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G.I. Joe: The Movie

Started by catwhowalksbyhimself, October 28, 2007, 06:24:16 PM

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Sorry, misread your post.  Missed the "anyone" reference.  No harm, bud. ;)


You know, this movie wouldn't have been considered if it weren't for the Real American Hero cartoon, which has a basis in the comic book.  I mean, if it wasn't the theme song, it was the line we knew from it: GI Joe is the codename for America's daring highly-trained special mission's force.  With that said, I know they are making a movie.  I also know that GI Joe was based on the 12" action figure of 40 years ago.  Though these figures were grounded in American military themes, there have been several other incarnations of the brand, not just the Real American Hero brand.  Now, even though this film is based on the RAH incarnation, so is Valor vs Venom and Sigma Six and if that's the GI Joe we all know and love, then I'm the Last Dragon.  So, if want to re-imagine this brand and make it suitable for modern-day audiences, fine.

But there are two things I'm far more concerned with than where the team is based at.  Is no one else concerned about the direction the director, Stephen Sommers will take this?  Or the fact that this is based more on the cartoon and not the superbly crafted comic created by Larry Hama.

Firstly, a quick refresh of what we know Stephen Sommers for; Van Helsing, the Mummy films, Deep Rising and the Jungle Book.  Knowing this track record, what kind of movie you think we'll get?  Something more milaritistic spy/fiction Bourne like or some fantastic action popcorn movie like we're used to seeing Mark Wahlberg in?  Frankly, I'd like to see what JJ Abrams could do with what Hama has done.  Speaking of Hama, I'm a little upset I paid little attention to the comics when I was younger, because Larry Hama was able to put so much depth and characterization in his writing, it would be hard to accept otherwise now.  The stuff he did with the LRRP team and the Arashikage clan, the history of Cobra and the character relationships with Storm Shadow/Snake-Eyes/Cobra Commander/Billy and other characters.  Larry Hama did what I expect this movie to do, and make what's obviously fantastic and fake seem feesible and real.  But if this film will have a focus on Duke(which Hama resisted), but still have a heavy angle with Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow, I have to wonder what they'll do.

As far as casting goes, it's fun to speculate and to put together a dream ensemble, which many will do, but keeping in mind that this his Hollywood and from what I've heard already, we have Walberg and Clooney in the film already, probably as Duke and Hawk respectively.  Hell, why don't we do the reunion of the Three Kings cast and get Ice-Cube for Stalker... and Jamie Kennedy for Bazooka. ;)  I'd like to see who'd they have for Destro and the Baroness.  My thoughts would be on someone older like someone familiar to Sommers like Arnold Vosloo and if they were to do that, the Baroness would be older as well. 

I just hope they don't muck it up.  I'm actually looking forward to this one.


QuoteSince when did anyone say anything about American being better than everyone else?

America is better than everyone else.

Not for reals. Don't anybody superpower me to death, plz. This could be pretty good! Are they going to to make it like the cartoon and have it where nobody ever dies even if it seems like someone should die?




I think this may have single handedly been one of the most obvious casting decisions ever.
To quote a friend of mine:

How does he look? Oh yeah, mask.
How does he sound? Oh yeah, doesn't speak.
Does he know Kung Fu? Sold.


QuoteG.I. Joe Filming Update
Source: Prague Daily Monitor March 11, 2008

The Prague Daily Monitor has posted an update on the filming for Paramount's G.I. Joe, to be directed by Stephen Sommers and starring Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller, Ray Park, Rachel Nichols, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Said Taghmaoui, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arnold Vosloo and Christopher Eccleston:

The shooting of the U.S. high-budget action film GI JOE will start in Prague's Barrandov studios in May, Barrandov spokeswoman Dusana Chrenekova told CTK Monday.

GI JOE is directed by Stephen Sommers who in the past shot another film in the Czech Republic - Van Helsing (2003).

"The film, based on a strip cartoon, with a 170 million dollar budget will be premiered next year," Chrenekova said.

You can read more on this here: http://www.praguemonitor.com/en/291/cinema_in_prague/19808/
The studio is planning an August 7, 2009 release.


