Finding, Editing and Applying Individual M25 AI files?

Started by vorelliwiseau, September 13, 2013, 12:51:40 PM

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Hi! I'm testing a custom character out so I've decided to run him through the M25 AI Generator.

I've read that I can edit his AI behavior (when he uses specific attacks, which hero he's going to gun for, proximity to an enemy before attacking, etc.) through his individual AI file.

So I checked for his name in the file, but for the life of me I can't find his name or any reference to it  anywhere.

So, here are my questions:

1. Where do I find a custom hero's individual AI file? Does he have one?
2. After I edit his/her AI file, what steps do I take to make sure it's running properly?



The m25ai file should be found in the same folder where your hero files are found.

All you have to do is open the file with a text editing program (I recommend Notepad++), modify the lines of the file to what you want (there should be an FFX3 manual in your ffx3 folder), save, and exit the file.

The character should then behave exactly as you specified in the file.


Found it. Thanks, spydermann!

For the record, I found my .m25ai files at this directory path:

C:\Users\(The Name of Your PC)\AppData\Local\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\Custom\Heroes

Hope this helps other future users with the same question!