Freedom Reborn

Community Forums => Film, Television, Video and Music Discussion => Topic started by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 01, 2009, 09:29:36 PM

Title: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 01, 2009, 09:29:36 PM
Well, it's starting tomorrow, so it's about time for a new thread.

This is also important for the future of the show.  While officially the show's not on the chopping block, it hasn't been renewed for another season, unlike most veteran NBC shows, and it's ratings this season have been at the level where if it was a new show, it likely would have been dropped already.

It looks like their intention is to start over.  The characters will all be living ordinary lives again, so time after Volume 3, and will apparently be reintroduced into the shows new plot.  I also glanced at some preview pictures in TV Guide, but didn't get a chance to read the article, and am too cheap to buy it just for that.  I did catch some interesting things though.


There's Tracy tied up under a heat lamp.

Another picture shows Peter, Matt, and Mohinder torturing HRG for information.  Don't care for Peter being involved in this at all.

Another picture is an action shot of Sylar.  The caption says that some sort of new character will initially be tracking him down, only to join forces with him later.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on February 01, 2009, 09:38:22 PM
I thought I read somewhere that Heroes will definitely return next season. Maybe I can dig up the quote.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 01, 2009, 10:15:40 PM
You might be thinking of

QuoteAngela Bromstad, NBC's president of primetime entertainment, said Thursday that the show was "very secure"

Which is not the same thing, especially as they have refused to renew the show for another season so far, unlike many of NBC's other shows.  Even Biggest Losers has already officially been renewed, for crying out loud!  Quite a few folks seem to think that it's future rides on Volume 4.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on February 01, 2009, 10:30:26 PM
Yeah that might be the quote. And yeah if it isn't renewed yet and other shows are then it's future is very much in the air. Personally I'm not expecting volume 4 to do any better.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Glitch Girl on February 02, 2009, 03:58:21 AM
Got my fingers crossed here.

Last season started off okay, but by the end... good grief what happened?  What a continuity mess!  And we don't even have the writes strike to blame here (at least I don't think we do)

here goes nothin'...
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 02, 2009, 04:19:38 PM
Well Season 1 head writer is back, from Pushing Daisies, and that's exactly what he's concerned about too.  That's also the first thing he started working on after his return.

EDIT:  A TV site I sometimes go to is reporting rumors that Heroes may be canceled soon.  Again, this volume means everything.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: bredon7777 on February 03, 2009, 02:57:15 AM
Ok, well, that was the first episode in a long time I found more compellling than whatever I was working on at the computer, so I'm taking that as a good sign...

ETA: Two minor nitpicks


a) Matt can paint now?  Since when can you just <i>decide</i> to have a new power?

b) Peter can fly. Why was  he even bothering to hold on to the straps in the plane?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: NomadX on February 03, 2009, 03:10:44 AM
I'm thinking that Peter's new ability allows him to only use acquired powers for a certain amount of time. Either that or it's just another example of how stupid he is. After all, he fell for the whole "give me a hug" trick twice  now :P
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on February 03, 2009, 05:01:22 AM
This one didn't so much for me, but we'll see how things go next week.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: MJB on February 03, 2009, 05:06:29 AM
This episode literally put me to sleep a couple of times. *sigh*

Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Mahu on February 03, 2009, 02:00:55 PM
I liked last nights episode. It was the first episode in a long time where I was literally at the edge of my seat. I think this season has a crap ton of potential.

Of course, Volume 3 had a crap ton of potential too, they just got to convoluted at the end.

Is it just me, or does Peter's "touch" seem very similar to Papa Patrelli's power

Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 03, 2009, 04:00:17 PM
I just watched it, and I like!

The plot so far is straight, direct and untwisted.  The character shifting this time was all part of the same plot, so it worked a lot better.  Also, the characters haven't made more odd changes this episode at least.  By which I mean sudden personality shifts.

I really loved Hiro and Ando as always.

Hiro trying to turn Ando into a comic book superhero is funny and typical, plus it actually leads right into the main plot, as it provides a way for the two to be separated so Ando can come to the rescue later.  I'm thinking Ando has a chance of being the key to the whole thing, as they don't know about him, and his ability to superboost anybody else's ability throws any plans they have out the window.

Plenty of other things made sense here.

HRG is essentially doing what he has been doing with the company, so this is no real shocker at all. 

Peter's new version of the absorption ability is a surprise, but I suppose it works.  His old one was a bit too powerful anyway.

This plot also provides a way for Sylar to save the day without really being a hero.  He's a target too, so his enemies are everybody else's.

Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Alaric on February 03, 2009, 05:10:06 PM
Quote from: Glitch Girl on February 02, 2009, 03:58:21 AM
Got my fingers crossed here.

Last season started off okay, but by the end... good grief what happened?  What a continuity mess!  And we don't even have the writes strike to blame here (at least I don't think we do)

here goes nothin'...

Heh. Last season was actually my favorite so far. Sure, it was full of gaping plot holes, and often didn't make much sense, but it was the only season so far that didn't bog down in the middle- it remained fast-paced and exciting.

As for last night's episode- I thought it was great.

A few "spoilery" points;

About Peter:

It seemed fairly obvious to me that Peter now has the ability of the last "special" person he touched, only keeping said ability until he touches another such person. He clearly lost the super strength when he gained the ice power. So, no, he CAN'T fly.

About Sylar:

Was it just me, or was there some indication that he and HRG might be brothers? Remember the glasses-wearing kid in the picture?

I knew it:

I figured out ahead of time that HRG was probably in on the whole thing, and I thought Hiro's "secret password" was pretty obvious.

About Claire:

I know she's had some combat training at this point, but it wouldn't surprise me is part of the reason she can knock out larger opponents is that, due to her ability, she can safely push her body past the usual safety levels- essentially giving her a form of "maniacal strength".
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Conduit on February 03, 2009, 11:47:08 PM
I just finished watching this episode.  I decided to check it out after reading the comments here.

This seems good so far.  Hopefully they can keep this up.  This kind of story has been done before (see any X-Men property), but it has potential.


If Peter's power is now what it looks like, that's a very good sign.  It's still a versatile mimicry power, but it won't lead to a situation where he has every power ever seen on the show.  This is actually closer to how his power was originally portrayed in the beginning of Season 1, and I often found myself thinking it would have been better to leave him that way.

Speaking of getting new powers, Matt's storyline has me a little wary.  I'll have to wait and see how this plays out.  I hope they have a good explanation.

Quote from: Alaric on February 03, 2009, 05:10:06 PM
Was it just me, or was there some indication that he and HRG might be brothers? Remember the glasses-wearing kid in the picture?

HRG didn't need glasses until about 4 years ago (see the Company Man episode).  I'm pretty sure this was called back to when Hiro and Claire went back in time last season.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The_Baroness on February 04, 2009, 12:53:34 AM
I liked the episode and to me the best moment was....

"I don't want to set the world, on fire...."
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: bredon7777 on February 04, 2009, 03:09:53 AM
Quote from: The_Baroness on February 04, 2009, 12:53:34 AM
I liked the episode and to me the best moment was....

"I don't want to set the world, on fire...."

I started cracking up when they did that. It has to be a shout out.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 04:57:51 AM
QuoteSpeaking of getting new powers, Matt's storyline has me a little wary.  I'll have to wait and see how this plays out.  I hope they have a good explanation.

Don't forget that Africa-Isaac's powers seemed more advanced than Isaac's.  For one thing, he twice gave another character the ability to see into the future or past.  I'm guessing that he actually gave Matt the future painting ability.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The Hitman on February 04, 2009, 05:03:13 AM

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 04:57:51 AM
QuoteSpeaking of getting new powers, Matt's storyline has me a little wary.  I'll have to wait and see how this plays out.  I hope they have a good explanation.

Don't forget that Africa-Isaac's powers seemed more advanced than Isaac's.  For one thing, he twice gave another character the ability to see into the future or past.  I'm guessing that he actually gave Matt the future painting ability.

Or- my theory- Matt has somehow used his mental abilities to "absorb" the essence of Mr. African- Issac, and is "channeling" him, kind of like a reverse Jericho.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on February 04, 2009, 11:22:40 AM
The first half was lame. It was like they just rearrange which side everyone is on and say, "ok, go again."
I don't see why they have to depower Pete, and I really hate to see Hiro without powers, but it wasn't exactly making sense that he wouldn't go back in time for fear of messing something up unless he actually did the worse thing possible and bug his parents. But having the main character without powers is just ridiculous.
Toward the end it got pretty interesting, and the ending was cool. I also love to see Sylar kill people.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 03:06:02 PM
Uh--Peter does have powers, similar to his original one, just not so overwhelmingly uber.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on February 04, 2009, 04:15:45 PM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 03:06:02 PM
Uh--Peter does have powers, similar to his original one, just not so overwhelmingly uber.
Depowered = made less powerful than he was.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 05:32:16 PM
The word de-powered normally means to lose all powers.

And I think this was a smart move.  Peter was too powerful before.  Way too powerful.  It was getting harder and harder to justify him not just rolling over all the bad guys.  Now he's still powerful, but not uberly so.  Much better.

The true was also unfortunately true for Hiro.  Even the show itself called him a walking reset button.  That makes it hard to believe any threat the writers come up with, since Hiro can simply go back in time and erase it.  That's why they had to add the afraid to travel back in time thing last season.

The changes are necessary in order to keep writing a decent story.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Conduit on February 04, 2009, 11:00:28 PM
Yeah, these changes were certainly for the better.  And like I said, Peter didn't always have his "permanently copy the powers of anyone he stands next to" power.  For the first 13 episodes, he could only mimic a power while close to the originator; he lost it as soon as he stepped away.  This new variant is actually more useful in a lot of situations.

Hopefully, if/when Hiro gets powers again, hopefully they'll either be less powerful/precise or the writers will establish clearer limitations.  In Season One, Future Hiro mentioned being worried about causing a rift, and Hiro talked about how he wasn't sure if he could change the past after Charlie's death.  It might have been a good idea to elaborate on that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on February 05, 2009, 01:20:11 PM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 04, 2009, 05:32:16 PM
The word de-powered normally means to lose all powers.

And I think this was a smart move.  Peter was too powerful before.  Way too powerful.  It was getting harder and harder to justify him not just rolling over all the bad guys.  Now he's still powerful, but not uberly so.  Much better.

The true was also unfortunately true for Hiro.  Even the show itself called him a walking reset button.  That makes it hard to believe any threat the writers come up with, since Hiro can simply go back in time and erase it.  That's why they had to add the afraid to travel back in time thing last season.

The changes are necessary in order to keep writing a decent story.
Or it can mean to reduce powers, which I obviously meant this time.
And it's possible to write a good story no matter how powerful the heroes are. I've read good stories about Superman and he's pretty tough. Of course the writers made such a mess with Hiro by sending him back in time again even though he wasn't going to go back in time. So maybe they had to do that for him. I just don't like it because one of the reasons I love superheroes so much is that they ARE powerful. And with some heroes, I think the more power the better.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 05, 2009, 04:34:31 PM
QuoteOr it can mean to reduce powers, which I obviously meant this time.
I have NEVER seen ANYONE use it to mean that EVER.  It ALWAYS means to lose powers in the context of superheroes.  And in any case it was not obvious that you meant it in that way.
And it's possible to write a good story no matter how powerful the heroes are. I've read good stories about Superman and he's pretty tough. Of course the writers made such a mess with Hiro by sending him back in time again even though he wasn't going to go back in time. So maybe they had to do that for him. I just don't like it because one of the reasons I love superheroes so much is that they ARE powerful. And with some heroes, I think the more power the better.

In order to make superman usable they either had to reduce his powers, change them, introduce a serious weakness, or introduce increasingly more powerful villains.  The end result of this is that the entire DC universe is ridiculously powerful.  That may be fine for DC, but Heroes is a more realistic world, so that just won't do at all.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: MJB on February 05, 2009, 05:25:51 PM
It would be appreciated if you two drop it. You have a difference of opinion. Enough of that now back on topic of the thread. Not the definition of a word.

Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on February 10, 2009, 11:58:43 AM
(minor spoilers for ep 315, but no plot roundup or anything)
I have to say, I am liking this volume as much as I have liked the series, and more than I have for the past couple seasons. For the first time, Claire is rebelling for a legitimate cause, not just being whiny because she isn't just like everyone else. Peter's power switch up makes him less uber and hopefully more strategic. I would like to see Hiro back with his power (or at least a power, if not necessarily the same one, since his was pretty uber, too), but I am still enjoying the character.

Nathan has emerged as a real villain. And, by 'real' I mean a bad guy who doesn't think he's a bad guy and rationalizes his use of force and lies as hard-nosed realism in service to a greater good, just as people do in real life.

And, even though Sylar is the less complicated version of a bad guy, I really think he pulls it off and I'm glad they're keeping his storyline alive. I really look forward to the melding of the two story types: a comic book-style villain and a more real-world struggle of individuals against conventional authority. Plus, Zachary Quinto may be the best actor on the show. He at least gets the best scenes.  :cool:
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 10, 2009, 04:29:16 PM
While it is a departure from previous volumes, the more linear single storyline with less switching of various perspectives actually is an improvement in this case.  While the old style worked for Season 1, it hasn't worked well since, but this change does.

I'm also liking the results of the more fleshed out, more 3-dimensional Sylar.  It's an improvement, in my opinion, and he's a far more interesting character now.


Daphne's death was surprising, but it looks like it will serve as an important driving force for Matt.  All in all, it could be a good move.

It's also good to see that Sylar has not reverted completely back to his original SK self.  He doesn't kill the kid for his powers, and my as a matter of fact have a new sidekick out of it.  In other words, he still can control the Hunger to some extent, and will likely absorb the microwave pulse ability through empathy at some point (assuming he hasn't already)
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on February 10, 2009, 04:32:37 PM
I liked this episode more than the last one.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Alaric on February 10, 2009, 06:04:08 PM
It was great to finally see all the more-or-less heroic central characters together, at the same time. We've had gatherings of bunches of them before, of course, but this was, as far as I can recall, the first real full-scale full-cast team-up, even if it didn't last very long. I think having all the characters together actually works better for this show than the usual "5 different plot lines per season" thing.

So far, I'm enjoying this season a lot more than I expected. If they can keep this up, it may end up being my favorite season so far.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on February 10, 2009, 06:07:55 PM
I don't know why I keep watching this show. I've never seen a more popular trainwreck. ;)

The writing goes nowhere and moves fast, zig-zagging from one idea to the next. The characters are wishy-washy and change more frequently than Peter's power status.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I just haven't been able to complain about this show; no one else I know watches it except my girlfriend, and she gave up on it long ago!
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Gremlin on February 10, 2009, 10:54:42 PM
Quote from: Alaric on February 10, 2009, 06:04:08 PM
It was great to finally see all the more-or-less heroic central characters together, at the same time. We've had gatherings of bunches of them before, of course, but this was, as far as I can recall, the first real full-scale full-cast team-up, even if it didn't last very long. I think having all the characters together actually works better for this show than the usual "5 different plot lines per season" thing.

Looking at the guys huddled around the table, two things entered my head.
1) This group needs a little estrogen.
2) They'd make a cool superteam.

Quote from: Spring Heeled Jack on February 10, 2009, 06:07:55 PM
I don't know why I keep watching this show. I've never seen a more popular trainwreck. ;)

The writing goes nowhere and moves fast, zig-zagging from one idea to the next. The characters are wishy-washy and change more frequently than Peter's power status.

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I just haven't been able to complain about this show; no one else I know watches it except my girlfriend, and she gave up on it long ago!

It's fun! And it's fun enough to ignore (many of) the flaws.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on February 11, 2009, 12:01:10 AM
Well, that's what I thought for the longest time, but that's starting to wear off. :D
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 12, 2009, 04:05:11 PM
That was true last volume, but this one is a vast improvement so far.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: detourne_me on February 12, 2009, 04:56:02 PM

I really like the new team that the "heroes" have now
I hope they stick together for at least 3-4 episodes.
They're the Australian X-men pretty much.
and umm hiro=dazzler/jubilee
...luke=havok   but i'm not sure if he'll meet up with the crew, or if sylar will totally corrupt him

also, i really like how sylar is progressing, he's becoming such an awesome character, almost like magneto, someone so powerful and evil, but compelling at the same time.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: detourne_me on February 18, 2009, 04:53:54 AM
Did anybody see episode 16?
I think this season keeps getting better.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on February 18, 2009, 05:52:45 AM
I generally liked it.

Wasn't Claire supposed to be a senior in high school this year? Isn't that the pretense for the East Coast college tour? That's something you do in Spring (or earlier) of senior year. Why would she be enrolling in community college before finishing high school?

The whole scene with Alex "Aquanerd" in the comic shop going through the astonished "you're a girl" routine was annoying. The demographics for comic fans have a clear testosterone tendency, but it's not like a comic shop employee would never have seen a girl come into the shop. Give me a break.

I did like the realism in Alex's reaction to the "you're in great danger" message. I thought it was pretty realistic that it would be hard to convince someone that they were in danger just by a random stranger in a comic shop telling them so. Of course, if Claire had had the presence of mind to know the guy was probably a target because he had some power, then mentioning that would add a lot of credibility to her claim.

I have been liking the Claire arc. With all of her recent steps toward independence, I thought it was a good move to remind us that she is a teenage girl who would be upset that her argument with her dad may have split her mom and dad up. And, as little as I agree with his actions this season, it was consistent that HRG didn't try to throw it in her face.

Are the Indian girl Anna and her girlfriend (Shyla) supposed to be recurring characters? Or, was it a one-off so that Hiro could save the gay girl from the arranged marriage and learn that he doesn't need powers to be a hero?

Sylar's little protégé Luke is sort of a snot. You'd think the wannabe Mini Me would have some sense of caution, knowing what Sylar can do. Plus, that straw blowing in the restaurant? The fact that Sylar didn't kill him right there had me thinking that he's gone soft. :P Also, when Luke teased Sylar with "Stiil, you could have just left me.", my thought was, well yeah but you're the only one who knows where Sylar is going, so Sylar has an interest in those agents not carting you off to some location that's probably well equipped with sharpened bamboo shoots and sodium pentothal.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on February 18, 2009, 06:12:46 AM
Does anyone else think

Luke will be revealed to be Sylar's brother? I mean why does Luke know where Sylar's dad is?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on February 18, 2009, 06:51:28 AM
Quote from: stumpy on February 18, 2009, 05:52:45 AM
I generally liked it.

Wasn't Claire supposed to be a senior in high school this year? Isn't that the pretense for the East Coast college tour? That's something you do in Spring (or earlier) of senior year. Why would she be enrolling in community college before finishing high school?

The whole scene with Alex "Aquanerd" in the comic shop going through the astonished "you're a girl" routine was annoying. The demographics for comic fans have a clear testosterone tendency, but it's not like a comic shop employee would never have seen a girl come into the shop. Give me a break.

I did like the realism in Alex's reaction to the "you're in great danger" message. I thought it was pretty realistic that it would be hard to convince someone that they were in danger just by a random stranger in a comic shop telling them so. Of course, if Claire had had the presence of mind to know the guy was probably a target because he had some power, then mentioning that would add a lot of credibility to her claim.

I have been liking the Claire arc. With all of her recent steps toward independence, I thought it was a good move to remind us that she is a teenage girl who would be upset that her argument with her dad may have split her mom and dad up. And, as little as I agree with his actions this season, it was consistent that HRG didn't try to throw it in her face.

Are the Indian girl Anna and her girlfriend (Shyla) supposed to be recurring characters? Or, was it a one-off so that Hiro could save the gay girl from the arranged marriage and learn that he doesn't need powers to be a hero?

Sylar's little protégé Luke is sort of a snot. You'd think the wannabe Mini Me would have some sense of caution, knowing what Sylar can do. Plus, that straw blowing in the restaurant? The fact that Sylar didn't kill him right there had me thinking that he's gone soft. :P Also, when Luke teased Sylar with "Stiil, you could have just left me.", my thought was, well yeah but you're the only one who knows where Sylar is going, so Sylar has an interest in those agents not carting you off to some location that's probably well equipped with sharpened bamboo shoots and sodium pentothal.
My brother finished his high school at a community college, but it seems that she's already graduated, or maybe she's still in school and just skips way too much.
As for the "I work in a comic book shop, what is a girl?" thing, that ticked me off too. I know of several girls that read comic books. I've met females who owned comic book/game stores. My sister reads comic books more than I do. Why are they making a stupid stereotype about the only people still watching their show?
The India trip was so stupid, I really don't know where they are going with that (if anywhere). This guy is dangerous, he is above the law, but if a tiny Japanese fellow pulls a knife (or bread) out on him, he'll return his friend and call off his wedding. Hiro can't do anything, Ando can't really either (still waiting for him to supercharge Matt and have him melt all the enemies brains or something). Also, Hiro is a jerk now.

Quote from: Podmark on February 18, 2009, 06:12:46 AM
Does anyone else think

Luke will be revealed to be Sylar's brother? I mean why does Luke know where Sylar's dad is?
*raises hand*
I thought that was all but said in the last episode. Something like "You living on the same street as my father can't be a coincidence," that Sylar said. I was absolutely sure of it. Sylar really didn't ask him anything about how he knew his father though.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on February 18, 2009, 12:41:48 PM
Heroes is a series full to bursting with badly written characters. Sylar, Parkman, Claire, Peter...pretty much all of them. Hiro used to be more endearing, but now he just bounces back and forth between naive and belligerently childish. None of them are consistently anything even remotely good.

This show just limps along, and it doesn't measure up to the high standards set by some of its network contemporaries.

Sidenote, though: Did anyone else get the impression that Anna and Shyla are, er, intimate? Anna said she had other interests than marrying that guy, glancing over to Shyla and adding that a "traditional marriage" wasn't her style. She could have just meant that she and Shyla don't fit into the traditional male-dominated mindset her father had in mind.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on February 18, 2009, 02:29:16 PM
Quote from: Spring Heeled Jack on February 18, 2009, 12:41:48 PMSidenote, though: Did anyone else get the impression that Anna and Shyla are, er, intimate?

That was definitely my impression. To wit
Quote from: stumpy on February 18, 2009, 05:52:45 AMAre the Indian girl Anna and her girlfriend (Shyla) supposed to be recurring characters? Or, was it a one-off so that Hiro could save the gay girl from the arranged marriage and learn that he doesn't need powers to be a hero?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thalaw2 on February 18, 2009, 02:39:15 PM
I agree that the show seems to be going down hill as far as consistency. 

How do Ando and Hiro travel around the world if there is a task force out looking for them and all accounts are frozen?  How do they pay for food and transportation?  Does anyone think that part of the Stimulus Bill is going to fund Petrelli's prison?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on February 18, 2009, 02:44:38 PM

QuoteWasn't Claire supposed to be a senior in high school this year? Isn't that the pretense for the East Coast college tour? That's something you do in Spring (or earlier) of senior year.

First, some time has gone by.  Second, it's states in the first episode of the volume that Claire quit high school and got her G.E.D. instead between volumes.



Well, Hiro is the owner of one of Japan's largest companies.  I doubt the Japanese government would just consent to freezing his accounts without a very good reason from the Americans, which they really can't give.  Besides, Ando isn't known to have powers and therefore is completely unaffected.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Figure Fan on February 18, 2009, 04:36:13 PM
I, like SHJ's girlfriend, gave up on this show LONG ago.

I await its death knell. Trollish? Yeah, maybe. :)
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Alaric on February 18, 2009, 05:48:07 PM
Honestly, consistency and logic aren't this show's strengths- this season is neither better nor worse than any other in that regard. Once I accepted that and started just enjoying the ride, I started liking the show a lot more- it can be a lot of fun. If you're the kind of person who can't do that, who will always be bugged when things don't make sense (as I was when I was a kid), this really isn't the show for you.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Gremlin on February 24, 2009, 06:06:30 AM
Well, this wasn't that bad, if you ignore the really irritating ending.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: bredon7777 on February 24, 2009, 04:01:07 PM
Did they not learn their lessons from the fan's complaints that they we rehashing the same plotlines OVER and OVER and OVER again?

Judging from that ending, apparently not. :(

I'm starting to think that the original idea (to have a whole new cast every season) would've made for a better show.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on February 25, 2009, 01:06:39 AM
Not bad. Not really impressive, but about in the mid-range of of what I expect from the show.

I think I can maintain some interest in the main storyline of the characters as hunted by people who decide that, since the specials might be a threat, it's acceptable to put them in concentration camps or kill them outright. As I've said before (, it's a realistic way to portray villains.

I agree that the final scene may be foreboding a rehash of a character (Matt this time) dealing with a situation gone out of control in the future that results in an explosion they have to avert. That storyline would be tired and, at this point, just boring. But, I'm not convinced that's where they are going with this. It may well be that things get to the point where the rebels decide that they have to go on attack and the explosion painted on the floor is something they decided needed to happen, for whatever reason. That would tie in more directly with the hunted storyline and could be interesting.

BTW, sort of a random thought, but with the penultimate scene with HRG talking to Momtrelli, it struck me that we don't really know the full range of her dream powers. I wonder if it's possible that she could have implanted some of the memories as dreams and HRG replayed them in his head until they were like real memories so that he could feed them to Matt. Obviously, it's sort of a long shot, but that's what occurred to me when it was implied that HRG and Momtrelli had anticipated what happened to HRG and were using it to their own agenda.

In a minor coincidence, I have been re-watching some of final season of JLU. In the episode "Patriot Act", the team fights a government guy who decides the superheroes were too big a threat. (I'm not sure what he intended to do if Superman actually did show up for the "talk" he wanted to have with him.) It's sort of a similar storyline, at least in some regards.

IMO, so far, Heroes doesn't really measure up to JLU, and I'm not sure exactly why. I was thinking that maybe it's because the animated series didn't focus on the personal interactions as much as the powers and the action. And, that's true, but it really isn't the explanation. Even though the proportions might have been different, JLU really did a good job of developing the personalities and the interaction between the characters as people.

And, of course, the characters on JLU have the advantage of already being familiar to us, so maybe that makes it easier to write stories around them. But, I don't think that's really the whole picture either. I mean, I guess I have seen all of the JLU characters in comics, but I can't say I really knew anything about Black Canary or Hawkgirl as compelling people before JLU. And, meanwhile, Heroes has had over fifty episodes to make their characters compelling, so they should be on a fairly even keel by now.

Maybe the writing for JLU just hasn't been matched on Heroes. Seems likely, but I don't know. I am curious if others here have thought about the two shows and what makes one or the other more successful?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thalaw2 on February 27, 2009, 03:28:22 AM
I never thought of comparing JLU to Heroes.  They seem to be telling two very different stories and a direct comparison may not be valid.  As for enjoyment...I enjoy JLU a lot more than Heroes. 

As for the most recent ep. of Heroes I gotta wonder why can't Matrelli paint the future?  Or can she do it and just hasn't?

How do the folks trapped in Nathan's prison use the toilet? 

I'm really sick of the whole painting the future thing anyway.

Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on February 27, 2009, 04:12:00 AM
Quote from: thalaw2 on February 27, 2009, 03:28:22 AMI'm really sick of the whole painting the future thing anyway.

I agree. What's the old saying about art (that I just made up)? "Paint the past, sculpt the future, and act in the present."  ^_^
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 03, 2009, 04:16:15 PM
I'm getting really curious as to who Rebel is.  My two best candidates:

Wireless or Micah

Could be a new character as well, of course, but I'm liking my first guess.

Also like the twist at the end, for the first time in a long time.


The Puppeteer was my favorite villain from Villains.  He was all sorts of creepy.  Forcing Claire to rescue him like this could prove very, very interesting.  Not to mention further upsetting the Bennet household.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on March 03, 2009, 08:04:43 PM
Why would Sylar's father coincidentally have the first power Sylar stole from an unrelated guy?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: NomadX on March 03, 2009, 09:39:38 PM
I just don't know about Heroes anymore. Alot of things are just laughable. Why in the blue hell would they even bother trying to capture Aqua-dork? Oh noes, this guy can breathe underwater....he's obviously a threat to everyone. Seriously, shouldn't they be focusing more on people that can blow up things with their minds or other such dangerous powers? Honestly, this whole plot in itself is just ridiculous. It's been done before and done better. How long before they introduce giant robots that track people down with special powers?

And I could have sworn that freaky Puppeteer guy was killed by Sylar. Or the very least incinerated when the place was destroyed.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on March 03, 2009, 11:26:22 PM
Yeah, I thought Sylar got him too. Guess he probably made him think he did. Also, I was thinking that Sylar didn't really know who gave him his 1st power. Maybe the Haitian implanted thoughts into him? Parkman's dad? Somebody?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: tommyboy on March 04, 2009, 01:03:17 PM
Probably a few weeks behind, here in blighty, so bear with my apparent slowness.
So far I'm unimpressed by this latest series/season/volume. It feels weak, the plots feel recycled, the characters are seeming undefined.
If you are going to plunder the ideas of DC and Marvel from the last 60 years, you should be able to do better than this.
I guess you could be kind and say that there are "recurring themes" in the show, rather than that they recycle plots and have few ideas.
It even feels like the action is a bit lacklustre, have they had the SFX budget cut?
I'll keep watching because despite my complaints it remains mildly entertaining, and I'm hoping that they may yet surprise me. But it's not "must see" tv.
I think with series like Heroes, Lost, Xfiles there is a law of diminishing returns that kicks in at season 2, because basically the premises do not support an endless number of episodes. Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: bredon7777 on March 04, 2009, 02:49:59 PM
Last week's episode was pretty much epic fail.

I'll go into detail later, but for now I just wanted to ask: am I the only one who thinks underwater boy-toy looks like teen!Sylar?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Camma on March 05, 2009, 04:50:47 PM
First off, I agree with the general consensus of the quality of the show and its direction.

My feelings can be easily summed up in my reaction to the start of this season, which was, "Wait I thought last season was the end?!?"

Now we have same old same old showing up, such as; HRG switching back and forth so we don't know who's side he is on.  Clearly this is cuz the writers want to be able to go any direction.  And did anyone else catch Mrs. HRG saying to Claire how she "doesn't know what she (her mom) is capable of".  I took that as the writers leaving her open to have a secret power by the end of the show.  So typical.

I could probably go on and on, but I just wanted to add that at first i thought Rebel was claire's real mom, but i don't recall her fate at the end of last season (not that it really matters right? they'll still bring people back).  After the last episode, and given the direction of the show, i had this terrible feeling that Rebel will end up being HRG all along  :banghead:
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on March 08, 2009, 11:05:39 PM
I read on EW site that Heroes will be picked up for next season.

It's funny how far Heroes has fallen for me. At the beginning of the season I was quite excited for the show, but now I honestly wouldn't care if I missed an episode - and I'm the type that makes sure to see every episode.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on March 10, 2009, 03:46:22 AM
A couple hours until 319 airs here, so here's my parting shot at 318.

Quote from: tommyboy on March 04, 2009, 01:03:17 PMProbably a few weeks behind, here in blighty, so bear with my apparent slowness.
So far I'm unimpressed by this latest series/season/volume. It feels weak, the plots feel recycled, the characters are seeming undefined.
If you are going to plunder the ideas of DC and Marvel from the last 60 years, you should be able to do better than this.
I guess you could be kind and say that there are "recurring themes" in the show, rather than that they recycle plots and have few ideas.

I tend to agree with that assessment. I mean, Heroes isn't an exact copy of X-Men or whatever, but the central themes are very similar. And, I don't mind that, necessarily, because it's a great concept and it hasn't been done on live-action TV. And, it's interesting to see the characters deal with the nexus where science fiction (their abilities) meets the real world (social acceptability, authoritarian impulses by officials, etc.). But, they have to do a good job of it. If the individual episodes are slipshod and the characters' motivations don't make any sense, then it doesn't matter how good the concept is.

Quote from: tommyboy on March 04, 2009, 01:03:17 PMIt even feels like the action is a bit lacklustre, have they had the SFX budget cut?

Or (referring to 318) maybe they are spending it on the rights to eighties music?  :P

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 03, 2009, 04:16:15 PM
I'm getting really curious as to who Rebel is.  My two best candidates:

Wireless or Micah

Could be a new character as well, of course, but I'm liking my first guess.

Same thought here. I'd prefer Hana, for obvious reasons, but Micah would be an excuse to bring Dana Davis back.

Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 03, 2009, 04:16:15 PMAlso like the twist at the end, for the first time in a long time.

I'm curious how the Bennet gals will handle it. Even aside from their personal issues with Puppet Master, a lot rides on this decision, if the show wants to deal with it. On the one hand, if they are opposed to the feds running a secret internment camp where unindicted people are held without any due process, then they should be against it on general principle, and not just against it when it affects the people they like. On the other hand, they are helping a real bad guy, who by all rights should be tried for his crimes.

Moreover, if it ever comes out that people opposed to the secret prison are helping people like him, it is a real PR victory for the jack boot types. Of course, if they caught him, they would have the same PR victory as they parade him around as the archetypal person with abilities.

Quote from: BWPS on March 03, 2009, 08:04:43 PMWhy would Sylar's father coincidentally have the first power Sylar stole from an unrelated guy?

It seems odd, but we don't really know that it is the same power. Obviously, Sylar Senior can cause damage at a distance, but Sylar has a very broad telekinetic ability. He can use it to essentially do surgery and also to throw people through walls. We can't be sure Sylar Senior is really doing that. Also, if Sylar Senior has TK, why is he selling his kid for money? I'm not the world's most creative person, but I am pretty sure I could figure out how to turn that power into cash without trading in my first born.

All that being said, it really did seem like the same power and they went out of their way to make the wound on Sylar's mom look just like the wounds Sylar makes (or used to) when he does his little power-stealing trick. Of course, the writers might later claim that Sylar makes the incision that way because of how deeply he was affected by seeing his mom like that. It would be a little psycho-babble for my tastes, but I wouldn't put it past them.

Additionally, while I totally agree that it's a huge coincidence (if anyone is keeping count of them at this point), it makes far more sense that there would be duplicate powers in the world than that this related genetic mutation somehow results in a totally unique power for everyone who expresses it.

BTW, Sylar's arc is one complication after another, so it wouldn't surprise me if the world's worst father image Sylar Senior has will also turn out to have more shades of gray. (Heh. Yeah, sorry.) It may turn out that he knows he is homicidal and gave up his son to people he thought were less likely to kill him in a fit of anger and hoped young Gabriel would grow up without finding out his father was a murderer. Of course, killing Gabriel's mom in front of his eyes is sort of a weak start on that last bit...

Quote from: NomadX on March 03, 2009, 09:39:38 PMI just don't know about Heroes anymore. Alot of things are just laughable. Why in the blue hell would they even bother trying to capture Aqua-dork? Oh noes, this guy can breathe underwater....he's obviously a threat to everyone. Seriously, shouldn't they be focusing more on people that can blow up things with their minds or other such dangerous powers? Honestly, this whole plot in itself is just ridiculous.

Yeah it is ridiculous, for lots of reasons. I can see a possible rationale in that we don't have any reason to believe that the goon squad has any idea what powers their targets have, they may just know that they have powers. It still strikes me as stupid. On the other hand: an institution with no practical oversight overreacting to vague threats? I can't say it really sounds so unrealistic.

Quote from: thanoson on March 03, 2009, 11:26:22 PMAlso, I was thinking that Sylar didn't really know who gave him his 1st power.

I thought we were shown Sylar getting his first acquired power (the TK) back in season one from some random dude who Mohinder's dad tracked down, who didn't really know what he had. If they are turning around and saying he got it from his dad now, then that's a whole new retcon.

Quote from: bredon7777 on March 04, 2009, 02:49:59 PM[...] but for now I just wanted to ask: am I the only one who thinks underwater boy-toy looks like teen!Sylar?

Yup. That was even more odd to me because I think they introduced Gill (or whatever, I'm too lazy to find his real name) the same week that Sylar picked up his Mini Me character, Luke. And, at the time, I half expected that we were going to find out that Sylar and Luke were half-brothers or something, so it was odd to see another character pop up that looked so much like Sylar.

BTW, no offense to the show for trying to get women interested in cute male characters, but what's the deal with the glasses-then-no-glasses thing with Gill? I'm sorry, but people who need glasses don't just stop wearing their glasses. It's not like they were reading glasses or something and it's not like he left them somewhere else, since he had them at the beginning of the episode.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thalaw2 on March 10, 2009, 03:59:49 AM
Quote from: stumpy on March 10, 2009, 03:46:22 AM

BTW, no offense to the show for trying to get women interested in cute male characters, but what's the deal with the glasses-then-no-glasses thing with Gill? I'm sorry, but people who need glasses don't just stop wearing their glasses. It's not like they were reading glasses or something and it's not like he left them somewhere else, since he had them at the beginning of the episode.
Yes!  I almost lost my dinner watching this "transformation".  He goes from being excited to see a girl in the comics shop to having "game".  What's with that?  Let's try to have some consistent characterization or at least some rationale behind the change.  He's not Clark Kent changing in to Superman.  [/spoiler]
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 10, 2009, 04:44:52 AM
I should point out that we are about at the point where the old head writer came back from Pushing Daisies, where he said the plot was going astray again, but he would work on righting it.  So we may see some improvement up ahead.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on March 11, 2009, 08:35:37 AM
Monday's Ep: Mixed bag again, but this was an improvement, I'd say.

For one thing, seeing Lionel Luthor as Sylar Senior was a real ray of hope. I hope he's not a one-off because he brought a real flavor in the first few seasons of Smallville (when I watched it). How did Sylar Senior know so much about Sylar's killing spree? Was that just a like-father-like-son guess, or maybe Sylar has been in the news? I will say that it seemed like Sylar Senior would have tried something more subtle than just trapping Junior and stealing his power. He seemed manipulative enough that he could have gotten Sylar to volunteer the power with a little coaxing. And, as I recall, the blood of superhealers provides one-time healing, or at least Claire's  does...

I will admit that the comic shop scene with the nerds wiping the drool from their mouths was half annoying and half hilarious. The general Claire arc isn't really in a bad place, and anything beats the "I wish I didn't have a cool super power" whining of the first couple seasons.

I am getting a little tired of the back-and-forth between Denko and Nathan. I'm not saying they have to reveal his power right now or kill him or anything, but that storyline needs some advancement that isn't just a disagreement on how to run their little operation or unsubtle feints as each tries to suss out the others skeletons. On the other hand, I like Momtrelli, despite the oyster thing, so I can wait this out. But, the writers should know by now that a whole season of buildup and characters advancing then regrouping is just tedious.

I am glad to see Hiro back, though I am not really interested in the Parkbaby arc. I am assuming this is the kid he had with his first wife, right? Meh.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Alaric on March 11, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
I honestly don't understand why this season is getting so much negativity here. It's still by far my favorite season so far. The focus seems tighter than in any previous season, which I think works really well for the series.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on March 11, 2009, 06:04:26 PM
I'm enjoying it too.  It certainly isn't perfect, but it's still pretty good.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on March 12, 2009, 04:46:30 AM
I just want to know why people do such obvious things in front of cameras or say things on phones? I mean, seriously.
What would have happened if Nathan would have fallen to the ground and splattered? He did all this right in front of that camera. Or like people couldn't figure out he was flying off the roof when the camera shows him going out to the roof and never returning?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on March 31, 2009, 07:43:55 PM
Way to completely stop sucking, Heroes.

The last two episodes were the best of this season. It was like watching an actual show that is moderately interesting instead of the bore-fest that was the last many before it.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on April 01, 2009, 03:24:01 AM
Yep. Definately interesting.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tomato on April 01, 2009, 03:37:32 AM
I have to hand it to Heroes, they've given me 3 plot twists I'm completely happy about, all within 2 episodes.


-Micah was revealed as Rebel, which is cool. It's not really earth shaking, but I must admit I find it hilarious that the evil government people are being completely owned by a kid.
-Ice-triplet is dead, or the superhero "Dead equals Dead" equivalent. I understand she's hot, but the writing on all fifty of her characters has been rather grating.
-Sylar is actually part of the main plot again, and he's not being whiny or emo this time. When he killed Mr. Polyjuice Potion, it wasn't because of silly trauma or an after-effect of power, it was just him wanting to kill people.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on April 01, 2009, 01:29:15 PM
Well, we've gotten to the point where that returning head writer came in, which I think is part of the difference in the recent episodes.

But yeah some good plots, good character development, and good reveals in the last couple of eps.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on April 01, 2009, 03:22:08 PM
You know, I don't think that Ice Girl Tracy is dead yet. If you noticed, she blinked while shattered. Maybe she can reform?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The_Baroness on April 01, 2009, 11:35:40 PM
i noticed that... she blinked and a tear fell.... so she may reform... 

the 2 last episodes have been more interesting...
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tomato on April 02, 2009, 12:23:32 AM

Quote from: Tomato on April 01, 2009, 03:37:32 AM

-Ice-triplet is dead, or the superhero "Dead equals Dead" equivalent. I understand she's hot, but the writing on all fifty of her characters has been rather grating.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on April 07, 2009, 03:41:04 AM
Gotta say tonights episode was the first I've really enjoyed in a long time, probably since the last volume.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on April 07, 2009, 04:45:32 PM
The first season's careful plotting appears to be back. By that I mean that even subplots that don't seem that useful end up being a vital part of the show.  In particular, I am referring to

Baby Parkman's vital role in turning around Matt

This is the kind of storytelling that I enjoyed from the first season and haven't really seen since until now.

The ending also has me mighty curious.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 08, 2009, 08:45:15 AM
Just watched the last two episodes. Good stuff.

I am impressed by the writers knowing just how much damage a shape shifter can cause. As a plot device (assuming they show some discipline against over-using it), it adds a whole new dimension to Sylar without directly making him too uber.

BTW, since he can turn on and off machinery and he turned on Hiro's power, are we to assume that Parkman's son, Parkboy, can turn off people's powers, as well?

Just following on an earlier comment, I am among those who don't think Ali Larter's most recent character is actually gone. They were very deliberate in showing us that she wasn't.

My one disappointment is just that HRG is smarter than he was shown to be when he confronted Sandra. Knowing that a shape-shifter was running around, he would have at least done some checking to see whether his actual wife had left the west coast before rushing in and pulling a gun on her. He has the ability to check if she used Sandra's credit cards to rent the hotel room, if that's her real cell phone, etc. He is a lot more cautious than that. And, frankly, he is smarter than to believe Denko formed a partnership with Sylar and then Denko would immediately out Sylar.

But, it's a minor annoyance, since the point is to get HRG back with the extended Petrelli group and, presumably, with Mohinder and whoever else joins them.

The show does have me happy to anticipate how Hiro, Ando, Parkman, and Parkboy are going to work their way into the plot and whether they will meet up with Rebel soon.

Looking forward to Monday nights again.  :)
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thalaw2 on April 08, 2009, 08:52:59 AM
I hope they don't keep the baby around for long.  I'm not a fan of babies in any TV series except Muppet Babies and most of them were toddlers.

Since when did babies not like the feel of a moving car? 
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 08, 2009, 09:27:38 AM
Quote from: thalaw2 on April 08, 2009, 08:52:59 AMI hope they don't keep the baby around for long.  I'm not a fan of babies in any TV series except Muppet Babies and most of them were toddlers.

I tend to agree. Nothing against babies, but they don't really make for great television.

And, it would seem like Janice (Parkboy's mom) would sort of want the baby back pretty soon.

BTW, the woman playing Janice ( always reminds me of one of the girls on Seinfeld who George dated ( She's the one who used to "yada yada yada" her stories to hide interesting tidbits, such as the fact that she was shoplifting.

Quote from: thalaw2 on April 08, 2009, 08:52:59 AMSince when did babies not like the feel of a moving car? 

Dunno. Maybe when we started strapping them in backwards in the back seat, where they can't see Mom or Dad?  :unsure:
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: captmorgan72 on April 08, 2009, 10:34:26 AM
I could have sworn that I saw HRG smirk when he left after he confronted Sandra. This would tell me that he was Sylar.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 08, 2009, 11:56:36 AM
The writing is so contrived.

I keep watching the show, waiting for something that will really turn it around, but it's always lacking. I can't even put my finger on it. Sorry to be the minority opinion, but this show is weak and inconsistent.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The Hitman on April 08, 2009, 01:40:21 PM
Quote from: Spring Heeled Jack on April 08, 2009, 11:56:36 AM
The writing is so contrived.

I keep watching the show, waiting for something that will really turn it around, but it's always lacking. I can't even put my finger on it. Sorry to be the minority opinion, but this show is weak and inconsistent.

Don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean it to sound harsh, but...

If you don't like the show, and the way it's going, stop watching it.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tortuga on April 08, 2009, 03:58:23 PM
Definitely getting better.

Bennet and Sylar are back to being enemies, and most of the heroes are focused on one mystery/conflict.  Enough of all those extra folks, just keep the story focused like this and this season may end decently.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 08, 2009, 05:41:33 PM
Quote from: The Hitman on April 08, 2009, 01:40:21 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean it to sound harsh, but...

If you don't like the show, and the way it's going, stop watching it.

Not to sound harsh, but that's the least effective argument in favor of the show you could put up.

In all fairness, tell me, then, what exactly is so appealing about the show, and I'll look for it next week. I'll be watching, and I want to like the show, but it's been DOA for me for a long time now.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tomato on April 08, 2009, 05:58:20 PM
Quote from: Spring Heeled Jack on April 08, 2009, 05:41:33 PM
Quote from: The Hitman on April 08, 2009, 01:40:21 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean it to sound harsh, but...

If you don't like the show, and the way it's going, stop watching it.

Not to sound harsh, but that's the least effective argument in favor of the show you could put up.

In all fairness, tell me, then, what exactly is so appealing about the show, and I'll look for it next week. I'll be watching, and I want to like the show, but it's been DOA for me for a long time now.

This probably is harsh, but actually READ what people type before you "speak", mk? Hitman was not, in any way, defending the show. He was telling you that if you didn't like it, DON'T WATCH IT EVERY WEEK.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 08, 2009, 06:00:55 PM
Yes, and I'm saying if he likes it, maybe he'd have some insight to share to help me reevaluate how I approach the show.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 08, 2009, 06:26:10 PM
Just to throw in two cents as someone who has been critical at times and also enjoyed the show at times... I don't see anything wrong with criticizing a show that you want to like but which doesn't live up to your expectations. I don't think there should be any surprise that most FR folks have some interest in a show like Heroes and want it to be quality.

I am liking it right now, but I think there has been plenty to criticize about the show. Not to speak for anyone else, but when I was complaining about the show's weak points, I still watched because I was hoping it would get better. I want to see good live-action superhero shows on TV. If I had lost all hope that it would, then I wouldn't watch it.

Of course, discussing a show's shortcomings can be fun, too, and there is nothing wrong with watching it just to engage in those discussions. There is no way to logically conclude that the only reason to watch a show is because the show is good on its own. There can be ancillary benefits, such as these water-cooler discussions, whether the show is living up to its potential or not. There is a show (not Heroes) that I watched pretty much only because I found an interesting group of people online who watched it and I enjoyed the interaction with them.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The Hitman on April 09, 2009, 01:27:05 PM
Tomato and Stumpy summed it up for me pretty nicely. I'm not saying that it's the best show ever and can do no wrong. I just think it's silly to take the time to watch a TV show that you clealy do not enjoy, just so you can voice your distain for it online. It's like buying a comic book that you hate every month just to put it down on the Internet. I understand that not all shows are for everyone, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you really don't like Heroes, and can't find a single reason to watch it, change the channel, man.

I'm dropping the subject after this post. Berate me for my opinions if you want, I can take it.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 09, 2009, 03:00:07 PM
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 14, 2009, 03:22:48 PM
Ep 3.23

Just a few quick thoughts before I forget.

So, was Charles Deveaux supposed to be a mind controller? That was apparently the power he showed in last night's ep, which wasn't really hinted at earlier, when it appeared that his power was to telepathically communicate when he was dreaming.

It seems like the four of the kids at the "camp" got the idea for founding the company in 1961 and then actually pulled it together later on.

Does it strike anyone else as kinda unbelievable that a group of teenaged kids would willingly participate in some program to get rid of their powers? I mean, I know that some of them may have negative side-effects (like Angela's nightmares) or seem dangerous (like her sister's weather tantrums). But, Charles, or Robby, or Linderman? Give me a break. I wouldn't tell anyone 'official' I had those powers and I sure as heck wouldn't volunteer for a government program to "test" the powers or remove them. And what sort of ultra-naive parents would trust in something like that?

BTW, the girl who played young Angela is a really great pick - very believable as a teen Angela.

Not really a complaint, since I don't care, but the song "Crying" wasn't released until July of 1961, a couple months after it was shown in the episode as one of Angela's favorites. (I know because I looked it up when I saw the spooky Spanish language version in David Lynch's Mulholland Dr.)

On a broader note, I can't help but wonder if the attempt by the extended Petrelli clan to re-form The Company isn't a sign that they aren't really learning their lesson. People have a right to keep secrets, but coercing, killing, and mind-wiping people to do it is a flawed approach. Cover-ups just make the secrets that much bigger and attract more interest in them. Doing the wrong thing to "protect the specials" is no better than doing the wrong thing to "protect the normals".

Didn't see the "next week" previews, but if I am reading the show's direction right, I look forward to next episode. I am finding I like the Sylar-centric episodes.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: The Hitman on April 14, 2009, 03:56:54 PM
Good episode.


I interpreted Shaft's power was telepathic in nature, like Matt and Maury Parkman. That'd explain the dream- walking stuff. And I can see "Bobby" wanting to get rid of his power, especially if he couldn't control it when he was younger, what with the Midas touch and all. Also, if the online comics are in continuity, Linderman was a ward of the state by his teens, so he might've just been placed there.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 14, 2009, 05:40:35 PM
Quote from: stumpy on April 14, 2009, 03:22:48 PM
Ep 3.23
Not really a complaint, since I don't care, but the song "Crying" wasn't released until July of 1961, a couple months after it was shown in the episode as one of Angela's favorites. (I know because I looked it up when I saw the spooky Spanish language version in David Lynch's Mulholland Dr.)

I noticed that too. :D

Young Angela was very good casting.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 14, 2009, 08:21:29 PM
Well, Volume 5 begins after two more episodes and will called "Redemption". 
I suspect that "The new Company" will have the core extended Petrelli family at the core but will have Peter has somewhat of a moral guidepost as well as perhaps Claire.

As for next week's episode:
The episode will be called "I am Sylar".  I think that sums it up.  However, I do think next week will see Sylar turning on Dank after some sort of identity crisis.   Perhaps Danko wants Sylar to impersonate Nathan full time?  Or perhaps he has to after Nathan's death?

A few other spoilery things:

The new female villain for next season?  I think Alice Petrelli has not been seen the last of.  I like the actress playing her, I thought she played the part very well with her interaction with Angela.

And not really spoilery but at least two writers have been let go.  In addition, there have only been 18-20 episodes ordered for next season.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on April 15, 2009, 06:15:39 AM
Didn't anybody that saw Nathan fly out a friggin window wonder why he's on television? I mean, all of the Friends of Humanity (lol) are looking for the Petrellis' and now it's ok to go on tv with a fake one?
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 15, 2009, 06:36:06 AM
Quote from: thanoson on April 15, 2009, 06:15:39 AMDidn't anybody that saw Nathan fly out a friggin window wonder why he's on television? I mean, all of the Friends of Humanity (lol) are looking for the Petrellis' and now it's ok to go on tv with a fake one?

Do you mean when Denko pushed him out the window in 3.19? I'm not sure anyone did see that besides Denko and HRG.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Spring Heeled Jack on April 15, 2009, 01:00:23 PM
Yeah, and if Denko is complicit in Sylar's televised Nathan impression, he's not going to say anything. :D
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on April 15, 2009, 04:07:02 PM
As I recall, they were right in front of a camera. I would assume that a tight security place like that would have cameras.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: AfghanAnt on April 15, 2009, 04:25:23 PM
This show has really gone downhill for me since the whole Days of Future past ripoff. I can't help but feel like I'm watching something I've read already.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on April 15, 2009, 04:27:25 PM
Quote from: thanoson on April 15, 2009, 04:07:02 PMAs I recall, they were right in front of a camera. I would assume that a tight security place like that would have cameras.
Heh. The famous camera. This isn't something I noticed before I was told about it, but that camera was apparently one of the clues that Rebel was Micah, since it turned off (the indicator light was blinking before and stopped blinking) a little before Denko pushed Nathan out the window. If you watch the scene again, it's easy to see. So, it would be easy to say that Micah cut the feed from that camera to keep Nathan from being exposed (or for some other purpose).
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on April 29, 2009, 06:44:44 PM
CRAZY finale.

I think turning Sylar into Nathan instead of killing him might have been the all time stupidest idea ever. And on Heroes, that's quite an accusation. But I guess they don't want him off the show, maybe he won't be the main villain next season even if he is the best character. I'll be ready to see where it goes from here.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tomato on April 29, 2009, 07:03:58 PM
Meh, yeah, that Nathan/Sylar thing reminded me too much of the Morph/Proteus idiocy. I mean, the episode was solid, but yeah, anything that reminds me of the later issues of the first Exiles run is never good.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on April 29, 2009, 07:29:29 PM
Quote from: Tomato on April 29, 2009, 07:03:58 PM
Meh, yeah, that Nathan/Sylar thing reminded me too much of the Morph/Proteus idiocy. I mean, the episode was solid, but yeah, anything that reminds me of the later issues of the first Exiles run is never good.

Yeah it totally reminded me of Morph.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: thanoson on April 30, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Umm... did everybody forget about clair's blood? Just saying.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on April 30, 2009, 03:24:37 AM
Quote from: thanoson on April 30, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Umm... did everybody forget about clair's blood? Just saying.

Yes. Stop asking.  &lt;_&lt;
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on April 30, 2009, 04:29:16 AM
Quote from: thanoson on April 30, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Umm... did everybody forget about clair's blood? Just saying.
That would have required a needle and syringe, possibly even more! No, temporarily making the fellow who killed him think he is the man he killed and pretending like he IS your son and ignoring signs that he's remembering his former self is much simpler. And besides, Claire was already almost outside of the building by that point, way too complicated.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Sevenforce on April 30, 2009, 11:33:49 AM
Quote from: BWPS on April 30, 2009, 04:29:16 AM
Quote from: thanoson on April 30, 2009, 03:07:06 AM
Umm... did everybody forget about clair's blood? Just saying.
That would have required a needle and syringe, possibly even more! No, temporarily making the fellow who killed him think he is the man he killed and pretending like he IS your son and ignoring signs that he's remembering his former self is much simpler. And besides, Claire was already almost outside of the building by that point, way too complicated.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on May 01, 2009, 07:52:09 AM
Morph / Proteus? I was thinking Lightning Lad / Proty.  :P And, of course, someone with better lore than I could point out how something similar happened even before that.

The big arcs on the show don't really have to be new for it to be a good show.

That said, I don't know where I stand on this ending. I'll admit, my first thought when Sylar ghosted Nathan was that Claire could fix this. As much as the Claire's-blood-can-bring-back-the-dead thing is a hack and it's ripe for abuse as a plot crutch, it's a little odd that HRG is alive because of his daughter's blood, but Nathan, who could have been saved the same way, isn't.

Not that there isn't potential for this to make for an interesting arc


Only HRG, Angela, and Matt know about the Nathan/Sylar switch. I can imagine there would be hell to pay when Peter, Claire, etc. find out that Nathan died that night and the person they have been treating as Nathan is an unknowing impostor. But not just any impostor, but Sylar, who has tried to kill them more than once and who was turning Claire into his mind-controlled slave the last time she saw him

Peter is re-ubered. He made it sound like he would absorb all of Sylar's powers if he got near him. Of course, we only saw him use the shape-shifting ability, so we'll see how that works out.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: MJB on May 01, 2009, 08:25:50 AM
Quote from: stumpy on May 01, 2009, 07:52:09 AMPeter is re-ubered. He made it sound like he would absorb all of Sylar's powers if he got near him. Of course, we only saw him use the shape-shifting ability, so we'll see how that works out.

Peter is not re-ubered. The only power he absorbed was Syler's shape shifting.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: stumpy on May 01, 2009, 02:04:19 PM
Quote from: MJB on May 01, 2009, 08:25:50 AM
Quote from: stumpy on May 01, 2009, 07:52:09 AMPeter is re-ubered. He made it sound like he would absorb all of Sylar's powers if he got near him. Of course, we only saw him use the shape-shifting ability, so we'll see how that works out.

Peter is not re-ubered. The only power he absorbed was Syler's shape shifting.

I'm glad. The overly ubered heroes lead to too many "Why didn't he just...?" moments.

I was a little worried because of two things. First, when Peter and Nathan are going after Sylalr, Nathan tells the presidential aide, "My brother can do whatever Sylar can do. We just have to get him close enough to touch him." That sounded pretty open-ended, though it's easy to see how they might just have been talking about Sylar's shape-shift power (which may have been all the aide knew about). The second thing is that Sylar wasn't shape-shifted when Nathan and Peter walk into the room to fight him. He also wasn't shape shifted the next time we saw him, after the fight when he kills Nathan. And there was no real reason for him to shape shift, since it's only the three of them and he usually engages in physical combat with his TK and they showed him readying Elle's lightning powers as the confrontation starts.

But you are right, when Claire enters the room after the fight, she asks Peter if he can fly after Nathan and Sylar (who maybe can fly now?) and Peter says that he can't, implying that he can still only take one power at a time.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Tomato on May 01, 2009, 02:21:31 PM
I'm not saying it's not a good idea because of the Morph/Proteus thing, I'm saying it reminds me of a storyline that was very poorly handled and that does not fill me with confidence about the direction of the show. Similarly, it would not fill me with confidence if they made thousands of Peter clones, because that would remind me of the Spider man clone idiocy.
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: Podmark on June 23, 2009, 06:20:05 PM
Bad news for Heroes:
Title: Re: Heroes Volume Four
Post by: BWPS on June 23, 2009, 08:30:05 PM
Oh well, if it continues to tank and gets cancelled, we can always just remember it as a good show during it's first season. Like Sliders.