Green Lantern Live action movie

Started by Midnite, February 05, 2009, 05:50:45 AM

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I wouldn't even mind this, so long as the green areas are distinctly different from the black. none of this fading light stuff.
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Geoff Johns keeps saying on Twitter how excited he is about the film and how it's looking... (he was on set the past couple of days; apparently they wrap filming this week) I keep hoping beyond hope that that's a good sign and that what we've seen so far is just rushed and not quite ready for public viewing...

That being said, I'm also fully aware that it could just be him, y'know, being the COO of DC and hyping it. Haw.



The costume, as it looks, is (a word I cannot say here due to the family environment), however, this is just one shot and I'd need to see it in motion to make a final judgment.  I'm still excited for the movie.  The comic/superhero genre is still doing pretty good business at the box office, so long as it is a "name brand".  Green Lantern has that, unfortunately, Kick-arse and Scott Pilgrim didn't.  With this, and Thor coming as well, next year looks pretty exciting.  Now, if only I knew more about the Superman reboot... :doh:
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Meh.  Not sure I care for the "circuitry" look they're going for, in both the battery and the costume.  And that big glass "lens" seems to be taking the lantern imagery a little too literal.  Really, how hard would it be to come up with designs that more closely reflect what's been used in the comics for all of these decades?  Do they think that audiences are so jaded (pun not intentional) that they can't accept fantastic things unless they're decked out in leather & full of nanites/nano-bots?  Why is it that the first batch of Superman movies are the only ones that worked within the confines of the original costume design, and actually made it work?   <_<

*waits for C6 and Benton to chime in*
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Quote from: Panther_Gunn on October 18, 2010, 05:16:11 PM
Meh.  Not sure I care for the "circuitry" look they're going for, in both the battery and the costume.  And that big glass "lens" seems to be taking the lantern imagery a little too literal.  Really, how hard would it be to come up with designs that more closely reflect what's been used in the comics for all of these decades?  Do they think that audiences are so jaded (pun not intentional) that they can't accept fantastic things unless they're decked out in leather & full of nanites/nano-bots?  Why is it that the first batch of Superman movies are the only ones that worked within the confines of the original costume design, and actually made it work?   <_<

*waits for C6 and Benton to chime in*
Agreed, i would have preferred a straight forward lantern... I mean, if this can be made with dollar store items, just imagine a Hollywood budget prop:
"Roads, Where we're going we don't need... Roads"


Ehh, it looks like an alien power device, so I can certainly understand why they went with that.  I think a slightly more traditional looking device would have worked just fine, but this doesn't bother me as much as the all green costume.
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It certainly makes more sense if the power battery doesn't look exactly like an old railroad lantern, just kind of vaguely resembles one. And Hal can be the one who makes the connection and coins the term "Green Lantern", in lieu of whatever weird unpronounceable alien word the Guardians use.

Reporter: "Wow, you saved that bus full of nuns and orphans! Who are you?"
Hal: "I'm a member of the Xzysrgrm...the, screw it, I'm Green Lantern!"  :lol:


Entertainment Tonight will be airing a first look at the trailer for Green Lantern on Tuesday, but today the program teased fans with the first footage which you can watch HERE!

Hopefully the trailer footage will look better on Tuesday.


Reminds me of fantastic four... and before somebody says I'm being negative let me say I'm in the 5% who really liked fantastic four (as a fun, upbeat superhero movie).

Uncle Yuan

I'm hoping the "Greatest American Hero" flight sequences are all about him learning to use the ring . . .
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You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake
And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive."


He looks good, but I notice most of the scenes he's not wearing his mask.  I hope it won't be like Spidey 2 every 10 mins he's taken off his mask.
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Parts of it look really good, parts of it look quite terrible.  The scene where he's "suiting up" to show his friend looks like bad CGI from a B rate sci-fi film with a head pasted on to it.  I have always thought that the CGI costume just seems to be a bad idea.  It looks good in scenes where the background and action is ALSO computer generated, but like most overt effects work like that, it screams fake when meshed with real life surroundings and people.  Now, that was just a really quick glimpse, so maybe it will look much better on the big screen, or perhaps the effects weren't finished.  I'll hope so.  On the other hand, some of the space scenes looked great, and I am very happy to see that the costume looks MUCH more like the comic version that the concept shots we've seen.
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"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
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Quote from: JeyNyce on November 13, 2010, 02:59:48 PM
He looks good, but I notice most of the scenes he's not wearing his mask.  I hope it won't be like Spidey 2 every 10 mins he's taken off his mask.

That is a problem with movies... unless you are Ron Pearlman (who you can recognize encased in a slab of concrete) you will want to do a lot of no mask time for the sake of your career and popularity. You know that "no mask time" is probably negotiated into contracts too.

That said I kind of go to movies for the "alter ego" moments, they seem to do those better than comics do.

Btw anyone surprised to see the corps? They are bitting off a lot more than they really have to with that, and I respect it. If I adapted the film I would certainly leave the offworld stuff for a sequel.


The CGI uniform does look pretty terrible, but I'm willing to put up with a movie that doesn't look quite as good as it should if the movie itself is any good.

By the way, from what the directors and producers and such have said the overly artificial look may be partially on purpose as they said they wanted the costume to look like it was generated by the ring.  This may be a case where realism should take a backseat, to making the costume look good, though.
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Tawodi Osdi

Movie versions of my favorite heroes always leave me somewhat peevish.  I would rather watch movies about heroes that I have little or no emotional involvement.  Green Lantern is high on the list of my favorites in spite of the fact that he probably has one of the worst comic book histories as far major characters go.  I think I will wait for Netflix for this one.


There's something about it I don't like......maybe it's the costume.  It looks like he have spandex on and they CGI over it.
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Eh. Not impressed, but not filled with doubt either. I'm not really sold on Ryan as Hal, unfortunately. I have enormous respect for him (and I think he'll end up as a fantastic Deadpool if/when that one comes out) but he doesn't feel like Hal at all to me. At the same time though, I'm loving the designs and graphics, and there are aspects about the story they showcased that do appeal to me.

So yeah, I'll be happy to see it, at least. I don't see it being as eh as Wolverine or as bad as X3, but it's not exactly TDK or Iron Man 1/2 material either.


I hear the name Hal Jordan, but it just feels more like Kyle Raynor.


Wow. I normally quite like Blake Lively, but could she be any more wooden in this?

Rest of the trailer looks good though.
"I can't wait to hear this guy's monologue. 'I am the Palindrome! Feel my power! Power my feel! Palindrome the am I!' Peter Piping weirdos." - The Middleman


Looks cool. Needs white gloves tho.

QuoteIt looks like he have spandex on and they CGI over it.

That's basically what they did. Reynolds never actually wore a Green Lantern outfit.
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


Quote from: RTTingle on November 17, 2010, 03:52:50 AM
I hear the name Hal Jordan, but it just feels more like Kyle Raynor.

THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!  I feel the same way!!
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Eh, I don't see Kyle personally, I see Guy if anything (and a watered down version at that).


The trailer looks decent.  I'm still not sold on the costume, but I'm glad they haven't gone the route of most comic book movies and scrubbed out the sci fi alien stuff, although that would certainly be a bit hard to do.  Still, they didn't have to bring in OA and the full corps, which they did.  The alien and space FX are very impressive and look quite good.  Overall, I have hopes for this film.  It may not be quite as good as Spiderman or Iron Man, but as long as it's decently well done, it will be far better than any other recent DC movies that didn't feature a man in a bat costume.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I D/L'ed QuickTime just to watch that trailer.  Didn't want to.

But I think it was worth it.
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people on other sites are going insane on the weak cgi, but they film is still 7 months away so i'll leave it at that

i can see where people are coming on the hal thing but hasn't he always been a cocky SOB, yeah maybe not crack jokes funny like reynods but it could work.

i just want to know who is voicing killowog


See, I noticed the CGI too, but to me it feels more like some scenes they used just weren't done yet (that one at the end being the most glaring) because you definitely had great CGI in certain parts of that trailer. Reminds me of one of the early Spiderman 3 trailers, which featured Peter trying to rip the symbiote off... they threw it in despite none of the CGI being complete, so it just looked like Tobey ripping his costume off. It came out fine in the end, it just looked goofy in the one trailer.