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Community Forums => Film, Television, Video and Music Discussion => Topic started by: crimsonquill on January 29, 2009, 03:53:48 AM

Title: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on January 29, 2009, 03:53:48 AM
Disney's finally taking advantage of it's deals aquiring rights to Jetix and Saban for their Disney XD channel revamp...

At long last we finally start seeing high-quality DVD collections...and starting with 2 Volumes of the '90s X-Men series..


Each Volume holds up to 17 episodes apeice on 2 Discs... Special Features are unknown as of yet.

QuoteThe first two releases, simply entitled Volume 1 and Volume 2, have street dates of April 28. Both collections have suggested retail prices of $23.98. Volume 1 is two disks and times in at 368 minutes. The second is also two disks and times in at 391 minutes.

Details are here: (

Not sure if anyone was aware of this yet since all the buzz is about "Wolverine And The X-Men" but you would figure that Disney would try to cash in on the hype of the new Wolverine movie somehow.

- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: The Hitman on January 29, 2009, 04:09:54 AM
No way. No freakin' way. Crim, thanks for posting this. Awesome!
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: docdelorean88 on January 29, 2009, 04:22:45 AM
Sweet! i'm definately lookion into this! Thanks a bunch!
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: BWPS on January 29, 2009, 04:32:36 AM
Yes. This is good news. I will buy.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: Midnight on January 29, 2009, 04:53:44 AM
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: BentonGrey on January 29, 2009, 05:15:44 AM
Yay!  I REALLY want to get this show.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: JeyNyce on January 29, 2009, 05:26:57 PM
Great News, but I'm still waiting for Spider-man & his Amazing Friends on DVD!
Title: What, there might be more?
Post by: crimsonquill on January 29, 2009, 05:35:28 PM
Quote from: JeyNyce on January 29, 2009, 05:26:57 PM
Great News, but I'm still waiting for Spider-man & his Amazing Friends on DVD!

Jetix/Disney aquired the rights to Spider-Man 1981 and Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends (both were made using the same character models) last year and released on DVD sets in the UK.. so a US release might not be too far off since they released the X-Men DVDs first in the UK as well and they are doing the same here just to synch with the Wolverine movie premiere.


And they also released a DVD set of The Incredible Hulk which was it's sister show...


- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: yell0w_lantern on January 29, 2009, 08:02:17 PM
Now THAT looks good.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: laughing paradox on January 29, 2009, 08:16:03 PM
The best thing about the X-men cartoon were the voices.. they were pretty much as I imagined them when I read the comics.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on January 30, 2009, 05:14:01 AM
this is, indeed, very freaking awesome! However, I really, really hope it doesn't fall to the same fate as Gargoyles on DVD, where only half of the friggen show is released due to less than stellar sales. I will probably get this, but I wish they'd put them out by season instead of by volume.

But what I'd love the most is the Spider-Man 1990's series on dvd, full season sets. Not those lousy 4-episode-themed discs of the past, but I haven't heard anything on that show yet. :(
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: thanoson on January 30, 2009, 09:50:21 AM
I am very happy you guys are pleased that this is coming out. I know some of you really enjoyed the show. I wanna know why? When Cyclops 1st appeared and said, "Energy beams, huh? Here's one from a pro." I knew I was in for a long horrendous time. As I've stated many times before, I hated this and the spiderman that came out. Mainly because they tried to pack too much into one episode. This produced a rushed look in the action scenes I could hardly follow. Then there were the hacked up plots and storylines. These were nothing like the indepth stories we got in the books. Take the death of phoenix storyline. Really? You think that was good on the tv?  How about when Spidey got his symbiote suit? Garbage. Even the dialogue sounded as if it were an offshoot of a Speed Racer script at times.

So tell me, why did you like this show so much?
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: The Hitman on January 30, 2009, 04:23:17 PM
Well, I enjoyed it because it was a staple of my youth. Was it cheesy? Yes. Were the fight scenes nothing more than Wolvie unsheathing his claws, to only arm- wrestle the bad guy? Heck yes. But my Saturday Morning life consisted of X- Men, Spider- Man, The Tick, Eek the Cat, Super Dave, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and so on. Purchasing this would be an effort in nostalgia, not so much in quality television.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: Talavar on January 30, 2009, 05:01:07 PM
Quote from: thanoson on January 30, 2009, 09:50:21 AM
I am very happy you guys are pleased that this is coming out. I know some of you really enjoyed the show. I wanna know why? When Cyclops 1st appeared and said, "Energy beams, huh? Here's one from a pro." I knew I was in for a long horrendous time. As I've stated many times before, I hated this and the spider-man that came out. Mainly because they tried to pack too much into one episode. This produced a rushed look in the action scenes I could hardly follow. Then there were the hacked up plots and storylines. These were nothing like the indepth stories we got in the books. Take the death of phoenix storyline. Really? You think that was good on the tv?  How about when Spidey got his symbiote suit? Garbage. Even the dialogue sounded as if it were an offshoot of a Speed Racer script at times.

So tell me, why did you like this show so much?

