The Protomen

Started by Gremlin, October 24, 2013, 04:27:26 AM

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So I've been obsessing over this for the past couple of days. It's one of my favorite rock operas, despite the fact that I've slowly become convinced that all the protagonists are awful, awful people.

The big thing that's been getting to me lately is the notion that those the narrative puts up as heroes are still removed from the people they're allegedly trying to save. Not in a Superman sort of way, but in a broader social sense - the heroes see the people as unthinking, blind masses. Which causes them to act for those they profess to protect, not with them. If they were just fighting crime this'd make more sense, but they're directly trying to destroy an technocratic dictatorship - and how can you save a society without the help of everyone within that society? Isn't that exactly what Wily did? Why do Megaman and Light know more about what the people need if they aren't actually asking those people for help - and indeed, are actively disdainful of them?

And if you haven't listened to this yet, do yourself a favor and do so.


wait, is this a new album or something?
I love the Protomen,  Light up the night is one of the best songs to get me pumped up!


No, they're still holding out on Act III. Which I guess is ok, because they definitely want it to be perfect, but it's still been years since Father of Death came out...

They did release one song from it (still evolving) which you can listen to here.