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What've you skoped lately?

Started by Blkcasanova247, December 24, 2008, 08:01:23 PM

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That looks great, DM. The body armor pieces fit very nicely and don't have that "pasted on" look. Good job. I really love the keyframe skoping that you do (my Lizard skope included, of course). I was wondering, do you use the technique of adjusting the number of controlled blocks from the copied animation to the base animation or do you do something different. I have done this for a couple of animations here and there, but for the amount of animations that you add to keyframes, it has to be extremely tedious.


Hey Hoss, thanks for the compliment.
Usually I go about keyframe editing a really simple way.  using m25's keyframe tool. 
I JUST started messing around with nifskope and keyframes today,  working on my Snowbird skope.
Have you ever tried to mix blocks from two seperate keyframes into one animation?
I can't figure out how to add the other keyframe controllers into the animation.

For example,  I'm using Texas Jack's Beast Boy as my base mesh.  I've already swapped out the gorilla for a bear (might switch to sasquatch), Beast boy for a female mesh, and the pterodactyl for the eagle mesh.
I'm able to also import the flight animaions from the eagle,  but I can't quite add those animations to the base keyframe "fly"
I've got one work around, that still looks pretty cool.  but i'd love to be able to master the art of scaling.


Well, I thought that the Toad keyframes that you added to my Lizard didn't originally fit the skope, but I was mistaken. I did, however check your latest work and threw Jik's Spider-man keyframes in with his Deadpool mesh and the keys didn't work. The only animations that showed were a the grapple and melee animation that I had added. Now, it could be some deal with the keys being converted to FFVTTR and the mesh isn't or something like that. So, that's the reason I was asking what method you use for skoping keyframes. I also use the heck out of m25's transfer tool.

I haven't tried combining two animations into one. I've been tempted to see about learning to make keyframes. I have done some rudimentary alterations to meshes and mesh pieces using Blender. I imagine that with a better knowledge of how meshes are made up, I might have a better idea of how to manipulate blocks and keyframe controllers, as I'm sure they're all linked to certain bones and all of that stuff.

Also, in regard to your Snowbird skope, have you tried using the female_basic_Crymsin mesh by Ewzzy? There are a few female body types and they can be pasted into a male mesh and can use the accompanying keyframes or you can just throw male_basic type keyframes at it and it will work with them. The big bonus is that it's distortion free and doesn't stretch. So, just in case you were having any trouble replacing Beast Boy with a female mesh, this might be an option.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to what you come up with. I know people have wanted a shapechanging Snowbird for a while.


Sweet skope DM!

Quote from: detourne_me on July 17, 2012, 06:46:47 AM
I'd definitely love to take another crack at skoping him,  maybe this time with Gren's Super Spy and Texas Jack's Male_symbiote... so he can have the cool tendrils.

If you do maybe we should team up? I have a half finished Venom I need to get back to sometime soon.
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Pod, I'll see what I can come up with;)

Hoss, the trouble I think you are having isn't with the keyframes, but the mesh itself

You see, in order for the kfs to work, that mesh needs to posess the nodes that are being called upon.
So if you put deadpool's animations into the spidery mesh. The spidery mesh also needs the sword_hand and gun_hand and whatever other nodes the deadpool mesh has but the spidery mesh hasn't.

It gets to be pretty fun and simple after a while. I really like combining two varieties of keyframes together. Like the vision slope I did recently.  He's got bOth the vx keys and the male_basic keys.

laughing paradox

Looking forward to your guy's Venom. Cool work on the skope.

Sioux City Dynamo

Great stuff everyone!  really looking forward to the release of these!!  Thanks for all you do!


Ohh, some neat stuff in here.  That Agent Venom is looking really cool!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


So...I tried animating a couple of trees for use in the game (to simulate the leaves blowing in the wind, click on the picture below)...

However, when trying to add any of the trees to a map, the map-editing screen crashes.  After that, every time I tried to open the screen again it continues to crash (until I removed the trees from the map's object list).  I'm kind of bummed, I was hoping this would work as it looks so neat in NifSkope.

Does anybody have an idea why trees with animated textures would crash a map (and I only added just one tree, which made the editing window slam shut), but animated planes (like my waterfall plane) and animated meshes from the game (like the FF base equipment that uses animations) and even characters with animated skins don't?



Man, that's a shame Dana.  That looked really cool!  I hope you'll find a way to make that work.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I thought it might add to the realism of the game to have trees that move a bit in the "wind", but I don't understand why the meshes crash the map.



Quote from: cmdrkoenig67 on August 16, 2012, 04:09:00 AM
I thought it might add to the realism of the game to have trees that move a bit in the "wind", but I don't understand why the meshes crash the map.


Yeah, that doesn't make sense, seeing as other object meshes can be animated without similar problems.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I hate to ask a stupid question, but is the map for FFVTTR? With you saying that the animations look cool in Nifskope, it leads me to believe that the tree nif is for  FF1. I only say that, because for me, things like FX are visible and are animated in FF1 meshes. If I convert an FF1 mesh and view it in Nifskope or even just view an FFVTTR mesh in Nifskope, the FX aren't visible. So, with this, I would say that putting an FF1 mesh onto a FFVTTR map would cause the map editing screen to crash, just like clicking on an FF1 mesh in the FFVTTR character viewer would cause the game to crash. I'm just guessing here, though.

Now, if FX can be made visible for an FFVTTR mesh in Nifskope, could someone let me know what settings I should use?


Quote from: hoss20 on August 16, 2012, 05:59:39 AM
I hate to ask a stupid question, but is the map for FFVTTR? With you saying that the animations look cool in Nifskope, it leads me to believe that the tree nif is for  FF1. I only say that, because for me, things like FX are visible and are animated in FF1 meshes. If I convert an FF1 mesh and view it in Nifskope or even just view an FFVTTR mesh in Nifskope, the FX aren't visible. So, with this, I would say that putting an FF1 mesh onto a FFVTTR map would cause the map editing screen to crash, just like clicking on an FF1 mesh in the FFVTTR character viewer would cause the game to crash. I'm just guessing here, though.

Now, if FX can be made visible for an FFVTTR mesh in Nifskope, could someone let me know what settings I should use?

Its not a stupid question, Hoss...But both the map and the trees are from  :ffvstr:....I wish it were as easy of a fix as that. 

As for the FX (animating textures) showing up in NifSkope, I don't know what to tell you other than once I finished doing what it said in the tutorial (to make animated textures) the fx showed up.  I didn't have any special settings.



Another Universal Monsters pal that I've been working on...

He's a little different than the movie version, but I thought this mesh was the best to make a Skope for him from.



Oooh, is that the thing from "This Island Earth?"


Not familiar with the creature Cmdrkoenig, but it's great that you were able pull off a unique looking skope like that. :o


Quote from: spydermann93 on September 16, 2012, 03:42:01 PM
Oooh, is that the thing from "This Island Earth?"

That's what it is! It was driving me crazy trying to figure out which film it was from. I'm glad there's another classic scifi fan around.

Edit: I almost forgot. Great job, Dana. It looks awesome.


Thank you, Freedom Friends.



I just made a Johnny Storm skope and posted him on my yahoo group.
The video shows how he turns into the human torch when he flies and uses ranged attacks.


That is AMAZING!  How did you manage that little trick? (If you don't mind sharing.)  It could open up several possibilities.
For Freedom!

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Amazing. Is this based on Ren's Ray?


Yup! It is based on the Ray.  AA, I think you might've tried to do the same for your Electric Superman skope?

I figured that usually when I add particle effects they are persistent, but then I thought of ink's Phoenix mesh.  It's flames go away when not in flight.  I have absolutely no proof that this is why the flames work well on the skope, but I hope it's why it works. Hehehe

I might try again with other pieces.  Maybe using vx stuff for a variety of human torch keyframes

Cyber Burn


Quote from: detourne_me on October 16, 2012, 01:04:56 AM
Yup! It is based on the Ray.  AA, I think you might've tried to do the same for your Electric Superman skope?

I figured that usually when I add particle effects they are persistent, but then I thought of ink's Phoenix mesh.  It's flames go away when not in flight.  I have absolutely no proof that this is why the flames work well on the skope, but I hope it's why it works. Hehehe

I might try again with other pieces.  Maybe using vx stuff for a variety of human torch keyframes

Yup! I tried it with Supes but couldn't get it to work properly. Really great work on him. He looks fantastic.


That is an amazing Skope, DM!



I can't help it that I look so good baby! I'm just a love machine!


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Yeesh, why do I do it to myself...I could skin this guy on male_cape, be done in an hour, and no one would know the difference. But noooo...I gotta do things the hard way...  :P
Pieces of Renegade's Ultraman and Black Hand, Ink's Avalanche, and Vertex's Male_belt_muscular. Plus a crate from FF1.  :huh: