Freedom Reborn

MMO Forums => City of Heroes/Villains General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Elcorion on June 14, 2009, 09:22:28 AM

Title: model viewer?
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 14, 2009, 09:22:28 AM
is there something like this out there, that i could use to play with the charecter customization? i'm hopeing to try out some costume ideas while i wait for my finances to stabilize in the next month or so before i start playing again.
Title: Re: model viewer?
Post by: 77 on June 14, 2009, 11:29:49 PM
There used to be one years ago, in Japanese, I think. I don't know if you can still find it, if I remember correctly it was kinda buggy.
Title: Re: model viewer?
Post by: Carravaggio on June 14, 2009, 11:42:58 PM
It was in Korean, if memory serves me correctly. There is a way to change the language to English, this torrent claims to have instructions to do so piled in with the costume creator itself:

Here it is at megaupload if the torrent is slow, albeit without instructions, as far as I know
Title: Re: model viewer?
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 16, 2009, 05:13:31 AM
thanks man. i'll give this a go and see how it works.
Title: Re: model viewer?
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 16, 2009, 03:50:43 PM
i downloaded this last night from the megaupload link, then had to go to bed, but i unzipped it this morning, and it does have instructions to switch to english. thanks again for the link.