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street fighter II V??

Started by the_ultimate_evil, August 18, 2008, 03:21:16 PM

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did anyone else watch this, i know it wasn't 100% true to the source, but i quite enjoyed it and it was an interesting take on the characters

the music was fantastic, pity it's impossible to get a hold of outside the show :(


I'm kind of middle of the road on this series. Its not the worst thing to happen to Streetfighter and its not the best. I liked the first parts when Ken and Ryu were full of themselves and went after Guile.


see i feel it hit it's stride once vega and bision came into it, though i do agree it did lose its orginal idea


any links?

Update: Nevermind, this came out a couple of years ago.  I still have the whole collection on VHS (yes, it's that old).  I believe they were transfer to DVD, but are hard to find.

Glitch Girl

First time I saw any part of this series was in a room full of 2nd day Dragon*Con conventioneers.  It was only the first four episodes or so, every hint of innuendo (especially between Ken and Ryuu) brought mountains of laughs, and for some reason, trees quickly became a running gag. 

I've seen the full thing since.  It's not bad, even kinda fun, though could have been worlds better in parts.  (Plus, IMO any attack movement that takes more than a few seconds to execute is just ASKING for trouble)


you have a point GG

damn it the music is bugging me, i've managed to get the hado theme but none of the others