Freedom Reborn

Freedom Force Forums => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Jurenito on July 25, 2016, 07:43:42 PM

Title: Origin captions not working.
Post by: Jurenito on July 25, 2016, 07:43:42 PM
Hi, I am gladly suprised there is still an active community of this game. I played it more than 10 years ago, really loved it  and purchased it a few years ago in steam. Now i have decided to play it but have found many problems, solved the fist-bug but i can't manage to get  that caption origins shown.. They are there in the eng/lang/strings.dat, i have check it, but neither of the "show captions" option is working. My english is not so good to understand funny voiced like that of the aliens, so i was wondering if anyone knows how to solve that and make captions work.