Well........interesting.  I've got just two things to say: Marlon Wayanes?  WHY!  Also, who the devil is Christopher Eccleston playing?  Ray Park as Snake Eyes is freakin' awesome, though, so at least they've got that going for it.  Does anyone else see Dennis Quaid as Hawk?


If I remember correctly Marlon Wayanes is playing Ripcord.  I don't remember him in the cartoon, but there was a figure of him.



WHAT!!  Ripcord?!  That's just plain STUPID.  Ripcord is A) White, and B) A fairly serious character.  Wayans misses on both counts.  He'd be a much better fit for Alpine, Iceberg, or maybe even Stalker (although they would really need a better actor for Stalker).  Alpine's even something of a joker.  Here's what Ripcord is supposed to look like: http://www.myuselessknowledge.com/joe/ripcord.html

Also, looking at that list sorta' makes me angry.  Eccelston is WAY too scrawny to play Destro.  I guess he could be alright for the voice if someone else is behind the mask.  It looks like they are trying to play up the whole "international" aspect of their concept by screwing with the characters a little.  Breaker is the most obvious, and it's not a big deal, but it rubs me the wrong way, as a fan.


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 13, 2008, 11:58:05 AM
Eccelston is WAY too scrawny to play Destro.
I thought the same thing.  I probably would have swapped him with Arnold Vosloo.  Mr. Vosloo is a much larger and imposing man and Mr. Eccleston would probably fit as the Master of Disguise.  I wonder though if Zartan will still color change?
However I'm much more inclined to accept Mr. Eccleston as Destro than Joseph Gordon-Levitt as my--er-- Cobra's Supreme Leader.  Hopefully he'll have a faceplate or hood to hide his babyface.


Yeah, Pyro, I thought the same thing about that kid, but it all comes down to his voice, as we should NEVER see his face through the movie.


It's the "minor" character changes like Ripcord that is giving me any apprehension toward the movie.  If Ripcord's race and demeanor are tossed out, what's next?  Destro's Silver head?  Baroness' dark exotic look?  Cobra Commander's Hood or Faceplate?  Zartan's color change?  His mimickry?  If any of the very quirky aspects of the characters are just dropped or overlooked, it can just throw the whole thing off.  For me I thought most of the Joes looked boring.  Cobra had all the cool looks.  I'll just reserve judgment on actually seeing it until I start seeing in-character shots or a trailer.



QuoteYeah, Pyro, I thought the same thing about that kid, but it all comes down to his voice, as we should NEVER see his face through the movie.

Ive already heard its supposed to be an origin movie detailing the rise of Cobra Commander and his organization... so Im guessing you will in fact see his face through some of it.

This is gonna be such a magnificent train wreck of a movie... I'm so excited!


Ughh......Goggles, I hate you!  Ha, don't destroy what little hope I have in this movie!

If they actually want to tell his origin (which I sort of think is a bad idea, but COULD, if done right, be used to garner sympathy for him), then they should do it like Hama did.  His face should remain in shadow, or obscured, never really seen.  He is really only a shadow of a man until he dons the hood, anyway.  As a matter of fact, Hama pretty much did it perfectly the first time, so they should really just take the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow saga and play it out on screen.  It ties into the rise of Cobra and the formation of the JOEs, and it is beyond awesome.


QuoteIf they actually want to tell his origin (which I sort of think is a bad idea, but COULD, if done right, be used to garner sympathy for him), then they should do it like Hama did.

I read a bit of a spoiler about the "history" of the character... click at your own risk:


They are making Cobra Commander and Duke best friends who served together on the joe team. Probably for some kind of forced dramatic effect.

The only way they could make that storyline even more awesomely bad would be to do a love triangle with Scarlett...

Like I said... Train Wreck!  :D


Ohh....oh no.........well....congratulations, they've made a grown man cry......... :cry:

Well, that's it, I'm not seeing it in theaters.  I respect Hama's work too much for that to fly.  His original origin is so perfect, and it would have major gravitas for the modern day.  It's all about economics and power...I mean, it would fit perfectly.

How much do you want to bet that they completely throw the story out the window and have Scarlett be a love interest for Duke?


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 13, 2008, 10:33:51 PMHow much do you want to bet that they completely throw the story out the window and have Scarlett be a love interest for Duke?
LOL, you mean like the cartoon?


I hope they bring the out the Rolling Thunder!  That was my all time fav. toy.  The Thunder Clap had nothing on it.


Quote from: Pyroclasm on March 13, 2008, 11:11:23 PM
Quote from: BentonGrey on March 13, 2008, 10:33:51 PMHow much do you want to bet that they completely throw the story out the window and have Scarlett be a love interest for Duke?
LOL, you mean like the cartoon?

Well, it was slightly hinted at in the cartoon, but then again, so was a relationship with Snake Eyes.


Oh come on. There is only one GI Joe Love story.
Flint and Lady Jay.

I mean the moment they shared while in her "bubble spear" protecting them from the lava they were submerged in while getting the volcanic component for the mass device... Lets see Jane Austen top that!

Mr. Hamrick

there was also a relationship between Scarlett and Snake Eyes that was messed with in the comics as well a good deal recently.


Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on March 14, 2008, 05:47:49 PM
there was also a relationship between Scarlett and Snake Eyes that was messed with in the comics are well a good deal recently.

Hmm, I see now that if you haven't read the original comics my comments might not have been as clear as I thought.  Yeah, Snake Eyes and Scarlett fell in love very early in the series, and were presumed to marry eventually.  They are the Romeo and Juliet of the JOE set, the perfect couple.  Which is why I won't be surprised at all if they pair Scarlett with Duke in the movie.

Mr. Hamrick

Quote from: BentonGrey on March 14, 2008, 06:14:31 PM
Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on March 14, 2008, 05:47:49 PM
there was also a relationship between Scarlett and Snake Eyes that was messed with in the comics are well a good deal recently.

Hmm, I see now that if you haven't read the original comics my comments might not have been as clear as I thought.  Yeah, Snake Eyes and Scarlett fell in love very early in the series, and were presumed to marry eventually.  They are the Romeo and Juliet of the JOE set, the perfect couple.  Which is why I won't be surprised at all if they pair Scarlett with Duke in the movie.

Don't assume that I have not read the original comics, Benton.  I read a good deal of them "back in the day".  There have been three different series of GI Joe titles.  The original in the 1980s, the series revamp that came out circa late 1990s and then the revamp/reboot that was done in 2004-2005 that started great but came out nothing short of horrid (and was rightfully canceled after 14 issues.)   I read some of the original series but never really followed it all the way through the series  I watched the cartoons all the time, though, it was an afternoon staple for me. :)   So again, don't make too many presumptions or assumptions, Benton.

I imagine they will stick with the much of the original series mixed with the second series.  However, I personally would not mind seeing them go with the third series "origin/explanation of Cobra Commander and his organization".  I've seen most of the casting list and the only one I have a real problem with is Sienna Miller as The Baroness. Mostly because I don't care much for her as an actress based on what I have seen of her. 


Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on March 17, 2008, 10:24:38 PM
Don't assume that I have not read the original comics, Benton.  I read a good deal of them "back in the day".  There have been three different series of GI Joe titles.  The original in the 1980s, the series revamp that came out circa late 1990s and then the revamp/reboot that was done in 2004-2005 that started great but came out nothing short of horrid (and was rightfully canceled after 14 issues.)   I read some of the original series but never really followed it all the way through the series  I watched the cartoons all the time, though, it was an afternoon staple for me. :)   So again, don't make too many presumptions or assumptions, Benton.

I imagine they will stick with the much of the original series mixed with the second series.  However, I personally would not mind seeing them go with the third series "origin/explanation of Cobra Commander and his organization".  I've seen most of the casting list and the only one I have a real problem with is Sienna Miller as The Baroness. Mostly because I don't care much for her as an actress based on what I have seen of her. 

Hey Mr. H, I certainly didn't mean to offend, I just misconstrued your meaning, I suppose.  I thought that you were taking my comments on Snake Eyes and Scarlett to refer to the newest series.  Yeah, I've read everything except for the late 90's series, and maybe the last year or so of the new series.  I hung on for a long time with that newest series, but I just got to the point where I couldn't justify spending my money for such mediocre comics. 

Are you referring to the GI JOE Reborn series when you talk about CC's origin?  I read part of the series, but didn't get to any origin, what was it?

Mr. Hamrick

Yeah, the "GI Joe Reborn" origin of The "Cobra Organization" as well as Cobra Commander and company in general.

Cobra Commander is portrayed as an "Namless American" who was by his own accounts "swallowed by the system".  He is a former business CEO who faked his death to escape and seek to overthrow what he perceives as a corrupt society and government.  It is hinted that he himself is a corrupt businessman himself and that part of his "faking his own death" was to escape prison time, if I recall.  Storm Shadow is his right hand man.   The two of them have already executed a couple of attacks on US targets, notably blowing up a bridge in San Fran. His MO are clearly reminiscent of an assortment of terrorist attacks. 

Destro is an arms merchant who is propositioned into an alliance with CC.  The Baroness is his right hand woman (and girlfriend it seems).  Destro agrees to outfit The "Cobra Army" on the condition that he oversees a portion of it.  (Think field commander)

Major Bludd is a mercenary who is contracted by CC based one the bridge job. 

Zartan is contacted but true to form misdirects his true location during their meeting.  He comes on board at the end of the meeting and reveals that the Zartan that CC thought he was speaking to wasn't really Zartan.

Firefly is a world-class saboteur who doesn't directly join the organization but says he will be touch.

The point in the way the group came together is that Cobra is put together much like it is theorized that terrorist organizations are today with "cells here and there" and money behind it all.  Hence, I suspect this is how they will put the thing together for the movie and should.

Duke and Hawk assemble their team in light of one of Cobra's attacks (which are not known at first to be Cobra).  Scarlett, Stalker, Roadblock, Beachhead and Doc (a female one) and one other who I cannot remember right now.  They are shadowed by Snake Eyes who the jokes are not sure the allegiance of at first.

The downside of the series is that Duke betrays the Joes.  The series ended early before this storyline could fully dealt with.  It looked like he could've been going undercover but this is unknown.


I think I must have just missed the first issue with Cobra, because the bit with CC's modified origin is the only part I hadn't come across.  Thanks for filling me in!

I rather like the original origin a bit better, as it made him a bit more sympathetic.  He was just a small businessman who was similarly "swallowed by the system."  I liked the average American angle, and it made his crusade to destroy a corrupt government believable.  I also loved all the social commentary Hama snuck into the series, and I wonder if there will be echoes of that in the movie.


Quote from: BentonGrey on March 18, 2008, 02:27:50 PM
I also loved all the social commentary Hama snuck into the series, and I wonder if there will be echoes of that in the movie.

That's probably the biggest thing missing from the Devil's Due comics and even Hama's own later GI Joe work... Hama not only did social and political commentary, but he did it intelligently and without taking the reader out of the story. My two favourite bits:

- Storm-Shadow waxing philosophical over the state of world politics in issue #67 while watching "Frusenland" fall into chaos on the news (I always thought that Cobra represented the worst aspects of capitalism and free enterprise, since their main source of income was the selling of weapons and creating markets for those weapons in the developing world).

- Issue #69, where Hawk bluntly acknowledges the role the US government has played in supporting right-wing dictators and tyrants across the globe, while at the same admitting that he's powerless to do anything about it ("I'm just a soldier"). It was great in that Hama used a comic book based on toys (toys that dealt with absolute good vs. evil tropes) to show that the real world wasn't delineated into black and white, but more often than not, into differing shades of gray (I'm sure Hama's political views were informed by his own experiences in the Vietnam War). 

Hama's GI Joe work, up until around the issue #90 or so (when it started becoming more like "Snake-Eyes and GI Joe" and becoming more and more toy-centric), was consistently one of the most thought-provoking and intelligent comics on the stands... my dad actually bought them for me and he was the one who'd refer me to all the little political references that Hama would frequently mix in with the writing.

Mr. Hamrick

it sounds like a very similar origin. 

I say CEO but I am not sure how big the guy's business was.  It is said presented that his death was faked in an explosion of one of his warehouses (I think it was a warehouse).  The "crime" he may have been simply a matter of tax evasion (or mis-paid taxes.)  It is presented that makes him somewhat sympathetic but suspicious  in nature as the way he presents his backstory.  (the conversation is between him and Destro and is "designed" as a reason why Destro should join him.)
