrander's team from the 80's
Serpent Society - The rest of 'em
The Defenders - Secondary members
DC Heroes - Batgirl (Gordon), Batwoman, Fire/Ice
Birds of Prey - Gail Simone's run was spectacular
DC Female Supervillains Set - to balance off the Mavel set I did: Silver Banshee, Circe, Cheshire, Star Sapphire and Killer Frost
New Warriors - from the original run.. not necessarily the original 6 members
FemForce - Yup!
Global Guardians - I always liked this team.
Female Furies - This would be so fun to do, in time. They'd have to be all totally skoped up.
The Hellions - original New Mutants foes

Cyber Burn

I've always been a sucker for the Serpent Society, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with the New Warriors.


Scratched another off the list.

Thanks anyone, and well there's much listed here by all of you so let's say I'm all on the edge of my seat. It's going to be a fun year.

@BentonGrey: The design for Deathstorm is great. I started work on the Black Lantern one when it first came around but shelved it for awhile. I'm certain the brass at DC agrees. They took one look at that BL design and said " Yup, we have to find a way to keep this one. ".


There are just too many obscure heroes and villains from the Gold and Silver age to count.

But, I'm hoping to do a version of The Hangman (who isn't really obscure), as well as The Press Guardian, Pow Girl, and a pulpy Black Hood. Then there are all those changes Jimmy Olsen went through in the '60s. I need to finish The Blue Lady, The Veiled Avenger, The Eye, an assortment of Owl Men and The Owls, Lady Luck, Ardina, another Mexican version of The Fly, Jon Sable, and Supergirl in battle armor.


Ohh man, look at all this awesome stuff that the community wants to create! :D

Spyder, Pulp Adventures started out as a simple mini-mod with classic pulp characters, but it very quickly grew into a sprawling story, as my ideas are wont to do.  I'm up to mission 11, and it's likely to go to 17 or so.  Look for a bunch of classic pulp characters and a few moderns with the right flavor, plus some really awesome custom art!

Bloodshadow, tons of Lanterns?  Cool!  Bring 'em on!

Dr.Mike, this comic venture of yours seems really promising.  I'll join the others in wishing you luck, and I'm excited to be following your work!

TUE, I love your work man.  I can't wait to see all of those guys.  Which version of Hawkgirl are you doing?

Yep CB, I've been itching to get back to the DCUG for a long time.  If I have the energy, I'm going to rework a lot of my builds to improve the top tier characters at least.

LP, I am really excited about your Suicide Squad skins!

DG, you are a skinning machine!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Cyber Burn

Figured I would update my list to make it at least somewhat current. Though it will be about two weeks before I can get back to work on anything.


I'm back on making voice packs again using the audio files from Destroy All Humans 1 & 2. I had made progress on this before but I lost everything during a hard drive crash and had to start from scratch. :(

However, being able to supply voice packs of Ninjas, Cyborgs, Beat Cops, Grunt Soldiers, and Russian Mobsters makes it all worth while to do.

- CQ
"He said let there be light... CLICK! It was a lightbulb. And It was good."


The New 52 Rogues, and I just started up on Max Mercury, and I'm looking for a mesh for YJ Superboy (Both Jacket Version and his suit near the end of the book) so those too.


My entire recent updates are all about one thing:
Completing the JLA Mod.

I came across the (finished) script for issue #7 and just wanted to finish it.
I had gathered a lot of things (meshes, skins, etc) before I stopped working on it years ago, so revisiting it all now.

All my updates to EZ Hero, EZFX, updated hero recipes, etc. that I'm doing right now - are all in preparation for that.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Crossover Mod
I had started this a few years ago and become stymied by a few problems, some game related and some not.  With the Comicbook mod pretty much done I am working back into this one and reassessing the missions.

This mod takes the approach of the original Marvel/DC crossovers where they all exist in the same universe.   Of course I can't leave anything alone, so expect taht there will be significant departures from the comics.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Woot! Cannot wait to see this stuff! Game scripting is my second most lacking area, before FX and behind level building right now so I eat up anything you peeps release. Happy to see abenavides back in action. Thanks for the new EZHero BTW, using and loving it.

I killed much of my Marvel list now. Goblin Nation will be finished in two days time and I'm real happy with the results. I did a bunch of Marvel/X-Men characters I didn't list above as well for reason of experimentation in learning technique. As well much work is finished on the workbench page though I'm deciding whether to scrap the tutorial pages in favor of interactive videos? I'm in the beautiful mountains again which means more productivity, but a bigger lag in releases. Basically I have to coax the family to go out to the casino for a day to get access to wifi to upload all this stuff. I hope any of you will be happy with what's in my next release. It's pretty big and I put a lot of detail into both the meshes and skins as well as animations now and went through looking at old popular characters that were requested ages ago but still don't have meshes proper.

Cyber Burn

New Mods and a Litterbox update?  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


Quote from: SickAlice on June 19, 2014, 07:44:08 PM
Goblin Nation will be finished in two days time and I'm real happy with the results.

Interesting... :D

You know, you do most of the characters I wish I had time to do. Glad someone can get to them.
Get my skins at:
my Google page


We have similar interests which is part of why you've been one of the biggest inspirations to me here. Though lately I veered away from things I wanted to do and tried to focus on things that weren't done (still doing that a bit, you'll see when the release hits). I knew you'd like those and was thinking about that while making them (all Goblins accounted for, finishing Normans human head today and that's that). If you end up making skins and hero files I'd love to know, especially the latter since I suck at those and always tend to use the ones you or AA release.

Cyber Burn

I've been feeling a little burnt out lately, just with life in general, so I'll be taking a brief break from my current list to work on some FX. Basically I just want to focus on something different for a little while to try and avoid complete burnout.


I finally have the 3rd wave of Green Lanterns underway now that I feel secure in having learned enough new things to make them look right (mainly keyframe animations). John and Simon will be up in this batch as well as a mix of new recruits and old mainstays. At my rate right now I should be looking at a release next week of at least thirty characters, though John's alts and the glow wrap on Simon's costume may hold me up a few more days.