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Darna: TV series based on a comic hero in the Philippines

Started by Outcast, September 29, 2007, 11:14:51 PM

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Just wanted to share this:

About a popular comic book/tv/movie heroine in the Philippines.

More info about this character , the actress, pics and videos in this website.




I remember reading Darna comics when I was a kid (and watching the movies... didn't they make like 2 or three of those in the 1980s?).

IIRC, 1970s DC penciling and inking legend Nestor Redondo's first major gig was illustrating Darna in the 1950s.

As an aside, it's really interesting how Darna and Wonder Woman have been adopted as icons in the pop gay and lesbian culture of the countries they originated in. I remember thinking of doing a paper on the topic for a gender studies class I took but had to change topics because of the lack of accessible academic material on Darna. Although apart from the similarly revealing outfit, Darna and Wonder Woman probably don't have much in common. I always thought that she was more similar to Fawcett's Captain Marvel myself (the original komiks version had her human alter-ego as a pre-teen girl, as opposed to the current version where her alter-ego is a young female adult). 

Hopefully I'll be able to find more clips of the show on YouTube just to see what it's like (and that Angel Locsin's pretty fine-looking in the costume).



Quote from: zuludelta on September 30, 2007, 02:22:34 AM

Hopefully I'll be able to find more clips of the show on YouTube just to see what it's like (and that Angel Locsin's pretty fine-looking in the costume).

Judging from the first clip that came up it looked like power rangers with zombies and a babe using street lights as weapons. Most people can agree with me that it's pretty dang entertaining at least. At least a lot more than the mind numbing highschool dramas I got to see at my friends house.

Zulu: Supergirl and Wonder Woman are pretty much the only female superheroes known to everyone... BEFORE the X-Men movies. So yeah, If I wanted a bright colorful and strong female role model I would have to chose between the main heroine around (in the philipines case Darna) and Wonder Woman.


Quote from: lugaru on September 30, 2007, 05:26:41 AM
Judging from the first clip that came up it looked like power rangers with zombies and a babe using street lights as weapons.

Yeah! :lol: The scriptwriters must have gotten that idea from  :ff:  :lol: