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The DOD Mod, playtesting, bugs and notes

Started by Lunarman, August 16, 2007, 07:07:30 AM

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I haven't spent a lot of time on it yet, but what I've played thus far has been really fun..
Nice job.

Mister Fiber

Fun mod! I enjoyed the story and the concept of a Freedom Force 'next generation.'

The heroes all had a good range of abilities and had interesting personalities (Though I kinda felt Lunarman was a little underpowered  -- I ended up having him use lampposts more than his real powers).

Now I'm on the first mission with Blackout and I've run into a technical glitch. The enraged civilians are only showing up as purple boxes, which tells me I'm missing a mesh or other resource file. Let me know what I can do to fix this problem. Thanks!


Still having not figured out how to have a mod end in a base level that Blackout mission is not supposed to be part of issue one it's actually Issue 2.

So long story short, you finished issue 1, lol

I'm glad you liked it. Lunarman is a difficult character to judge in terms of power. I find his gravitic punch is fairly good and his orbital smash is a tad too powerful (like Solar Flares stupidly strong beam attack) but early game Lunarman makes a good tank. Get him armored and gravity well and he's basically untouchable by those nasty thugs with guns making him very good for taking out Mafia. However later in the game he gets his more powerful skills, which are normal 1 target heavy damage things,  but they are very good.

Mister Fiber

Okay! Then I look forward to issue 2! Thanks again!


QuoteStill having not figured out how to have a mod end in a base level that Blackout mission is not supposed to be part of issue one it's actually Issue 2.

Simply delete the mission's level and script, but leave the base in that mod folder intact.  You can still reach the base and cutscene, but the next mission button won't work.


That's what i tried first and I think it worked for a time, but then simply stopped working and you couldn't load the base. I only removed Mission.py and Mission.dat.

Oh well

earl of bronze


I am having major problems with the hordes of thugs in mission 2. I need to go back to an earlier save and I have a question. If in the first part of mission 2 I choose to attack the thugs rather than sneak  by them like I did  the first time will that reduce the amount of thugs I have to face later in the mission? (when I have all 4 heroes) Thanks.


No it won't, the numbers of thugs are the same in lvl 2b even if you clear 2a. Because you move into a different part of the map.

Tips for 2a:

I recommend you buy Lunarman Armored, he then becomes a very effective tank. As does Captain.
Captain's rolling fog will drastically reduce the damage output of ranged thugs and when overpowered his Sword of the Sea will kill a thug in almost one hit.
Keep Nightshadow out of major gunfire, but his fast accurate, stunning punch make good finisher for Mafia that are on their own.
Solar Flare has your only area attack. He's immune to the damage it causes too. There's a lot of objects you can use it on, so use it frequently!

Once you get passed the meeting fight then it's not too hard. Keep captain in front, use Lunarman to offtank, spike with Solar Flare and probs keep Nightshadow invisible, maybe throwing and hitting things with lamposts.

And for the meeting fight.  What I normally do is start Captain off with an overpowered Rolling Fog. Nightshadow should be turned invisible. As the gunfire stops move solar flare to next to a large group of thugs and use Overheat (overpowered) on as much stuff as you can find. the crates make good targets.  Move Nightshadow to the alley he came out of and start lobbing stun grenades. Once NS is stunning, use Captain and Lunarman to clear all the little thugs (with Captain using Rolling fog when it needs it) and use Solar Flare to kill off the tougher mafia members.

Hope that helps. And btw,  This is the hardest mission :)

earl of bronze

earl of bronze

Ok I tried that a couple of times. Results were worse than before. I was getting people koed after the meeting battle before, now I am losing them at the meeting battle. I find armored Lunarman to be sooooooooo  slow that he is good for little more than target practice. Before he was using his flying attack to actually do some damage. When I try to pick up a lamp post or throw something I almost never get to use it because incoming fire knocks it out of his hands. It really hurts to have Nightshadow start in the midle of the thugs as the bombs do damge before he sinks into shadow and I find him getting koed before he gets to the alley half the time since the bombs work even when he is invisible. I might try again later but my frustration level with this is mounting.


I don't know what to suggest, A lot of other people have done this level no problem. Although I will say it's a hard one. Sadly, the big meeting fight isn't the hard bit for most people, it's the bosses at the end. Anyway, the only thing I can suggest is lowering your difficulty which, although there are no scripted hooks, should still lower the health and AI of everything.

earl of bronze

I got past the meting battle before but was badly worn down(as in burning the hero points of all but the Captain) the first time around. I finally figured out that Nightshadow could use lamp posts while invisible and went back to an earlier save where I had already gotten past it. Since they didn't react to him I was able to complete the level. The problem is that your thugs are too fast compared to an armored Lunarman. The Mafia guys in particular. If one of them is shooting at him he can't do anything. He drops the lamp posts or stuff I try to throw due to incoming fire, his ranged attack is poor and his punch a losing proposition by the time I run over there (taking fire) once(hit the bad guy for less damage then taken running in) they run away and I lumber after them.

I don't mean to bust your chops and you had some nice ideas but I hope you don't make anymore overpowered minion types when you complete the mod.