Freedom Reborn

Community Forums => Comics => Topic started by: GrizzlyBearTalon on June 04, 2009, 03:55:41 AM

Title: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: GrizzlyBearTalon on June 04, 2009, 03:55:41 AM
So... Mac Gargan (Scorpion) is now Venom, and the former Venom, Eddie Brock, is now Anti-Venom?

Now, this doesn't really bother me that much other than... Anti-Venom? What a goofy name, oh well Eddie has never been very smart. Now this brings me to my next question.... is there a new Scorpion? I always liked his armor was kinda hoping we'd get a new one to replace him, or did all of the old Scorpion suits get destroyed?

One final question... Norman Osbourn is not dead... how is this possible? What about Harry?
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 04, 2009, 04:54:53 AM
There is a scorpion out there but she has nothing to do with Mac Gargan at all other than the name. I think she is a player in the hulk series.

The only time I remember Osborn dying was with his glider impaling him and they brought him back saying he also has a healing factor due to the goblin formula. Harry is alive again due to the One More Day/Brand New Day stories.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: JeyNyce on June 04, 2009, 04:14:37 PM
If you look up Norman on Marvel website, it would explain that he survived the accident and escape the morge and replaced his body.....ugh, I'll just copy it:

The same formula that had given Osborn his heightened strength and intellect also gave him powerful regenerative abilities, allowing him to survive the impalement by his goblin glider. He had escaped the morgue, replacing his body with that of a drifter he had murdered (and impaled through the chest) and fled to Europe. There he joined the Cabal of Scriers, eventually moving up in their ranks and completely taking them over.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: marhawkman on June 04, 2009, 07:22:26 PM
Mac Gargan still wears a modified version of the Scorpion suit occasionally. At the moment he's pretending to be Spiderman. I'm not sure if he's ever used the name though.

Osborn's healing factor makes no sense when you consider what it did to his children. Who, unlike Harry, were fathered AFTER Norm became the Goblin. It didn't let them live longer. It KILLED them before they became old enough to have children of their own.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: Podmark on June 04, 2009, 08:54:14 PM
Gargan is currently Spider-Man on the (Dark) Avengers, but of course hes really Venom.

The new Scorpion is a teen or young adult who may be the daughter of the Hulk. She`s more of an espionage type character I think. I don`t think she`s clearly a hero but she`s not a villain.

Harry was resurrected the exact same way Norman was during the 90s. Which I gotta admit if you`re going to bring Harry back may as well use existing continuity to do it. I thought it was the best possible way to pull it off.

Norman`s kids with Gwen are supposed to be still alive and in continuity but I doubt we`ll see them for a long long time.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: JeyNyce on June 04, 2009, 09:11:03 PM
THAT'S what I'm hating about the Spidey comics.  Norman & Gwen???  She had to be what 18 or 19?
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: GrizzlyBearTalon on June 04, 2009, 09:58:35 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Quote from: JeyNyce on June 04, 2009, 09:11:03 PM
THAT'S what I'm hating about the Spidey comics.  Norman & Gwen???  She had to be what 18 or 19?

How old was Norman?

Yeah they always wanted to try and shake up Spidey's history for some reason. It is a HUGE obsession of Marvel but when they do actually accomplish it, the results are HORRIFIC see clone saga & one more day. Or they start to "the other" and end up floundering on the ending or just going all weird with it.

Clone Saga - Horrible but I like Ben Reily's costume, not sure why we needed two spidermen

One More Day - Ugggh, Spidey made a deal with the Devil/Memphisto... ok a bit much... to save Aunt May (GOD SHE IS OLD
WHY?)... The devil wants his marriage? Of course Memphisto wants two shiny gold rings and a diamond... PRECIIIOUUUSSSSES.....

The Other - I liked this storyline but Morlun needed a bit more... backstory... also the quasi mystical stuff jumped the shark to me when spider-man got poisonous stingers from his arms. The other powers not bothering me, fine with that... but we've already done the giving him spider body parts thing already... most of the other powers were minor anyways. Heck even Falcoln can talk to birds now, not a big deal when most of your villains are bullet proof. Also, more control over his stickyness? Um that isn't a new power... he could do that ALREADY... what do you mean? He has hung to walls by his back long before this, if you can stick to things of course you can make things stick to you DURRRRrrrrrrr... Heck even the can feel web vibrations thing is really only another step up in his Spider sense department, not sure that even counts as a new power either.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 04, 2009, 11:04:34 PM
Well Norman was old enough to have a kid the same age as Gwen. Yeah those goblin kids were horrible. I swear they have to damage any woman who has any interest in Peter.
Title: Re: Questions about Spidey Friends & Foes
Post by: marhawkman on June 05, 2009, 06:31:03 PM
It creates angst. Spidey stories always have lots of angst.