The Marvels

Started by Tomato, November 12, 2023, 12:15:46 AM

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Just wanted to pop in and let anyone who was on the fence about this one due to the advertisement drought, the fact that we're at kind of a low era of the MCU (though, frankly, both this and Loki have been so good), mixed feelings about the OG CM movie, whatever... go see this one, and not just because of the thing they're heavily teasing in it.

It's honestly, genuinely, a fun movie. Well paced, great action, fun story, and takes some risks that really do pay off IMHO. The 3 main characters are really well balanced, and it's probably the best MCU film we've had in a WHILE. Honestly, the only real weak point is the villain... her motivations make sense, but she's just kind of... there tbh. Still better than like, a third of the MCU's baddies, but nothing special either.


light spoilers about the thing
It does the thing, and there's stuff to talk about regarding it, but we all know that's happening anyway so it's not really a big deal. A universe jump happens for plot reasons, mid credits is seeing said universe. It's clearly a different universe than the MoM one, and it might well be the "canon" one we get mixed into the MCU properly, but tbh in THIS movie it's two seconds with someone who matters far less than the other character in the room at the time.

TLDR, if "does this one do the thing" is all you care about, yes, but you'll be disappointed if that's the only reason you watch this one. I'd barely even classify that itself as a spoiler because it matters so little to the value of THIS movie.


I've heard good reviews from many folks online who have seen it, so I'm looking forward to going to see it myself. 



I stayed away from all the reviews and comments and i know the films been slated ( mostly before it even came out) but i enjoyed it and i think it did what it needed to do. definitely worth a watch.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.


I heard it described by someone as "you get what you put into it". If you are exhausted by the mcu, this film has some problems that will confirm what you already think, but if you go in open minded it's a fun ride. This isn't g3, it's not endgame, it's a silly little movie that has some real fun factor behind it if you're willing to join it fir the ride.


Echoing others: This was the best Marvel film in a while. If this came out MANY years ago, people would be into it, I think.
Not the best, but nowhere near the worst. The three leads were all good, and I'd be glad to see them again.