How to take off the strip that appears when the character Flash is running??

Started by heroidosilencio, July 31, 2015, 06:26:02 PM

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Is there any way to make disappear the stripes that appears when a flash mesh is running??


you can use Nifscope to hide it, or use a graphics program which handles Alpha channels, open the "streak" file (not sure what it is really named) and fill the Alpha channel with black. You might double check the file you downloaded from whichever original site; sometimes there is a "nostreak version" in the zip (although I might be thinking of some Green Lantern's out there). Otherwise, let us know which Flash it is and ask if someone to could fix it for you. Either way.


Thank you Daglob.
I did it in nifskope and it did work!

By the way, I tried to get in contact with you but, aparently, this site is not sending pm messages for me.

Could you send me that skin you told me about and said that you could send me, in my e-mail? Or send me a message in my -email so that I could know your e-mail  adress.

Thank you again.