Oh, the dialogue in the 90s Spider-man show is like getting stabbed in the ears, repeatedly!  I enjoyed it as a kid, tried to watch some episodes as an adult thinking, "Batman TAS is still good, this might be too," only to get a rude awakening when my ears started bleeding.  Not a good show at all, & only proving once again that children have crappy taste.

I expect much the same with the 90s X-men cartoon, which I haven't seen since it was originally on TV.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: yell0w_lantern on January 30, 2009, 05:08:07 PM
Spiderfriends and Hulk are from my youth - that's why I'm excited.

Of course, I do love me some Eek! the Cat.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: BentonGrey on January 30, 2009, 05:11:33 PM
Ohh, you people....X-Men is great!  You're just crazy! :D  Yeah, it has its goofy moments, but there was real weight to that show that I, as a kid, had never seen before.  I encountered it in a more perfected form (oh, let's face it, a perfect form) with Batman:TAS, but still, X-Men was pretty fantastic.  It had its limitations, and the quality REALLY fell off by the end, but still, they told classic stories in a really engaging way.  The story of unrequited love between Wolverine and Jean broke my heart as a kid.  It's more heavy handed upon a viewing these days, but I still can appreciate that a kids cartoon tried to tell a story like that, not to mention the tales of betrayal, friendships, and alienation that they told as well.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: cmdrkoenig67 on January 30, 2009, 09:12:47 PM
It's great that these are finally coming out, I personally prefer the sixties barely animated Marvel cartoons over that X-Men cartoon (I thought it was horrendous, the later X series haven't improved much, unfortunately), but I am very excited about Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...I have fond memories of watching that series as a teen (except for Ms. Lion...Blech).

Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: zuludelta on January 30, 2009, 11:17:21 PM
Quote from: thanoson on January 30, 2009, 09:50:21 AMSo tell me, why did you like this show so much?

I guess it was because there weren't really a lot of options back then for superhero-centric cartoon viewing. As a kid, I was going to take their versions of classic X-Men stories and like them, because as far as I knew back then, those were the only animated versions we were likely to get.

I have to say, though, that the 1990s X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons haven't aged all that well... I remember re-watching some episodes on Youtube some time back and even with the nostalgia factor working, I didn't really enjoy them as much as I thought I would as an adult.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on January 31, 2009, 12:36:53 AM
different strokes for different folks, my friend. People who grew up loving the 90's marvel cartoons would love to relive those memories with a proper dvd set. I agree with what Benton said. For a kids cartoon, they added a lot of weight to the storylines, and I don't think they were "chopped up garbage" at all. Just a matter of opinion really. I always thought the character development in Spider-Man was fantastic, and while I didn't get as much enjoyment out of X-Men, I still had a lot of fun watching it. For an animated series, they did a lot of things right.

In fact, I think most of the mainstream popularity of the movie franchises for both films stem directly from their animated series counterparts.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on January 31, 2009, 03:49:27 AM
Heck, speaking of '80s superhero themed shows... I still have a HUGE fondness for the Bionic Six. Sure it was corny on some levels and was mostly inspired by the Bionic Man and Woman TV series (heck, two the leads actors from those shows did voices) but it really stepped forward of many superhero-clone cartoons of that time. The villians were over-the-top (the majority of them were voiced by Frank Welker) and I still say Dr. Scarab was a clone of Kingpin mixed some major mad scientist thrown in.

I'd love to have a complete 2 Season DVD set of that show... and this show was on around the same time as Galaxy Rangers.

Show Intro: (

- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: zuludelta on January 31, 2009, 03:54:36 AM
Quote from: crimsonquill on January 31, 2009, 03:49:27 AM
Heck, speaking of '80s superhero themed shows... I still have a HUGE fondness for the Bionic Six. Sure it was corny on some levels and was mostly inspired by the Bionic Man and Woman TV series (heck, two the leads actors from those shows did voices) but it really stepped forward of many superhero-clone cartoons of that time. The villians were over-the-top and I still say Dr. Scarab was a clone of Kingpin mixed some major mad scientist thrown in.

I'd give my left little toenail for a DVD collection of Bionic Six.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on February 01, 2009, 06:17:20 AM
Oddly enough, I also remember 3 cartoon series from the '90s that jumped on the superhero bandwagon... and they all seemed to be spawned from Image Comics...

Edit: Ooops.. Ultraforce was from Malibu Comics but I can't remember if Marvel or Image took in their comics when their company died.

Savage Dragon (show intro: Wow, can't find a video of just the intro..  :blink:)

Ultraforce (show intro: (

WildCATs (show intro: (

They all aired on USA Networks Saturday Morning block (or was it Sunday Morning).. but outside of circulated TV airings recorded on VHS they have been sadly lost from being assembled in DVD collections. I remember that one company whose name I've long forgotten teamed up with Jim Lee and Eric Larson to push at conventions for official box sets of the shows but news of their progress died off when battles among the Image letters columns made it old news.

- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: zuludelta on February 01, 2009, 07:01:43 AM
Quote from: crimsonquill on February 01, 2009, 06:17:20 AM
Oddly enough, I also remember 3 cartoon series from the '90s that jumped on the superhero bandwagon... and they all seemed to be spawned from Image Comics...

Don't forget the un-aired Gen13 pilot that's occasionally showed up at conventions. IIRC, it became notorious for showing some superhero boobage for a frame or two during Caitlin's transformation from geeky teen to superstrong vixen.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: thanoson on February 01, 2009, 02:18:50 PM
Now, I loved Wildcats and Savage Dragon. They had interesting villains.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on February 10, 2009, 02:12:33 AM
Jetix and Disney has just released the episode list on the X-Men 90s DVD sets:



* Night of the Sentinels (Part 1)

* Night of the Sentinels (Part 2)

* Enter Magneto

* Deadly Reunions

* Captive Hearts

* Cold Vengeance

* Slave Island

* The Unstoppable Juggernaut


* The Cure

* Come The Apocalypse

* Days Of Future Past (Part 1)

* Days Of Future Past (Part 2)

* The Final Decision

* Till Death Do Us Part (Part 1)

* Till Death Do Us Part (Part 2)

* Whatever It Takes



* Red Dawn

* Repo Man

* X-Ternally Yours

* Time Fugitives (Part 1)

* Time Fugitives (Part 2)

* A Rogue's Tale

* Beauty & The Beast

* Mojo Vision


* Reunion (Part 1)

* Reunion (Part 2)

* Out of the Past (Part 1)

* Out of the Past (Part 2)

* The Phoenix Saga (Part 1): Sacrifice

* The Phoenix Saga (Part 2): The Dark Shroud

* The Phoenix Saga (Part 3): Cry of the Banshee

* The Phoenix Saga (Part 4): The Starjammers

* The Phoenix Saga (Part 5): Child of Light

Not too bad for just the first two collections that Jetix is preparing to release this year..  :thumbup:

- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on February 11, 2009, 01:37:34 AM
this looks really good. Does anyone know if this pretty much by season? Or is it just pretty much a collection of episodes loosely airing at the same time?

I really hope this sparks interest in the 90's Spider-Man series to be put out on DVD in proper season sets, and in the format they originally aired as (in other words, not the even-more-censored later release, where ANY mention of the WTC or anything even remotely resembling an aircraft crashing was removed. Christ...)
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on February 11, 2009, 02:02:47 AM
Quote from: TheMarvell on February 11, 2009, 01:37:34 AM
this looks really good. Does anyone know if this pretty much by season? Or is it just pretty much a collection of episodes loosely airing at the same time?

From "Night Of The Sentinels (Part 1)" to "The Final Decision" is Season One

And From "Till Death Do Us Part (Part 1)" to "Reunion (Part 2)" is Season Two

And finally "Out Of The Past (Part 1)" to "The Phoenix Saga (Part 5): Child of Light" is 1/2 of Season Three.

All of the episodes in those seasons are accounted for... but if they are uncut or not isn't revealed yet. If they release Vol. 3 and Vol. 4 in the same format then all 5 seasons will be accounted for in just 4 Volumes at a total cost of about $100.

- CQ

Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: crimsonquill on March 10, 2009, 08:15:37 PM
It's almost time folks.. and the official DVD covers have been released..



Not too bad if I say so myself.

- CQ
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: The Hitman on March 10, 2009, 08:49:38 PM
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: Tomato on March 10, 2009, 09:11:01 PM
... am I the only one who wants to see THAT show, rather than the 90s one?
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: BentonGrey on March 10, 2009, 10:29:14 PM
Woo-Hoo!  I can't wait, I think I may go ahead and preorder them.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on March 12, 2009, 03:02:25 AM
those covers look much, MUCH better than the prototypes. But Volume 1 is still way better than 2, especially since it actually LOOKS like how the show looked, whereas the second one looks completely different.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on May 17, 2009, 11:49:41 PM

So who has purchased these yet? I just got them last week and started watching them this weekend. The nostalgia is really sinking in. This was an awesome show and am glad it's finally out on DVD. Sure, parts haven't aged all too well, but regardless, I think it still hold ups decently. Now, if they'd just put out the 90's Spider-Man cartoon, and Gargoyles volume 3, I'd be so happy.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: Xenolith on June 02, 2009, 07:54:05 PM
I was in college/starting my career in geology when these were originally broadcast and I remembered hating them at that time.  But, I went ahead and purchased them on-line recently.  I'm not sure why. 

They are better than I expected/remembered.  The animation is pretty rough at times, and some of the mistakes are laughable, but the stories are well done for the most part, and seem to make more sense than the sources material did during that era. 

I suspect some of my hatred of all things X stems from my time working at a comic shop where the owner over-ordered all X titles and every week I had to put away 30 to 40 copies of X-Force, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, etc.
Title: Re: X-Men 90s on DVD?!
Post by: TheMarvell on September 25, 2009, 01:03:04 AM
just an fyi, volumes 3 and 4 were released last week with the Wolverine DVD. Just bought mine off of amazon, should be coming this weekend. Support these great cartoons of yesteryear!  :thumbup: